Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #123566
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 692

      I feel so behind. Oh, can you register for school after the day is over?

      @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @wilder-w

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @sarafini. I don’t see why not!

        But you can ask @godlyfantasy12, her character is the headmistress, lol. XD

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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          “Dearest Headmistress, can my daughter register? I know it’s a bit late but she’s a 6th grader and 12 years old.”


          Sorry that was probably a bit cheesy. I’ll work on him. Lol

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6699

            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon aggghh my heart 😭 ❤️❤️❤️ @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h


            He wasn’t entirely sure what to do next…

            He’d…never really been in this situation before.

            Most of the time he was the one being comforted. And that…

            Was very rarely…in fact…that had been happening the most….recently, with his new friends.

            But, he was pretty sure he was supposed to offer some sort of hug. Or something of that affect.

            Not entirely sure, however, he opted for a gentle pat on the shoulder and a genuine sweet smile, hoping that was enough. (From u, it is baby XD)

            Dietrich slowly smiled back, tear-stained eyes crinkling. Paxton gently gripped his wrist, pointing out of the alley they sat in, and then looked back at Dietrich with a question look.

            Dietrich raised a brow, then let out a small chuckle.

            “Ah…I…I guess we should go back…” He whispered. “Your friends are probably worried about you.”

            Paxton gently held Dietrich’s wrist in his much smaller hand, and as the young man stood, he remembered just how much of a height gap their really was between them.

            (This is legit the cutest thing to imagine, because Paxton is literally like a babay compared to Dietrich in my head XD. Compared to most people really…same with Nyx.)

            The two headed back to the club meeting.





            “They’ve been gone for a while…do you think…do you think he’s okay?” November whispered, lips pursed in worried concern.

            Ara tapped her fingers anxiously against her dress, wondering if it had been the right decision letting Paxton go outside to find Dietrich.



            It…had felt right….

            And…Paxton wouldn’t have done it if he…he didn’t think he could…


            “Well, if anything does happen, Dietrich will know he’ll have all of us to answer to,” Grimm whispered, trying to keep his voice low so Winton wouldn’t hear.

            The man had risen from his chair to grab another slice of pizza, and speak to a student who was doing the same, while they waited for Dietrich and Paxton to return.


            Joshua frowned, “We just have to trust that-“

            “Trust? Seriously?” Nyx glared, “You guys are idiots, I mean-“

            “Nyx,” Lyn looked at him sternly, shutting him up.

            Everyone went quiet for a few moments. Then, Jakob stood.

            “Alright, that’s it. I’m going out there to find Pax-“


            The door opened.

            Everyone turned, eyes widening at the sight of Dietrich, with red-rimmed eyes-had he been crying?-and Paxton, looking like…well…a child in comparison.

            And Paxton…

            Was holding Dietrich’s hand.

            Dietrich’s brothers stared in shock.

            “Paxton…what in the world did you do?” Wolfgang asked incredulously.




            🤣 I just feel like Wolfgang would be like “dude…what did u do to him?! XD



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699

              @sarafini yea she can go ahead and register!


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 692


                *Sobs* ahhh! It’s so sweet!

                Ah! Thanks for letting me know.


                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 692


                  She slung her backpack over her shoulder and stared at two boys hugging.

                  “What’s with the hugging? Is that required? Cause if so I’m leaving, dad?” She looked back and forth between the headmistress and her father.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @sarafini. You’re very welcome! 🙂

                    . PAXTON!!!! *hugs him tight*

                    . @elishavet-pidyon.


                    Dietrich had been crying? 

                    What in the world?

                    Wolfgang’s eyes widened. “Paxton…what in the world did you do?”

                    Paxton just smiled.

                    Wolfgang glanced around at his brothers, who were all staring, eyes as wide as his were, along with Alec.

                    Jakob slowly sat back down in his seat, facing forward again, seemingly quickly choosing to ignore Dietrich.

                    “Paxton…he uhm…he said that he forgave me…and…well…I guess the rest is a story for another time…”

                    Wolfgang glanced from Dietrich to Paxton, and back to Dietrich again, before rushing over. “If Paxton will and can forgive you, then so do I!”

                    And he threw his arms around Dietrich and hugged him tight.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6699

                      @freedomwriter76 AWW WOLFGANG!! @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                      Paxton smiled bright as Wolfgang hugged Dietrich, knocking the wind out of the older boy. Dietrich gasped, eyes wide as saucers, growing glassy once again. He bit his lip, obviously to keep from crying.

                      “It’s good to have you two back,” Winton smiled. He looked at the clock on the wall with a chuckle, “Looks as though we’ve ran over our meeting a bit…though…I suppose this is what it’s all about,” he smiled thoughtfully. “If you all wish we can continue with our discussion? Or would everyone rather reconvene tomorrow?”


