Denomination Q and A

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  • #197274
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 746


      I think we just have different definitions of sacraments.

      I think so 😂


      Great! If you could point me to where you talk about it, that would be awesome:)

      oop, uhh, I will make a topic for it!!!!!!!!!

      So it’s weird because we absolutely have the analog of reconciliation, where we repent and confess to a Bishop (one of authority over your ward (mass)), and resolve to be better. It’s just that we don’t really see it as an ordinance, even though it must be done with authority. If it’s defined as a catholic sacrament though, then yeah we have it for sure.

      Nice, because I know other denominations just forgive to one another… 😬 that sounds worse.

      I don’t think I’ve heard that second one before, do you know where the passage is? This is really interesting. I would point out James 2:19 “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” I would say that directly opposing/hating God would be the more negative case, because at least in the case of non-belief, that’s an act out of ignorance rather than defiance, though that may be an overgeneralization, because each individual is different.

      I think the most fascinating element to this subject is what does God really value the most? Belief, manifestation of faith, action according to available knowledge, ect.

      I couldn’t find the exact one I was talking about, but here is a similar one! “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:15-16

      Interesting, what would you say to someone who believe Jesus is the Savior of the world and God, but also believe in multiple other gods?

      That is a really good question! I would say the same thing, about how they are so closed to being saved, they just need to be taught that there is only ONE TRUE GOD!!!! 😁

      Amen to all of it🙏 But you know the cool thing, He chose to suffer on the cross for you, and He would do it all again if it were for only you.

      I know! 🥹


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1318


        oop, uhh, I will make a topic for it!!!!!!!!!

        Sounds good😂

        Nice, because I know other denominations just forgive to one another… 😬 that sounds worse.

        And of course, we should reconcile ourselves with our fellow man, especially those we have wronged, but man cannot forgive sin, only God, and by extension those He’s given authority that He might work through them.

        I couldn’t find the exact one I was talking about, but here is a similar one! “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:15-16

        Very intriguing verses! Though, I wonder if this is really referring to belief. The sin is later specified in the chapter as basically thinking that your fine with your worldly possessions, when you are in reality very poor and miserable in spirit, at least as far as I’m currently interpreting it. And then I wonder what “hot and cold” really means, does it really imply for or against God? I’m just not sure. (I’m merely musing btw, thanks for giving me a rabbit hole to explore:)

        That is a really good question! I would say the same thing, about how they are so closed to being saved, they just need to be taught that there is only ONE TRUE GOD!!!! 😁

        But what if they argue that they believe in one true God/creator, they just merely recognize the existence of other lesser gods?

        I’ll be fully transparent and admit that I myself am henotheistic, meaning that I believe in one true God, and worship no other, yet believe that beings that bear the title “god” or elohim also exist, though in modern language the majority of such beings would merely be refered to as angels or demons, even though biblically/historically they were all elohim/gods.

        I know! 🥹


        He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 746


          And of course, we should reconcile ourselves with our fellow man, especially those we have wronged, but man cannot forgive sin, only God, and by extension those He’s given authority that He might work through them.

          Oops, I raised that wrong. I meant they go one on one, like, of course I ask for forgiveness from someone I wronged, but I meant that it sounds bad that you have to say your sins against them… especially if they are really bad…



            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 746

            @keilah-h @rae @ellette-giselle @theducktator @grcr @linus-smallprint @hybridlore@raxforge @whalekeeper @loopylin @arcticanimals @esther-c @jonas and @liberty @savannah_grace2009 @highscribeofaetherium @koshka @power@freed_and_redeemed and @thearcaneaxiom!

            Hello again everyone! I have a question about some stuff today!

            1. What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)
            2. What are your thoughts on how the church is portrayed in media?
            3. How do you feel on videos doing a joke based on something from the Bible. (Ex. this video titled “Their conversation at dinner after Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac.” )
            4. What do you think of the new churches (like mega churches.)
            5. Have you ever told something false to someone about a church, and or the bible?
            6. If someone makes fun of the church, or mocks it, how do you respond.
            7. What do you react to finding out that an artist you like begins to do wrong things. (Like a draw and art piece disrespectful to God, or Jesus. Or makes a song about demons and worshiping them or something. Any range of “art”)

            Thank you!


