Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #181540
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3428



      Lukas bit his lip, unsure of what to say or do next. He had no way to relate to what Liv was going through. But he had to comfort her somehow. He gently directed her towards the bench, sitting down beside her. He kept his arm around her shoulders.

      “C-can I…” His words caught his throat and he suddenly rethought what he was about to ask. Liv looked up at him. The desperate look in her eyes brought a little extra courage to his heart. “C-can I, um, p-pray with you?”


      I don’t know how Christianity looks in Liv’s world, so we may have to modify this a little bit, idk.

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3561



        Never…never be strong enough but…but… Chase closed his eyes, turning away a little bit, afraid that the pictures and memories flashing through his brain would come out in his eyes. Who else is going to help all those people? Those kids that are just like me. I have powers, I need to use them…and there’s the Great One again. He opened his eyes, turning to Sef. His eyes were green, with a purple ring around his pupil. “T-tell me, a-about the Gr-great One.”

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 71

          Oh well guess all your charries are having the talk so I’m just going to have my people do their own thing and see who ends up in the thick of things

          I’ll introduce them now and write a RP when I have time

          Katonia: Called ‘Kate’ by everyone. Thirteenth child and seventh daughter of King Karlenio of Stonestia. Sixteen years old, knows pretty much everything there is to know about Earth but not much about anything else. Insane memory recall. Friends with Brian.

          Krispindo: Recently discovered to be the twelfth child and sixth son of King Karlenio, before that the only name he knew was ‘Poy’. Called ‘Crispy’ on occasion. Identical twin to Kate, which makes things very complicated. He’s a work in progress, and I still haven’t figured out exactly who he is.

          Brianaro: Called ‘Brian’. You’re not allowed to know his ancestry >:) but he was made a knight by King Karlenio. Sixteen years old, very good with the sword. Friends with Kate (aka in love with her).

          Colesco: Called ‘Cole’. He is Brian’s older brother (18 yrs) but he betrayed Kate and Brian (along with a lot of others we don’t need to mention). He’s an acrobatic archer, able to hit literally anything at any distance from any position while airborne. Has a strange pleasure at others’ suffering.

          Callipsa: Doesn’t have any friends to call her anything. She’s an apprentice sorceress, becoming very good at witchcraft and… let’s just say… calling on powers of darkness. Evil in the extreme. Probably around sixteen years old. She’s sick with jealousy seeing Brian and Kate, and so hates Kate with a passion for being Brian’s object of affection, and hates Brian with a passion for being out of reach. She’s a mess.

          Also I have this weird thing where it’s first person, but from Kate’s perspective, even though I’m a guy, and I can’t really help it so we’re stuck with it

          I ❤️ Debating Theology
          I ❤️ Family Heritage
          I ❤️ Medievals

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2535



            She wiped her eyes, determined to not let another tear fall.

            “I haven’t prayed in a while,” she smiled bitterly. She shook her head. “I’m not even sure He hears me anymore. I just feel so…lost.”

            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2535



              “The Great One is what my people call “God”, or “Yahweh”. He created everything,” Sef began. “He created us, and the universe! But then a great darkness overcame the world, and the people living in it. To save us from ourselves, the Great One sent His Son to die in our place! He wants to have a relationship with us, even though we make mistakes. He promised to return one day and take us up to live with Him forever.”

              She looked into Chase’s eyes, hoping that he understood.

              LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3561


                Also I have this weird thing where it’s first person, but from Kate’s perspective, even though I’m a guy, and I can’t really help it so we’re stuck with it

                If it makes you feel better, I’m a girl who likes doing stuff from a guy’s perspective, first or third person. I don’t think it’s weird most the time, it’s just writers being writers.

                Besides, you write girls pretty well.

                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3561



                  Chase stared into Sef’s eyes, his aching foggy brain trying to process what she had said. His headache was returning, and with it came that frustration of being unable to understand a concept that’s been explained to you in very simple terms. Then it all broke through the clouds. His eyes brightened. “Oh!” But then they suddenly turned black. “H-how…c-can s-some, someone be call-de gr-great when they s-send their s-son to d-die?” His eyebrows drew closer together. “H-how c-can f-fath-ers be gr-great at all?”

