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August 17, 2023 at 10:35 am #154182
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@godlyfantasy12 NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 😭😭 @whalekeeper @calyhuge @lydibug @keilah-h @euodia-vision @anyone-else-idk
Adolphus kicked a bully in the shin, and knocked him flat on his back on the floor.
He knew this crowd…he knew how they fought…he knew how to hit them hard.
He’d heard a large collision, but he didn’t pay attention…he had more important things to focus on.
He heard a punch, a loud cry, and someone falling to the floor, and he turned around instantly. “WOLFGANG!”
Wolfgang was on the floor…cheek bleeding…eyes closed…completely unconscious.
Jakob faced the bully, fists clenched, knuckles turning white, pure, white rage in his brown eyes. “How dare you!?”
The bully laughed and smirked. “Don’t get involved next time, kid.”
Jakob lunged, and Adolphus grabbed him before he did something too dangerous. Jakob flailed, trying to reach the bully, letting out a few…colorful vocabulary words. “I’LL KILL YOU!”
Adolphus turned, looking for anyone to help. “Someone, come get my brother and take him to the nurse! Wolfgang needs help!”
August 17, 2023 at 1:46 pm #154191Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
@freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @euodia-vision @esther-c @whalekeeper @keilah-h
The fight was losing energy. A lot of people were unconscious and bloody. I ran through the aftermath, and grabbed Brian’s sleeve. “Brian! They took Paxton!”
He rose in the air, pumping his wings with fury. “Where is he?”
“I don’t know! Wait… I feel a tugging…” My old internal compass seemed to be active again. I’d forgotten how it had led me to Father in the streets of Aciremia, but now it was back. It was like my guts being drawn by a weak magnet. “I think I can find him…”
“Right. You come with me, and we’ll finish this. But what about all these jokers?…” He looked around. Some winged bullies, some unwinged bullies, and a bunch of other kids who fought were still around us.
My eyes strayed to Alchemo. He was still juggling rocks, but his skin crackled with yellow sparks, and a blue aura of power surrounded him. Suddenly, a kitchen-timer “ding!” sounded, and the electrical charge and aura disappeared. “It’s about time,” growled Alchemo. He caught the stones in a pocket, and looked around. “Of course, just as I finish charging up and the fight’s practically over.”
“Wait! Alchemo!” I ran over to him. “Could you deal with the rest of these bullies? We need to find a kidnapped kid.”
He nodded. “As your highness wishes.”
Brian swooped to the center of the hall. “Attention everyone! A small boy named Pax has been abducted, and we need to find him. Kate thinks she can lead us to him, but he might be in trouble. I need volunteers to find Pax and rescue him. Who’s with me?”
[insert whether or not your character joined here]
Marcel was gone. Apparently he didn’t think to ask if Alchemo could spare his healing stone. Next time I saw him I would get it to him.
Our group prepared to set out on the extraction mission. Brian turned to me. “Lead the way, Kate.”
I thought for a second. My compass seemed to be pointed down to the stairwell at the end of this hall. “This way, follow me,” I declared, and I followed my gut.
Alchemo turned to the bullies in the hall. “Time for a little lesson in the Electric Stone, I think.” His fingers shot out a few sparks, and he smiled. The bullies whimpered.
* * *
I’m sorry guys, the bullies are done for. Their stay at the infirmary will probably be extended.
Now, off to rescue Pax!
August 17, 2023 at 2:49 pm #154192Let’s just retcon part of my previous Hunter RP and say he volunteered to help Kate find Pax, ok?
Oh, and yeah, Crosshair will keep the rock. He’ll LOVE pranking Tech and their other roommate with his new phasing powers.
@everyone else
I don’t have much time for an RP today, so I’ll get around to it tomorrow if I can.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
August 17, 2023 at 4:23 pm #154193Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
@keilah-h Oh, yea, about the rocks… Alchemo will want them back by next class, but he will give out new ones. So get all your wall-phasing pranks out now, but don’t worry! More fun magical quirky powers to come!
I mean, Crosshair could just say he lost it and then keep the rock, but… yea.
Magic relic class is going to be so fun! Yayyyyy
August 17, 2023 at 11:10 pm #154196DUUUUUUUDE YOU KILLED MY BAB-
Nah, it’s okay, he’ll live XD
Someone’s going to have to win here, peeps. Also let’s not kill anyone here, okay? Yeah my charries will constantly joke about it, but they wouldn’t kill anyone, and even they know when a fights gone too far.
Just to make sure we all good here… XD
Nyx wrinkled his nose, and was about to reply when the door banged open, sending everyone’s hands to their ears.
