Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #184873
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3560


      Sorry, I didn’t see your rp.


      “My, what small minds you boys have!” Jeptune cried to Johnny. “You’re like Chase! If he would just open up his mind a bit, he could unleash such power that he’d finally be a worthy opponent!”

      “The eagle drops his mate at that place of sodas, Señora,” El Burro called. “Do we make chase?”

      The third boy muttered something, but Jep didn’t understand him.

      “She doesn’t…” Jep watched as Chase soared up into the sky. “Curse his elemental powers! He knows exactly what creature to shift to to give him a small edge! He’s rising too fast!” Jep’s attention turned down to the ground. “El burro, I think we will pursue her!” A toothy smile crossed Jep’s lips. “Cover your ears, boys!” Jep slowed, before her great dragon voice boomed as if she meant to break to sky asunder. “Come down, Chase! Or your little girlfriend will die!”

      With that, Jep landed on the ground, allowing her riders to get down. “Fetch the girl.” Seeing Johnny’s scared face, Jep shifted into her girl form, saying in a softer voice, “don’t worry, the girl will be fine, it’s Chase who should be worried!”


      “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3560


        Yes, it’s still the day before. Sorry, I’m not sure where everyone is either, except Violet and Alpha are somewhere on the school grounds, Nar is inside the school, upset. Chase is flying, Sef is hiding, and Jep is pursuing with El Burro, Johnny and one other person.

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 71



          The rapid shift from dragon back to girl did more to further drive Johnny’s nerves into oblivion than it did sooth them. El Burro, never hesitating for a second, dragged him and the other boy behind him into the soda shop. “Wait!” Johnny started to protest, “what are we actually-”

          The first impression Johnny had of the soda shop was pink. And it was, decidedly, a very pinkish sort of place, despite the walls being painted yellow and the floor tiles white. Despite not being pink, it was… pink. It’s the same sort of impression you get when you stare at a mushroom and think It’s not a plant, but deep down you know, it really is a plant.

          Startled patrons looked up from floats and sundaes, and the white-capped owner stopped rubbing down the counter. Johnny looked around. He felt a bit sheepish, and more than a little uncomfortable, following a girl he knew little about into a public place just to mess with her. You could push someone around in school, but here… well, there was a man with a badge and a gun on his belt sitting at one table, donut forgotten, and trigger finger twitching. Johnny grimaced. “El Burro, I don’t know about–”

          El Burro walked coldly over to a booth. A huddled form was trying to look inconspicuous there, one with long hair. The girl. What had her name been? Johnny forgot. El Burro slid into the booth across from her. “A lovely spot you’ve picked for our meeting, Senora,” he said, as if they were on a date. “What do you like here?”

          The officer shrugged and returned to his donut.

          Johnny and the other boy (Jean-Luc was his name) took the booth directly behind El Burro’s back, and listened.

          The girl made to bolt, but El Burro stopped her with a motion. “Please. There has been running enough this day already. Let us talk, instead, Senora. We will talk of many things.” He grinned. “Uno, you are a very pretty girl, but I see no threat you have to this ‘Jep’ creature. Why have you become at enmity with her, Senora?”

          “C’est trop mal,” Jean-Luc muttered from next to Johnny. “Je ne peux pas comprends que ils dire. Je pense il y a l’air d’amours.”

          “Hush,” whispered Johnny. He wanted to hear what the girl would say.

          I ❤️ Debating Theology
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            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3560



            Sef shrunk before the boy in front of her, quivering and hiding her face with her hair.

            “Why have you become at enmity with her, Senora?” He asked kindly enough.

            “I-I’ve n-never s-seen her be, before.” She shuddered. She knew Chase could shift, but there were others who could too? And Chase could shift into something different than a snake? And so could this “Jep” person. Why was Chase so scared when he realized who she was?

