Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1309

      @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @wilder-w

      By the way, so you know, I think this is the schedule of the meeting:

      Food (Winton does some Would you rather games while everyone is wrapping up [it’s a good icebreaker and he gets to know the kids better.])

      A game (something a little active but not exactly, like hot potato or giant Jenga etc. Etc.)

      Lesson/story Alwin tells a story/teaches a lesson. (Today’s is about a kid he went to the same school with, but sometimes they’re Bible stories)

      TalkĀ (or prayer, but probably not this early on)

      So, that’s what I’m thinking is on Winton’s schedule. I can hardly wait for Arthur to come in and mess it up. XD


      The line of hungry youth bunched at the table. Alwin shifted from foot to foot, his eyes on the shoes of the person in front of him. His stomach twisted and growled inside him like a live animal.

      At least heĀ wasĀ hungry. Many people with his… habits, didn’t get hungry. They lived off the slow death of their body like a parasite instead. He shuddered.

      He wasn’t there… Yet.

      But sometimes, when he’d been young and the cupboards were empty, he’d wished he couldn’t feel the biting emptiness in his middle.

      His stomach flipped again and his head spun. He gulped and leaned against the wall.

      “Hey there.” A large hand brushed his shoulder, causing Alwin to stiffen bolt upright. Mr. Winton stood beside him, a paper plate in his hand and a soft joy in his eyes. “Are you well?”

      “Yeah.” Alwin nodded. “I’m okay.”

      “Just hungry?” Winton smiled and handed him a plate and napkin. “I think you’re in front of me ”

      Alwin filled his plate. Not too much, since the host was right behind him, but he did fill it.

      It was glorious. He’d never tasted pepperoni any better, and as for the fruit? It was like summer embalmed in… No, that was the wrong word. Anyway, it was good. Alwin enjoyed every bit down to the crumbs on his fingers.

      When the food on his plate had diminished to a quarter of its size, Dr. Winton pulled out a slip of paper.

      “Now as we’re finishing up with our food, and yes you can get more later on,” he smiled at them. “Let’s play a quick round of “Would You Rather”.

      Nobody really objected, although a fox eared boy at another table made a face.

      “Would you rather have grape juice or apple juice?” Alwin raised a finger for apple, but grape won – barely.

      “Would you rather get stuck on top a roller coaster for an hour or locked in a basement for thirty minutes?” He raised his hand from the table a fraction of an inch. Roller coaster won.

      “Would you rather speak in front of five hundred people or talk on a radio to thousands, but you don’t have to see them?” Before Alwin could choose the blonde haired girl beside the fox boy leaned over the table.

      “Could I speak in front of thousands?”

      “I don’t think it’s allowed.” Winton laughed.


      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6701

        @elishavet-pidyon love it!! Aghā€¦the question about the basement šŸ˜­ Iā€™m not surprised rollercoaster won outā€¦


        im sure it was probably an 80% agreement on that oneā€¦.

        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @wilder-w


        Nyx huffed, ignoring the questions Winton asked the now pizza filled group. He had no interest in any of these gamesā€¦

        No interest in being hereā€¦

        Though, he had to admit the pizza had been nice.

        Lyn glanced at him, brows furrowing. She leaned over. ā€œHeyā€¦come on. At least try to have a bit of fun. Please?ā€ She whispered, gently poking him in the arm.

        His nose twitched. ā€œThis is dumb,ā€ he whispered back. ā€œAll theseā€¦games?Ā What, are we just here to play pattycake? I can do that at home, thank you.ā€ He rolled his eyes. ā€œI donā€™tĀ wantĀ to be here.ā€

        Lyn frowned. ā€œJustā€¦give it a chance. For meā€¦ā€

        Nyx studied his sisterā€™s face. Her bright green eyes, staring at him, with all the care in the world. The same eyes heā€™d seen all those years ago when theyā€™d first metā€¦

        He looked away.

        ā€œFine.ā€ He sighed.




          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6701

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @wilder-w heyoo! Anyone on?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6701

            Yā€™all I think Iā€™m gonna have Arthur and corvina enter just as he starts the story šŸ¤£ XD


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6701

              @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @wilder-w *holds up Squishy the cat like Simba*

              XD XD.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2002

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyonĀ  @godlyfantasy12



                To my utter relief the prayer was short, but still the words rankled my mind. She called Him the God who sees. As if this God so many people believed in cared a jot about us. As if he even listened.

