Fairytale AU RP

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  • #178855
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      @keilah-h @highscribeofaetherium

      Skin walkers are from Native American mythology. If I remember correctly, they are cursed men/spirits who can shape shift into creepy animals. They harm humans, and while having a human form, their human form doesn’t look totally human. But the scariest thing at all is how hushhush the Natives are about them. The little we know they told us, but it’s hinted there’s much more to the skinwalker which they don’t want to tell us. For some reason, they are holding back, and that’s what worries me.

      My personal belief is that skinwalkers are real, in a sense, but they are demons taking a form, or hallucinations. Their is always a curdle of truth in each lie, otherwise no one would believe.

      Anyways, I often don’t loose sleep being terrified, and I haven’t had a nightmare about mythology for a long time. I got over that stuff years ago, after having a good talk with my Grandma. To sum it all up, we talked about how since we are God’s we need not fear such things, real or fake, for God will help us as need be. Whenever I got scared, to remind me of this fact, I would recite a short verse to myself from Psalms: Unto you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. While it doesn’t seem like much, I did this to remind me my life doesn’t belong to me. My soul belongs to my Guardian and Saviour, and He will do what is best.

      Just a note.




      “If you must know, Jaylen, Snickerdoodle is not my true name. My real one is much worse.” SilvanisΒ  drew his knife, throwing it to be embedded in the wall by the window. Leaping forward, he grabbed it with his hand and dangled, peering at the other anthropomorphic dragon. “Hmmm…I’m sensing a very strong magic elemental coming from him, or near him. I’ve met elemental forces before, but this is…this is basically on the energy level! It’s amazing, and I pinpoint it to be coming from his tail?! That can’t be right! Wait, wait…there’s a little creature, I can see it now. His body is between it and us. Huh. Can’t tell what elements it is. Huh. Any ideas on your end?”



      This tail is so magnificent! I never have ever gotten to store a dragon tail before! This is so fun! Wait, what’s that?

      Mayfly halted, her form shifting a little. To the good eye, it could be seen for a quick moment that water encased her, forming into that of a full-grown woman around her. But it disappeared.

      Mayfly turned to Hunter.

      I’ve never felt this before! It’s so tiny, such a tiny ember. Is someone dying?Β 

      Mayfly’s expression changed from curious inquiry to almost crying.

      It’s so weak, so small, yet so near. So weird, so unique, yet so sad.Β 

      She motioned to Hunter as best she could in sign.

      I think someone dying, in there.

      She pointed at the house behind him.



      If you haven’t guessed, Silvanis can feel her elemental presence. Mayfly can feel his energy presence, but finds it strange cuz she has met so few elementals. She finds it weak (which to her means something is dying) cuz Silvanis has only used his abilities a select few times in his life.


      Anyway, it’s a whole confusing thing. I’ll stop talking now.

      Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
      #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4181

        @whalekeeper @keilah-h @highscribeofaetherium @myself @whoever

        I didn’t forget! (Completely. Had a lot of stuff going on in my house, so it kinda got pushed on the back burner for the last few days) I have been thinking of a goal. Unfortunately, my previous plans all include at least a singular villain as my stories usually go. I do not want this for here, so I’m making up an idea by merging a couple different thoughts from different people (like you, Whaley) and an idea I got a long time idea for a story.

        BTW, if any of you have any objections, speak! If I find you all opposed, I’ll drop this.

        What if our characters find out this world is slowly fading because an ancient artifact was stolen/lost. If our characters wish to save the world, they must retrieve the artifact and fi d the path to the center of the world (which is not hot at all) and return the artifact.

        That’s the basic idea. Tis but a sketch, but we can all flesh it out together if we decide to run with it.

        Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
        #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Anything works with me! It may take a lot to convince Winston to do anything out of his little bubble but I will do the best I can.

          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 5990

            @rae tbh the concept of them actually being demons or hallucinations (or both for that matter) makes sense to me.

            and no I don’t get scared by mythology stuff either. Like you said, it’s either not real, or if it is, it can’t harm us.



