Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #182950
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 71



      Slick flidgetted under Jep’s razor gaze like a fly staring down a frog. He was rapidly rethinking his life choices that had been made in the past five seconds. “Er, sounds good.”

      Johnny tapped his shoulder. “Huddle.”

      Slick obeyed, getting in a circle with Johnny, Vinny, and El Burro. The last one sort of weaseled his way in, but the others let him stay. Vinny spoke first. “We should have a trademark or something, something to prove we were here and make people fear us more. When Burro, you said there was a boy with a hoodie, I remembered we three wear hoodies.”

      “And we were thinking,” Johnny put in, “what if we ripped the hoodies off everyone else who wears them?”

      Slick hesitated. “She said she’d fight all of us if we tried to beat him up. I don’t know if we should start the tradition just now…”

      “Well, Senior,” El Burro said, “there is only the one way to find out. Ask the woman.”

      “I don’t know…” Slick trailed off.

      “Think about it,” Johnny said, “hoodies are normally a sign of insecurity. Take away the hoodie, and the kid is out of his comfort zone. Now that’s cruel.”

      Slick hemmed and hawed some more, and so Vinny finally broke the huddle and asked Jep, “How about a compromise? You let us rip the hoodie off the kid, and then we leave him to you after that? The rest of us can watch your back, in case one of the many heroes in this school tries to be a hero. Is it a deal?”

      I ❤️ Debating Theology
      I ❤️ Family Heritage
      I ❤️ Medievals

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3560


        It’s kinda creepy and weird, but I like writing Jep’s POV.


        Jep pursed her lips, pondering. Should I let them at my prey? Just for a moment. I don’t really care about his hoodie… Besides, it might be nice to actually see his face while they do it… “Fine. You can deal with the girl, I don’t need people to watch my back. Not a bruise on the boy mind you!” Red flashed across her eyes for a moment. Suddenly, she dropped her warning tone, looking around them as she flipped a strand of black hair to her back. “This place needs some chaos. Why don’t I show you boys I’m not some weakling girl who can’t even carry her school books? Like a demonstration of the power I can bring to your Society?”

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 71

          @rae I know how you feel, Slick’s story has been strangely enjoyable, but it’s not too weird yet since they haven’t actually done anything bad yet


          Vinny grinned. “It’s a deal. But save it for the boy. We’ll just steal his hoodie, and then you get him all to yourself.”

          Slick breathed out. “Alright, I’ll allow it, I suppose.” He seemed unaware that no one really cared what he thought at the moment.

          El Burro pointed the way he had come. “The fugitives are this way, Seniors. Follow on the softest of feet.”

          “Yeah,” Johnny said giddily as they set off, “maybe we can hear the embarassing stuff they’re saying and mess with them that way!”

          The scrappy white member of Burro’s posse spat. “Gossipin’s for women.” Then he realized what he’d just said. “Er, no offence, of course, Miss Jep.”

          El Burro shushed them all. And, as he said, they crept on the softest of feet towards the fugitives.

          *  *  *

          and RAE do y’all want to do some conversation between the two victims before we crash their party?

          • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by calyhuge.

          I ❤️ Debating Theology
          I ❤️ Family Heritage
          I ❤️ Medievals

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3560



            “Er, no offense, of course, Miss Jep.”

            “None taken. I’m sure you’ll quickly see I’m not like other girls.”



            Um, I think we can just go for it. Chase’s and Sef’s converse has slowed and I don’t really know how continue at the moment. So I’m ready for some action, unless, of course @savannah_grace2009 isn’t.

            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3560

              Also, I like your forum signature.

              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2535


                omc I am sooo sorry! I just haven’t been in an RPing mood and keep forgetting about this or procrastinating XD

                Not that I don’t love RP’ing… I love it with everything in me! It’s just sometimes I’m not in the mood or in the mood for other things more. Does that make sense? Not that that’s an excuse…sorry I feel bad 😕


                yep we can just go for it!!

                LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                  • Total Posts: 71

                  @rae thanks!


                  Ok, we’re good to go. Tomorrow I’ll probably pull the lever and get this destructification operation underway

                  Standby for liftoff…

                  (I’m really excited to fight other people’s charries in case you didn’t notice🤪)

                  I ❤️ Debating Theology
                  I ❤️ Family Heritage
                  I ❤️ Medievals

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334

                    Ok Im not letting this rp die. Time for some cringy romance.



                    “Yes! Twelve to zero! Hey, why aren’t you throwing your pine cones? You’re making this too easy for me.”

                    Lois stared down at his shoes, which were dangling several stories above the sidewalk.   After a pause, he chucked the pine cone in his hand as far as he could.

