Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2002


      Hope!!!! *Weeps*

      Okay, I have a character that can help! Almarrin’s sort of spying around campus right now, so he’s more than available.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6699

        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon Hiya! Either of y’all on?


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @keilah-h. You’re fine!!! Hope you had fun!!! 😀 And yeah, I’ll get Ezra with them in this RP! 😉

          . NOOOO!!!! PAXTONNNNNN!!!!! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!?!?!?!!?!?

          *cough cough* Ahem. XD AND YES, GRAYSON, BABY, JUST, *SOBS* 

          Also, I’d love to do after school RP’s with mine too! At home and stuff…y’know…heh.

          @wilder-w. HOPE!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH…sir, you better be glad some of my charries weren’t around…xD

          . @koshka. I love Almarrin. XD



          “Alright, what do you two want to do first?” Ezra asked, turning around to face Hunter and Omega, after they had already walked away from the school. “Oh, but first, I have to introduce both of you to these two. This is my friend Abelard, and this is my girlfriend Eva.”

          Eva smiled softly and waved. “Hello. You two must be Hunter and Omega.”


          Also…I just really want to be them…so…I’m gonna be a couple others…XD


          Dawson & Nathan

          “Why do you want the papers…? To change your grades?”

          Hitchens’ eyes narrowed and he stepped closer. “First off, you don’t ask questions, you just do what I tell you. And second, no, because I don’t go to school…it’s just a stupid waste of my time. I want you to steal it so I can help a…friend of mine.”

          “You actually have friends?”

          Hitchens slapped him, hard, and Dawson had to take a step back.

          “No more questions. Tomorrow, you’ll steal the papers I told you to from the headmistress’ office, with Nathan’s help. And you will steal them successfully…after all, we don’t tolerate failure here.”

          Dawson slowly nodded, gaze going to Nathan, who was leaning back against a telephone poll. “Alright. I’ll get them.”

          Hitchens stepped back. “Good.”

          “Oh, well, if it isn’t Hitchens and his little group of friends.”

          Hitchens turned with a smirk. “Ah. Welcome, Hilda. But how many times must I repeat that we are not “friends”?”

          Hilda merely laughed, her boyfriend’s arm around her torso. “Oh, I know. I just like to mess with you. Oh, Hitchens, dear friend, this is my boyfriend Adolphus.”

          Hitchens smiled and nodded. “Nice to meet you, Adolphus. I’m Hitchens, head of this gang.”

          Dawson stepped back, now standing beside Nathan, who remained quiet, and sighed.

          Why had he ever joined this gang?


          (Adolphus and Hilda actually do get married in my book…but I don’t consider them a cute couple, even if they are perfect for each other…XD)

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6699

            @freedomwriter76 XD understandable!!


            u on? U can move the meeting to the next part if u like 😊


              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 147

              @koshka Gal, go right on ahead! Help my poor girl out!!!

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6699

                @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon anyone on?


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2002



                  A scream, distant yet clear, broke through their conversation. A young female, calling someone’s name in a voice that sent prickles up his neck. It was cut short. Almarrin glanced at Inglor’s startled face, then ran, footsteps echoing down the hall.

                  Which way? There were dozens of halls, and hundreds if not thousands of classrooms. He slowed down.

                  “Inglor, that way.”

                  The Alve frowned, but split off. They could cover more ground as two units.

                  Long strides led Almarrin far out of the regular passages. It would almost have to be luck if he found her, only no forester believed in luck. He turned down a corridor leading to an even less used side of campus.

                  And instantly slowed to a trot. A girl lay on the floor, cloth over her face and obviously injured. He pulled the cloth off, some filthy handkerchief, and helped her lean against the wall. “Where are you…”

                  Oh no. Arm injuries were easily fatal, what with the arteries and veins being so close to the surface. Almarrin dug the first aid kit from his backpack and applied a quick field wrap of gauze and medical tape to the wound.

                  “How did you find me?”

                  He smiled briefly at her and folded her arm so the hand now rested at the opposite shoulder in a makeshift sling. “Keep that up, it’ll  stop the bleeding.” Hopefully. His grey eyes narrowed. “Now who did this to you, little lass?”

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 147



                    Hope frowned at the man who had bandaged her arm, and flinched.
                    “My Dad did it to me.”

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1309

                      @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @wilder-w

                      I am now!

                      I really like the idea of RPs at home. In fact, I’ve had one brewing for Reúven all through the weekend.


                      A careful look around showed that everyone had finished eating. Winton stood and clapped his hands.

