Denomination Q and A

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  • #195152
    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3027


      I know right!!!

      The Governor actually talked about splitting up households so that there were ten people each. So having small neighbor families move in together and big family split.

      That’s when the American spirit kicked in for a lot of folks and they were like, “oh you just try.”

      Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

      The Most Esteemed Feathered One
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1241


        The Governor actually talked about splitting up households so that there were ten people each. So having small neighbor families move in together and big family split.

        WHAT??? I was mostly joking with that question!

        That’s when the American spirit kicked in for a lot of folks and they were like, “oh you just try.”

        I’m now picturing a bunch of people brandishing random kitchen utensils. XD


        I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

        Ellette Giselle
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3027


          haha! I think it may have more been like loaded shotguns in plain view……………. lololololol. And a lot of protesting.


          This can be a wild town because you have the super political people, and then you have the old school farmers and such.

          Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4125


            oh wow.

            Yeah, it’s not fun to think about.

            yeah no I know not everyone should be getting death threats who leads. Our pastors aren’t currently being hunted or threaten, but it was just the general idea that so many churches and pastors and believers don’t take their faith seriously

            That’s true. I think unserious leaders will eventually lead to serious internal problems. After all, if you’re fair weather, you’re only going to look for the advantages of the positives, and you probably won’t be taking people’s lives at face value. I feel like churches can also teach their members to act like victims, when there isn’t as much persecution as they think.

            There has been no news for Silksong for today...

            Stepheroni and Cheese
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 287


              Eek, that’s unfortunate.

              My family and I complied for the sake of not living in unemployment…and also because my grandparents were really scared.

              Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

              The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1241


                Your new name and profile pick are MAGNIFICENT.🤣

                I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                Stepheroni and Cheese
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 287


                  I thank thee. ‘Tis a moniker bestowed by a friend of mine. At first, I did loathe it, yet in time, I grew fond.

                  Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 714

                    Ooh I like this conversation! My answers will probably be similar to some of the others, but I’m gonna share anyway.

                    What is your denomination?

                    Non-denominational. My church is part of a network of churches, but still functions independently.

                    Did you grow up with this denomination? Are you still growing up with it? Or did you convert to it yourself?

                    I grew up in my church and I’m still there.

                    How many books are in your bible? And if you wish, what are those books?


                    How many people in your family are that denomination? (If any are a separate denomination, or religion)

                    My immediate family and some of my extended family. The rest of my extended family are all Mennonites (but don’t picture dresses and caps and buggies… they dress pretty normally, just maybe a little more modestly, and they drive cars. Only one or two still wear a hair covering. Essentially Mennonite is in the name of their church but they don’t live by all the strict rules that some Mennonites do)

                    How many sacraments do you have? (If any…again, I am not sure if there is a denomination with zero sacraments)

                    We don’t use the term sacraments. My church does take communion (not every week, but I want to say maybe every month or two? But I’ve also taken it in small group settings as well or at home) and we do baptisms after a profession of faith (in other words, no infant baptisms… you have to be old enough to make the choice to follow Jesus yourself and baptism is a way of publicly declaring that and choosing to die to sin and live in Christ). We do child dedication several times a year as well, where we as a church pray with the parents to dedicate their children to the LORD (in much the way that Hannah dedicated Samuel to the LORD).

                    Who is the head of your denomination? (i.e. The pope for Catholics.)

                    As others have said, no head but Jesus. My church has several pastors (including a lead pastor who takes on more of the responsibility) and a team of elders that assist in leadership. The church network we’re a part of has an apostolic team to oversee the churches, but a lot of the leadership for within my church falls on the pastors and elders.

                    Who is your favorite hero from the Bible? (Can’t be Jesus. But he should be all of ours.)

                    Hmm my answer to this question changes, but right now probably John (who authored the gospel of John).

                    And finally, what is your favorite tradition from your religion? (It could be a family christian tradition, or a church tradition Example: Whenever my family hears a siren we pray a Hail Mary.)

                    Idk if this can be called a tradition, but I love getting together in smaller groups of believers (since my church is rather large, it’s harder to connect with everyone there on a Sunday) and just having Bible studies or worship together in people’s living rooms.

                    "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 714

                      @ellette-giselle @linus-smallprint @stephie

                      Linus, I love that your pastor took a stand and didn’t back down, even if it meant getting arrested. Unfortunately my church didn’t see what was going on right away and complied, but we then realized it wasn’t really as much about health as it was about control. If there was another lockdown implemented today, I highly doubt we’d shut down. We woke up to what was going on, but unfortunately not as early as I wish we would have. I will respect the government unless they’re going against the commands of God- and in this case they were most certainly overstepping by telling churches they can’t meet because of a virus. My God is more powerful than a virus, and He told us through Paul that we should not forsake the gathering of believers. Also, how come bars and nightclubs were still allowed to be open, but churches weren’t? That really tells you all you need to know- it wasn’t really about health concerns at all. I’m not denying there was a virus- I do believe covid is real, but I think they blew it out of proportions in order to control.