It was… Calvin. One of the boys at the cafeteria table.
His aura was tainted with spiraling red and purple – casting a strange light over his eyes. His mouth was unnaturally tight and sharp. “Has anyone seen Marcel?”
Sebastian glanced over his shoulder, but the weird kid had vanished, the drum set empty and forgotten.
Calvin gripped the hems of his sweater with white knuckles. “Pink hair, sloppy clothes, waspish disposition? He’s my brother, you see… or rather, don’t see. Anyone?”
Sebastian stood up on his tip-toes, and yelled out, “Does he ever complain?”
“About what?” The twilight-shadowed boy leaned to one side and smiled politely, while obviously trying to catch a glimpse of the speaker.
“Being identified by a popular princess theme color?”
Calvin’s face contorted into an identifiable expression. “I’ve never asked.”
Sebastian popped into existence next to him. “A shame. I’ll ask for you.”
“So you’ve seen him? There’s a fight going on downstairs, and it’s bad. And…here’s the thing. I’m going to level with you, Marcel’s-friend-I-do-not-know-but-appreciate-for-existing. Marcel doesn’t exactly avoid violence.”
“Gotcha.” Seb winked. “Me neither.”
“If it isn’t too much to ask, could you check the higher floors? I’ll check the fight, and we’ll meet at the stairs.”
As requested, Seb saluted, and flickered out of existence.
He was wrapped in a cocoon of sparks and rainbow silk, and twirled with amazing speed, zipping through dimensions, with only a vague understanding of his location.
He didn’t typically follow orders, even if they came from his own good conscience. But the gangster’s side of him had been screaming for action for some time now, and even though the chemical escapade had fired up his veins a little, it hadn’t lasted for long.
And he needed some form of comfort.
Other than fluff therapy.
His heart swelled. Some day, his father would regret making that highly unwise financial decision.
Fuzzy light, the squeak of sneakers against slick varnish, and his physical body appeared at the top of the stairs.
He slipped, and let out an undignified squeak, almost falling backwards into the air. But luckily, no janitor was destined to discover such a comedic tragedy.
The third floor – for that was where Sebastian now stood – was similar to downstairs… but at the same time, different. Marble floors, delicate woodwork over the door frames, plaques with the names of professors and next-level teacher’s pets. The halls were wider, and the ceiling was partially filled with sky-stained glass.
Seb headed off.
The students were the same, going from class to class – but the kids sitting in the common rooms, which were situated near the dorms, wore finer, sleeker clothes, and sat up straighter.
So… a hierarchy exists…
Being a cool kid was easy. Seb swaggered a little, but not too much, with a far-away, dreamy glaze over his eyes.
He cocked his eyebrow just so.
How attractive. How injected with modern-day chique. How –
A whirling force blew him to the side, along with the crowd. People shifted. Both girls and boys gaped in shock, before quickly averting their eyes towards the lockers, or to their feet.
And Seb soon discovered why.
Between the arms and legs of much taller kids, he managed to piece together a brown sweater and white and red-splotched wings.
Marcel doesn’t exactly avoid violence…
That was the understatement of the year.
Crawling out of the crowd, Seb trotted along behind the figure, until he walked along beside him. “S’up, cherub? You look a little… How do I put this… off-color?”
Marcel said nothing. His eyes sparkled strangely, pupils a little too large for comfort.
Seb blinked. “Not that I think thirteen-year-olds can’t look good. Sure, you’re past your prime, but I could give you a few moisturizing tips…”
No reply.
Seb waved his hand in front of Marcel’s face. “Yoo-hoo… Battle-scarred teen…”
They stopped in front of a closed lounge door.
Marcel pointed at the knob. “The door’s locked. Get in.”
Seb crossed his arms. “Why?”
Marcel raised his hands, and slowly and delicately touched his own neck and head, both of which were covered in blood. He looked almost curious. “Because I don’t have the strength to knock it down. And you look more like an FBI agent than I do.”
At least he could still have coherent thoughts. Maybe he was only partially dead.
Seb grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment, princess.”
Seb warped.
Inside, the first thing he saw was winged kid. He would not have been too far from looking like Marcel, but his strikingly different aesthetic was evident, even under the scratches and bruises.
His back was to Seb.
In front and under him, Paxton looked up with a prisoner’s traumatized, timid stare. As if being tortured for answers, in some locked up garage.
The winged boy whispered something, finger hooking Pax’s chin.
This was…
Ah, the promised violence.
Violence that, although entertaining, had obviously gone too far for a healthy high school experience.
