Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #186631
    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1072



      Rory still sat on the ground. He was shaking, and when he opened his mouth to speak his teeth chattered. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why did he ever hope that he could get away? Now he was done for, and he had dragged Leo down with him. We’ll never escape!

      Leo stood waiting, and after a moment, Rory looked up and spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “Agents. At least two of them, maybe more. They’re waiting outside my door. They know I’ve miss-stepped.” He shook his head. Of course they do! Why did I ever think I had gone somewhere where they couldn’t see? Why did I stop to talk to Hunter instead of going straight to my room? “they must have been watching, and when I didn’t go to my room to start homework directly after class they must have figured out something was up.”

      At that moment, steps sounded. They were even, calculated, disciplined, and confident.

      They were coming down the hall from the direction of Rory’s room.

      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3141


        There is a city around the school, and some characters are less tied to the school itself but spend time there for whatever reason. 👍

        “Everything is a mountain”

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1555


          Sorry, this is hilarious.


          Agents. Rory was shaking so hard the bucket he was sitting on clinked faintly. Footsteps sounded down the hall, coming closer. Closer.

          Great blue stars. Leo clenched his teeth, casting a calculated glance around the closet. Mops, brooms, bottles of cleaner solution, an industrial trash can.

          An industrial trash can. On wheels. Perfect.

          “Quick.” He hissed as he pulled Rory to his feet and hurried him into the can. Leo opened a trash bag and tucked it in on top of Rory, tying it in place. It probably didn’t smell the greatest, but it also completely hid the tall kid. “Here’s a bottle of window cleaner. If someone pulls this bag off spray them in the face.”

          Leo flicked the light switch on and began rummaging around the shelves, muttering to himself about cantankerous supervisors.

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          Ellette Giselle
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1072


            *gasp* are you trying to do the Agents job for them!! That’s disgusting!! I hope he doesn’t die!
            nah, he won’t die. I guess he’s been through a LOT worse. But still……


            Rory closed his eyes tightly, trying to breathe evenly. He could hardly get a breath in the tight space. Sweat streaked his face and he felt his chest tighten. Everything was closing in on him. You’re fine! You’re going to be okay. You’re not dying….. yet.

            The Agents

            A crash sounded down the hall and Agent 225 looked up. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at his companions. “227, stay here. 229 with me.”

            229 slowly lifted his head. He deliberately closed the switch-blade knife he had been fiddling with and slipped it into his pocket. He straightened his lengthy form and pushed a wave of dark hair from his eyes.

            225 turned and moved down the hall. His steps were sure and even. He wasn’t afraid of being caught. Why, he owned this place. He had the full power of his government behind him and anyone who got in his way would pay for it dearly. He would watch this school burn to the ground and not even bat an eye if that’s what it took. One of their soldiers had misstepped, and they would get him back. He relished the thought of the suffering he would inflict upon the boy.

            225 let his eyes wander up and down the hall. He turned the corner and spotted a door. The sign marked it as a janitor’s closet. The perfect place for a desperate kid to hide. Motioning to 229, the young Agent stepped forward and placed his hand on the door. Sliding his hand into his pocket, he gripped his knife. If the kid needed a little persuasion, 225 would gladly give it to him.
            “Don’t get cocky. He’s trained, and he’s desperate,” murmured 229.
            225 gave him a look that could kill an army. Then, he pulled open the door.

            instead of being met by a wild rush, all the young Agent saw was a janitor. The fellow turned, and 225 saw that he could only be a year or two older then himself. The janitor looked surprised, but 225 was suspicious. Something wasn’t right.
            The young Agent stepped into the closet, letting go of the knife as he did. His whole baring reeked of self confidence. Not only was the not a lowly soldier, this was an inferior. 225 smiled, but it was a smile that never reached his eyes. “I’m looking for someone, and I think you know something.”

            when the  janitor didn’t respond at once, 225 grabbed his shirt and shoved the young man against the wall. “I’m looking for a boy, and I need answers. Now.”

            Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1555


              Of course not! He’s just trying to keep him safe…but he’s Leo so that may not look like what you’d expect. XD I mean, the first time he showed up here he was patching a pipe with duct tape.


              Leo didn’t like these kids. He stared back with bored annoyance, laying one gloved hand over the fist that gripped his shirt. His palm turned icy cold.

              “If you like this shirt, go buy yourself one, kid. What do you want me to do? Quote Pi to the 40th digit? Explain nuclear fusion? Or something you’d actually understand?” His other gloved hand found the Agent’s wrist with another icy grip. “Students aren’t allowed in here.”

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1072


                The Agents

                225 stared at the janitor, his head slightly tilted to the side. Never in his life had anyone dared to speak to him like that. They had been harsh in Academy, but no one had ever… ever belittled him!