                      The Governor actually talked about splitting up households so that there were ten people each. So having small neighbor families move in together and big family split.

                      That’s crazy! I didn’t hear about that, but I’ve heard enough crazy stories to believe they’d try it.

                      Also @ellette-giselle, your brother with the mask thing is hilarious! I literally despise those masking policies. Once I woke up to the fact that they don’t work and it was just a means of control (anyone can disagree with me on this and that’s fine, but I’m gonna state my blunt opinion), I quit wearing one, too. That was hard- walking into places without a mask when everyone else was wearing one and giving us looks. Unfortunately, when God asked me to go to public school instead of homeschooling for my senior year, my school was still requiring masks, so I wore one because I knew getting kicked out of school would defeat the purpose of me being there to bring the light of God into that place. But I despised every minute of it, and partway through the year, I was considering organizing a student walkout to protest- and then I was praying one day and I suddenly saw this image (in my mind) of students in the hallway and a very strong wind started blowing until the masks were blown right off the faces of the students. Idk if that could be classified as a vision, but I don’t doubt it was from God, because the very next day it was super windy- like crazy winds- and less than two weeks later the school board, out of the blue, decided to lift the mandate. I never even had to organize that student protest I was thinking about. The last day we had to wear a mask, I came home and literally burned mine. I was so excited I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, and I very rarely have that level of excitement for things anymore.

                      OK this topic could get me going for hours but I’ll let it be at that for now lol.

                      Anyone can disagree with me on anything I said- I’m aware everyone has different opinions on all of this.

                      "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                      Stepheroni and Cheese
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 287

                        @ellette-giselle @trailblazer @linus-smallprint


                        Writer or not, that’s all I can think to say. I had no idea things were that bad; I actually enjoyed staying home and learning online. It was an escape. We only realized that maybe we shouldn’t have complied or that it was too much of an overreach after the pandemic was over. I’m vaccinated–only twice, but still. Didn’t have much of a choice.

                        In Canada, the problem that I’m noticing is the stuff with residential schools. A lot of churches are being burned down because people are so angry at the Church. They’re calling it a genocide; so far, no bodies have been found in the “mass graves” that they’re claiming to have found. All of these were already in graveyards which were known. “Unmarked graves” were probably marked with wooden crosses which deteriorated. Besides, many of the cemeteries were also where members of the surrounding community were buried, and the few dead children who were not sent home were buried in these cemeteries (alongside deceased bishops, priests, teachers, etc). I could go into more detail, but the whole situation was not as horrible as the government and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission make it out to be.

                        One of the priests at my parish used to work in a parish near a native reserve. The church was burned down. The firefighters tried to stop the priest from going back in to get the tabernacle (which contained the body of Christ), but he told them that his Savior was in there and that he had to go. He went in, got the tabernacle, and came out without a single burn.

                        In school, kids are being taught that they must be reconciled with Native American peoples because of what their ancestors did. I’m seeing marxism in this. For anyone unfamiliar with marxism, it’s a political ideology closely related to communism where society is devided into two classes: the bourgeoisie, or the capitalists, and the proletariat, or the workers. Ultimately, this means that society is divided into the groups of the oppressors and the oppressed. (The oppressed, in this situation, would be Indigenous peoples. The oppressors would be the rest of people.) Karl Marx also wrote The Communist Manifesto.




                        Please don’t kill me XD

                        Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 714


                          No I totally see what you mean. I don’t know if it’s the same way in Canada, but here in the States the same thing is being taught in the schools, only it’s an issue of whites and African Americans. They’re trying to say whites are inherently racist against other nationalities (mainly stemming from the issue of slavery). While I do think there should be forgiveness and unity between African Americans and white Americans, and I definitely believe we have all been created equal, the whole diversity/equity/inclusion agenda is painting white people as the oppressors and blacks as the oppressed/victims. If you tell someone they’re a victim they’re only going to continue living with a victim mentality, and that’s not healthy, either. While it’s important that we don’t forget what happened, I think it is also time to stop holding grudges and move forward with a culture of honor and respect and not shaming and blaming.

                          But anyway… lest I start a debate, I’m going to get down off my soap box now.

                          "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 456


                            What is your denomination?

                            My family doesn’t have a denomination as we see that it just causes more divisions in Christians. So, I’m just a Christian. If you want to add anything, I am an American Christian. (I live in America, and I self-govern myself which is what America is about)

                            Did you grow up with this denomination? Are you still growing up with it?Or did you convert to it yourself?