            “Any ideas on your end?” Silvanis asked.

            Jaylen shook her head. “That dragon’s an Icewraith, a frost-breather, so maybe he brought a pet with him?”

            It wasn’t going to make into a list of best answers she’d ever given, but it was something.

            Just then, someone knocked on the door.

            “Maybe that’s him.” Jaylen told him as she opened it.




            Mayfly pointed at the house behind him. She seemed to want to go in there.

            Hunter wondered what it was as he knocked on the door. A young vixen [female dragon] opened it, a Stewjon Four-Winged by the looks of her. She looked him over, but didn’t make any comment. Her attention was more on Mayfly.

            “Oh, it’s a little wingless creature, kind of like you.” she said to someone behind her.

            “Is this your house?” Hunter asked.

            The dragon shook her head. “Not exactly. I just showed up here, and it was there around me.” She squinted her eyes at him. “Do I know you?”

            Hunter shook his head. “I don’t remember meeting any female Four-Wingeds. My name’s Hunter, and this little creature here, I call Mayfly.”

            The dragon nodded. “I’m Jaylen. Over there is Silvanis, who’s called Snickerdoodle, but that’s apparently not his actual name.”

            The thing she’d called Silvanis, a snaky humanoid larger than Mayfly but still smaller than the two dragons, harrumphed from the corner.

            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4181




              β€œOh, it’s a little wingless creature, kind of like you.”

              Was that an insult?Β Silvanis didn’t pay attention to the rest of what Jaylen and the other dragon were saying.Β I’m nothing like that little girl! Our hair isn’t even the same color!Β 

              Silvanis put his hand on the wall and used his other arm to pull his knife from the wall. He fell to the floor, landing perfectly on his feet. He flashed his fangs at Jaylen and the dragon who was now also looking at him.

              “I’m not little! And just so you know, I can actually fly! Wings or not.”


              Note: I’m trying to figure out his POV, so it’s gonna be fluctuating. Sorry.



              Mayfly stared curiously at the two. The dragon was not the one who she sensed a weak energy from, so it must be…yes it was. It was from the other fellow. She watched as he pulled his knife from the wall where he was dangling and landed on his feet.

              But…but he looks fine. Why is his power so weak? I know it’s not because that’s all he has. I’ve lived over 500 years, I should know the feeling that determines if someone has little power to begin with or has lost it!Β 

              Mayfly took a step back as she saw his fangs.

              What is this creature?Β 

              She splashed him with water. Why? Because a Daughter of Water must always bring water, life, and death into everything. It is their very nature.

              “Hey! what’s the big idea!”

              Mayfly watched him closely as he reacted. He didn’t seem like he was dieing…but she couldn’t shake the feeling he was. How could she put her fears at ease. Turning to Hunter, she pointed at the man, before crossing her arms over her chest and leaned back a little, her chin turning slightly up. Then she gave him a questioning look.



              I’ve got a feeling that Silvanis is gonna be trouble eventually…

              Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
              #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4181

                Can’t believe I didn’t catch this the first read-through

                Β maybe he brought a pet with him

                Mayfly a pet! 🀣🀣🀣 For some reason that’s just really funny! I like itπŸ‘

                Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
                #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5990

                  @rae It’s not an insult, Silvanis, you silly! I don’t believe Jaylen’s actually seen humans or any humanoid besides dragons before tbh. Hunter has, but he’s not the one talking.



                  β€œI’m not little! And just so you know, I can actually fly! Wings or not.” Silvanis snapped, baring his fangs at them, shortly before Mayfly splashed him with water.

                  “Mayfly!” Hunter scolded. “Don’t you see he’s in a bad mood?”

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4181


                    SilvanisΒ  is the type who has the understanding of a child sometimes. The type that drives writers insane.



                    Why am I being so serious? He doesn’t look like he’s dying, and Hunter’s not worried. So mustn’t be. I’m imagining stuff! What fun!

                    Mayfly smiled.Β Case closed.Β She clapped her hands together for effect of closing a book, making water leap out in all directions from her little hands like from a crushed water balloon. Now what she planned to do was leave upset guy with fangs alone. She used her powers to pull all the water she had splashed on him back to her, as kinda an apology, before flashing him huge, innocent eyes and a smile.