                Then 225 noticed something odd. There was a chill running up his arms. He shook the revelation aside. Flicking his blond hair from his eyes he pushed harder on his captive, leaning forward until they were eye to eye. “How dare you speak to me in such a fashion. You have no idea of your place, boy. You will answer me at once or we will have to persuade you. Now, tell me what you know. You do know something, I can see it. I haven’t been trained in integration seven years for nothing. If you make me use force, I’ll  see to it that you never have the chance to tell a soul.”

                Behind him, 229 switched open his knife.

                225 narrowed his eyes to slits and smiled. “What’s it gonna be, boy?”

                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1555


                  I just love talking down to these guys.


                  Interrogation? Leo’s skin began to crawl. His eyes narrowed.

                  “So you do believe in souls? How interesting.” And he squeezed the boy’s cold wrists again, who in return tried to crush Leo against the wall. Leo rolled his eyes. This Agent wasn’t much of a concern at this point, but the other one? It didn’t feel good to have an uncontrolled menace so close to Rory’s trash can. Time to end this discussion.

                  “Look kid, I don’t have time for this today. Go do your own homework.” As he spoke Leo lifted the Agent’s now nerveless hands from his shirt and wrenched his arms behind his back. Shocked and off balance, the kid went down with surprising ease. He stared uncomprehending as Leo stepped over him. The temporary paralysis wouldn’t last long.

                  Leo dodged a stab from the Agent’s knife and caught it in a gloved hand, twisting away to grab the nearest spray bottle.

                  Cleaning vinegar. Nice. A full spray caught the Agent square in the face.

                  The next few moments were a blur of flying fists and confusion. In the midst of creating the chaos, Leo managed to dive past the agent and snag the precious trash can on his way through the door.

                  “Rinse well in warm water!” He called behind him as the door slammed shut.

                  His rubber boots echoed faintly along with the sound of the rolling trash can. Down the hall, and a couple turns later, Leo’s keycard had them inside a service elevator headed for the basement.

                  “Sorry about that, Rory.” Leo tucked his gloves back into his belt. “If they’d have seen you back there– well, how’re you holding up, kid? Let’s get you out of that thing.”

                  He pulled the trashbag free and reached to help Rory out. “Again, sorry about that.”

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1072




                    Nice. Nice. He deserved it 100%.



                    Rory could feel he was moving, and some part of him also registered the fact that there had been noise beside him. Perhaps a fight? His head was spinning and all he could manage was forcing himself to draw one breath at a time. Suddenly they stopped and fresh air hit Rory. He gasped for breath and felt hands pulling him up. Blinking he made out Leo’s blurry form. His vision tunneled, and as his feet hit the floor his legs buckled and he went down.


                    The Agents

                    229 slammed into the wall, spluttering and rubbing at his eyes with both hands. He tripped over something and hit the ground. For a time he lay there, rubbing his eyes frantically. A slight whimper escaped him, but he forced himself to remain silent. Tears flooded his eyes and he had the presence of mind to let them flow in order to wash away the vinegar. At last the pain slowly subsided, and he forced his eyes open. 225 lay a few paces away, and for a moment 229 thought he was dead. Dragging himself up, he crawled to his companion and found that he was breathing. 225 blinked once and movement came back to him, starting with a horrible glare that twisted his face. 229 pulled him up and the young Agent swayed before grabbed onto a shelf. “Where is he?” The question came out in a rabid growl.

                    229 looked away. “He got out. He blinded me.”

                    For a moment, 225 said nothing. Then he tilted his head slightly so his mouth was directed near the collar of his shirt. “488, we have a suspect. A young Janitor, brown hair, green eyes, tall, pale. I want eyes on him.”

                    “On it,” came a fuzzy reply over the small radio.

                    229 looked up at his companion. “Should we hunt him down?”

                    225 slowly shook his head. “No, we’re going to find out who he is and what he holds dear. I want him to pay for this in full, and then I’ll watch him die slowly. But not until after I find anyone he cares about in this cursed place.”

                    Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1555


                      *Mutters darkly*

                      Just you try …


                      He stared for a moment in horror at the still form beside him.


                      The elevator door slid open. No time to lose. Leo shoved the trashcan through. Then, carefully, he hauled Rory up onto his shoulders and carried him out of the elevator.

                      The lighting was dim down here. Faint oiliness hung on the air along with the sharp scent of old metal and cold concrete. Leo’s boots gritted as he wove his way through the humming machinery. He reached the break room door and  somehow managed to get it open. Struggling to keep his grip, he stumbled through, kicking the door shut behind him.

