Denomination Q and A

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  • This topic has 345 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 5 days ago by Kefa.
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  • #198508
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 771


      Thanks! And that also seems true. We also teach that God doesn’t forgive you until you have prayer with him, after confession. So there is that too!

      I hope you have fun!!!!!!!

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha!… Nope. Thank you, but I didn’t…. I almost died šŸ˜€ I am not joking.


      Sorry for taking so LONNNGGGG to reply!

      Yeah thatā€™s awesome! Some mega churches can be great! I guess only the bad ones made it onto the media šŸ˜… And what I meant by getting people in, is seeing how big they can make their church, instead of actually discipling people and helping them grow in Christ. Like, theyā€™re more focused on getting five thousand people on Sunday just to look good, than maybe a thousand who actually love Jesus or want to know more about Him.

      Also, what do you mean by ā€œgive them a good church experience to make them care about church?ā€ I wanted to say something about that, but I want to be sure Iā€™m understanding you correctly. : )

      Oh, yeah I should’ve mentioned that! About how mega churches are almost always portrayed badly. (Ofc there are some awful mega churches.) But what I mean about “giving them a good church experience” is truly bringing the gospel to them. Truly showing them that they are loved and God loves them! Because tons of people have had horrible experiences with churches. Especially with some of the modern problems šŸ˜¬

      Lol, sorry! What I meant, is that if someone is mocking the church or Christianity to my face, Iā€™d probably just do my best to shrug it off. Like, Whatever bro. Jesus told His followers that they would be hated, not because of who they were necessarily, but because the world already hates Him. Mockery shouldnā€™t come as a surprise.

      That makes sense. I guess I am more like Simon Peter… “punch” first and ask questions later XD

      I might try to defend Christianity or God if theyā€™re mocking them, but I donā€™t want to get into a fight. They might be mocking just to try to get on my nerves, or just to run their mouth and make their opinion heard. People do that all the time on social media. If my effort to defend will make God or Christianity look bad because Iā€™m getting in a heated argument, then Iā€™m not going to do it. Itā€™s just not worth it. God will defend Himself. (Now donā€™t get me wrong, I believe we should stand up for what we believe in, but we arenā€™t on this earth to argue with people who hate Him. Weā€™re there to bring those people closer to Him. And some of those people are just going to reject that over and over again.)

      Yup! And I should probably act out the way you see the world! I just don’t like when people talk rudely about the one true God!

      What do you mean by ā€œkindaā€?

      what was the question again? was it about the artist?


      "We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)

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