                      “All right! Who’s ready for something more active?” A mixed response of cheers and groans. Winton smiled. “I need everyone to help move the tables to the wall and bring your chairs in a large circle.

                      The next minute was general confusion, but eventually everyone was sitting in a circle. Perfect.

                      They played a variation of Electricity that he called Smuggling Ring, where they tried to pass a little bouncy ball around the circle without getting caught by the person standing in the middle. All the while Winton was carrying on a conversation with the kids, gathering names. By now most of the outgoing young people were completely at ease and making sure the others felt so as well.

                      It was quickly over, however, when Winton suspected he saw a younger kid put the ball in his mouth to hide it. A few horrified laughs confirmed a couple other witnesses.

                      Now for the real reason he’d wanted them in a circle.

                      “I’ve played that game for a long time, since I was about your age, in fact.” He nodded to a young boy named Wolfgang. “There was one kid I knew who was really good at it. We went to the same school together and lived in the same neighborhood.” Winton leaned forward, making eye contact with each of these precious young people. “Overall, I knew him pretty well. Well enough to know that there were things about his life that even he didn’t understand. Things he never really did.”

                      Winton closed his eyes, gathering his thoughts. “His father left him and his mom when he was just four…”


                      The radio paused for a moment, then sang a simple eight bar introduction. Reúven smiled and swerved into traffic. He remembered the first time he’d heard it again when he’d installed the long wave radio. It had been like an echo from his childhood.

                      Then his smile vanished.

                      …Village was razed. There were twenty-eight survivors, including three men, eleven women, and fourteen children. The attack began the morning of…

                      Reúven leaned his head against the headrest and listened as the details were filled out. Another echo from those days, he realized, but just like the first, very real in the present.

                      “Can I try?” A little boy leaned against his mother’s knee, watching her feed his little sister her bottle. His mother looked down at him with a tender smile.

                       His hair was a bit long, curling childishly out from under his cap where it glowed rudy in the morning light. Her color of hair.

                      The next minute he was sitting on her lap, holding a tiny baby hardly bigger than himself. The bottle was almost too large for his hand to control, but his mother’s long fingers lay over his, guiding him. 

                      He looked down into his little sister’s face as she looked back curiously. Her limped black eyes were too young to show their color yet, though they hinted at being light like his.

                      “I love you, Rania.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you lots.”

                      Reúven groaned and drove the gas pedal into the floor. The car shot forward in response, around a semi and into a turn lane. The back of his throat burned with unshed tears.

                      Today another little boy had watched his world be buried in a crowded cemetery. Another father came home to find everything gone. Another sister…

                      He swallowed and turned into the driveway of a simple gray brick house. Acorns popped under the car tires as he pulled it to a stop under the large, spreading tree beside the house. There he sat for a moment, resting his head on the wheel and thinking. Then he opened his door and got out.

                      The walk up to the house was quiet. Purple-black irises swayed in the bed between the walk and the house and a bird sang in the tree above. Reúven paused at the door and let himself in.

                      “Reúven’s home!” A pair of little arms wrapped around his waist the moment the door was opened. He tossled the dark curls and hugged his little cousin back.

                      “Hey there, Little Light.” He swung her up over his shoulder and stomped down the passage into the living room. She squealed all the way, kicking her feet furiously. He caught one in his left hand and began tickling the bare sole.

                      “Reúven!” She screamed, the kicking coming in full force. “Stop!”

                      He laughed and tossed her carefully onto the couch.

                      “Ah, Reúven.” He turned to see his father, Micha, watching from his desk with a broad smile.

                      “Peace, Appa.” Reúven crossed the room to take his father’s hand, Nadían clinging to his pant leg all the way.

                      “Peace, son. We’ve missed you.” He reached over his desk to smooth Nadían’s curls. “Why don’t you sit down for a moment and eat something?”

                      “I need to…”

                      “Your uniform is already ready. I walked Alya through ironing it. Well, she did the walking.” He winked and sat back in his padded chair.

                      “Please, Reúven?” Nadían tugged on his hand. Reúven glanced at the clock. 3:05. Muster started at 5:00, and it would take twenty-three minutes to get there. He had a spare half hour.

                      As if she knew the turn of his thoughts, Alyona chose that second to slip her head into the room.

                      “Reúven, you’re home! I cooked some potatoes and there’s a bit of roast left from last night.”

                      That settled it. He hung up his coat and went to wash his hands.

                      Just before leaving the room, however, he looked back. His father was watching him with concern in his dark eyes. Reúven bit the inside of his lip.

                      “Did you hear…?”

                      “Yes. Lord help them.” Micha’s voice fell.

                      Reúven ducked his head and went out.