                Maybe He is real, I don’t know, but if he is, he obviously doesn’t think about us very often. I glanced down at my hands, opening and closing the bony, claw like fingers. People who believed in a good, loving God were just as delusional as those who believed in Hope. Often they were the same people. But hey, that was fine, I understood. Sometimes I’d rather be a little delusional with at least an imaginary lifeline, than lost in the sea of reality without it.

                I bit into a carrot and listened to Dr. Winton. I barely lifted a hand from my lap in answer to his questions. I was almost the only one who chose the basement.Ā Thirty minutes or an hour? Duh. I didn’t like tight dark spaces, but heights were worse.

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                Fork the Gork

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. *bursts into the room* Okay!!! I’m finally back!!! Me and my fam went to prayer and were helping our church move stuff into storage today from 10-to almost 2 this afternoon, so…I’ve been busy…xD And possibly don’t expect me at all tomorrow, y’all! After church, me, my fam, and others from our church are going on a Christmas Scavenger hunt at our local mall! šŸ˜‰

                  But…for now…I’m here!!! šŸ˜€

                  I love the games and the entire schedule!!!

                  And yeah…not surprised roller coaster won…poor babies.


                  The would you rather game was enjoyable.

                  Adriene barely participated, but hey, at least she participated.

                  Ryan grinned, laughed, and completely dove into the game.

                  It was fun.

                  And his sister had told him to have fun and make friends, so he was going to follow her orders.

                  Ryan grinned and answered the next question as it came.


                  Riker watched his sister as she got into the game, a bright grin on her face, eyes sparkling with joy.

                  Any amount of pain he would possibly face for coming to these meetings was worth it if he got to see the joy on his sister’s face.

                  He glanced around at the other tables.

                  Wolfgang was laughing, also deep into the game, and even Paxton giggled a time or two. To be perfectly honest, Wolfgang’s laughterĀ wasĀ contagious.

                  Riker smiled as he continued to be in the game too.


                  Also…gonna do a charrie that isn’t in the club…yet… šŸ˜‰Ā 



                  He shifted his backpack strap again, pushing back up on his glasses.

                  He had so much homework.

                  Jayden let out a sigh, before approaching the daycare, walking inside.

                  The young woman at the front desk, Helen, smiled warmly. “Hello again, Jayden. Did you have a good day at school?”

                  Jayden slowly nodded, pushing up his glasses again. “Y-yeah…where’s…?”

                  Helen smiled softly. “He’s eating a snack. Stay right here and I’ll go get him.”

                  Jayden nodded, and she turned and walked away.

                  He glanced around the room, biting his lip, waiting.

                  Hopefully he could get his homework done.

                  “JAY JAY!”

                  Jayden smiled and lifted his three-year-old brother into his arms. “Hey, Grayson. Did you have fun?”

                  “Yeah! Games and snacks!”

                  Jayden smiled and turned to Helen again. “Thank you…”

                  She smiled warmly. “Anytime, Jayden. Have a great day!”

                  “You too.” Jayden replied, before stepping outside, Grayson on his hip, as he began walking home.

                  “Where Mama?”

                  “Mom’s at work, Grayson, you know that.”

                  Thank goodness.

                  Grayson pursed his lips. “Why?”

                  “So we can have a house…and food…and so you can go to daycare, and I can go to school.”


                  Jayden smiled softly. “Because we can both learn at school, and so we can have food and a place to sleep.”

                  Grayson nodded, but being three, still likely didn’t understand.

                  Jayden had seen the flyer at school…but he couldn’t go.


                  Because he had to pick Grayson up every day after school.

                  But…inside of him…he kinda…wanted to.Ā 

                  He wanted to make friends and get to talk to people…even if he was…well…shy…he still wanted friends.

                  But…he still knew the place where it was at.

                  He had the folded flyer in his pocket.

                  But now he needed to go home…or did he?

                  No, he couldn’t.

                  He had Grayson…and he needed to get his little brother home.

                  Besides, they wouldn’t want a three-year-old running around.

                  Jayden quietly sighed, pulled the flyer out of his pocket, and dropped it, letting the wind carry it away along with all of his hopes of ever knowing people who would understand him.

                  He put his brother on his other hip and shouldered him higher. “Come on, Grayson, let’s get home.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6701

                    @elidhavet-pidyon btw u can probably move onto the game whenever u get back on!

                    @freedomwriter76 @wilder-w



                    Iā€™ve got the sweetest scene idea in my head uugghhh!!