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4115


              What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)

              I believe every Christian has the opportunity to confess to God in their heart, rather than in a specific place.

              Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. – 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

              Forgiveness of sins cannot be given to a Christian by a priest or rabbi. It depends on the one-to-one relationship between the person and Christ, within the person’s heart. This is something each Christian is responsible for, because no amount of outward confession equals an inner confession – although outward is important in its own way.

              I do believe there are times to confess your sin to others, because if you have done someone wrong, taking full responsibility would be a lot better. But, at the core, your repentance depends on God’s grace, and doesn’t require going to a specific place or human.

              I am definitely interested in your experience with reconciliation though, if you want to share why you do it.

              What are your thoughts on how the church is portrayed in media?

              I am not the kind of person who hates on a piece of media if it criticizes religion. Some churches have genuinely caused harm to others, and I think people like to release their pent-up anger through media. However, generalizing all Christianity as ignorant and harmful is surprisingly hypocritical. For example, in Inherit the Wind, one church tries to revoke the rights of an evolutionist teacher. Because of that one church, the film treats religion as the problem. I wish the filmmakers didn’t do that.

              How do you feel on videos doing a joke based on something from the Bible. (Ex. this video titled “Their conversation at dinner after Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac.” )

              I don’t mind unless it makes God the butt of the joke.

              What do you think of the new churches (like mega churches.)

              Mega churches are a weird concept to me. If I can’t feel connected to everyone in my church by proximity – if not friendship – it doesn’t feel intimate. I feel more disconnected.

              Have you ever told something false to someone about a church, and or the bible?

              Not sure.

              If someone makes fun of the church, or mocks it, how do you respond.

              I would ask them why they think the church is silly, and then ask them where they got the idea. Mockery often stems from an exaggerated misconception.

              What do you react to finding out that an artist you like begins to do wrong things. (Like a draw and art piece disrespectful to God, or Jesus. Or makes a song about demons and worshiping them or something. Any range of “art”)

              I’ve thought about this before. The thing is, art is a form of expression and communication. If somebody sings about worshipping a demon, I’m not going to immediately stop listening. Very often, it’s a metaphor for something, and they aren’t actually condoning demon worship. Maybe it’s a song about addiction, and the singer feels like they are attached to something that slowly eats them from the inside. I don’t see anything wrong with using an apt metaphor.

              To go in a more nuanced direction. I have a favorite childhood artist who sang a song about how their love for somebody feels like the Serpent wheedling Eve into eating the fruit. His lover is depicted as the innocent one, and he describes himself as undeserving for even attempting to be near her. Using metaphors, he clearly gives the listener a feel for how the relationship isn’t functional. He feels as if his lover would have to compromise the traits which makes her so special. Thus, the song is a tragedy, mostly for the girl.

              A lot of this depends on your interpretation of a song.

              Now, sure, some songs plainly like the idea of demons. I’ve heard a couple of them and stopped listening. So I ask myself, “what story is this song trying to tell? Does it want you to like something? Or is it just communicating a feeling with metaphors?”

              • This reply was modified 2 days, 10 hours ago by whaley.


              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3007

                @raxforge   @freed_and_redeemed

                Kefa missed your tags.

                Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 746



                  "MAMA! I AM SCARED MOMA! MOMAAAAAA!!!!!!! TALK TO ME MAMA!"

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3007


                    What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)

                    I can copy and paste the answer @whalekeeper gave, or you can just read her’s. 😉

                    she said everything I would have said in a much better way than I would have said it.

                    What are your thoughts on how the church is portrayed in media?

                    uh, not exactly sure what you mean by this. I’ve never really seen something I dislike (I have seen churches in media I’ve disagreed with, but that’s because they were a different denomination.) but I don’t watch a tone of stuff. As for anything beyond movies… don’t watch much of that either really.