            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 71

              @whalekeeper are you planning on RPing? If not that’s fine I’d just like to know



              “Dos,” El Burro said, but he trailed off. He twisted back to look at Johnny. “Why are we here?”

              “The dragon girl wanted us to keep this girl here,” Johnny said.

              El Burro grunted. “And what loyalty must we have to her? This affair bores me.”

              “I want to get back to the school,” Johnny sighed. “I feel… lifeless here.”

              “Euh, mes amis,” Jean-Luc put it nervously, “Je pense nous devoir retourner a l’ecole.”

              El Burro turned back to the girl. “I care not what happens to you, Seniora. Therefore, I will leave you.”

              The girl seemed to relax.

              El Burro, quick as a donkey’s kick, drew two weapons and with a pop, he fired. A dart for the girl and a dart for the officer. He stood, ignoring the shocked movements, fidgetings, and slumpings of the two victims, and plucked out the darts as he strode out. No one stopped him, or the two followers.

              When they were out in the fresh (by comparison) air, Johnny asked, “How long will they be out?”

              “An half of your hours, Senior.”

              “And how do we get back to the school?”

              This question went unanswered. From around the corner, Slick, Vinny, and the five other members of El Burro’s posse careened around the corner. One of them was blackened, as if by smoke.

              “Que dans le monde?!” exclaimed Jean-Luc. “C’est la chaude pomme de terre!” He laughed.

              “What-” Johnny started to say.

              Slick rushed up. “No time. We may or may not have set a dumpster on fire for fun, without knowing that was a criminal offence here. Uh, can we hide in that soda shop?”

              Three blue-clad men with gleaming badges jumped out of a side street, their tasers buzzing. “Freeze, kidos!” One ordered.

              “You know what we do with the sheriffs, Seniors,” El Burro said cooly. He drew his tranquilizers and with a pop pop here and a pop pop here, two were down. Jean-Luc got the third.

              “Cool!” Slick exclaimed. “I want one!”

              A car sailed through the air. It smashed down on a street a few hundred yards away. A black shape flew overhead. “This Jep is getting on my nervous system,” El Burro murmured.

              Slick looked at the car. “I don’t like this. Members of the Society, back to the school!”

              “It’s round over there,” the white cowboyish member of El Burro’s posse, whose name was Slim, said. He pointed down a different road.

              “How do you know that?” Johnny asked in amazement.

              “Map right there,” he stated.

              “Let us go then,” El Burro said. Everyone got off at once.

              “Uh, yes, what he said! We go now!” Slick ordered.

              *  *  *

              rae do you want to do some battle stuff with Jep and Chase or just have them come in randomly and have already done stuff or something?

              I ❤️ Debating Theology
              I ❤️ Family Heritage
              I ❤️ Medievals

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3144

                @calyhuge I have not forgotten where we left off Seb and your characters. Would rather not right now, I’m not in the current scene anyway. Thanks for the suggestion tho.

                “Everything is a mountain”

                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                  • Total Posts: 71

                  @whalekeeper I must say the new profile pic is amazing

                  I ❤️ Debating Theology
                  I ❤️ Family Heritage
                  I ❤️ Medievals

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1094

                    Very cautiously peeks into school…..

                    Is this kinda already fully developed, or can I give it a little try?

                    Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4732

                      @ellette-giselle I think it’s open! My characters are doing absolutely nothing and are just trying to study in peace or something lol

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      Ellette Giselle
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1094



                        So, what do I do?

                        I feel stupid, but I’ve never done anything like this before. haha

                        Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4732

                          @ellette-giselle Well, I could bring my charries back in to show you if you’d like. Basically, you write a short paragraph from your character’s perspective. It could be from first or third person, whichever you like better. Then leave it off for the other person/people to respond with their character(s).


                          Here, I’ll show you:


                          Hunter (Writing the name of the character before writing the roleplay distinguishes their actual writing from the chatting that always punctuates this kinda thing)

                          His wings flicked worriedly as he tried to catch up on his studies.

