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July 16, 2023 at 2:24 pm #151061
@calyhuge Ohh this might actually be funny….especially since Brian used THAT phrase…..
The velociraptor, Beta, is also mine. She’s pretty harmless though, unless you threaten her first.
“Dragon! Kill it! Run!” the boy shouted.
The girl stopped him. “Wait, Brian! Hold up! I think he’s friendly!! He’s not trying to eat us!”
Crosshair snickered. “Why would I try to eat you? I hate human meat. It’s completely gross. Oh, and while I’ve never heard someone call me ‘friendly,’ I guess I’ll take it.”
The boy–Brian–sheathed his sword. Odd, a metal one, not like the JediWings’ lightsabers. “Try any funny business and you’ll land right in my crosshairs.”
“That’s funny. If I’d had a weapon, I’d be the one saying that to you.” Crosshair lashed his tail. “After all, I was somewhat named after that exact phrase, and it wasn’t for nothing.”
The girl tried to defuse the situation. “I’m sorry. Where we come from, all dragons try to eat us. We have a saying – ‘If it has scales, kill it’. So, back to your question about the class. I think we just show up. Brian, tell me if I’m wrong.”
“I think you’re right, Kate.” Brian hissed. “But… seriously… a dragon? How could this possibly end well?”
“I think it could end very well, thank you,” Kate snapped back.
If it has scales, kill it. Although he wouldn’t say it in front of them, the idea sent shivers down his spine.
Conscious dragon killers in the same school as him and the squad? Even if the dragons of their world were actually evil?
No, it would definitely not end well.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
July 16, 2023 at 2:26 pm #151062Oh, and your worldbuilding is really cool by the way!
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
July 17, 2023 at 4:15 pm #151235Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
@keilah-h I hope Crosshair does end up coming to class – they aren’t actually trying to kill him. Also, maybe keep Beta hidden for now. If she shows up with Brian and Kate in the room, the exact same situation will replay itself. Maybe try getting Beta to meet Kate alone (or just not, if you prefer). I love that you put Crosshair’s comments into the conversation! It was feeling pretty one-sided. Great job!
This is going to be difficult. I need to tread carefully. First Brian messes up, making us look bad, now I loose my temper… Where’s Alchemo when you need him? He’d sort everything out…
I recovered myself and reigned in my temper. This was the second time Brian had confronted someone who was not trying to kill us and tried to kill them. I was going to need to talk about that with him. “I’m sorry,” I said, both to Brian, and the dragon-kid. “Let’s start this over. My name’s Kate, and this is Brian. We’re new here, as you can probably tell. Also, I’m really, really sorry for the outburst. I promise, nothing like that will happen again.” I gave Brian a pointed look, and he shrank back and nodded. “Now, can I count on you being in relics class?” I did hope to see him there. But, it looked like my chances were slim. He hid it well, but he was shaken. I knew that, from his perspective, walking into a class taught by our escort would be walking straight into a death trap. But how could I convince him that that wasn’t true? This is going to be difficult.
July 17, 2023 at 4:45 pm #151240@calyhuge I’ll do that then!
Also, he’s pretty tough. He most likely will end up coming to the class, he just doesn’t want to get into trouble, because that means trouble for his siblings too.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
July 17, 2023 at 4:56 pm #151243Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
Anyone else? Also, do people normally RP during classes? I’m wondering what happens when the bell rings. Also, there will be some RP in Alchemo’s class… it should be fun.
July 17, 2023 at 5:16 pm #151251Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
One last thing: pretend I said that Kate and Brian were Sophomores. That makes more sense with the ages that they are and what classes they are in.
July 17, 2023 at 9:29 pm #151288@godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @calyhuge @anyoneimissedimsorry
Across the table, Calvin’s face – painted in a rather warm tone on a normal day – had shifted to dark. His eyes flickered, the thoughts dancing back and forth behind them.