Seb stepped forward, and tugged on the boy’s shirt.
The boy whirled around. “Edrich?”
Whoever Erich was, this young man was anxious to reunite with him. But instead, when he looked down, all he saw was a little boy.
A tiny, tiny boy…
With chubby, rosy cheeks, wispy golden hair…
And wide eyes made of the brightest, gentlest, most innocent sparkles…
Sebastian cooed softly. “Are you a serial killer, like me?”
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
August 18, 2023 at 1:50 am #154198@whalekeeper BAHAHAHAHA XD XD XD Seb has officially killed me. I’m ded. ROFL.
“What the-?!” Aramis’ eyes widened. His face changed shape multiple times as he tried to grasp what he was staring at.
“How did you get in here?!” He looked at the door…still shut and locked…hadn’t cracked open even an inch.
“I have my ways. My turn to ask another question!”
Aramis blinked in confusion, staring at the extremely small boy, near the same size as his flit of a half-brother. Even smaller maybe, if such a thing were possible.
His eyes then landed on the pained, almost horrific sight behind him.
Cloud-boy, looking like he’d been run over a couple times by a semi, stood against a wall, eyes flicking from Aramis, to Paxton, who was now staring at the two with large, surprised eyes.
As if…there were some small chance he might…
Aramis snapped his head back to the boy, growling. “You stay right there!” Paxton complied with a squeak, gripping the seat underneath him with both hands.
Turning back to the little boy, Aramis raised a brow, crossing his arms. “What? You come all this way to try and take me on your own, tiny? Your friend over there doesn’t look to good, in case you haven’t noticed. Why don’t you both just leave well enough alone, hm? Before someone else gets hurt?”
#ProtectSebAugust 18, 2023 at 11:12 am #154200*Bows* I’m glad you died so happily ;P
Sebastian smiled, and slowly raised one finger to his ear, drawing invisible spirals in the air.
The winged boy slowed his words, and stopped, still staring down at the newcomer with a mixture of amusement and confusion.
“Mm… Mm… You know, I think actions speak louder than words.” Sebastian put his hand behind his back, cleared his throat, and pulled out a colossal machine gun. “So let me be candid.”
The boy scrambled back and held up his hands, eyes boggling –
Sebastian shrieked with laughter, as explosions of glitter popped and fizzled against the boy’s shielding wings.
Gold, pink, and blue rained down on the furniture, and balls of the stuff ripped apart fabric and leather, until a few pieces were overturned, thrown to the floor.
Sparkles splattered all over the young man’s clothes and hair – with surprising force. He staggered backwards, and knocked over Paxton’s chair.
The traumatized child squealed, but landed on a pile of fallen seat cushions, and was unharmed. Marcel rose over where Paxton lay, like a guardian angel, and hovered there while watching the stylish attack with smiling eyes.
Sebastian’s face blazed.
Chaos switched hats. Now, it was beauty.
An uncontrollably savage joy surged within him, until he spun around and around with wild energy, and the room was sufficiently destroyed.
He laughed, and laughed, and laughed…
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
August 18, 2023 at 1:48 pm #154205Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
@whalekeeper Aww man, you didn’t wait for the cavalry!
@godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @freedomwriter76I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Wolfie and Bucky (and his friend) decided to come along.
We must have looked quite a sight. Brian, with his huge white wings and white shirt spattered with blood; Crosshair the dragon-boy, phasing through anyone who got in his way; Wolfgang, angrily and nervously fidgeting; and a couple muscular, alert guys; all following me, a girl in a fancy red dress and mussed up, feather-filled hair. We trooped up two flights of stairs to the top floor, the fancy floor. The fancy-looking people stared at us, and gave us wide berth with disdainful looks. The normal-looking people just ignored us.
Then I heard sharp bangs from around the corner, followed by crazed laughter. “I think now would be a good time to run,” I remarked. We burst around the corner, stopping in front of Marcel. How he got there first, with his injured wing and woozy disposition, is beyond me. He pointed weakly to a door, beneath which issued smoke and flashes of light. And maniacal laughter. Don’t forget the maniacal laughter.
“How do we get in?” Wolfie asked.
“We Stonestians never ask that question,” I replied, and kicked the door in.
I stopped and stared. The tiny imp, the one who had nearly given the chemistry class permanent respiratory illnesses, the annoying, self-obsessed singing prig, the overdressed, insane man-boy, the scourge of— anyway, that kid, was the one who was standing up to the one last winged brute. A look of ecstacy faded from his face as he stared at all of us in the doorway. His eyes flitted from side to side, unsure of who the good guys were. Would he attack us? Would he continue trying to save Paxton? Would he flee? No one moved.
