Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #182732
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Also I’ve been binge watching doctor who so that’s probably what’s filling up the story portion of my brain

      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        I was at camp all last week so yeah, it’s hard writing after social stuff.

        Also I’ve been binge watching doctor who so that’s probably what’s filling up the story portion of my brain

        Have fun! I’ve only watched the first season of Doctor Who, but I have Doctor Who pajamas. And a Doctor Who shirt. Both of which I got from a neighbor girl, so I have to watch the rest lol.

        “Everything is a mountain”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334


          Oo I want some Doctor Who pjs

          I’ve been watching the old black and white doctor who from the 60s like a true nerd.

          Btw, if you watch the rest, you should probably stop after the eleventh doctor. The twelfth doctor is alright too, but he’s where the show starts to go downhill.

          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2535


            I’m sorry, I’ve just been super lazy with my RP’ing lately XD XD

            here you go! <3


            “She’s pretty,” Sef smiled. “How can you get her picture in your eyes?” she asked, feeling dumb for asking, but the curiosity  wouldn’t recede.

            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2535


              Is @calyhuge gonna crash our scene? Or am I supposed to RP?

              I’m lost sorry lol

              LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3560



                Chase shrugged, the picture swirling away into a mixture of blue and green. “I-I used to cr-create pictures for her. I j-just al-always c-could. Sh-she l-liked this one a l-lot.” His eyes formed into a bright sunset. “A-all I do is take a mem…memory and concentrate. Wh-what would you l-like to see?”

                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2535



                  “That’s so cool,” she said. “Can you-can you do me?” she wanted to know.

                  LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3428


                    I think either of us can RP because Calyhuge did write a RP introducing the characters that are about to come interrupt ours. Do you want to? Or should I?

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3560



                      Chase nodded. It took him longer this time to make the image appear, but he eventually did. He pictured her smiling as she stroked the bird on her shoulder. “Is it p-pretty?” He asked. “D-did I mess up?”

                      “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 71


                        How odd: I literally just was thinking “the chat seems to be dormant so I should write something to carry it through” and then I see the notif. I understand! I’ve been trying to write my actual story and I write a paragraph and then go play minecraft and it’s really frustrating.

                        I do want to do some more stuff with Slick real quick, so I’m going to do that


                        just setting things up a bit more

                        Also @everyone I am, on a whim, adding some villains (kid versions) from the world of Rocky, my western sheriff story (he made it into the fantasy castle rp for all of 3 RPs before I left it). A cattle-rustler and his posse.


                        Johnny tugged on the strings of his navy-blue hoodie impatiently. He turned towards the slightly larger boy beside him. “This is the right garden, right?”

                        Vinny, reluctantly keeping the hood over his head on his dull yellowish-greenish-greyish sweatshirt, looked at his phone to double-check, then back at Johnny. “Well, it isn’t the left garden, left?”

                        Johnny rolled his eyes. “Very funny. When did he say he’d get here?”

                        “He didn’t.”

                        Johnny sighed, and sat down on a green metal bench. He sniffed the air with a wrinkled nose, balking at the scent of pollen and bee-vomit. He could never understand how people ate that stuff.

                        The garden was green with broad-leafed plants, narrow-leafed plants, wiggly-leafed plants, and everything in between. Flowers that should have been out of season bloomed everywhere. A particularly fancy one bobbed on its stem next to Johnny’s seat. “What kind is this?” he asked Vinny.

                        Vinny, barely turning, said, “Hochstetter’s butterfly orchid, Platanthera azorica. Rarest of any orchid.”

                        “Cool,” Johnny said, and crushed it with a fist.

                        “Hola,” declared a voice. Johnny whirled.

                        A short, older boy in chaps and a black cowboy hat sauntered into view. His skin was the color of a burrito, and he had a thin black mustache and a small, pointed black beard. He had a loose shirt exposing a doormat’s worth of chest hair, and his belt held three holstered tranquilizers and one pop-gun [in the story they’re real guns but this is a school]. He was flanked by five or six similarly clad boys. “Who are you?” he demanded.

                        Johnny started up, and Vinny blinked at the new arrivals. They looked at each other, at a loss for what to say. Vinny stuttered, “Uh-um- we are – uh the Society. We mess with people. Uh, who are you?”

                        The mexican man-boy grinned. He had very few teeth, cleanly knocked out by the looks of it. “I am called El Burro. These are my amigos.” He gestured to the posse around him. “Do you not know me?”

                        Vinny shook his head. “No, we don’t.”

                        El Burro stroked his chin, which was bruised, menacingly. “You will, Senior. All must know and fear the name of Senior El Burro.”

                        “Funny you should say that,” commented Johnny, “since that’s exactly what our leader wants. Maybe you should join us.”

                        El Burro cocked his head to the side. His nose, having the appearance of having been broken in a variety of ways, twitched. “Who is your leader?”

                        “Funny you should say that,” Vinny laughed, “because here he comes now.”

                        The doors to the garden burst open, and Slick, hood back, slicked-back hair gleaming with an abundance of product, swaggered to his cohorts. “Greetings! The Leader of The Society has arrived. What shall we do first, gentlemen? I– oh! Who is this fellow?”

                        “I am El Burro, Senior,” he said. “You lead this ‘Society’?”

                        Slick, glowing at the apparent fame he had already garnered in the space of two minutes, bowed. “Lookin’ at the mastermind, my friend. You lookin’ to join?”

                        El Burro grinned his grin again. “I thought of it, Senior. Our motives are of the similar way.”

