Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #168445
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 401


      Hi. Mind if I add two characters to this RP? If what I’m about to write doesn’t make sense what’s happening, please forgive me. Lol.


      The dance was that night. Evania had only been going to the school for two weeks and the only person she knew there was her younger sister Alina, who arrived at the school with her and had no interest in any dance, so what was the point of trying to go?

      She enjoyed the tranquility anyway, even though her sister would annoyingly correct her on a wrong answer every five minutes while she studied.

      Evania had decided with almost everything in her that math was something she would never grasp, even if she tried for a thousand years.



      “You just have to…” Alina sat on her sister’s bed in the dorm and started scribbling things on the page, numbers and symbols that she knew her sister couldn’t care less about.

      “I’m going to fail…” Evania said hopelessly, then added on with all the drama in her heart, “And never get a job then suffer for never knowing these concepts!”

      “You’re so dramatic, lady.” Alina muttered. “And you’re loud. Like we agreed, we wouldn’t be.”

      Her sister carried on with her dramatic state.

      “Maybe we should try to talk to people tomorrow. At least we wouldn’t suffer alone.” 

      Alina let out a laugh. The things a few hard  math problems made her sister say were hysterical.

      "Watermelon Earthmelon Firemelon Airmelon. The Elemelons."

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 375

        @whalekeeper @loopylin



        After his unconvincing explanation, Calligripho nodded, still watching him. He had been going to say something else…

        And why was everyone talking about “stalking”?

        He cleared his throat. “Well, as I have nothing better to do, and I would like to meet the boy you dropped, I shall come.” He shut his book and tucked it under his arm, adjusting his glasses with the opposite hand.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4212


          He actually has light pink hair 😜


          “Hey, kiddo.”

          “Huh?” Marcel slipped off his hood, eyes painted with sea glass and incredulousness.

          The shop clerk put his fists on the counter. His mustache bounced as he took in a deep breath. The name tag on his chest spelled out Samuel.

          “Look, I’ve been really nice with you. I gave you that solid student discount, I let you explore the back freezer, I listened to your life story, I gave you unicorn sprinkles and flamingo sprinkles on the same gelato bowl.”

          He shook his head. “But you just keep coming back for more.”

          Marcel crossed his legs on the stool, and leaned back with a rare smile. “That’s what I do when I find something good.”

          Samuel rolled his eyes, beginning to clean up the table. “Isn’t there…somewhere you should be?”

          “No.” Marcel’s smile weakened. “No, not really.”

          “Anyone you’re meeting with?”

          Through the front shop windows, along his left shoulder, families and individuals walked past along the sidewalk, occasionally glancing at him – as if he were a display of sweet-derived pleasure. The light swept into the shop, across the front counter, multiple tables and the cases of ice cream and desserts.

          The temporarily normal boy sighed, and stirred the straw around in his glass. “In my world, they have a saying. Nebula looks like cotton candy, but it is not.”

          In other words, no. No one was going to spend time with him.

          He slapped some money on his table, but Samuel had turned at the jingling of the door bell and immediately paled. “Not another one.”

          Another hooded, depressed boy sat down.

          Marcel leaned to one side in his seat to get a better look.

          The kid had a hopeless expression, black hair, and tended to hide his face much more than Marcel would in a public area. And that was saying something. He radiated sad energy.

          Samuel approached the new boy. “Can I get you anything? Unless it’s marshmallow fudge.”

          He glanced pointedly at his other young customer.

          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4212


            Hi!! Welcome! 😃 All we’re doing is shopping for a school dance\sending charries to lunch

            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

            Ruee Hamster Huey
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4124


              Chase Duke

              “I-I-I” He stuttered. His black eyes quickly glanced up, then down again. “N-n-not u-unless.” Chase shook his head, dropping his face into his hands again.

              Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
              #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

              Ruee Hamster Huey
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4124


                Sorry, it’s short. Chase is just…difficult rn.

                Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                SIR FRANKENFURT the 3RD
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 401


                  Hi! Thanks! And thanks for letting me know, I wasn’t totally sure what was happening. Lol.

                  I’ll re write what I wrote so it’ll make sense then. Lol.

                  "Watermelon Earthmelon Firemelon Airmelon. The Elemelons."

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2774

                    @whalekeeper @calyhuge


                    Dante smirked at Calligrapho’s unnecessarily formal response. His new friend was definitely a bit strange, not that he minded.

                    “Yeah, I’ll tag along.”

                    The three headed towards Sixteenth Street. The streets were as noisy and crowded as they had been all day.

                    As they walked, Dante hung back just a bit. He brushed past someone in the crowd and slipped something into his pocket without checking what it was. Hopefully it was money. Pickpocketing was risky while with two companions, but he had realized today was probably the best chance he would get with all the distracted crowds of students. He needed food, new clothes, and transport off of the planet hopefully within the next few days. He brushed past yet another student. These were boarding school kids. They could probably spare a bit of change.

                    Ahead, the other two boys turned towards the soda fountain shop. Dante followed.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Loopy.

                    Official KP archivist ✨

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2774

                      He actually has light pink hair 😜

                      Hehe… whoops…

                      Official KP archivist ✨

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4212


                        Hehe… whoops…

                        Buuuuuut it could change depending on how old he is, so picturing his hair in a different shade is fine 😂


                        You don’t need to rewrite it! It still fits, and they can stay in their dorm or leave, up to you.


