Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #180006
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3141


      Nah you’re good, I expected something smart but simple ;]



      Hugo’s body language quickly closed back up. He stood, and held out the white button without a word.

      Seb stood on the hill nearby, holding his hat to keep it from the wind. His eyebrows pressed together, like a politician about to verbally strangle an opponent.

      Alpha took the button.

      Both boys stared at him in scathing silence.

      “Everything is a mountain”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3554

        @loopylin @whalekeeper


        They’re actually upset. Well…I should at least try to be nice. “Uh, thank you for this back. Oh, and I guess I should say thank you that Nar isn’t bothering me right now. She’s so angry at me that she totally forgot I got hurt. Um…” Alpha shrugged, turning away.



        Idk how to go on.

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3141

          @rae Um… let’s see XD


          As Alpha turned, his arm brushed against a fresh bandage along his ribs.

          Hugo took in a quick breath. “Heavens – d-did I do that?”

          Alpha seemed surprised, but nodded.

          “I apologize.” Hugo hung his head and began to search through his coat pockets.

          He had hurt someone without noticing. Was he really so irresponsible? He should have known better than to let his feelings run amuck. Now things were absolutely miserable, much more than previously.

          The resentment turned into an empty pit. All of a sudden, he felt quite faint. “I never meant to, but I suppose what’s done is done. Surely there is a spare check in here… I’m so sorry, I -”

          “Wrong, wrong, wrong,” Sebastian spat. He rushed between the two, and spread his arms wide.

          When Hugo tried to push his way through, he received a sharp physical reprimand. “I don’t want… bud, please.”

          “I have some things to say.” The youngest tiger – as some described him – faced Alpha with righteous indignation. “You ready to hear ‘em?”

          “Everything is a mountain”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3554




            “One second, Gangster. Hugo, don’t bother about it, and whatever you do, don’t apologize. I let you stab me, so I’m to blaim. Go ahead, little guy, I’m in a good mood.”



            Man, as soon as Sebster Gangster gets involved, Alpha is like “okay, I like you”. Every single time that little blond gets involved Alpha just calms down a little. I can feel it.

            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

            Beth Torres
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 339


              XD. That’s how I felt the other day cause I take forever to reply usually…


              After hearing Hallie’s explanation, the confident expression he wore became a frown.

              Fashion advice?

              Actually, Maverick wasn’t giving advice. It was an obvious insult which he felt obligated to somehow backup… which he, if he would tell the truth, realized he failed to do. Nevertheless, these people really did need to take top hats into consideration.

              “Well thank you sir. My name’s Easton. This is my sister Hallie.”

              Maverick shook Easton’s hand and replaced the disappointed frown on his face with a somewhat confident look.

              “I’m Maverick.” He said simply with a nod. He thought about adding “Nice to meet you.” but was it really? It was a bit awkward… actually, it was very much so.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3141


                Hey, it’s good to have people who naturally calm you! XD I know there are people I enjoy being around, even if they don’t always like my attitude.


                Sebastian took a breath, as if preparing to belt out an opera.

                But he didn’t (although he considered it). He let the air out slowly, and continued to take deep breaths, until his face smoothed into a relaxed, yet concerned expression.

                “First of all, stop acting like I’m a mindless baby. Technically in my case it is an offensive racial stereotype.”

                Alpha blinked.

                “That out of the way… You’re not the only guy who has to save the world. There are superheroes here. Royalty, and literal alien species. Some of which are surprisingly similar to each other.”

                He saluted towards the school roof. Then continued.

                “We all have it rough. The sooner you learn to keep your own baggage to yourself, the better off we’ll all be. I don’t know if you noticed, but Hugo carries a lot of people’s baggage, just like you. Are you really going to force another responsibility on him, rather than letting a relationship naturally flower between two new acquaintances?”

                He paused, cupping his hand to his ear. Then spat again. “No! That’s not what we do! Got it, sweetheart?”