“Um, the cavalry is here,” said Brian.
* * *
@whaley what does Seb do? This could get interesting.
August 18, 2023 at 2:20 pm #154206I do believe Wolfie was unconscious a minute ago, so somebody should probably look at his head… is someone going to carry him?
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
August 18, 2023 at 2:21 pm #154207Sebastian
Sebastian blinked. “No encore?”
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
August 18, 2023 at 3:25 pm #154209ROFL!!! I think at this point…my bully boys are just through…
I don’t even know what to RP as them now XD.
they will reconvene with their team later to make a better plan…for future situations, to take out people one by one. It’ll probably work for a while at least (consider the dark night of our story XD) but who knows with this crazy crowd 🤣
Paxton meanwhile…uh yea 😂
@whalekeeper @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @keilah-h @calyhugePaxton
Paxton watched the seemingly never ending chaos encircle him. He gripped Marcel’s hoodie tight, wrapping both arms around the boy in an effort to cling to anyone…anything solid, that might, just might help anchor him to some form of reality in this terrifying situation.
Paxton looked up at the boy, face paling and eyes growing glassy at the sight of his broken, mangled wing and body.
He cried, leaning into Marcel’s side, fists wrapping around the fabric he clutched to.
(Idk how Marcel is going to take all this physical affection…I’m honestly a bit surprised at Pax rn. But apparently he’s gotten very attached to Marcel)
This was all his fault…
Why had everyone made such a fuss? It wasn’t as if this were the first time…they should’ve just let his brothers take him…
Now…his friends were hurt…
Wolfie…Marcel…and everyone else who had tried to help him! People he didn’t even know!
He didn’t understand…
He deserved to be punished…so why…?
He wasn’t anything special! He wasn’t even supposed to be here! He was a mistake. A flit. A half-breed who would never amount to anything.
“Hey, take it easy,” Marcel said as Paxton continued to cry into his hoodie.
Despite being surrounded by people…friends…
Despite having been rescued…
Paxton still couldn’t help but feel horribly…alone.
It didn’t matter. None of it.
Marcel had gotten hurt for nothing.
His brothers would just get him some other time. One day, he’d have to go home eventually. He couldn’t just live at the school forever.
Plus…his mother would definitely be hearing about this, and once she did, no friends could save him then.
She’d probably pull him from the dorm…make him room with his brothers. Maybe she’d even decide that the school wasn’t a worthy punishment like she’d originally thought…
Maybe she’d just keep him at home all the time! Lock him up for all eternity!
No…there was no escaping…not really…
But…his friends had this victory, at least…
Though it would’ve been much sweeter without all the pain. The pain that, in the end, didn’t amount to anything.
*Paxton stares at me with adorable blue eyes.*
Sigh….okay. I can’t stay mad at you. Ever. XD
#ProtectSebAugust 18, 2023 at 4:00 pm #154210Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
@freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @euodia-vision @esther-c @whalekeeper @keilah-h
“No encore?” Seb asked.
No encore? What was that supposed to mean?
Brian ignored Seb, and casually walked up to the last bully. The winged brute stepped back. “Don’t even think about-” Brian gave him a tremendous “THWACK” with the flat of his sword, and the unconscious foe fell like a tree off a mountain.
“I think our work here is done,” he declared. “Now to clean up. What do we do with this guy?” He pointed to the prostrate bulk beside him. “Does anyone have anything to tie him with?”
“Let me tie him up,” I said. “Remember the last time you tried to tie someone up?”
Brian’s face reddened. “I didn’t know she was great at untying knots! It wasn’t my fault!”
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think we can tie him up anyway. Let’s just lug him downstairs and dump him with the others.”
Brian nodded. “As you wish, Princess,” he answered sarcastically. “Let’s see how strong these wings are…”
With help, Brian got the senseless bulky teenager onto his back, and struggled into the air. He bobbed off, swaying in the air and making his way slowly to the infirmary.
Our rescue group dissipated, and I told Marcel, Wolfgang, and Paxton to see Alchemo. He would get them all in healthy working order, with the help of his magic healing stones. But before Sebastian could walk out, I put my hand firmly on his shoulder and gave him a stony look. “You and I need to talk. About chemical usage.”
* * *
Alright y’all, fights over. Back to your semi-normal lives, people. I think electives have been missed across the board, but there might still be some class time left (I think it would benefit Pax if he at least showed up to his class, rather than not at all).
