Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #180875
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3144

      Update for the sake of an update 😛 But also kinda plot 😛


      Seb left for his daily violin practice.

      To clear his head, Hugo rented a bike outside the school for a short ride. Having not chosen a second elective, nothing stood in his way.

      The boy pedaled, jacket tails flying, down the street slope and into a bustling shop front emporium. He stopped to button up his collar, getting a closer look at a bakery on the other sidewalk. There, tourists lounged outside under the awnings. Donuts and pastries glistened in their packages.

      Fine. Hugo leaned his bicycle against a table and headed in. I can treat myself once in a while.

      He came out munching a cinnamon roll, a tall mocha in one hand. The warmth immediately settled in his toes and calmed him down.

      If life only had free hot beverages, he would not be such a stressed person. He might even discover world peace. Hugo, plus coffee, equaled worldwide moral epiphany.

      The boy chuckled. He licked the cream cheese frosting off his fingers, and stared into space.

      Eventually he noticed something nearby.

      Tied to a lamppost, a small, blue-furred puppy enjoyed a paper-wrapped tea cake. Its pink tongue stuck to the tissue paper as it burrowed into the squishy treat. Someone must have wanted to share.

      A group of teenagers, not from the school, had come to a stop up the street. One of them had just returned from tying up the puppy. He pointed and twisted his fists in the air, laughing.

      Hugo watched in horror as a motorcyclist revved up.

      What happened next took mere seconds. Hugo stuffed his cinnamon roll in his mouth and rushed forward into the street. In the last second, his body became shadowy and lithe. As the bike streaked closer, he yanked the leash loose and hurled himself and his precious cargo out of the way.

      The bike skidded to a halt and fell onto the curb, inches from Hugo’s left leg. People yelled in surprise.

      The puppy wriggled under Hugo’s nose. It smelled like strawberries and gasoline.

      As the biker guy scrambled up, approaching in an hostile manner and hiding his face behind his arm, Hugo got to his knees. He picked up the motorcycle and swung on while hitting the gas.

      “I’ll bring this back when it’s used for safe activities!” he yelled over his shoulder.

      It was probably suicidal to try riding away on a normal bike anyway.

      He tugged his scarf up to hide his mouth’s growing sharpness, and tucked the whimpering animal under his shirt. “Okay, little… whatever your name is. Um. I just did that for you.”

      The fluffy dog, set with ice-blue orbs for eyes, began licking Hugo’s neck over and over.

      “You are so cute.” The boy kissed it, quickly looking up to veer into the school street.

      Unbeknownst to him, a car followed.

      “Everything is a mountain”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3560


        Hugo, plus coffee, equaled worldwide moral epiphany.

        That made me giggle.


        Also, I know this is impatient, but when are you going to rp Violet. I’m in suspense.



        Xandro was a less deadly version of Alpha XD


        Anywhere. Rn, Chase is wandering the school looking for her. You can just add her wherever and say he finally found her, whatever works.

        Idk if I told you, but he looks a little different. He’s got a bandage on his head and part of his face is bruised (Chase+running=meeting a wall, long story short)

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3144


          That made me giggle.

          XD Bro would invent a new tea blend and cause waves.

          Oh, um…


          Alpha muttered something further, which Violet was too far away to hear.

          “Yes?” she asked, turning back towards him and pulling her hair out of her face with a band. “What was that?”

          “Everything is a mountain”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2535


            I LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE!! <3333 Tenz my poor boyyyyyy <3


            “There’s a reason your mother left you, you know,” he hissed, as if reading her thoughts. Sef let out a whimper. “She didn’t love you,” his words slurred as he loomed over her. “You’re ugly, worthless, stupid…she’d rather be captive to the Pythonos than have you as a daughter!” Sef took a sharp breath as his words plunged a dagger into her heart. He went too far. Too far. Iver bent down and slapped her across the face, twisting the blade in her soul.

            Her cheek stung. Her heart ached.

