Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #154859
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6699

      @calyhuge šŸ˜­ GAAAAH Seeeebā€¦


      itā€™s ok tho. I understand.


      @freedomwriter76 i donā€™t mind!

      Btw, Pax has already heard the news his mother has ā€œChanged her mindā€ about him moving dorms.


      However sheā€™s threatened that if he gets out of line in the slightest, heā€™ll be expelled. He still has to follow her rules and his brothers will be checking up on him (even in the dorm sometimesā€¦)



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12 Ok…gotcha šŸ˜‰



        Ezra jogged, practically ran, down the halls, searching for Paxton.

        He had to find him.

        For Wolfgang, he had to find Paxton.


        Come on, come on, Ezra…you can find a kid, can’t you!? he silently chided himself.


        There was a figure…ah hah, that was-oh no.

        Ezra skid out of the way, barely missing slamming into Paxton. His head hit a locker, hard, and he groaned and sank down the length of it, laying on the floor for a few minutes. “…That hurt.” He grumbled.

        He jumped to his feet and faced Paxton. “There you are, Paxton…I was looking for you…Wolfgang wanted to know if you were okay.”

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1308

          SUP PEEPS, I AM BACK!!!!!

          *comes running in then stops and takes in all of the chaos*



          WHAT DID I MISS?!?!?!

          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4212

            @calyhuge @godlyfantasy12

            I donā€™t actually remember how much I told you, Cal. XD Did I tell you –


            got it

            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699



              Paxton gasped, jumping back as he was nearly knocked over by a figure much larger than him. He shrunk into himself, hiding behind a nearby corner.

              He recognized the young manā€¦Ezra, if he remembered correctly. One of Wolfie and Leoā€™s friendsā€¦

              He peeked our shyly as the boy leapt to his feet, rubbing his head. His eyes lit up at the sight of Paxton who shrunk further into hiding at the attention.

              ā€œThere you are, Paxtonā€¦I was looking for youā€¦Wolfgang wanted to know if you were okay.ā€

              Paxton didnā€™t say a word. He didnā€™t even move.

              While his mother hadā€¦by the grace of God, if there was a God, changed her mind about him moving dorms, she has made it very clear what would happen should he continue to disobey.

              While she obviously couldnā€™t keep him from interacting with his dorm matesā€¦everyone else?

              He couldnā€™t risk it.

              Slinking down the corner, away from Ezra, Paxton adjusted his backpack, wincing as he did so, the welts on his skin burning.

              Ezra poked around the corner. ā€œHey! Pax, wait! Did you hear me? Wolfieā€™s wondering if youā€™re good. He had to go the hospital today-ā€œ

              Paxton stopped midstep heart lurching. He turned a bit, eyes widening.

              ā€œ-But heā€™s fine I think. They just wanted to see if he had a concussion. But he was real worried about you.ā€

              Paxtonā€™s stomach twisted into knots, tears building up behind his eyes. He hiccuped, the walls falling as he started to cry.

              He didnā€™t realize Wolfie hadnā€™t gotten that badly hurtā€¦

              Now he was in the hospital?

              And it wasā€¦all his fault?

              Mother and his brothers were right! He really was naughtyā€¦a mistakeā€¦a flit.

              All he ever did was get others in trouble.

              What was even the point of being in school? And why had his mother changed her mind in making him switch dorms?

              Was this just a different way of punishing him? Because now there was more of a chance his friends would be hurtā€¦?

              He scrubbed at his eyes, quickly walking away before Ezra could do anything about it.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6699

                I wonder if anyoneā€™s gonna find out aboutā€¦wellā€¦Pax being punished. Maybe back at the dorm, idk. Ezra might but Iā€™m not sure if he would.


                The brothers and Lilith are usually careful to make sure itā€™s always hidden under clothing.


                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5801

                  @calyhuge yay!



                  @freedomwriter76 My charries will want in on this S.A.O.T.N.P.I.T.S.O. thing for sure. Hunter especially, and Beta too.

                  I just gotta wake them up first, lol. One thing my characters have in common with me? They sleep in if they can.

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 5801

                    @godlyfantasy12 Aww pax!!!

                    *Shakes him by the shoulders* LISTEN BUD, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT, IT’S YOUR BROTHERS WHOSE WINGS I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO TURN INTO PLUCKED CHICKENS (not Sorren though). You never did anything bad to anyone, please stop blaming yourself before you make everyone here sad!!


                    would that scare him? sorry if it would.

                    "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156


                      Oooh, Pax could run into the S.A.O.T.N.P.I.T.S.O. group that is leaving the library…I’ll RP that, but you can change it if you want (Ezra is following him as well, tho šŸ˜‰)



                      With the others, Riker walked out of the library.

                      For now, Steve had the notebook…and Bucky would have it at night to copy as much information from it as possible.


                      Oh, he just hoped none of this was a mistake.

                      Riker glanced another direction and stopped. Paxton was coming their way…followed by Ezra.

                      Riker blinked several times. “Paxton!? Paxton, are you okay?”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @keilah-h Oof XXD IĀ WISHĀ I could sleep in more…but nah, I have to get up at 6:30 just about every day šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5801

                          @calyhuge @godlyfantasy12 @whalekeeper @esther-c @freedomwriter76 @smiley @whoever else lol


                          She stretched and yawned, her tail accidentally flicking Omega and waking her up.

                          “What’s going on?” the dragon girl asked drowsily.

                          “I don’t know.” Beta admitted, “but I heard someone talking outside. We should go check it out.”