                    “There ya go!” Felicity cheered. “You got… Is that Mrs. Moore? Heh. She doesn’t look happy. Maybe we should hide. Oh wait, she can’t see us… Imma try an’ hit her again.”

                    Lois took another pine cone from the pile and fidgeted with it, picking off chips with his fingernails.

                    “Fel, I want to ask you something.”

                    “Okay.” She tossed another cone.

                    He took a deep breath. The air smelled like trees and oncoming rain.

                    “I know you’ve been through… stuff lately and I know the whole Andrew thing wasn’t too long ago, but we’ve known each other for a while, and… I don’t want to go to the dance as just friends.” Felicity paused mid-throw and looked at him. He didn’t meet her eyes just yet. “And afterwards I’d like to go to dinner,” he continued. “Together. Just… us.”

                    Lois finished and looked up.

                    Felicity was frozen, her wide gray eyes fixed on his. For a moment, he was almost scared she was going to run off.

                    Then she snorted and punched him playfully on the shoulder. “You recited that in your head like a hundred times before saying it, didn’t you?”

                    Lois’ posture slumped. “Fel, for once I’m being emotionally vulnerable here. Could you just-”

                    “I would love to go on a date with you, Lois Thorne.”

                    It was his turn to be frozen now.  The pine cone in his hand slipped. He fumbled with it for a moment before it fell and rolled off the roof. He looked back at Felicity.

                    “…Great! I’ll see you then.”

                    Felicity looked at the ground disappointedly. “We’re out of pine cones now.”

                    “Sorry. I guess we should go back to our dorms, then.”

                    “Alright. Just one thing first.”


                    “How do we get down?”




                    @everyone can we say that classes are pretty much done for the day? Just to move things along

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3560


                      Not to be to pushy, but are you ready to rp, or are you not inspired?

                      “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 71


                        Ok here we go Sorry school has been busy getting back to it

                        Should I tag Sara?


                        There was enough broad-leafed foliage, and the two victims were talking earnestly enough that they couldn’t see or hear the approaching Society. It also helped that everyone stayed completely silent.

                        Slick held up three fingers, then two, then one.

                        The Society lept from the foliage, and surrounded the two. Johnny, Vinny, and Slick grabbed the hoodied boy before he could do anything. “What’s your name, kid?”


                        “Oh forget it,” Slick spat. “You’re wearing a hoodie, and that’s a sign of disrespect. We’re the only ones allowed to wear hoodies here.”

                        Vinny took a penknife and in one smooth motion, cut it down, slicing the boy’s hoodie from neckline to waistline. Johnny jerked it off.

                        “Our work here is done,” Slick grinned. “Milady? He’s all yours.” He and the other two stepped aside.

                        “Senior,” El Burro said, “the girl, she is gone.”

                        “Vanished!” a member of his posse added.

                        “No matter,” Slick said, still watching to see what Jep would do. “Our business is with this weakling.”

                        I ❤️ Debating Theology
                        I ❤️ Family Heritage
                        I ❤️ Medievals

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3560


                          Sara told me to just rp for her if I needed to. Whether you tag her or not I don’t think will change anything.


                          A smile played once again on her lips as she watched Slick and the rest separate Chase and his hoodie.

                          Our work here is done,” Slick grinned. “Milady? He’s all yours.” He and the other two stepped aside. So polite.

                          “Senior,” El Burro said, “the girl, she is gone.”

                          “Vanished!” a member of the gang added.

                          “No matter,” Slick said, looking around. “Our business is with this weakling.”

                          Chase stepped in between them and the girl. “S-sef, r-run.” Chase let a fist fly towards Slick, but Jep rushed in, grabbing Chase’s arm.

                          “Why hello, Chase, fancy meeting you here.” A wide evil smile crossed her face. Chase’s black eyes met her purple ones. “Don’t reckonize me, do you?” She laughed. “I’m Jep. Remember now?” Chase’s eyes went wide with fear. Seeing Sef out of the corner of his eye, he screamed “Run, Sef!”

                          Jep turned to the others, “Get her.” She pushed Chase back. “C’mon, shift and save your girlfriend, or you both will suffer!” With that, Jep took on her true shape, a drider of black, purple and orange. “Hurry up, Slick will get to her soon.”

                          Chase’s eyeswent red.


                          Anger boiled in his veins. He wouldn’t let anyone near Sef! But what could he do? He had shifted yesterday, and had injured himself just that day. Whatever form he shifted to, he probably couldn’t hold for more than fifteen minutes. And he couldn’t fight Jep. He’d have to run, but his snake form wasn’t fast enough. What animal could both grab Sef and run fast enough?…or fly.