                        Slick flashed a winning smile. “Well, let me sell it to you. We’re a mysterious Society, and mystery always gets attention. We aren’t afraid to make people hurt, which makes us feared. Statistics show fear is the best motivator – therefore, if you join us, and help us incite fear, you’ll be famous alright, though some may say infamous. So no matter your social status needs, we’re the perfect group to join. No others like it on the market.” He looked off into the distance, feigning melancholy. “Of course, not just anyone can join. You gotta prove yourself, show you’re worth the risk.”

                        El Burro smiled. “You are a salesman, no? Of used carriages, yes?”

                        Slick laughed. “My father is, only it’s cars. So, what do you say? You want to fight Vinny here for the chance to get in?” Vinny looked up, and rubbed his hands with glee.

                        “Sure, Senior,” El Burro said. “I have no other cattle to steal today, and I love making little boys cry.” He stretched his neck first one way then the other, cracking his spine. He flexed his eight fingers, and they crackled too. His face, already bruised, set in the gleeful, expectant expression that all lion-hunters use.

                        Vinny chuckled. “Watch me turn this guy into bean mush!” He hunkered down, and struck a fighting stance.

                        Johnny stood beside Slick, opposite the six members of El Burro’s posse. They were whispering amongst themselves in their own language, and when money changed hands Johnny realized they were betting.

                        The shorter boy shot out an arm, and the bigger boy blocked. He in turn probed his opponent’s defenses with a jab to his chest, and was also blocked. El Burro flashed a kick, landing it sharply on Vinny’s leg, but not hard enough to cause a reaction. Vinny carefully swung, hard, at the other’s shoulder, eliciting a flinch from El Burro. The mexican responded with a right to the jaw, which evidently hurt Vinny, but the big boy grabbed the offending arm.

                        “Whatcha gonna do now?” he taunted. He reeled in his catch, pinned the arm behind its owner’s back, and kicked the boy down. “Easy.”

                        Johnny and Slick grinned at each other, but the posse across the fighting ring sniggered at Vinny. El Burro was on his feet again.

                        “Back for more?” Vinny asked. “The last one was pretty lame.”

                        This dance-like fight continued, El Burro always getting thrown, but always up in a second, grinning like a sand-burr. Minutes passed slowly, the fight not getting any more exciting, like a slow chess game where pieces on both sides are lost steadily, and yet always seem to have more of themselves left over than before. Vinny starting to get annoyed, not to mention bruised and tired, but El Burro kept coming.

                        It was the third time El Burro punched Vinny in the gut – hard – that Vinny missed his grab for the boy’s jerkin. His arm sailed past its target, and quick as a grasshopper, El Burro darted around behind him and stuck Vinny’s head in a choke hold. Vinny struggled to escape, but the mexican’s grip was firm. His struggles grew weaker.

                        Slick jumped. “Hey! Let him go!”

                        El Burro did, and Vinny slumped to the ground, unconscious. “That,” he said, “is how I have the name ‘El Burro.’”

                        Slick whistled lowly. “Alright, you’re in. That was painful to watch. Once Vinny comes too we can find someone else to beat up.”

                        El Burro nodded, grinning still. “Let us do so. It will be fun.”

                        I ❤️ Debating Theology
                        I ❤️ Family Heritage
                        I ❤️ Medievals

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3560


                          Jep (Narsa Jeptune as Judy Emerson)

                          Her black lips parted in a cruel, sadistic smile as she watched the boys fight. For humans they put on a good show. Though they still have much strength yet to gain. Walking up to the group, Jep put a hand on one hip. “Hello boys,” she said, with her smile still on her face. “Having a little fun knocking each other out? Any objections to a lonely girl joining you?”

                          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                            • Rank: Wise Jester
                            • Total Posts: 71



                            Slick jumped and stammered, “Uh, um, yes, and, who are you?”

                            El Burro’s smile turned unsettling. “You did not say there would be women, Senior.”

                            Slick glared at him. “Not for you, there aren’t. I mean, not now.”

                            Vinny twitched on the ground, then rolled over painfully. Still half-conscious, he ran his eyes up and down the newcomer. “Am I in heaven?”

                            Johnny shivered. “More like hell. I don’t like the looks of her.”

                            Slick, changing color, tried to salvage the situation. “Don’t mind them. Who did you say you were?”

                            I ❤️ Debating Theology
                            I ❤️ Family Heritage
                            I ❤️ Medievals

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3560



                              “Judy. Judy Emerson, but you can call me Jep. All my friends do.”




                              sorry it’s short

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 71

                                @rae you’re good


                                “Ok, Jep,” Slick said smoothly, “We’re The Society. We mess with people. You want in?”

                                Vinny wondered to himself, still seated on the ground, “Who should we hit first?”

                                One of El Burro’s boys, a scrappy white kid, spoke around a mouthful of chewing tobacco. “We saw a kid in a hoodie on our way over, partner. He was with a girl of some kind. Y’all think that’s a good target?”

                                I ❤️ Debating Theology
                                I ❤️ Family Heritage
                                I ❤️ Medievals

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3560



                                  “I already mess with people, why not do it with others?” She turned to the boy who had spoken. “A boy with a hoodie? Perfect. I’m looking for someone like that.” Looking at Slick, she waved dismissively with one of her hands. “Nothing romantic, don’t you worry, sweety. He’s just someone I like to…beat up.” Her cruel smile grew, and there was a twinkle in her eyes. “If he has black hair and eyes, he’s mine, and I’ll fight every single one of you for him. Even you,” she said with another glance at Slick.

                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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