            And still, Iver went on. “You don’t deserve to live,” he slapped her again, shoving her to the floor. Her head knocked against the wooden floor. “You are nothing.”

            Sef opened her eyes, gasping for breath, tremors shaking her body.

            It’s okay, he’s not real.

            She took a deep breath, and climbed out of bed.

            Everyone else had left the dorm already, and Sef was glad of it–the last thing she wanted was to tell someone about her nightmares.


            Walking over to the mirror, she cringed.

            I look like some sort of creature. 

            Taking out a hairbrush from her backpack, she dragged it through her dark hair (yeah…guys….I’m changing it so that Sef doesn’t have green skin or hair anymore except for some green highlights…hehehe…), deeming it straight enough to leave it down.

            (I’m assuming they have uniforms??? If not just pretend she put on regular clothes XD I’m clueless….*sobbing*)

            She slipped into the school’s uniform and brushed her teeth, and lastly touched up her lashes with a little mascara, before approving herself fit to be seen in public.

            Though…if she had a choice, she wouldn’t even be here. She sighed, slipping into her shoes, bending to tie the laces.

            But here was better than anywhere Iver was.

            Taking a deep breath and summoning all her courage (which didn’t amount to very much), she pulled open the door and slipped out of her dorm.



            Y’all…I have no idea what time it is here…so if it’s NOT morning then just pretend Sef slept for FOREVER because she was up late or couldn’t sleep or SOMETHING….use your imagination lol

            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3560


              Thanks. I need to write more of him…oh! I decided he has an almost identical twin named Reid who wasn’t taken when he was a child. He instead is like the sweet guy every girl in his school has a crush on XD and he acts mostly oblivious.

              Also, it’s sometime after lunch


              Dorms! Chase stopped in his tracks. He had been wandering from classroom to classroom, peeking in to see if Sef was there, but he hadn’t checked the dorms! He turned around, trying to quicken his pace to find Sef. His throbbing head made him stop. Chase reached into his pocket and pulled out the pain meds the nurse Hannah had given him, taking one before once again setting upon his way to the dorms.

              Chase rounded the corner to the hallway with the girls dorms, and saw Sef walking his opposite direction. He pulled down his hood.

              “S-sef!” Over joyed, Chase quickened his pace, slowing when he neared her. “A-are you o-okay? Hurt?”

              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3560



                Alpha froze, like a deer in the headlights. Somehow he had expected her to answer yes and walk away. Shaking off the spell, he broke eye contact, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “I, uh, was just asking if I was really that annoying.”

                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2334



                  “You’re not even trying. We’re supposed to be drawing forest animals.” Lois was not the type to insult people’s artwork, but the drawing he was looking at now was just too much. He was pretty sure it was an attempt at a horse. The three legs stuck out at odd angles and the eyes were wide and lopsided. In the corner of the page, there was another unfinished horse that had been harshly scribbled out instead of erased.

                  Felicity lifted her chin and looked at him haughtily.

                  “I am, as they say, expressing myself.”

                  Then with a self confident flourish, she scribbled on a tail.

                  Lois turned back to his own drawing. It was a forest scene with tall, thin trees and a deer standing in the middle. He was pretty much done. He set down his pencil and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small glass bottle filled with a thick, black ink. He pulled out a dip pen and began carefully tracing his line art with the ink. When he finished, he leaned back, folded his arms, and watched.

                  Slowly, the deer blinked. It ducked its head, looking at Lois curiously, before trotting over to the edge of the page to investigate a graphite fern. Lois smiled.

                  Felicity looked over his shoulder.

                  “Hey, you’re using ink? Let me try!” She reached for the bottle, but Lois held it out of reach.

                  “You sure? Your horse looks… feral.”

                  Felicity’s face grew dead serious and she looked him in the eye. “Don’t insult Daisy.”

