Cover Design!!! 📚👩🏻‍🎨

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  • #151315
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3754


      Oh ok. Thanks!


      Alrighty! I’ll get on it as soon as I can!!

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3754


        Alright! Here it is!! Tell me what you think! If there’s anything you’d like me to change, let me know. 🙂


        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3754


          Here’s yours! If it’s not how you want it or you want something different, then let me know and I can change it. 🙂


          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @esther-c I was wondering…would you mind doing another Mock cover for me? 😊

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3754


              Not at all! 😊 I’d be happy to do another one!

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @esther-c YAY!!!


                Title: Out Of Love

                Author: Freedom


                Erich is trying to make it on his own in the world. Working as an officer in the SS, he works in a Concentration Camp. He wants to wrong those that hurt him and is searching for revenge on those that abandoned him. He left everything behind when he left his family. His adoptive family. Given up by his mother as a baby, Erich believes she gave him up merely because she didn’t want him. Believes nobody does. But, when an old friend of his, a Jewish friend, meets him once again, his idea of Atheism is challenged, and he comes to learn the real reason why his mother gave him up.


                Esther is a young, Jewish woman student studying to become a doctor. Living in America, she comes back to Germany to visit her parents that stayed, learns of the true anti-Semitism of the Nazis, and realizes just how far they’ll go. A messianic Jew, she knows that Jesus is the Messiah. But when she meets an old friend of hers that is now married and working in the Nazi SS, she realizes how much of a challenge it is to teach the gospel to one that denies it.


                Both pulled together again after years of separation, they both must learn powerful messages. Both will have to evaluate their beliefs, and both will learn more about something beautiful: love.

                Theme: God’s Love

                Setting: WWII Nazi Germany

                Aesthetic: WWII Germany, friendship, letters, Bible, Cross

                Colors: Pink, light brown, tan, white

                Important objects in story: Letters

                Other: Hmm…can’t think of anything!!! XXD

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 842


                  That is perfect, no need to change anything! It is so professional looking! Thank you sooooo much!

                  "Would you kindly...?"

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3754


                    Ok! I’ll start working on it! (I already have some ideas… 😏)


                    You’re so welcome!! Glad you like it!! 😊

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3754


                      Ok I’ve got two again because I couldn’t choose which one I liked best. XD


                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3754


                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @esther-c Awwwww, I love them!!! 💖💖 TYSM!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3754


                            You’re so welcome!! They were fun to make! 😄

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3754

                              @savannah_grace2009 @freed_and_redeemed @lightoverdarkness6 @highscribeofaetheirum @trailblazer @theducktator @whalekeeper @princesachronicle22 @beth-torres @hybridlore @smiley @grcr @acancello @mineralizedwritings @literallyanyone

                              I’m reviving this topic! If you wanna know what it’s all about, just skip over to the first page! I thought it’d be fun to do this again. Of course if you don’t want a mock cover, you don’t have to ask, lol. XD And you can look through the few I did for other peeps. (:

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              The Ducktator
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1385


                                As of right now, I have no titles or blurbs. I will definitely come back to this topic after I come up with some. Your cover designs look amazing! And by the way, what is an aesthetic?

                                Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1456


                                  ooo… cool! 😃

                                  I’d love one, but I don’t exactly have a blurb typed… I could to try to write one, but it may not be that great… we’ll see…

                                  you're unique—just like everyone else.
                                  i've got your nose.

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