                        Sorry, it’s short. Chase is just…difficult rn.

                        No prob.



                        The new boy shook his head and mumbled something.
                        Samuel seemed surprised at the limited response, but quickly pulled himself together and headed back to his counter.

                        Meanwhile, Marcel putzed around on his phone for a little while, then let his eyes glaze over.

                        His mental wings drooped.

                        Something about this school was just depressing. It was unfair to all the interesting people there, but Marcel couldn’t shake the feeling that Destina Tasin brought out the worst of him.

                        When he protected kids like Paxton, right and wrong, and strength and weakness seemed so clear. But the rest of the time? An absolute mess. And he hadn’t even been there three days.

                        His instincts tingled.

                        The new boy, at a table nearby, had his head in his.hands. His hood cast his entire face in shadow.

                        He was obviously going through something.

                        And who was going to give him a pick-me-up?

                        Marcel heaved himself off his stool, and slipped in at the boy’s table, directly across.

                        He folded his hands together and wore an open gaze. “So, random stranger… You good, dude?”

                        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2841


                          He let his eyes meet Liv’s for a moment, then dropped his gaze back down to his plate.

                          Awww, I think Lukas has a crush!

                          AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I FREAKED OUT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! haha! (i managed to stifle my scream of joy XD)

                          I’m just waiting for Lukas to work up the courage to ask her….or Fynn (or Xandro!!) to force him into it lol!



                          This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2774

                            reposting this cuz something weird happened



                            A little bell jangled over their heads as the girls stepped into the shop. Eddie’s tail swished excitedly as she looked around. She grabbed Ellie’s wrist and dashed immediately towards the extra small section. Then she began grabbing things off the rack and holding them up to her sister.

                            “So, you want to wear blue again? What about this one? No, you don’t like sequins. Ooo, look this one has roses!”

                            Ellie stared fixedly at the floor, fidgeting with the seam of her sweater.

                            “Ed… I’m not really up for this.” She gave a small smile. “Why don’t you just pick it out for me? I think I’m gonna just…”

                            She paused, gave Eddie a quick side hug, and then started walking towards the front door. Chloe and Eddie watched her head out into the street and disappear back into the crowd.

                            Eddie turned to Chloe.

                            “Don’t mind her. She just gets like that sometimes. Did you find anything you like?”



                            It took all of Ellie’s self control to walk naturally instead of running as fast she could across the street. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she did not want to go back to the dorms. Her roommates might be there and she might have to introduce herself. Her feet led her to the emptiest restaurant on the street.

                            There were only currently two customers inside. Ellie actively avoided eye contact and hurried to the stool in the farthest corner. A large mustached man leaned on the counter.

                            “What can I get you?”

                            “Do you… do you have any jelloberry soda?”

                            The man sighed. She noticed his name tag said ‘Samuel’.

                            “I have raspberry. That alright?”

                            Eddie nodded and Samuel went to get the drink, muttering something about kids under his breath. As she waited, she took a napkin from its holder and began folding it into a paper crane.


                            @whalekeeper Ellie’s here now, but you don’t have to interact with her at all if you don’t want to. I just needed to move her somewhere else. Now it’s a whole party for antisocial teenagers in this shop✨

                            Official KP archivist ✨

                            Ruee Hamster Huey
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4124


                              Chase Duke

                              Another boy slid into the seat across from him, but Chase kept his face in his hands.

                              “So, random stranger… You good, dude?”

                              Chase looked up, his black eyes locking with the boy’s for a few seconds, before looking down again. He set his hands on the table, but rubbed the white scar on the back of his hand. He could try being friendly, right? He reached up, and pulled his hood down off his head like Fynn said made him more approachable. Oh, Fynn. Chase shivered.

                              “I-I… I… ” Chase shook his head. He really could not string a sentence together, could he? “My n-name is C-Chase. I-I just came from…” His nature screamed to run, but Chase wanted to try being someone normal for a change. The Marshall’s had been so kind to him, Callista, Livia, Lukas…Fynn. They all had been nice to him, something he only had known with his mother. Something that began, and then didn’t seem to end. Unlike with all his other foster families. Why couldn’t he be “normal” like them?

                              “Nowhere, really.” What to say, what to say. Lulls in the conversation were something “normal” people didn’t apparently let happen. “I-I…I like green.” That had worked once, why not again?

                              Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                              #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4212


                                Cool :] *Makes a mental note of her presence*



                                Marcel nodded slowly. “Nice.”

                                He hesitated, then pulled at a strand of his pink hair. “People always assume what my favorite color is. But I like orange.”

                                Chase fidgeted a little, which Marcel took to mean he was absorbing the information.

                                Some machine in the back of the shop buzzed on, and whirred with life.The two boys let the silence breathe.

                                “Just…” Marcel took a deep breath too. “If you’re lonely, look for other lonely people.”

                                Chase looked up.

                                “And give yourself the benefit of the doubt.”

                                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                                SIR FRANKENFURT the 3RD
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 401


                                  Oh okay! I’m going to keep what I put on there then.

                                  "Watermelon Earthmelon Firemelon Airmelon. The Elemelons."

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