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6699

                        @elishavet-pidyon AWW POOR REÚVEN 😭 also…I’m now wondering who the child who hid the ball in his mouth would be….

                        Because I’m wondering if my precious baby Paxton would do something like that? (He’s never played games before….ahh…not these kinds of games 😅)


                        Ara listened intently as Winton’s story continued, peaking over only to check on Paxton, who was still licking his lips from where he’d quickly, silently spit out the ball from the game into his palm and slid it behind him onto the floor, face pale.

                        He’d been a nervous wreck the entire game…but everyone had been a bit shocked when he’d suddenly covered his mouth, revealing the ball to be missing, and everyone concluded…well…where it was.

                        Thankfully, most just laughed, more so in awkwardness, making the little boy look more confused then afraid at least…

                        But even as the game had ended, Ara watched as Paxton still fidgeted with his fingers, glancing warily between others, and then at Winton, as if expecting to be scolded.

                        Ara caught his eyes and he flushed, though she merely offered a warm smile, reaching out a hand to take his. He flinched, but remained still for the most part, allowing her to gently soothe him.

                        She could only imagine why he’d feel the need to…hide the ball in his mouth…and in truth, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know…

                        But…hopefully he could find some likeminded people here…some help. And…perhaps she could help him… somehow…


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6699

                          @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76


                          Grimm poked him in the side. Nyx glared, but Grimm just gave a look, asking if he was listening to the story. Nyx huffed, crossing his arms, though, as the story went on, he couldn’t help but feel his ears prick.

                          He caught eyes with Winton and purses his lips, eyes falling to the floor, ignoring the man’s good natured smile.


                          What was his problem? He didn’t even know him!

                          Nyx shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

                          He didn’t want to be here. Didn’t need to be here.

                          He…he didn’t need comfort. Didn’t need to talk. Didn’t need pity, or guilty.

                          Yea…he saw the looks. The looks his sister gave him…Grimm gave him…Ara. November.

                          His fists clenched against his shoulders.

                          And…it…it wasn’t fair! Acting..acting like he was some…some broken toy! Some fragile doll that needed to be protected or-or coddled! When he obviously didn’t!

                          He was Fine!

                          Absolutely fine!

                          His claws extended, biting into his arms as he clenched his hands around them harder, shaking now.

                          Fine…he…he was…

                          “Nyx…?” Jocelyn whispered.


                          But Nyx didn’t get the chance to say anything because suddenly, the door opened, interrupting Winton’s story.









                          “I cannot believe you.”

                          “Oh come on, Cori!”

                          “Don’t call me that.” Corvina growled, one hand on the strap of her black mini purse. She stalked down the street, headed for the address of the meeting. “Seriously though? You drag me into this…this stupid club meeting, and then you make us late!”

                          Arthur sighed dramatically, his own scarf blowing, along with his hair. “I wanted coffee! Not my fault you didn’t want any, spoilsport.”

                          “Because I knew we’d be late!”

                          “I tried to be quick.”

                          Corvina pursed her lips. “By stealing someone else’s coffee…” She leaned over and stared at his cup, “…Francis?”

                          Arthur glanced at the cup’s name tag, then shrugged. “Line was long, and like you said, we were already late.”

                          Corvina groaned.

                          “Come now. Have a drink of coffee, you’ll feel better!”

                          “No thanks.”

                          “Suit yourself,” Arthur said, taking a sip of coffee.

                          He choked, stopping midstep and gripping his chest. Corvina spun around, eyes wide as he began to cough up a lung.

                          “What the-?!”

                          “Ugh! I’ll tell you one thing! Francis has terrible taste in coffee!” Arthur scrunched his nose in disgust, throwing the coffee into the nearest trash bin.

                          Corvina scowled, rolling her eyes. “Wow. So we’re late for nothing!” She throws her hands into the air. “I hate you. I hope you know that. I sincerely despise you.”

                          “Aww, I know you love me.” Arthur smirked, leaning close to her as they approached the door.

                          She slapped him.

                          She sucked in a breath, shaking her head as she opened the door, Arthur still rubbing the red mark on his face.


                          The two entered…

                          Only to have everyone turn and stare at them, all seated in a circle like they were in some sort of psych ward…

                          Corvina flushed, then blushed, then flushed again, her stomach doing loops.

                          Arthur walked in behind her.

                          “You didn’t have to hit so-“ He looked up. “Oh. Well. I suppose we are late.” He smiled, giving a wave.