                            No, I never grew up in a denomination. My family has been to many different denomination meetings: baptist, reformed, morman, pentecostal, messianic, and it’s been interesting seeing how they do things differently.

                            How many books are in your bible? And if you wish, what are those books?


                            How many people in your family are that denomination? (If any are a separate denomination or religion)

                            My whole family believes there shouldn’t be denominations in the body of Christ. We’re simply followers of Jesus, or little anointed ones since that’s what the word “Christian” means.

                            How many sacraments do you have? (If any…again, I am not sure if there is a denomination with zero sacraments)


                            Who is the head of your denomination? (i.e. The pope for Catholics.)


                            Who is your favorite hero from the Bible? (Can’t be Jesus. But he should be all of ours.)

                            Prince Jonathan!!!!!!!

                            And finally, what is your favorite tradition from your religion?

                            Tradition…well, I would say experiencing the fellowship of Jesus…but I’m not sure if that counts as a tradition…I’m assuming you’re thinking of things we do…well, I would say talking “Be Still” walks, studying the Scriptures, fellowship and sharing about Jesus with other young believers, and praying.

                            • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Liberty.

                            "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

                            Stepheroni and Cheese
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 287


                              But anyway… lest I start a debate, I’m going to get down off my soap box now.

                              Yeah, me too XD

                              One last thing: what they’re teaching sounds like critical race theory. According to Brittanica:

                              Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Critical race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism to the concrete (if distant) goal of eliminating all race-based and other unjust hierarchies.

                              Not the most amazing thing to be teaching children. “Oh, you’re white? You must be racist. You’re black? Thing is, everyone hates you and your opportunities are limited.” It’s bananas. Somebody ought to reintroduce Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s I Have a Dream speech again, because this isn’t the dream he was talking about.

                              I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.





                              And now I step off my soap box XD

                              Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 714


                                I also understand about it feeling casual…but then again I’m also the person who will talk to Jesus about anything and everything and see Him as my best friend…like if I’m blasting rap music I picture Jesus in the car with me in the passenger’s seat jamming out with me XDXD

                                Girl literally… that’s so relatable! Sometimes if I’m driving alone I’ll talk to Him aloud and picture Him sitting there. I probably look like I’m crazy but He is always with us, so why would He not be in the car with me?

                                I also talk to God in a “casual way”, for example I ask him all the time for help finding things, for example, “Dad? Can you help me find the tape??!?!”  (he did help me find the tape, it was under my bed lol!) (and yes, I call Him Dad, which is Biblical because Jesus called God “Abba” which literally means “Daddy” so I don’t believe that’s wrong either)

                                Yessss I call Him Abba all the time, and sometimes I use Dad or Daddy too, but not as often because I need some way to distinguish Him from my earthly dad. Or if I’m not talking to the Father, I’ll just address Him as Jesus or Holy Spirit… which it sounds really strange to say it as if I’m talking to three separate beings, but I’m not- He’s the same God just different aspects of His character, so depending on how I’m interacting with Him I address Him differently.

                                One of my friends from my discipleship school this past year was cooking a meal for all of us and she was trying to figure out how to boil the chicken, so she just asked Him, “Jesus, how do I boil this chicken?” And He gave her instructions on how to do it.

                                I think the reason I talk to God in a more “casual” way is because yes, He is the King of the Universe, but I think He also wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. We all have different and unique ways of relating to Him and He didn’t create all of us the same. I feel like some people are more comfortable talking to Him the way I do, and some have different ways they talk to Him.

                                When I say I talk to God in a “casual” way, I don’t take Him for granted, and I definitely don’t forget that He’s God, and I’m not, therefore we’re not equals. But He does want to be involved in my life, so I guess that’s just my unique way of letting Him!

                                I completely agree! In fact, I think interacting with Him in a “casual” way only makes me more in awe of Him and causes me to worship Him even more! The fact that the King of Kings, the Highest One, the Most Holy, would desire to know me and for me to know Him blows my mind! It makes me so much more grateful for the price that Jesus paid for me on the cross when I realize how big of a separation there was between us and that He literally went through all of that so that an imperfect human like me, made in His image, could once again know Him in an intimate way and walk and talk with Him again like Adam and Eve did in the Garden. He gave everything for me, so that I could know the Father- and it amazes me that I can just step into His presence and because of the blood of Jesus, He doesn’t see my sins or mistakes, but He sees me as a beloved daughter, and He desires me. Like what??? What kind of king would go to the lengths He went to just so we could know Him and spend eternity with Him? But He did it, and the more I get to know Him and interact with Him personally, the more grateful I am for Jesus doing that! He’s just so good! I don’t even have words to adequately describe Him!

                                "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                                The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1241


                                  I didn’t realize you were Canadian.

                                  I don’t know much about Marxism, but yeah, it sounds pretty bad.

                                  I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

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