Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #185825
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3144


      Oh yeah, maybe they do.

      Seb is restricted from the dance. And actually I think he took the blame for the incidents. Now the rest of the kids only have mild cafeteria duty.



      It was easy to assume he was Nar’s flame, so to speak – but if you just knew the story, they weren’t going steady by any means.

      Hugo took in a deep breath. “Smells like alley-grade level trash. And there it is.”

      He nodded at the window, out of which he could see farther, since he was taller than the other students. The three others went to look.

      When they had a fair look at the dumpster below, Hugo reached over their heads and shut the window. “I’m going for a run downtown – gotta get those steps in. Does anyone need something from the shops?”

      “Everything is a mountain”

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1093

        @loopylin @keilah-h @koshka

        (Oh my goodness he’s adorable!!)



        “Lelo!” A high pitched wail sounded down the hall.

        Rory jumped and whipped around. Something shot passed him and slammed into Leo. Rory took a quick step forward, but Leo didn’t seem to be fighting this thing. In fact, when Rory looked, he saw it was a child. the boy was sobbing against Leo’s legs. Leo untangled the the child and lifted him to his shoulder. The boy buried his face in Leo’s shirt to continue his lament.

        At that moment, something in Rory broke. He quickly spun away so no one would see his face. Behind him, Leo and the boy were talking, but Rory couldn’t hear them. Tears blurred his vision and he closed his eyes. All he wanted to do was curl up and cry. The wounds from a childhood that had been ripped from him were still raw. Rory had tried to bury the memories and the longing, but now it was all coming back. I can’t do this anymore! Everything was strange here, there was nothing he could grab onto, something to steady himself, and slowly memories were dragged to the surface again and again. Rory didn’t think he’d survive this much longer.

        From the corner of his eye, Rory saw Leo turn. He still had the boy, and it looked like the little thing was asleep. “This is, well, my little brother,” Leo told them. “Quincy’s the name. I need to take him back to his kindergarten class. It’s just up the hall.”

        Rory sucked in a breath to steel himself. He glanced over at the twins, wondering what to do next.


        Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 71

          @whalekeeper @rae


          “I don’t really know what we would need,” Brian said.

          “I want to get a better look at the fire,” I said excitedly. “I read about this thing called the ‘fire department’, and I want to see if they’ll come!”

          “Fire department?” Brian puffed. “What’s that? I’d have thought that they would need the water department.”

          “Fire department puts out fires,” I sighed. They wear funny clothes and ride in big red carriages. You coming or not?”

          “Got nothing better to do,” Brian said. “I guess I’ll see you later, Hugo? Or you coming?”

          I ❤️ Debating Theology
          I ❤️ Family Heritage
          I ❤️ Medievals

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3144

            They have little kids here now. Hold the phone, I know what Marcel can do with his delivery service. >;]



            Along his walk to study hall, with no hurry because of his break period, Marcel spied a group of young children in school uniforms. A teacher tried very hard to keep them in line. As older students passed, the children easily drifted here and there. One turned down a different hall and knocking into Marcel’s knees.

            “Hey.” He swept the kid back in front of the teacher. “You lost one.”

            “Well, didn’t you know, I did.” She nodded in thanks, but looked ready to cry.

            “I can carry them on my clouds,” Marcel offered.

            “We have to go through the main paths. That might be dangerous?” The teacher smiled worriedly.

            “No more dangerous than trampling them in the halls.” A little boy tripped and almost fell into the path of running high schoolers. A wisp of cloud pillowed his fall and scooped him into Marcel’s hands.

            The teacher studied him for a moment. He had a strong, calm face, and his hair left him clearly distinguishable from the rest of his peers.

            “You’re the kid who brought in Paxton…” The woman blinked, and stood a little straighter, as if removing a load off her shoulders. “Wouldn’t this be a load of trouble for you?”

            “Of course not.”

            “That would be amazing, thank you! Here’s a copy of our schedule today. If it becomes too hard for you, please tell me.”

            Marcel knelt in front of the ten children. He pushed back his cottony curls, and stared seriously into each of their faces. “Have any of you been in an airplane?”

            “Me, me!”

            “I want to be a pilot, but, but I don’t like flying…”

            “That sounds complicated,” Marcel sympathized.

            “Yeah, it makes me sad.”

            “Once I had a dream, me and Mommy went to the airplane!”

            “I dreamed that three times.”

            Marcel snapped his fingers. Ten clouds scooped the children up and merged into one puffy nest. They all squealed. The Guardian held his cloud a few feet above the ground, and led it at a little more than a snail’s pace.



            “I’ll go that far with you, then leave.”

            Hugo’s tuxedo was at a tailor’s shop down main-street, and a few adjustments still had to be made. The dumpster was a lucky coincidence; Brian and Kate were distracted enough to not take a similar outing, and Hugo had a feeling Brian did not like social events as much as he did.

            They headed out, and the dumpster drama was right there on the corner. Several students were taking pictures, fascinated.

            Hugo slipped into the back, and whispered to Nar, “I’ve got to go. Do you want to come, or watch the fire truck?”

            “Everything is a mountain”

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4732

              @loopylin probably. I haven’t been on KP much lately but should be able to write an RP tomorrow.

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3560


                Awwww, Marcel! So adorable!



                “I’m not letting you out of my sight, not after all that! I don’t know what’s come over Alpha, maybe it’s the Grath, but he’s been acting unexceptably strange! Besides, my culture has fire responders. And I’ve never actually seen too much of this city. If I’m not a bother, I’d like to be your shadow.” Nar smiled, brushing her wavy hair behind her ear.