                    How do you feel on videos doing a joke based on something from the Bible. (Ex. this video titled “Their conversation at dinner after Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac.” )

                    it depends. God is a God of humor. He is a God who loves laughter. That said, there is a difference between a lighthearted joke and dishonorable or disrespectful crass jokes. It really depends on the heart and attitude of the teller. Are they doing this in mockery or because they want to laugh about something God would have laughed about. Basically, if Jesus was sitting at the table with you (visibly) would you tell that joke? I’m not sure if I’m making much sense. Just don’t put God up in a tower and make him unapproachable and stern, and…. I don’t know. I’m not doing a good job of this.
                    there is a book called Fawkes and it is allegorical. It has the most beautiful portrayal of God I’ve seen in a while. A God who laughs, loves, feels, cares, fights, comforts, etc. (before you read it, I will warn you that it’s a sketch of the Covenanters/Protestants breaking away from the Catholics and does take our side of that war, so you may not like it.)

                    but yeah, anyways. Long explanation that went nowhere. 😆

                    What do you think of the new churches (like mega churches.)

                    Mega churches have been around for some time. I consider new “churches” to be those groups who hang rainbow flags all over the building because, yes, it’s been going on for a while, but only recently has it gotten so in your face.
                    mega churches I have a problem with. How can I be holding my brothers and sister accountable, encouraging them, caring for them, not forsaking their fellowship, etc etc if I don’t even know them? The first churches met in houses. I think a smaller church is better.

                    Have you ever told something false to someone about a church, and or the bible?


                    If someone makes fun of the church, or mocks it, how do you respond.

                    my first reaction if a but of over protective hackles raised shiver. Once I get ahold of that I’ll try to talk to the person. It really depends on the situation. There was one time when a girl on my team was mocking the beliefs and convictions of a little sibling of another teammate. I told her to knock it off and leave him alone. I’ll not stand by peaceably if a teenager or adult is trying to make a little child doubt his faith. That’s not okay! Jesus has strong language for those who do such things. We are to defend and protect children.
                    there are other situations where I have reply less forcefully. So yeah, it really depends on the situation I think.

                    What do you react to finding out that an artist you like begins to do wrong things. (Like a draw and art piece disrespectful to God, or Jesus. Or makes a song about demons and worshiping them or something. Any range of “art”)

                    Well, I guess it depends. Whaley had a good point, but there are some lines that should not be crossed. And if they are crossed, I’m done. If they are a secular artist then that’s to be expected. Depending on the situation I may quit listening to them altogether, or just not listen to their songs.
                    But sometimes not. Lauren Daigle for instance. After what she did with her band I will not listen to her at all. Period. I loved some of her old songs, (Rescue, and You Say were really meaningful to me and I had them memorized) but I am done. I’m not going to look down on her or hate on her, but I’m also not going to support that kind of behavior.

                    so yeah. There we go. All my answers. 🙂



                    Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                    The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1234


                      What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.)

                      Only God has the power to forgive sins, and I don’t think it matters where sin is confessed, as long as it is confessed and the person repents. But if you have sinned against someone, then you should confess to them too.

                      What are your thoughts on how the church is portrayed in media?

                      Recently it seems like the whole church and Christianity are being painted as evil. I know some churches have done terrible things, but Christians now seem to be considered terrible people for holding to basic beliefs such as the sanctity of life and marriage, and newer books seem to treat them as such.

                      How do you feel on videos doing a joke based on something from the Bible. (Ex. this video titled “Their conversation at dinner after Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac.” )

                      As long as they aren’t mocking God, I think they’re funny.

                      What do you think of the new churches (like mega churches.)

                      UGH. I’m sorry, but I never want to be in a mega church. At my church, parishioners can just text my dad (the pastor) if they want to talk. My dad says after a church reaches about 200 people, it’s time to think about planting another church, and he never wants people to have to talk to a secretary in order to reach him. One thing I love about our small church is that I know everyone.

                      Have you ever told something false to someone about a church, and or the bible?

                      Not that I remember…

                      If someone makes fun of the church, or mocks it, how do you respond.