                          Chase tensed, spreading his arms out. A few sparse feathers sprouted over his arms, before he fully turned into a large eagle. Spreading his wings, he noticed some of his feathers on the tip of his right wing were missing due to his broken finger. I’ll just have be careful. Leaving the ground, he swept Sef up in his claws, rising into the sky.

                          Jep shifted from her drider form, turning into a dragon to pursue Chase. “If one of you boys wants to come flying, I’d get aboard now!”

                          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                            • Rank: Wise Jester
                            • Total Posts: 71



                            “If one of you boys wants to come flying, I’d get aboard now!” The dragon barked.

                            Slick’s face went as white as his hair was black. He, and several of the posse, dove into the bushes with a cry of fear. Vinny backed away. “I didn’t sign up for this! Witchcraft! I’m dreaming! Call me when it’s over!” He turned and barreled through the school doors and out of harm’s way.

                            El Burro, at first startled, mounted the dragon/witch/Jep-thing motioned for his men to follow. “She is a friend, Seniors. The cattle escape on wings of eagles, we must give chase!”

                            Three of them fled and joined the bush-dwellers, leaving one, a boy with a thin mustache and pointed thing that looked like it would eventually become a beard. He looked around, then pointed to himself. “Moi, Monsieur? Mais jamais! Je ne vais aller jamais sur–”

                            El Burro hauled the boy and Johnny (much to both of their dismay) onto the dragon’s back. “Let us make chase, dragon-who-once-was-a-girl!”

                            I ❤️ Debating Theology
                            I ❤️ Family Heritage
                            I ❤️ Medievals

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3560



                              The dragon took to the skies, soaring after the bird.

                              “Cowards!” She exclaimed at the boys down below. “If the can’t handle surprises in life, then they won’t live long.” Her great head turned, one purple eye trained on the three boys on her back, holding onto the spines along her backbone. “But you deserve my help. With me on your side, you can do so many things. I’m a slyiad, I can use both energy and elemental power, and can shapeshift at will into any living thing. Furthermore, my element is wind, meaning I can created hurricanes and tornadoes to ravage any town I dislike.” A toothy smile crossed her scaley lips. “That is the power I offered to bring to the Society. And as for Chase,” She looked ahead to the bird, “He’s what they call a shyiad, or at least part. He hasn’t learned to use his powers yet, so he’s no more than a play thing to me that I like to beat up once in a while. I don’t plan on killing him, not at least until he can actually give me a fight.” Jep took her great front claws, putting them together. “Now, boys, I advise you hold on tighter. I’ve let Chase get far enough ahead.” She pulled her claws apart, and a surge of powerful wind filled her great wings.


                              “I-I’m sorry, Sef. I-I had to g-get you out of th-there.”

                              Sef was too shocked to reply, as she gripped fearfully to Chase’s clawed feet. Chase’s keen eyes searched the ground, looking for a place he could set Sef down where she would be safe. Jep would think to check at the school, and Sef didn’t know her way around alleys that Chase knew of. As he searched below, he saw the soda shop. Yes! And if Jeptune followed her, the man behind the desk could call the police! she’d be safe there, and I could come back to pick her up!

                              “I-I’m going to l-leave you at the sh-shop. I-I’ll come back when it’s safe. Okay?”

                              Sef nodded.

                              Chase pulled his wings to his sides, aiming at the ground, he dived for the shop. Before he hit the sidewalk, he set Sef down as gently as he could and took to the skies again. As he flew towards the clouds, he saw Jep gaining on him. He flew faster for the high altitude. He didn’t know dragons that well, having not met them before in real life, but he suspected that it’d be harder for her to go on as the air got thinner, since she was such a large creature. With Chase being under half her size, maybe he could go longer than her, as long as his time in this form didn’t run out and he turn back into to his original form. All he could do for now was climb higher.

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 71


                                Johnny wondered at the dragon’s words. Destroy cities? Kill people? He shouted over the whipping wind. “Uh, we weren’t really planning on… whole cities! We sort of… just want to become top dogs at school! Assert dominance!” He realized he was talking to a female and explained. “It’s sort of a male thing!”

                                El Burro pointed. “The eagle drops his mate at that place of sodas, Señora,” he called. “Do we make chase?”

                                The third boy muttered, “Je n’aime pas cette oiseau… Elle est trop vite…”

                                I ❤️ Debating Theology
                                I ❤️ Family Heritage
                                I ❤️ Medievals

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2334

                                  Hi I still want to do this rp, I just don’t know what’s going on with my charries rn. What’s everyone else up to? It’s still the evening of the day before the dance, right?

                                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

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