                “Everything is a mountain”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2334

                  I find it hilarious that when Alpha looks at Seb it’s all sunshine and happiness but when Seb looks at him it’s almost always with murderous intent XD

                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3554


                    So true XD



                    “Listen, firstly, I don’t think your dumb. You’re actually pretty bright, compared to my youngest brother. Secondly,” Alpha’s face grew grave and serious. “There are none left who can be the hero. You’ve never seen him, never heard about him, and thank Ehyeh for that. I’m talking about a being so powerful he can give you an incurable, deadly disease just by looking at you. I am the only Realn who has ever lived to see his face in over ten thousand years. I’m his son, Sebastian, he won’t kill me, and one day I will be powerful enough to kill him. But in becoming powerful, I will most likely begin to revert back to the way I was programmed in my lab. If I am to destroy the threat of Grathmere completely, I must destroy myself as well. It’s the only way. And that’s why I needed to know that Hugo could…but I guess I really didn’t. Stars, I guess I didn’t know exactly what I wanted for Nar at all. And whatever I wanted, she didn’t.” Alpha smiled slightly. “You see, your a very wise little fellow, you’ve resolved a war inside my head. Thank you.” Alpha looked back at Hugo. “I’m not good with words, and you’ll find I say one thing and than another, but your little brother’s right, I shouldn’t expect you to carry something that I can, for now. I’m sorry, Hugo, I know what it’s like to feel crushed by what you have to do. I should have thought that maybe you have the same problem. Forget I said or did anything. I’m a confused fool, all I know is war. As far as I’m concerned, if I ask you to do anything ever again, you can just punch me in the face to put my head back on correctly. I’m sorry for everything before. Etlana tetal?” Alpha reached past Web with a hand.



                    Did that make any sense?! If it didn’t, I’ll write it in the morning.

                    “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3141


                      The dynamics! The spice of life! 👌 *chef’s kiss*


                      As always, you’re good XD Not gonna lie, I always smile whenever I see “Seb” spelled incorrectly – so please don’t worry about it.



                      Hugo frowned… then softened. “Of course.”

                      He took Alpha’s hand and squeezed it – before backing away to fidget with the end of his scarf.

                      Alpha backed away too.

                      Sebastian took off his hat to smooth the inner lining. “And… Mister Melancholy Muscles?”


                      The small, baby-faced boy considered his words before he spoke. “Before I turn… goofy. As always. You keep accentuating your doomed destiny, and how you were made for something you never wanted. A power no one can dream of.”

                      For a moment, his mouth twitched, with an eternal hidden laughter. “But there are many kinds of labs, and many kinds of children. They only live their lives and hold to their own. If that’s any consolation.”

                      There wasn’t much else to say.

                      Hugo picked up the picnic basket and his coat, and Seb followed, pattering along with his violin case under one arm, for music class. They both nodded to Alpha, then left.

                      “Everything is a mountain”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3141



                        Nevertheless, these people really did need to take top hats into consideration.

                        Hey, I guess at least one student in this school isn’t a fashion troglodyte. 🔥 *Seb starts dancing the charleston at lightning speed*

                        “Everything is a mountain”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2334



                          “I think that went down well.”

                          Alpha spun around to find a smug looking Dante standing directly behind him. The teinin boy smirked.

                          “You should thank me.”

                          He waited patiently. No thanks came.

                          “Anyways,” he continued, “I got good news. You won’t have to deal with me much longer.” He held up his radio. “I finally caught a transmission from a cargo ship headed here. I can stowaway on it soon when it lands on this planet. I’ll be gone within a week!”

                          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3141



                            *Remembers only three days have passed in roleplay* Oh.

                            But stiiiiilllll. My dude, my guy, you gotta stay on this planet, we like you.

                            “Everything is a mountain”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2334


                              XD This was my (and his) plan this whole time, but maybe possibly (probably not) something could happen with other characters that would make him stay

                              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334



                                Ellie looked up at him in amazement. “Wow.”

                                Then she furrowed her brow thoughtfully.

                                “Is it scary?”



                                I might send her to newspaper club soon

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3554

                                  @whalekeeper that wrapped up nicely.



                                  Alpha closed his eyes, wiping his face of emotion. It’s time to shut my emotions up again. I’ve let them go too far. When he opened his eyes, his face dawned the mask of his warrior self.

                                  “You going to that dance tomorrow night?”


                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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