                      I once had someone say that God wasn’t real and that she hated the Bible. I was stunned, and before I could figure out what to say, the topic of conversation had changed.

                      What do you react to finding out that an artist you like begins to do wrong things. (Like a draw and art piece disrespectful to God, or Jesus. Or makes a song about demons and worshiping them or something. Any range of “art”)

                      I’ve been thinking about this recently since several authors I like have put lgbtq stuff in their books. I’m pretty disappointed, but I will probably continue to read their books anyway, but not buy them. Sometimes it depends on how much of the book is like this. I no longer read Rick Riordan aside from the original PJO series and HoO series, because I can’t trust them to not be filled to the brim with woke.

                      So long, and thanks for all the fish!

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 746


                        Thanks for replying so quickly!

                        Forgiveness of sins cannot be given to a Christian by a priest or rabbi. It depends on the one-to-one relationship between the person and Christ, within the person’s heart. This is something each Christian is responsible for, because no amount of outward confession equals an inner confession – although outward is important in its own way.

                        I do believe there are times to confess your sin to others, because if you have done someone wrong, taking full responsibility would be a lot better. But, at the core, your repentance depends on God’s grace, and doesn’t require going to a specific place or human.

                        I am definitely interested in your experience with reconciliation though, if you want to share why you do it.

                        This is what I love about it! You confess to a priest, and through God’s power he forgives you, but we teach that God will only forgive you if you truly mean forgiveness from within! And to prove you truly do, you have to complete your penance! Usually a couple good deeds to the people you have wronged, and prayers to God.

                        I have heard many stories of people breaking out in tears during their confessions, which truly shows that they care and are truly apologetic!

                        (I asked this question because I met someone who used to be a Protestant, and she said she used to hate catholics, she said that she thought they could sin and do what ever they wanted and then go to reconciliation and everything would be fine… that is FAR from the truth!)

                        I am not the kind of person who hates on a piece of media if it criticizes religion. Some churches have genuinely caused harm to others, and I think people like to release their pent-up anger through media. However, generalizing all Christianity as ignorant and harmful is surprisingly hypocritical. For example, in Inherit the Wind, one church tries to revoke the rights of an evolutionist teacher. Because of that one church, the film treats religion as the problem. I wish the filmmakers didn’t do that.

                        Yeah, I find it annoying how they make the religion bad because of one church. Every church is different, and the people are the ones that mold that church!

                        I don’t mind unless it makes God the butt of the joke.

                        I like those kind of jokes, but like you said, they still have to treat God with respect! The video that I referenced was made by one of my favorite creators! She makes some really funny skits, while referencing the Bible, and praising God!

                        Mega churches are a weird concept to me. If I can’t feel connected to everyone in my church by proximity – if not friendship – it doesn’t feel intimate. I feel more disconnected.

                        That is one of the main problems I have with my church. Don’t get me wrong, I love it there, but it is a little too big! I visit my friends churches, or cousins or grandparents, and they always know everyone there! The community is so much more connected! I don’t even know half the people who go there, only the ones who work and serve there! I can name out the entire list of people from memory who work there. (My dad is second to running the church) But as people who just attend the mass, I couldn’t name more than 20. (20 people is very little compared to how many people we get…)

                        I would ask them why they think the church is silly, and then ask them where they got the idea. Mockery often stems from an exaggerated misconception.

                        That’s good, I would just sit there awkwardly and maybe fade away.

                        I’ve thought about this before. The thing is, art is a form of expression and communication. If somebody sings about worshipping a demon, I’m not going to immediately stop listening. Very often, it’s a metaphor for something, and they aren’t actually condoning demon worship. Maybe it’s a song about addiction, and the singer feels like they are attached to something that slowly eats them from the inside. I don’t see anything wrong with using an apt metaphor.

                        To go in a more nuanced direction. I have a favorite childhood artist who sang a song about how their love for somebody feels like the Serpent wheedling Eve into eating the fruit. His lover is depicted as the innocent one, and he describes himself as undeserving for even attempting to be near her. Using metaphors, he clearly gives the listener a feel for how the relationship isn’t functional. He feels as if his lover would have to compromise the traits which makes her so special. Thus, the song is a tragedy, mostly for the girl.