                          Corvina turned to him, eyes blazing.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6699

                            @elishavet-pidyon ALSO…idk if there’s an end to Winton’s story but….I want to hear it XD XD


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @elishavet-pidyon. Aww…Winton…I love you. <333 And poor Reuven!!!!! *sobs*

                              . @godlyfantasy12. Paxton! XD You sweet baby, that is HILARIOUS!!!! XD <333 @keilah-h. @wilder-w.


                              Ryan listened intently to the story.

                              He didn’t remember either of his parents, having been raised by his Aunt and Uncle until he was 6, when his Aunt died and he and his sister were sent away to an orphanage.

                              Ryan bit his lip.

                              Those weren’t the most fond memories.

                              The orphanage had been okay…but the family that adopted them…?

                              Well, there was a reason why his sister had been raising him the past seven years of his life.

                              Ryan leaned back in his chair, watching Adriene, who still seemed to not want to be here.

                              Maybe…maybe she’d warm up.

                              Ryan hoped she would, at least.



                              Wolfgang listened.

                              He didn’t remember his real mom, but he did know his dad.

                              Always had.

                              Wolfgang bit the inside of his cheek.

                              What had his real mom been like?

                              He was a baby when she left…and Leo was only five, so none of them remembered her the best.

                              Wolfgang heard a phone vibrate.

                              He raised an eyebrow.

                              How did he hear a phone vibrate?

                              Oh…probably because it was one of his brothers, who he was sitting close to.

                              Leo glanced at his phone, before slipping it back into his jacket pocket.

                              Wolfgang shrugged and turned back around to face Winton, waiting, anticipating the rest of the story.


                              Also…gonna be a few others again…hehe…heh…heh…yea…



                              Dietrich leaned back against the wall as Adolphus, Hilda, and Hitchens talked.


                              His brother always picked the worst friends.

                              And girlfriends. 

                              Dietrich checked his phone, checking it for messages, but he had none.

                              He hadn’t seen his stepbrothers since before school let out.


                              Very weird.



                              Very suspicious.

                              Adolphus hadn’t seemed to notice, but Dietrich’s older brother wasn’t exactly…known for his smarts.

                              His low grades in everything except PE testified to that fact.

                              Wait a minute.


                              Dietrich thought about the flyers he’d seen plastered all over the school, and pulled out his phone, opening his album, where he had taken a picture of the flyer, just to show Adolphus how stupid it was.

                              But maybe…it would serve a…better purpose.

                              Dietrich looked at it.


                              He knew exactly where his brothers had gone.

                              But how had they gotten there…?

                              A van drove up, and the window rolled down. “Dietrich! Adolphus! Have either of you seen your stepbrothers?”

                              Dietrich turned with a smile. “Not since before school let out, Mom…”

                              Frida’s eyes narrowed, and she sighed. “Those stupid boys…where in the world could they be?”

                              Dietrich grinned and walked over, quickly showing his Mother the photo of the flyer. “I may have an idea…”

                              Frida studied it, then laughed. “A club!? What stupidity. Come along, Dietrich, Adolphus, we need to go.”

                              “Adolphus, hear that!?” Dietrich called out to his older brother.

                              “I’M COMING!” Adolphus yelled back, obviously agitated with him.

                              Dietrich merely smirked.

                              Adolphus walked over and gave him a glare, before glancing at Frida. “Hello, Mom. Dietrich, you ride in the back with Annalise and Steffi.”

                              “I did last time.”

                              Adolphus laughed and gripped his arm, tight, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper. “Too bad. And you know we talked about not asking any questions when I tell you to do something…or did you forget already?”

                              Dietrich slowly shook his head and pulled away. “I didn’t forget. Fine, I’ll sit with Annalise and Steffi.”

                              And he got into the row of seats right behind the driver and passenger, sitting in between his five-year-old and twelve-year-old half-sisters.

                              “Dietrich, Dietrich! Look!” Annalise, twelve, cried.

                              “NO!!! Dietrich, look at mine!!!” Steffi cried, ever the brat.

                              “Both of you leave me alone already.” Dietrich snarled, only to receive a glare from his Mother.


                              Her tone carried warning.

                              Dietrich shifted uncomfortably in the seat before turning his attention to his half-sisters. “Alright…now…what did you want to show me…?”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Arthur!!!!! XDXDXDXD

                                I love this guy even more every time you RP as him. xD

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699

                                  @freedomwriter76 UMMM….


                                  okay….plz don’t hate me….but I uhhh kinda felt bad for Dietrich….a little bit….ngl….

                                  ALSO…UMMM ARE THEY GOING TO FIND THE CLUB AND TAKE THE BOYS?!?! We haven’t even gotten to talk yet 😭


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