Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #180920
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2535


      You and I both know that just because you’re alive doesn’t mean you’re okay, Sef, but I’m content to see no blood or bruises.


      I love Chase so much!!! <3


      “Sure,” she nodded. Come to think of it, she was starving. She paused. “What’s pizza?”

      LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3560


        If he saw one little bruise on Sef, he’d find the one responsible and tell them off. This is actually similar to how he acts later in his life. When he’s an adult, he uses his powers to protect lost and endangered kids.


        “I-it’s t-this…” Chase made a triangle with his fingers. “T-that t-they eat here. I-it’s real good. I-I’ll g-get you some, i-if you wan, want.”

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3560


          Sorry, I wasn’t finished, but when I tried to edit, it didn’t change so…

          Chase part 2

          Sef nodded shyly.

          “F-follow me.” Chase led Sef out of the school, pulling his hood up as they reached the street. As they crossed, he glanced nervously at the cars around them, as if he expected them to suddenly run them over.

          Once on the other side of the street, Chase led Sef to to the pizzeria Lukas had taken him to yesterday. He ordered the same pizza Lukas had, and picked a little corner booth. When the hot pizza came, Chase opened the box, letting the tantalizing smell burst in their faces. He pushed it towards her, pulling off his hood and setting his elbows on the table with his chin in his hands, watching her. “Try it.”

          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2535



            “I-I don’t know if I have any money to pay you back…” her voice trailed off as she fumbled in her pocket for some coins.

            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3560



              “I-I don’t w-want your money. It’s, i-it’s a g-gift. Eat.” A smile twitched on his lips.

              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3144



                “Annoying?” Violet had to think a minute about what Alpha said. “I don’t know.”

                She didn’t feel annoyed or interested. The soft yet frosty look in her face, reflected in Gage’s eyes, said it all.

                I just had a thought. If Alpha has trouble with science (backstory drama, thinks experimentation sucks, etc) Violet can tutor him. She can get extra credit for that. She is so distant that I can’t think of another way to create a relationship, lol.

                “Everything is a mountain”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3560


                  Hmm…I think it’d work, but she’d have to offer first. Alpha doesn’t go near most science, but he’s kinda bored rn, so I think he’d go along if asked.

                  At this point, I know he thinks she’s cute, but I think most of the rest is me forcing a romance thing and him being upset about Nar, so it should be good for him too.


                  “Well, that’s a better answer than I usually get.” Alpha suddenly paused. What if she was leaving because she had to be somewhere? “If you need to go, just go. Thank you for answering my question though.” Alpha bowed his head slightly.

                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2535



                    She blushed. “Thanks,” she whispered, and took a bite, trying to ignore his eyes on her. She hated it when people watched her eating.

                    Nothing could have prepared her for the explosion of flavor that flooded her senses. It was unlike anything she’d ever tasted before in her life.

                    It was perfect.

                    “It’s good,” she nodded emphatically, after swallowing.

                    LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3560



                      Chase smiled, dropping his gaze as he slowly took his own piece. He felt satisfied inside to see Sef’s happiness in her eyes.

                      “I-I like green,” he quietly commented, munching on the very tip of his pizza slice.



                      Because of this rp, I turned the statement “I like green” into a sort of cue that Chase wants to have a conversation in his actual story.

                      “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3144


                        Daisy will go down in history as a majestic steed


                        A particularly large splash of ink landed on Marcel’s canvas. It bubbled on the surface until he spread it with a brush.

                        A baby elephant trumpeted silently, and stomped watercolor buildings into powder.

                        Marcel squinted through the corner of his eye at Felicity. When she grinned, he frustratedly blew up his cheeks.

                        “Mr. Ziegler,” he called, dabbing the canvas with his hoodie hem, “how can I represent annoyance in my painting?”

                        “Draw yourself! Being annoyed, mind you.”

                        “Um…” Marcel stared at the elephant as it tapped a foot. “I’ll make it work.”

                        Ziegler finished helping another student, and strode over. “By the way, Marcel. Are you interested in published some cartoon panels in the school newspaper?”

                        “Yes sir! What kind?”

                        “Anything you like.” The good-natured teacher squeezed Mars’ shoulder, then turned to do the same for Lois, who was trying to roll up his sleeves without spreading the ink. “Lois, you’re free to do the same. The paper committee meet in the room across from us. Just check with me before sending something in.”

                        “Everything is a mountain”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3144


                          My seven-year-old sister was not happy about Xandro’s disappearance. She demands you retcon the whole thing and bring him back XDXD

                          “Everything is a mountain”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2535


                            Aww really?!?!

                            Tell her that we won’t be seeing the last of Xandro for a LOOONGGG time!!

                            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2535


                              Green??? I’m confuzzled lolll

                              LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2535


                                Ooop….I am so sorry, for some reason I didn’t see the end of your post…haha!


                                LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2535




                                  She looked at him, confused at the seemingly randomness of his statement.

                                  “Green’s…a nice…color,” she shrugged.

                                  LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

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