                      (I hope u don’t mind me asking that as Winton @elishavet-pidyon but uh it makes sense that he would ask that 🤣 and I feel like time would have passed with some of the interruptions lol)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6699

                        And I asked because the choice is literally up to everyone else 🤣 on wether they want to go on and share more with everyone or do another meeting later to do that


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3716

                          @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @sarafini @wilder-w

                          Ok! Here’s the RP. This is the morning of the third day. I’ll have my charries bump into someone or something like that and any of y’all can choose which one of your characters it is. First come first serve. 😁


                          Amidala marched up the steps of the school and into the large, crowded hallway with her older brother Destry right behind. As soon as she reached the hallway, she stopped, causing Des to bump into her.

                          “Wha—? Oh…” he said, seeing Ami’s concerned face. “Ami, we’ve been here for two days. You should be used to there being this many people.”

                          “Are you sure?” She replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I feel like more people have arrived.”

                          Des chuckled. “You’ll be fine.” He looked over the tops of the many students, he towering over most them with his 6’ 3’’ figure. “Now we just have to find Fynn.”

                          Ami suddenly heard Des humph and walk towards the lockers. She did her best to follow his long strides and looked up at the lockers. There sat Fynn with a few other teenage boys. Des yanked on his ankle dangling over the edge. They exchanged a few words and Fynn reluctantly hopped off, sulking beside Des.

                          Ami joined them. “Fynn, you know Mom and Dad told you to behave.”

                          ”I was… sort of.”

                          “What if the headmistress saw you? Or her sons?”

                          He waved a hand through the air. “I’d be fine. Ami, I can fend for myself.”

                          Ami sighed as the three of them walked through the school. She stood on her tiptoes, trying to find Everton. Des paused partly through the hallway. He turned to Ami. “I’m making sure Fynn gets to his class and then I’ll go to mine. All right?”

                          Ami nodded with a smile. “Yeah. Ev should be here soon. See ya at lunch!”

                          Des waved slightly as he and Fynn melted into the crowd. Ami walked slowly through the throng, searching for Ev. Then, she saw the light glint off of someone’s aviator sunglasses. Ami shook her head as she walked to the person wearing them… the only one who would wear them inside.

                          “Hey, Ev!” She greeted him.

                          He waved and flashed his adorable half-smile. Ami fell in step next to him. “Where are your brothers?”

                          He shrugged. “Somewhere. I know Lukas is with Asher,” he sighed. “I hope Lukas is able to make some friends. He’s so quiet I doubt he ever will.”

                          Ami chuckled. “So am I and look who I’ve got as a friend.” She bumped into him and smiled.

                          Ev grinned. “You’re not wrong. You did choose the best looking boy in that preschool class to be your friend.” He whipped off his aviators and raised an eyebrow.

                          She rolled her eyes.


                          Ev laughed at Ami’s reaction. As they traipsed towards their classroom, Ev caught a glimpse of his brother standing in a corner, looking scared. He rolled his eyes. Grabbing Ami’s hand, he said, “Hold on a sec. Lukas is over here.”

                          He led Ami over to Lukas. “Lukas, what in the world are you doing here? Where’s Asher?”

                          “He had to report to the headmistress,” Lukas replied. [@godlyfantasy12 He didn’t necessarily have to, I just need an excuse. Lol. If you want Asher and the headmistress to have a conversation or something you can. I don’t really care. 🙂]

                          Ev sighed. Normally he was the one who always got in trouble. “Well, you need to get to class. What room?”

                          Lukas shrugged. “I can’t remember.” He pulled out his schedule. Ev took it from his hands and read it. He nodded his head down the hallway. “On the second floor, third door you’ll see. You’ll be late if you don’t hurry.”

                          Lukas nodded, grabbed his schedule, and ran off. Ev and Ami continued to their class. “You’re lucky,” Ami said. “To have a younger brother that you can know for sure will actually make it to class.”

                          Ev grinned. “I guess I am.” Then a thought of his parents came to mind. Not lucky to have parents like he had. That was probably why Lukas was so timid. Ev glanced down at his red high top Converse.

                          Then he bumped into someone. “I’m so sorry,” he said, kicking himself for being so clumsy. “I wasn’t paying attention.”


                          Hope this works as an opportunity for charries to meet up!!

                          (By the way, @godlyfantasy12, I think that Lukas would be good friends with Paxton. 😉)



                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 692

                            @Esther c.

                            Pick me! Jasmine is ready. 😉

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3716


                              That works! You can go ahead and write a RP if you’d like. I may not be able to write more tonight, but I will be able to tomorrow for sure!

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 692


                                Then he bumped into someone. “I’m so sorry,” he said, kicking himself for being so clumsy. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

                                Jasmine turned to glare at him. She didn’t look directly into his eyes but instead looked down.


                                She closed her locker door and turned to walk away. He stopped her before she could though. She hated socializing.

                                I wish he would let me go back to class.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699

                                  @esther-c he totally would be!! Also we’re still on day 2 as of rn, but we’ll soon be back at school on day three. I might make a few RPs of my charries home lives during day 2 or the start of day 3 before that however

                                  loved ur RP! And luv Fynn! HE AND NYX WOULD TOTALLY GET ALONG


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