                          Luckily, no one had bothered him until now.

                          He looked around at the noise to find someone new watching him.

                          “Uh…Hi.” He offered a shy wave, hoping his claws wouldn’t put them off too much.






                          Now you can pick a character, add a short description of what he or she looks like, or a picture (only for the very first roleplay) and just have them respond the way they normally would.

                          In this case, Hunter is twelve (almost thirteen), he’s a fantasy creature who’s basically just a human with dragon wings and a spiky tail. The wings and tail are teal with a few green stripes at the edges. He has gray eyes, shoulder length dark brown hair (Think my drawing of Friedrich I did for you in the art challenge, that’s his hairstyle but dark colored), and wears a red bandanna around his forehead. He wears a pale grayish-blue shirt with some red on the short sleeves, and dark red pants.

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3144

                            @calyhuge thx


                            So basically you post a description of your charrie/charries, and you get to explore the school with your characters 😀 Just like Keilah described!

                            We take turns writing interactions between people, and sometimes people have their own groups/factions/whatever. Things can get crazy; we’ve had several bully vs hero fights which usually last for irl weeks.

                            Some history:

                            and @freed_and_redeemed started this roleplay. Godly has a little boy charrie named Paxton who gets beat up by people, and is usually the inciting incident of fights. Freedom had both original characters and Marvel AU characters, which may be referenced now and then. They set up everything.

                            Esther and Freedom had a love triangle going on which was fun, lol. A bunch of other writers joined and the characters participated in fun teenager activities.

                            At some point, Paxton became friends with characters such as Wolfgang, Marcel, Lukas, and Riker. These charries got into multiple fights to save Pax, and these are referred to as “The Battles of the Wings,” because many charries had wings at the time. Like Keilah’s dragon boys, for example :]

                            Many things happened after that… *Tries to summarize but fails*

                            Things got more complicated when we scheduled a school dance. This dance is still upcoming, and characters are asking each other out.

                            Right now @calyhuge ‘s bully gang are doing something, not sure what, and traumatized @rae ‘s character in the process. @loopylin is FinAllY sending her characters on a date, and a several battle-exhausted characters are in the school dorm area.

                            @everyoneelse am I missing something? I should write a summary of this entire story, it would be so long 🤣

                            • This reply was modified 1 month ago by whaley.

                            “Everything is a mountain”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3144

                              @ellette-giselle You do not have to know all of these things to join, though. I joined without reading any previous parts of the story, and it turned out alright.

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                              Ellette Giselle
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1094

                                @keilah-h @whalekeeper

                                Thanks! Ooo, this sounds great! Oh poor Pax! I will be on his side no matter what. lol.

                                How many character can I have?


                                I’ll start with one of my favorites.


                                Rory is sixteen years old. He’s been trained as a soldier since he was six and would now be a Lieutenant among his own people. He’s slender but strong, has wavy dark brown hair and green/grey eyes. He’s a tall guy, about 6’3″ Um…. let’s see if I have a picture of him…….. ah, here’s one from when he’s older.

                                Okay, I guess I’ll launch in and reply to Keilah.


                                Rory stepped back, startled by the movement from the boy he had been watching. He was a boy…. yet not. Rory had seen many strange things in his life, but a boy with wings was not on the list. Now the first thing he reacted to was the claws. Was this a threat? How much damage could those claws do? If he had to fight this fellow, what would be the best way to do so? Calm down, he’s not a threat. Rory’s training was useful, be he often felt like it was a curse. Because of the life he had led he now saw the world as though it was a battlefield. Rory took in a slow breath. straightening, he clasped his hands behind his back and gave a slow half-smile. “Hi.”

                                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 658


                                  I think you summarized it very well😁

                                  It’s kinda crazy thinking back on some of the stuff we did…feels like a lifetime ago even though it wasn’t😅😂

                                  What is strength?
                                  Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

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