                    It didn’t appear to dampen his mood much.



                    espeically since a splash of water is more opaque in his naga vision than his human vision. Since his naga vision is more reliable, he uses it more often, meaning a water splash can act as a cover for an enemy’s swift move. Meaning SilvanisΒ  doesn’t like sudden fire or water coming at his face.Β 

                    Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
                    #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4181

                      So his mood probably won’t improve while Mayfly’s around.

                      Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
                      #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5990

                        @rae lol

                        it certainly won’t improve when the other charrie I might add shows up either. I’m planning to save him for when they’re actually on the quest you talked about though.

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5990

                          @rae ok, if you haven’t noticed, I changed Jaylen’s recognition of Hunter to more of a “huh, do I know him?”


                          The little creature clapped her hands, spilling water everywhere, before somehow pulling the water she’d splashed Silvanis with back from him.

                          “Fascinating.” Jaylen crouched onto all fours and studied it. “Is it yours?”

                          Hunter shook his head. “No. She was here when I showed up. She’s sentient evidently, but can’t speak, which is why I gave her a nickname.”

                          Mayfly’s not all that different from Pyro, just no fire obsession and no frantic mumbling when she wants to get her point across. Jaylen thought. I think I’ll have an easy time interacting with her.

                          “So you think she’s from here?” she asked.





                          (Mayfly can answer that in her own way. Hunter will do his best to translate.)

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4181



                            Mayfly shook her head, before falling into what to her was a detailed map of her birth home, but to others was her twirling around with her hands forming shapes in the air. Eventually, seeing they didn’t see, she ‘zapped’ it with water, filling the space around her with a small model, which she promptly destroyed as she splashed through it giggling. She then created the people and animals she knew, forming them out of water and trying to make them move, but her skill was in forming shapes, not making them move without turning them into confused blobs. Eventually, each person se tried to make walk and jump turned into just a ball of water which she formed into the next creature. After a time, Mayfly seemed to forget about the other’s existence, slipping into her own little world of creating and then destroying again. A cycle she was doomed to always repeat as a Daughter of Water, but at the same, a cycle she was content with.



                            Silvanis watched on as the little person formed her little water animals.

                            How cute. It creates its own dolls.Β He blinked, eventually pulling off his mask and rubbing his eyes.Β Stars! All that flashing water is ruining my vision! Little pest!Β Slipping his mask into his belt, Silvanis switched to his human vision, his slit pupils resting on the little creature with annoyance.

                            Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
                            #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5990


                              Jaylen and Hunter

                              The dragons watched as Mayfly splashed through her creations. She made a few animal shapes, but they deformed into blobs as she tried to make them move. So she made them into other things. Hunter thought he saw a dragon or two in there.

                              Silvanis pulled off his mask and growled, the pupils of his eyes slitted.

                              “What’s she doing?” Jaylen asked.

                              “I think she’s trying to answer your question. Wherever she comes from, it’s got a lot of water.” Hunter explained. “She can write with the water, too, but I can’t make head nor tail of it.”

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4181



                                Mayfly stopped her play suddenly. She tossed her blob of water to the side, once again soaking the fellow with the weak energy. This time, she didn’t absorb it. She winked at him, tilting her head as she did so. That’s for looking so grumpy. She pulled her mouth into a smile with her fingers.Β Smile.Β He only huffed and crossed his arms.

                                Mayfly turned back to Hunter. She pointed at him, and then spelled six letters out. She pointed at herself, and created six more. After soaking Grumpy again, she took two of her fingers and intertwined them. Friends.Β She repeated the message, then stared at him, waiting for some response. Maybe this way she could teach him her alphabet.

                                Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
                                #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4181

                                  Ilsa has got it out for Silvanis! Idk even know why, but she’s just like “that guy needs to be soaked!” XD

                                  Goat babysitter atm πŸπŸ’€
                                  #AnduthForever (πŸ’•)

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