                          “Should I tell my brothers first?” Omega asked.

                          “Go ahead.” Beta told her.



                          He awoke to a knock on his door. “Wha….What’s going on?” he asked drowsily as he opened it.

                          His brothers and sister stood in front of the door.

                          “First of all, it’s rather late.” Tech told him. “And second….”

                          “My roommates aren’t at breakfast, nor are they still sleeping, and so are some others’.” Wrecker explained. “Omega thinks she heard their voices.”

                          “Tech and I heard something too.” Crosshair added. “Omega’s roommate, Beta, went to check out what’s going on, and she said it’d be a good idea for all of us to know.”

                          Hunter nodded, still a bit sleepy but starting to understand. “Okay. Where are we going, then?”

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 5801

                            @freedomwriter76 lol

                            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6699

                              @freedomwriter76 yes!!! Who all is in the group? Isnā€™t it Bucky, Tony, Erich and Riker?


                              Paxton sniffed, still scrubbing hopelessly at his eyes with his now wet sleeve. He stopped as a voice caught his attention, his blue eyes raising.

                              ā€œPaxton?! Paxton, are you okay?ā€

                              It was Riker. He was exiting the library with a few others in tow. All of them paused, one of them mid-laugh, having said something amusing, hitting one of the other boys on the shoulder.

                              They glanced at the smaller boy, eyes widening a bit, brows furrowing.

                              ā€œOh hey, Pax!ā€ Erich, one of the young men Paxton recognized, waved. He tilted his head at the sight of Paxtonā€™s tears. ā€œHeyā€¦whatā€™s going on?ā€

                              Ezra rushes up behind him, sighing from slight exertion. ā€œI wasā€¦trying to ask him that, but the kid walked off.ā€

                              Paxton gripped the straps of his backpack tighter, suddenly feeling cornered. Trapped. He backed away from both groups, only to back up against a wall, backpack scratching against his shirt and jacket.

                              He hissed, arching away from the wall, allowing the backpack to slide from his shoulders, which made him wince again.

                              The backpack fell with a thud.

                              He gasped, staring at it in horror. As if heā€™d just killed his best friend.

                              Quickly, he got down on his hands and knees to inspect it, thankful it was still zippedā€¦

                              Thankful Hope was tucked safely insideā€¦surrounded by warmth and fabricā€¦

                              Butā€¦had she still be hurt? How could he have dropped her!

                              He whimpered, hugging the bag to his chest, forgetting for a moment that there were others around.




                              GAH! I was just writing and when the backpack fellā€¦I realized Hope was in it andā€¦Pax just reactedā€¦ šŸ˜­ sometimes charries seem to write themselves


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12 PAX!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’–šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

                                And yes, it’s Riker, Tony, Bucky, Erich…and Steve šŸ˜‰


                                That backpack was special to the kid…Paxton, Riker had said.

                                He also seemed to be in pain…not just emotionally, either.


                                Riker slowly approached Paxton, dark blue eyes full of concern and even a few tears. “Paxton…did someone hurt you? Please, tell me…I understand…way more than you know.”


                                my baby!!! šŸ„°šŸ˜˜šŸ˜šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699

                                  @freedomwriter76 aww Riker šŸ˜­

                                  Gahā€¦I love them so much. Btw, I do want them to help Paxton and find out (which they probs already know tbh) but Iā€™m gotta be honestā€¦Pax is probably gonna runā€¦heā€™s justā€¦really scared right now.


                                  Pax gripped his backpack tighter, hugging it to his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he could disappear from sight. Wishing everyone wasnā€™t looking at him. Staring at him.

                                  Riker was down on one knee now, gazing at him with tender, caring eyes. A few tears welled behind them, and he spoke up softly, ā€œPaxtonā€¦I know youā€™re scaredā€¦but I understandā€¦I doā€¦reallyā€¦ā€

                                  Paxton shook his head.

                                  Nothing was wrong! Heā€¦he wasnā€™t hurt and nothing had happened!

                                  Leaping to his feet, the tiny boy slipped past the group, backpack still squeezed against his chest. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him, heart pumping.

                                  He could hear Riker and the others yell after him, but he ignored them.

                                  Why couldnā€™t they just leave him alone?! Why couldnā€™t they justā€¦


                                  Not careā€¦?



                                  He stopped, after finally escaping the group of concerned young men. He gasped, his lungs feeling as though they might explode from exertion, sweat on his brow.

                                  He nuzzled his backpack against his cheek, frowning.

                                  Why didĀ they care?

                                  It justā€¦didnā€™t make senseā€¦


                                  He slid down the wall, pulling his knees to his chest, backpack under his chin like a pillow. He stared at the floor, thinking.

                                  It would be nice if what they said were trueā€¦if he couldā€¦maybeā€¦be safe somedayā€¦

                                  But whatĀ wasĀ safe? Not hurting?

                                  That would never happenā€¦

                                  Even ifā€¦somehowā€¦impossiblyā€¦he did get away from his brothersā€¦

                                  His mother would still be thereā€¦


                                  Andā€¦what about theĀ otherĀ hurting? The one he couldnā€™t explain? Butā€¦he felt even when he didnā€™t have all the bruises and marks? That one never went awayā€¦

                                  Paxton let out a small yawn, and then a sniffle, snuggling against the wall.

                                  He was so tiredā€¦everything had been soā€¦drainingā€¦and painfulā€¦

                                  Would aā€¦tiny nap hurt?


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