Marcel’s wings steadied, growing stronger, so he risked clearing his throat loudly. “Whatcha thinkin’ about, Cal?”
“You have that dramatic shadowy thing going on. Whenever you’re being dumb.”
“Or too smart to be considered sane?” Calvin smiled, brows so dramatically furrowed, they cast the entire table in shadow.
“…That too.”
Marcel pretended he was trying to push the shadow off his plate, nudging at it with his fork.
It didn’t work.
“I’ve got to go,” Calvin concluded. He hoisted his backpack on, nodded to Marcel and the other people at the table, and pressed his hands together in prayer towards Sebastian-the-angel, who gave an exaggerated salute back. He then pushed away from the seats, and walked off, out of the cafeteria.
“Give my seat to someone else,” he called back, before slipping behind the crowd.
Great. Now Calvin had an idea. This was de-evolution, made manifest.
But on a more serious note, Marcel could picture too easily those swirling, nauseating orange and violet tinged eyes, folding in on themselves, over and over, until they threatened to spill over onto hands, and onto the floor.
To be cleaned up by the janitor of madness.
It was the kind of situation where it was a small, ridiculous trigger. Something that could spark something more out of one young, delicate Vinlin.
Marcel moped, using a sneaker to kick at the nearest table leg.
It wasn’t the most mature coping mechanism, but whatever.
Sebastian stood up, wobbling a little, and struck a dance pose.
He sang a line of opera at the top of his tiny burning lungs, and the vibrato fell like silver ribbons over the crowd, sparkling with bravado.
He was one hundred percent aware of how babyish he was acting – and did not care.
He was enjoying himself. A crooked line of a smile sent his face on a path to heaven, if only for the moment. Was that a bad thing?
One thing was for sure. Now, he was the comic relief, and nothing more.
School stereotypes were a standard to be both overcome and manipulated. Sebastian had established his role in this school. The little kid with big dreams of being a stand-up comedian or something. The kid who thought he was a troublemaker, but only fell in the background, sending off the occasional fight now and then, and giggling over it for the next three months. That was Sebastian’s role, and the sooner he set people up to believe it, the sooner he would be able to passively rule over the system.
So maybe he had a bit of an ego – and flaunting it up here, on a literal cloud of angelic feathers, made him feel good. But that wasn’t his only personality trait.
He liked to think of himself as the concept of surprise, incarnate.
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
July 18, 2023 at 1:30 am #151306Hey y’all, don’t really feel like RPing BUT I will say with everything that’s happened, Pax is going to be feeling ESPECIALLY overwhelmed and will probably ably want/need to go to his dorm to settle down, so maybe Wolfie can take him there @freedomwriter76
#ProtectSebJuly 18, 2023 at 2:39 pm #151386Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
The dragon-boy had returned to his dragon friends, and I watched in curiosity as the calm, collected Calvin turned dark and brooding. He was up to something. “Too smart to be considered sane”, eh? He stood, and with a parting word to the wingman, walked quietly out of the room. A piercing shriek drew my attention away. The overdressed man-child appeared to be trying to sing. He evidently thought himself to be very funny. By all appearances, he was the picture of immaturity. But a devious gleam in his eye betrayed him. He was also up to something. Come to think of it, almost everyone in this room was up to something. Why does everyone always have to be up to something?
The door swung shut behind Silent Cal, and just at that exact moment, the bell rang. There was a commotion of rattling trays, jostling bodies, and hurried conversation. Brian and I fought our way through the crush to get to our science classroom. In his haste, Brian accidentally knocked over a girl. She gave a yelp, and crashed, scattering her books to the floor.
“I’m so sorry! Let me help you up.” Brian quickly offered his hand, and the girl took it. Brian flinched. Her white-gloved hand was enormous. Brian recovered himself quickly, and set about picking up the girl’s books. He had seen far stranger things in this past half hour. There had been an angel and a fox sitting at our table for Pete’s sake.