                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2535



                    Please give me the words, she sent a silent prayer up to the heavens.

                    “His son chose to die for us. He didn’t have to…but He wanted to!” her eyes shone. “But he didn’t stay dead! After three days, He rose again!” She thought about Chase’s other question. “My father abandoned me and my mani when I was four. I had the same question…trying to understand how I could trust the Great One when my own father had broken my trust. But then I realized that my father is just an imperfect person, like everyone! And God is perfect. He’ll never let you down, He’ll never lie to you, because He can’t. Just like the Darkness can’t speak the truth, the Great One can’t tell a lie, because it goes against everything He is.” she thought for a moment. “I know how hard it is to trust, and believe that a father could be good. And you don’t have to trust Him completely right now…take it slow. As the Great One pulls you closer to Him, it’s better than anything you could ever imagine!”

                    LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3561



                      Chase looked again into her eyes, his own’s color slowly fading away to a grey-green. “O-Okay,” he finally answered, letting out a breath. To be honest, he wasn’t sure exactly what to think of a good father. The only man who he had ever trusted was Dr. Beren. Chase suddenly leaned forward, laying his head gently in his hands.

                      “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2535



                        “We don’t have to talk about it anymore right now,” she said, sensing he was overwhelmed. “But if you ever want to talk about any of that stuff, I’m here.”

                        LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3561



                          Chase slowly nodded. “O-okay.” After a couple minutes, he lifted his head out of his hands, and stared curiously at Sef’s shoulder. “L-little b-bird like your har, hair.” In the shadow of her hair, the bright-colored bird pruned himself, before settling down as if going to rest. “Y-you’re s-safe place.”

                          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2535


                            Chase is so adorable <3

                            I am officially a member of the Chase protection squad.


                            She laughed. “Thank you,” she said to the bird, lightly stroking it with her finger.

                            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                              • Rank: Wise Jester
                              • Total Posts: 71

                              I REALLYYYYY want to start debating theology rn but I probably shouldn’t here 😂

                              My story’s version of Christianity is also very different, more symbolic and allegorical so don’t freak out when they start referring to the Director, His Son the Main Character, the Stage, etc.


                              [quote quote=181558]Besides, you write girls pretty well.[/quote]

                              *relief* thanks

                              I ❤️ Debating Theology
                              I ❤️ Family Heritage
                              I ❤️ Medievals

                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 71

                                Ok here we goooooo


                                As I raced through the semi-familiar halls of the school, I reflected on the utter stupidity that had prompted me to not find a shield when I had the chance. Brian and Crispy hadn’t been so shortsighted – Brian had his father’s shield, that beautiful piece of impenetrable equipment with the broad Redcrosse inscribed on its surface. Crispy had Brian’s old one, battered but still usable, with the symbol of the Director painted on it. It also had a few arrows sticking out of it, a recent addition.

                                For emphasis, another arrow hit Crispy’s shield. “Stop it, Cole,” commanded Brian, even as he careened around a corner.

                                I could hear Cole’s chuckle, seemingly unaffected by his running. “No can do, Roscuro.”

                                “Stop calling me that!” Brian returned. “Why do all the bad guys call me that?”

                                “Stop messing around, Cole,” Callipsa puffed from behind us, “just kill them already!”

                                “Not today!” Crispy yelled, and he leapt out a window, breaking the glass.

                                Brian laughed and shook his head. There was a door ahead of us, and Brian kicked it in in a moment, pulled me inside, and shut it firmly, leaning against it. A couple thunks told us Cole had shot the door out of spite.

                                I struggled to catch my breath. “What – will – happen – to Crispy?”

                                “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine,” Brian assured me. “We’re on the ground floor. He may have to pay for that window, though.”

                                I heard someone clear their throat and turned to see who it was.

                                A few kids were looking at us with wide eyes, holding tubas, violins, clarinets, and other instruments. “Um, hi?” I said.

                                *  *  *

                                Does anyone want their characters to be in the music room?

                                I ❤️ Debating Theology
                                I ❤️ Family Heritage
                                I ❤️ Medievals

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4732

                                  @calyhuge I’m a girl and find I’m pretty good at writing guys from first person……I don’t think it’s too weird. We’re writers! We’re crazy!

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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