                      Now, if he could just get this kid settled on the couch…there. Leo collapsed into a chair.

                      “I need to work out.”

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3554



                        “Why go at all when you don’t have someone you like to go with? Even if the girl is only going for the sake of going, Alpha cared enough to oblige! That’s huge! I wonder what she looks like. oh, sorry, you’re reading.” Nar went quiet, dropping into a chair near Hugo. She crossed her hands on the table as a shiver of giddy glee ran through her. She looked like a toddler for a moment, unable to sit still for long. Finally, she calmed, and pulled a small book from her satchel. As she opened it, the pages glowed with a pale blue light, and words in runes wrote themselves on the page, and diagrams began to form. She settled herself in reading what appeared to be her classes science.

                        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3554

                          @ellette-giselle @koshka

                          Would you mind if Alpha somehow joined you guys? i have a feeling he’d connect with Rory.

                          Don’t feel pressured.

                          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1072

                            @rae   @koshka


                            Koshka and I were literally just talking about this yesterday. She mentioned Alpha, but I kinda had the feeling that Rory would end up killing him if Alpha didn’t kill him first. lol. (figuratively or literally speaking.) They seem a little…… too similar.


                            However, if you want to give it a shot then I’m fine with that! What do you think, Koshka?

                            We plan on coming back out of the basement as soon as Leo grabs a few things and we make a working plan….. although the Agents might cause trouble before the plan is finalized.

                            Want to try to meet upstairs somehow?

                            Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                            Ellette Giselle
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1072


                              (Hope I hit the ages right. And Boltman is the last name they go by here, right? Or am I wrong?”


                              The first thing that came back to him was sound. He could hear breathing in the room. Slowly, Rory forced his eyes opened. He stared up at the harsh stone ceiling above him, trying to figure out where he was and what had happened. His memory was fuzzy until he came back to that horrible point of terror. Agents. And then, Rory knew.
                              He’d been caught.

                              Somehow the Agents had stunned him and now they’d dragged him off to some unknown place. What have they done to Leo?!?!

                              Rory spun off whatever he was lying on. His boots hit the floor and his legs buckled. He fell to one knee and caught himself. I have to get out! I have to get out!


                              The Agents

                              225 leaned against the wall, deep in thought. His arms were crossed over his chest, and if he had known such things existed, he would have been smoking a cigarette 100%.

                              Rory’s door was a few paces down the hall. 225 had switched with 227 to guard this hall. He wanted to be the first one to get his hands on that boy, and he was sure Rory would come back here. He had to at some point.

                              It had been almost thirty minutes since the janitor had made his escape. 225 had a few guys watching for him, but at the moment his main focus was on the Agents he had sent prying in the school records.

                              All at once, a quiet voice sounded. “225, Secure?”

                              225 let his eyes trail up and down the hall. There was no one.


                              229’s voice continued. “I’ve got the janitor records, and the only one with a picture matching our guy is a Leo Boltman.”

                              “I don’t care who he is,” 225 replied quietly.

                              “Well, you will care when I tell you there are two more Boltmans here,” came 229’s reply.

                              “Also janitors?” snorted 225

                              “No, students.”

                              225 tilted his head closer to the mic, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Students?”

                              “Yes, his siblings it seems.”

                              “I hear the inferiors are often close with siblings,” mused 225. “Who are they?”

                              “A girl of fifteen, and a little boy.”

                              “How old is this little boy?” asked 225


                              225’s eyes narrowed. “Have 488 put eyes on the girl. Where is the boy?”

                              “He should be in that children’s hall we passed,” replied 229.

                              225 nodded slowly. “Good. You and I will take care of this. Call in the rest of our team. I want backup close by. This young janitor may be more then he would like is to know, and I don’t want something going wrong.”


                              225 looked down the hall. Then, a thought came to him. “What’s the boy’s name?”

                              “Quincy,” replied 229.

                              225 smiled tightly. “Quincy,” he murmured. “Leo Boltman, it’s time to reap the consequences of your actions.”

                              Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3554


                                Rory would end up killing him if Alpha didn’t kill him first. lol. (figuratively or literally speaking.) They seem a little…… too similar.

                                I don’t think so. From the glimpses Alpha has gotten of Rory in my head, even in his worst moods I find a soft spot. Remember, Alpha’s clone siblings who he himself saw being created and even helped name as a little kid, were killed when the Realn took Alpha. For this reason, I believe Alpha would be more protective of Rory than offensive. He would see Rory as a brother he never had, and keep him safe. That is my theory anyways. I can’t know for sure without Alpha meeting him and figuring out Rory’s past.

                                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1072


                                  Okay then. Rory needs all the protective brothers he cat get. lol. How old is Alpha?

                                  Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

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