                  Then, she lunged for the ink bottle. Lois flinched back, and it slipped out of his hand. It bounced when it hit the desk, sending an arc of ink flying through the air as it spun.

                  Felicity’s reflexes were quick, and she caught the bottle before it hit the floor. But she was still a half a second too late. Dark drops had landed everywhere, on desks and artworks and even on a couple nearby students.

                  Any comment from Lois was unnecessary. Felicity already looked remorseful as she sheepishly screwed the cap back on and handed the mostly empty bottle back to Lois.

                  Things touched by ink were already starting to quiver in the corner of his eye, but Lois was currently more focused on himself. He dabbed uselessly at his sleeve with a cloth. The stain only spread. He sighed.

                  “Fel, at this rate you’ll be buying me a whole new wardrobe by the end of this week.”


                  (The ink has magic that temporarily gives life and animation to certain things it touches, such as toys, drawings, machines, statues, or other things. The things will still be limited by their physical forms, though. So a stuffed animal won’t suddenly be able to talk, and a drawing will still be two dimensional. If anyone wants to do something with that, you can.)

                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334


                    Awww the puppy ❤️❤️

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334


                      Would anyone like their character to meet (or possibly be ambushed by) my villain character? I haven’t updated Ace since Dante first joined

                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3428



                        Lukas tilted his head, trying to catch her gaze behind strands of blue that fell across her face. The weird time thing wasn’t the problem. Something else had to be wrong. But Lukas wasn’t sure how to get the answer out of her. What if he made it worse?

                        Besides there being something wrong, something else about this moment felt off. Like there was something—or someone—missing…

                        XandroWhere’s Xandro?

                        He saw another tear slide down Liv’s cheek. “I-it’s Xandro, isn’t-isn’t it? Where is he?”

                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2535


                          Aww I wish I had a friend like Lukas, he’s sooo sweet and adorable!!!!!!


                          Keep it together. 

                          She took a deep breath, and tried to keep her tone even, yet get it out quickly before she fell apart.

                          “In the middle of the night, I got a text from my mani that Lucian, my chauffer was waiting outside to take me home, so I had to leave. And then the texts stopped coming. I didn’t know what was going on until I got home…and then I found out that our house had been raided in the middle of the night, and my father was taken away.”

                          Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry….

                          “He’s not coming back. They took him to prison. Forever.” She stood up and turned away. I am not crying in front of Lukas. “This is so embarrassing…don’t look at me,” she pleaded, turning her face up to the sky and willing the tears to go back into her eyes.

                          LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2535



                            She flinched at the sound of someone calling her name.

                            “Sef!” All at once, she was back in the never ending nightmare….doors slamming…glass breaking…


                            He’s not real. He can’t hurt you. 

                            “A-are you o-okay? Hurt?”

                            She blinked, trying to remember where she’d seen this boy before. Apparently, the boy knew a great deal about her…and cared about her too….

                            Her first thought was Lilitu, but she knew that wasn’t him.

                            And then it all came back to her.


                            “Chase,” she smiled, her first real smile since they parted ways. “I’m fine….why?”

                            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3560



                              Chase’s eyes turned green as she smiled. “I’m fine, why?”

                              “I-I-I j-just needed, know… To know y-you were o-okay.” Chase loosely folded his arms, looking at the floor. He shivered, somehow cold when he was wearing his hoodie. “Y-you sure your o-okay?”

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2535



                                She blinked.

                                He was looking for her? To make sure she was okay?

                                When she almost forgot his name?!


                                This was different.

                                “Why?” she tilted her head to the side. “Obviously I’m not dead,” she shrugged. “So yeah, I’m fine.”

                                LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3560



                                  You and I both know that just because you’re alive doesn’t mean you’re okay, Sef, but I’m content to see no blood or bruises.

                                  “I-I d-don’t have class any, anymore. W-would, would you like t-to go get s-some…” Chase paused. This place didn’t seem to have many dishes and treats he knew from home. Wait… “Pizza?”

                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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