                        A lot of this depends on your interpretation of a song.

                        Now, sure, some songs plainly like the idea of demons. I’ve heard a couple of them and stopped listening. So I ask myself, “what story is this song trying to tell? Does it want you to like something? Or is it just communicating a feeling with metaphors?”

                        That is a great way to respond! I usually awkwardly click off of it without a second thought. Maybe I should start trying you approach to things.

                        "MAMA! I AM SCARED MOMA! MOMAAAAAA!!!!!!! TALK TO ME MAMA!"

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 746


                          Only God has the power to forgive sins, and I don’t think it matters where sin is confessed, as long as it is confessed and the person repents. But if you have sinned against someone, then you should confess to them too.

                          ???? I think everyone knows that. Even in the Bible when Jesus forgives sins, the pharisees say that only God can do that! (And Jesus is God 😂, those pharisees were so ignorant 😂) And the priest isn’t the one forgiving the sins, it is God. You are just confessing them through the priest and then they go to God!

                          Recently it seems like the whole church and Christianity are being painted as evil. I know some churches have done terrible things, but Christians now seem to be considered terrible people for holding to basic beliefs such as the sanctity of life and marriage, and newer books seem to treat them as such.

                          Cannot argue with that.

                          As long as they aren’t mocking God, I think they’re funny.

                          YEAH! 😁

                          UGH. I’m sorry, but I never want to be in a mega church. At my church, parishioners can just text my dad (the pastor) if they want to talk. My dad says after a church reaches about 200 people, it’s time to think about planting another church, and he never wants people to have to talk to a secretary in order to reach him. One thing I love about our small church is that I know everyone.

                          My church is considered a mega church. And I wish that was how it was… 😢

                          I once had someone say that God wasn’t real and that she hated the Bible. I was stunned, and before I could figure out what to say, the topic of conversation had changed.

                          Wait, I was stunned by that respond… Huh?! That is kinda random and crazy!

                          I’ve been thinking about this recently since several authors I like have put lgbtq stuff in their books. I’m pretty disappointed, but I will probably continue to read their books anyway, but not buy them. Sometimes it depends on how much of the book is like this. I no longer read Rick Riordan aside from the original PJO series and HoO series, because I can’t trust them to not be filled to the brim with woke.

                          I didn’t even think of that, but yeah! I hate when creators do that! I had this TV show I LOVED to watch. And it was ruined when they made two girls kiss 🙁


                          "MAMA! I AM SCARED MOMA! MOMAAAAAA!!!!!!! TALK TO ME MAMA!"

                          The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1234


                            And the priest isn’t the one forgiving the sins, it is God. You are just confessing them through the priest and then they go to God!

                            Oh, that makes more sense. XD

                            Wait, I was stunned by that respond… Huh?! That is kinda random and crazy!

                            Yeah…I’ve never had someone directly mock Christianity. That’s the only experience I’ve had like that. Sheltered homeschooler here.  It shocked me.

                            I didn’t even think of that, but yeah! I hate when creators do that! I had this TV show I LOVED to watch. And it was ruined when they made two girls kiss 🙁

                            It’s so frustrating.😫

                            So long, and thanks for all the fish!

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 746


                              I can copy and paste the answer @whalekeeper gave, or you can just read her’s. 😉

                              she said everything I would have said in a much better way than I would have said it.

                              Then I will respond with my answer!

                              This is what I love about it! You confess to a priest, and through God’s power he forgives you, but we teach that God will only forgive you if you truly mean forgiveness from within! And to prove you truly do, you have to complete your penance! Usually a couple good deeds to the people you have wronged, and prayers to God.

                              I have heard many stories of people breaking out in tears during their confessions, which truly shows that they care and are truly apologetic!

                              (I asked this question because I met someone who used to be a Protestant, and she said she used to hate catholics, she said that she thought they could sin and do what ever they wanted and then go to reconciliation and everything would be fine… that is FAR from the truth!)