@whaley and @wolfie’s-owner, make sure your characters don’t freak out when Alchemo gives them a healing stone, and it sticks to their hand. Eventually, it will completely heal them. It might take Marcel longer than normal, since he’s got a broken wing (I think) and bones take significantly longer than flesh wounds.
Oh, and @godlyfantasy, if your bullies plan revenge, I have a charrie who will probably want in. Seeeeeecretssss…
August 18, 2023 at 6:11 pm #154239Oh, wow, this got really exciting really quick.
Well I am very invested. I feel like I’ve been watching a really cool tv series, but I have to wait for the next episode to come out.
Official KP archivist ✨
August 18, 2023 at 6:59 pm #154243❤️ I’m glad it’s so fun to read! Thanks Loops!!
Sounds good to me! Tbh, I don’t know if my charries could survive for much longer 😂
Also GIRL. I seriously thought Marcel would low-key be annoyed with Pax for the entire year – and while yeah, he isn’t exactly happy Pax’s aura in general, at least they’re cool now XDXD
The mumble of conversation buzzed around Marcel’s ears, but it sounded like a mere echo, bouncing and fluttering around in his skull. He gently set foot on the ground, and lowered his wings, so they trailed lifelessly around his ankles.
Paxton burst into sobs, and shoved his face into the Guardian’s side.
Marcel was too tired to do or say much of anything. But he lifted one shattered wing, and draped it over Pax’s shoulder.
The smaller boy’s tears promptly began to drench Marcel’s hoodie.
Footsteps sounded, and all of a sudden, Calvin was there.
His warm, loving halo washed over them both, touching tender wounds, brushing back hair, and rubbing softly against sore shoulders. “Marcel… you stupid, fantastic kid…”
“Shut up,” Marcel mumbled, eyes half-closed. “I’m not stupid…”
The halo brightened. “I’m glad you’re still in there. Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
They began to walk away, Calvin hovering protectively, Marcel limping, and Pax led along next to him.
“Cal… You know how I asked you, that first month after I left the shop, if the other shops had ghost kids too?”
“…Yes, I do.”
“I saw one.”
Calvin was silent for so long, it seemed as if he might never reply. Then he answered under his breath. “Do you know what their name was? Did your other self tell you?”
Marcel thought for a second. Even thinking hurt his head. “It wasn’t one of the planets. Something else. A nickname maybe, like mine… I can’t…”
“…I shouldn’t have asked. Surely it will come to you with time.” Calvin sounded as if he were trying to smile, but a private thought had him in a chokehold.
Everything fell back into a dull haze again. Marcel saw colors, lights, and shapes he was pretty certain weren’t there. A few times, he almost collapsed, as if his body were turning into a wider black hole with every step.
Time both sped up and slowed down, rocking back and forth like a cradle – which was something Marcel had never experienced.
At some point in time, he was told to sit on something soft and white, and to lean forward against someone’s shoulder, while his back was tended to. Confused voices eventually decided to wrap up his entire waist, and part of his wing. Something strangely heavy and warm pressed into his hand and sent a cool, cleansing sensation through him.
…Finally…finally, the hands and voices stopped. It was just him, the empty void, and the form leaning against his side that was Paxton.
Marcel traced a bandage on his knee, and shivered, sending a wave of vibrations through his body and all the way down to the tips of his flight feathers.
Pax let out a faint, shuddering sigh.
“So…” Marcel murmured. “First day of school, officially accomplished.”
Pax once again burst into tears.
Marcel groaned softly. “Listen, bro… Listen… I’m okay. I’ve lost a few marbles, maybe, but people have always told me I could use a smaller head….”
He winced, and touched his forehead. “And this is how it happens in the stories, right? They end up all cool, and power-packed, and battle-scarred. I always have to save you, or another kid, or anyone else. Always.”
Pax wiped at his blue eyes, and stared up at the older boy.
“I’m okay. Captain’s honor.” Marcel gave a weak smile.
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
August 18, 2023 at 7:35 pm #154245@whalekeeper GAH MY HEART!!!!
so @everyone, I think I’m probably ready to move on to the next school day.
I’ll probably have it start, for Paxton, with him receiving a notification… the rest of y’all can do whatever but yea.
Who all is in our dorm again?
@freedomwriter76 @esther-c did @mineralizedwritings or someone else have a Charrie there?? Someone named Finn but I can’t remember whose he was.
Anywhoodle. Yea, up to y’all if ur ready to move on😊
also my other charries in the RP, even tho I haven’t been them much will have heard about the fight since the rumors and such have spread, and will definitely be worried about their friends, (and Pax)
#ProtectSeb -
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