                    So itā€™s for when Paxton goes home after the meeting (because I really want to get some home shots in with some of the charries, like at night things like that)

                    And heā€™s sitting and his brothers start talking about dads (because they had theirs, and then Paxtonā€™s father, who they didnā€™t like, except for Soren. In this AU anyway. Things are a bit different in the actual series)

                    And while theyā€™re talking Paxton has a memory of a Faery Nanny who when he was really small for a short time (very short because she was fired šŸ˜­) worked for them and was the only source of love and really motherly kindness for Paxton. Again this was a very short timeā€¦ and she didnā€™t have the power to stop all of the abuseā€¦she was just a servant really and only worked for a month or so there.


                    Anyway, itā€™s a memory of her tucking him in one night and comforting him, telling him all about his father, because he never got to meet himā€¦


                    yallā€¦I literally cannot wait to write thisā€¦it is the sweetest but also justā€¦šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ the babyyy!! Plus heā€™s like 4 or something in the memory UUGGHH


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6701



                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 147

                        Well…I’ve been quite busy…doing work on the farm and reediting my previously published book so I can possibly get it in a local bible book store. And my brain is exhausted!!!! Y’all, I am burned out!!!!

                        So anyway, here’s my thinking…Hope is gonna need a little more convincing to be at the group…she just, she just can’t go right away. Which is why she wasn’t there…so, anyway, Iā€™m going to have her get abused and beaten up a bit (the price of being a character)…yeah…


                        Hope walked out of History class…doing the same thing she had been doing for the past few days now…same routine, same loneliness, same fear.
                        Gosh…was this life now?

                        Hope shook her head, wishing to clear her mind…but all that came back was Rueben’s pleading eyes. She ran a hand down her neck and gently held her necklace. Rueben really was a good man. Yes, he seemed to care for her…but she couldnā€™t do it. She couldnā€™t go. Besides, what was the point? She only knew Rueben…and as much as she liked him. She blushed.Ā You canā€™t have them think its a ‘thing’ yet. You barely know him. And if he doesn’t believe in El Roi…well, you have a great problem there.Ā Hope sighed.Ā Still…it does feel nice to be appreciated.Ā 
                        Tugging her backpack, she didnā€™t even realize that she was going towards a different part of the building…where no security cameras were.

                        Someone grabbed her shirt, breath heating her neck.

                        She knew the smell.


                        “I told you that I would find you, girl.”

                        “Daddy…” Hope whimpered, fear engulfing her very being.
                        “Yes, its me.” Hope’s dad sneered, spitting tobacco juice everywhere.
                        “How’d…how’d you find me?”
                        “A little bribe goes a long way,” Hope’s father laughed, “A boy…what was his name…oh yeah! Dietrich? Said he didnā€™t like you anyway…said you’ve been hanging out with his half brother. Is that correct? Well..we’ll put a stop to this for sure!” Hope’s dad grinned. “Your coming home with me!”
                        Hope tugged and pushed and whimpered. No…she couldn’t go.

                        He was awful.

                        And she knew she would get hurt.

                        No. She couldn’t.

                        No-one knows your here…yet.

                        I can not believe I’m gonna do this,Ā but she did.

                        “Rueben!!! He-” Her scream was cut off by her father throwing her to the floor. He growled.
                        “How dare you! Well, guess your gonna pay!” He withdrew a knife from his belt and quickly made a cut down Hope’s left wrist. Blood rushed out onto the tile. Then he took his handkerchief that smelled of beer and put it around her mouth.
                        “That’ll teach you to talk back to me, girl! And don’t you worry…I’ll be back…I’ll be back.”

                        Then, he left.

                        And she was alone.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6701

                          @wilder-w poor hope! And no one around to help her šŸ˜­


                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 147

                            @godlyfanatsy12 Yeah…well…what do you do with characters? Mwahaha!!! Lol…I know I should feel…sad…but I’m not…bc I trust someone will help her…even if that someone is you…

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 147

                              Whoops…meant: @godlyfantasy12

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6701



                                yea except all the charries are at the meeting rnā€¦. At least all of mine are. All the others are at home or elsewhere since school is out. But maybe one of @freedomwriter76 other charries who arenā€™t at the meeting Ā are walking around town and can help??


                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5815

                                  @freedomwriter76 Sorry for not replying, I was on a road trip. I don’t mind your idea! Since Ezra was the first one Hunter and Omega met, it makes sense that they’d hang out with him, and of course they can meet Eva and Abelard! Maybe that’ll provide the chance for me to showcase one or two of the other three or four brothers in the family.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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