                              uh, not exactly sure what you mean by this. I’ve never really seen something I dislike (I have seen churches in media I’ve disagreed with, but that’s because they were a different denomination.) but I don’t watch a tone of stuff. As for anything beyond movies… don’t watch much of that either really.

                              Media could be books, shows, movies, articles, social media, and etc.

                              it depends. God is a God of humor. He is a God who loves laughter. That said, there is a difference between a lighthearted joke and dishonorable or disrespectful crass jokes. It really depends on the heart and attitude of the teller. Are they doing this in mockery or because they want to laugh about something God would have laughed about. Basically, if Jesus was sitting at the table with you (visibly) would you tell that joke? I’m not sure if I’m making much sense. Just don’t put God up in a tower and make him unapproachable and stern, and…. I don’t know. I’m not doing a good job of this.
                              there is a book called Fawkes and it is allegorical. It has the most beautiful portrayal of God I’ve seen in a while. A God who laughs, loves, feels, cares, fights, comforts, etc. (before you read it, I will warn you that it’s a sketch of the Covenanters/Protestants breaking away from the Catholics and does take our side of that war, so you may not like it.)

                              but yeah, anyways. Long explanation that went nowhere. 😆

                              I definitely agree! And as for the book… I might read it, but at the same time I might gent angry at it 🤣 I am human after all…. 😂🤷‍♂️

                              Mega churches have been around for some time. I consider new “churches” to be those groups who hang rainbow flags all over the building because, yes, it’s been going on for a while, but only recently has it gotten so in your face.
                              mega churches I have a problem with. How can I be holding my brothers and sister accountable, encouraging them, caring for them, not forsaking their fellowship, etc etc if I don’t even know them? The first churches met in houses. I think a smaller church is better.

                              Yes and yes. the main thing about my mega church is it seams as if there are tiny communities inside the church. Like groups of people that just talk and do all this “accountable, encouraging them, caring for them, not forsaking their fellowship, etc etc ” with just a small group. (The funny part is I am apart of almost every group in my church.) But I do wish my church community was 75% smaller.

                              my first reaction if a but of over protective hackles raised shiver. Once I get ahold of that I’ll try to talk to the person. It really depends on the situation. There was one time when a girl on my team was mocking the beliefs and convictions of a little sibling of another teammate. I told her to knock it off and leave him alone. I’ll not stand by peaceably if a teenager or adult is trying to make a little child doubt his faith. That’s not okay! Jesus has strong language for those who do such things. We are to defend and protect children.
                              there are other situations where I have reply less forcefully. So yeah, it really depends on the situation I think.

                              to a child?! That person deserves to step on a lego! OMA (oh my avocado) I can’t believe that! And I agree ellete!

                              Well, I guess it depends. Whaley had a good point, but there are some lines that should not be crossed. And if they are crossed, I’m done. If they are a secular artist then that’s to be expected. Depending on the situation I may quit listening to them altogether, or just not listen to their songs.
                              But sometimes not. Lauren Daigle for instance. After what she did with her band I will not listen to her at all. Period. I loved some of her old songs, (Rescue, and You Say were really meaningful to me and I had them memorized) but I am done. I’m not going to look down on her or hate on her, but I’m also not going to support that kind of behavior.

                              so yeah. There we go. All my answers. 🙂

                              What did she do? And thanks!

                              "MAMA! I AM SCARED MOMA! MOMAAAAAA!!!!!!! TALK TO ME MAMA!"

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 746


                                Yeah…I’ve never had someone directly mock Christianity. That’s the only experience I’ve had like that. Sheltered homeschooler here.  It shocked me.

                                I am also very sheltered!  lol. (I didn’t know how babies were made until last year. 9TH GRADE HERE!)


                                "MAMA! I AM SCARED MOMA! MOMAAAAAA!!!!!!! TALK TO ME MAMA!"

                                The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1234


                                  Wow. I think I was 10. But I didn’t know the f word or about any of the lgbtq stuff until 7th grade.

                                  So long, and thanks for all the fish!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 338 total)
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