                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3144


                  Thx 😛


                  Hugo looked at her for a moment. The metaphor was surprisingly touching, for some reason. “…No bother at all.”

                  They quickly passed the spectacle, and down bustling Main Street. The officer vehicles had confused traffic. Luckily for them, the confusion was so tightly-knit, they could simply pass in between the cars and into the shopping area. Hugo gave a friendly wave to each car.

                  The tailer shop had a gorgeous gilded window front. Hugo held open the door for Nar, and said, “Not to be a worrier. Do you have an outfit? And what color is it?”

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3144


                    Sorry we left you back there 😅

                    “Everything is a mountain”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334

                      @calyhuge did you see my Dante rp? No pressure if you did and just haven’t responded yet

                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 71

                        @whalekeeper @rae


                        Brian watched the pair make off for the shops with a wistful look in his face. Then he looked at me.

                        “What?” I asked.

                        He shook his head, grinned, and turned to watch the fire.

                        It really was something to watch. A huge dumpster ablaze, a crowd of awed spectators, and the horrible smell. The majority of the spectators were holding up small black boxes and looking through them at the fire. That was odd. The way they were supposed to be used, one end was to be held to the ear and the other to the mouth. I began to think perhaps no one had called the fire department at all. That ended when I heard the far-off sound of a wailing cry. Soon, lights were flashing, coming closer. I sucked in my breath in anticipation.

                        Around a city corner swung the most magnificent chariot I ever saw. No horses pulled it, and it sped at a fantastic speed. It gleamed red, with silver trimmings, and odd things stuck out at odd angles from the top and sides. It screeched to a stop near the fire, and a platoon of yellow-coated men issued from it. Uncoiling a long yellow snake, they rushed towards the fire.

                        Brian wasn’t watching. He was looking at something behind us. “Who are those guys?”

                        About ten guys were leaning up against the side of the school, surveying the scene. Something about them meant trouble, but I couldn’t place what. One, a bigger boy in a hoodie, looked at us and leered evilly. Brian pressed his lips together and loosed his sword in its hilt. “Oh stop it,” I said. “Watch, they’re putting out the fire.”

                        The yellow snake was spewing water from its mouth, and several other yellow-clad men were spewing white clouds from red canisters. The flames were hidden in a fog of mist and steam. And when the fog lifted, the fire was out. The crowd cheered.

                        “I still think they should be called the water department,” Brian asserted. “Now, are we supposed to be somewhere now?”

                        “I don’t know,” I shrugged. “The crowd is moving back inside, so why don’t we just follow it?”

                        We had to pass the group of boys again. They glared at Brian with looks that could mean no good, and he stared grimly back. It appeared they recognized him, perhaps from the battle of the elective period. I didn’t recognize them. But we got inside safely.

                        *  *  *

                        only just saw your Dante RP 🫤😛


                        “So what if we are?” Slick protested.

                        “Nothing. Just beat me to it, is all. Look, I need a distraction.” The cyclopes gestured to the crowd of students. “And you seem like the distracting type.”

                        Johnny looked the thing up and down. A one-eyed personage with orangish skin [do I recall correctly?], playing with a lighter.

                        “Well,” Slick said magnificently, “garnering attention is the name of the game. Fame? Infamy? Everyone knowing who you are? You name it, that’s what we’re after.”

                        “Those are all the same–” a posse member started, but Slick cut him off.

                        “Hush, I’m doing a sales pitch. Anyway, my fine fellow, we are The Society, and if you join us, all will know and fear you.”

                        The cyclopes squinted his eye. “Is fire involved?”

                        “It can be,” Slick allowed.

                        “Yeah,” Vinny said, “we like a good blaze, but we’re also so flamin’ hot that–”

                        “Shut up, you little rat,” El Burro commanded, swatting him on the side of the head.

                        “Hey!” Vinny protested, and started pushing El Burro, who pushed back.

                        “Looks like we’re in for round two,” Johnny sighed.

                        “Ignore them,” Slick said as the two began tousling. He turned his back. “So, my fine fiery friend, will you join The Society?” He extended his hand, offering a winning smile to go with it. “Our next trick will be bigger, better, more exciting, than anything you’ve ever seen. What do you say?”

                        I ❤️ Debating Theology
                        I ❤️ Family Heritage
                        I ❤️ Medievals

                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 71

                          Bro y’all I was typing out my rp for the past 30 minutes 😂

                          I ❤️ Debating Theology
                          I ❤️ Family Heritage
                          I ❤️ Medievals

                            • Rank: Wise Jester
                            • Total Posts: 71

                            @whalekeeper no not the color coordinating with the gf

                            Also np about leaving my charries behind, they have some trouble to get into somewhere I’m sure

                            I ❤️ Debating Theology
                            I ❤️ Family Heritage
                            I ❤️ Medievals

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3560



                              Nar bowed her head to Hugo in thanks as he held open the door to a shop.

                              “Not to be a worrier. Do you have an outfit? And what color is it?”

                              “Oh, no I actually don’t yet. I was thinking something pink or Laxorian grassland green since anything else may clash with my eyes and I don’t fancy too much red and black. I’ll look into it later today or tomorrow. I also still have to decide which braid I’d like Alpha do. What about you? Since this place sells clothes by the look of it, I’m guessing you have a plan.”

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3560


                                Also, I think it’s your turn to rp with Violet and Alpha.



                                Alpha in a tux still cracks me up XDXD

                                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3560


                                  Page 397 was Alpha’s rp

                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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