“Thank you,” the girl said, with forced cheerfulness. She quickly tried to disappear into the crowd. We continued on our way.
One thing was for sure: the school needed to be expanded. It was bursting at the seams. We shoved our way into our chemistry classroom and grabbed desks. We ended up on opposite sides of the room. I was in the back corner, while Brian sat near the front. Somehow we got chemistry textbooks, and class began.
July 18, 2023 at 4:51 pm #151426Crosshair
“Now, can I count on you being in relics class?” Kate asked him.
“I guess.” Crosshair flicked his tail. “Just…warn the teachers or something.”
Not that he was scared……
He was fine. The others might not be, if there were dragon killers here.
He hadn’t thought of that when he’d come. And evidently, neither had Hunter or any of the others.
“What was that about?” Wrecker asked when Crosshair returned to the table.
“Dragon killer.” The gray dragonet’s usually serious voice had grown even darker.
“What do you mean?” Hunter asked, a bit worried.
“He said if it has scales, they kill it.” Crosshair muttered. “His friend stopped him, but we could all be dead before our 13th birthday if word gets out to their parents there’s dragons attending the same school as them.”
Hunter had to agree….that wasn’t a good situation.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
July 18, 2023 at 5:36 pm #151431Chloe
I had just finished lunch as everyone rushed to their classes, when a boy bumped into me.
“I’m sorry! Let me help you up.”
The boy offered his hand and helped me up. I noticed him flinch at the touch of my gloves. I looked down at my feet.
He quickly picked up my books for me.
“Thank you.” I said, trying to act cheerful. Embarrassed, I quickly walked away.
The halls were full as I trudged to science.
I found a desk at the front left and sat down.
Happy unbirthday every one!
"EVERYTHING IS AWESOME..."July 18, 2023 at 8:53 pm #151459Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
Is there already a chemistry teacher? If not, I’ll make one up.
July 18, 2023 at 9:01 pm #151460Keep in mind, there are three different science classes y’all ❤
13 to 14 year olds – Basic Science (we didn’t decide on the specific focus)
15 to 16 – Chemistry
17 to 18 – Physics
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
July 19, 2023 at 1:06 pm #151489Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 @whalekeeper @lydibug @calyhuge @euodia-vision @esther-c @smiley @anyone-else-here-lol-XD
So y’all…idk if I’ll be really keeping up with too many RPs, esp. this one, so just kinda move my characters around as you need them. idk, just haven’t felt like RPing lately, so just move my characters around as you need to. 🙂 Feel free to do whatever you want. I may pop in on occasion, but probably not much.
July 19, 2023 at 2:50 pm #151508Anonymous
- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 375
I’m going to guess that there is no chemistry teacher. If there is, consider this one the substitute.
The chemistry teacher, a weedy stick of a man, had a very bad cold – or a very small nasal cavity. “Alrighd, class, doday we will be rebiewing de compodid sdrucdure ob de heliumb molecule. Oben your boogs to bage three hundred and sebenty-fibe.”
I comblied – I mean I complied – as best I could. I could barely understand him. Then the teacher launched into a lecture about… something… I don’t know. He lost me after he said, “Aritotle once said, ‘bo bee or nod bo bee’…” He was incorrect about that, so I assumed the rest of the lecture would be just as accurate. I turned my attention to the chemistry book. It was strangely familiar. Then I remembered – I’d read it before. I skimmed it, all the facts coming back to me. Hydrogen bonds, natural atomic structure, crystal formation, and lots and lots of balancing equations. Before half and hour had passed, I had caught up to where the class was, and before class was over, I had memorized the lesson, completed what I anticipated the homework to be, and figured out how to decipher the voice of the chemistry teacher. He was still raving about Aristotle, and misquoting him. The rest of the class knew the drill. The studious ones were working through the lesson, and the less studious ones were sniggering, whispering, and passing notes. Brian was working as best he could while trying to listen and take notes at the same time. I wondered what the other people we had met today were doing…
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