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  • #12526
    Anna Brie
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 312

      I had something rather awkward happen with my writing. I was out and I had my notebook in my library bag with some books that needed returning. Mum ended up doing it and now I’ll have to go by the library sometime to pick it up. It’s not as bad as accidentally deleting it of course, but I’d wanted to finish reading back through it.

      Kate Flournoy
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3976

        Good thoughts, @Daeus.
        I was… it hurt. I was so disappointed. It’s difficult to remember that there have been political disappointments in the past, and America survived them.
        But there have been—Ronald Reagan, for instance. He ran like this, and lost under pretty similar circumstances, and the next time he ran he won in a landslide. So there is a precedent, guys… 😀

        I’m also kinda glad Cruz got out without beating around the bush— saving himself the embarrassment of becoming a ‘spoiler’ like Kasich. Also, he left without the ‘loser’ narrative sticking to his name, and that’s good for multiple reasons.

        I’m disappointed. But I think I’ll survive. 😉

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 450

          @kate-flournoy I know…it’s so depressing. I still can’t believe Cruz and Kasich dropped out. 🙁 I just have to remember that God’s got it under control. *sigh*

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1622

            Has anyone seen the movie by the Kendrick brothers’ War Room?

            Hope Ann
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1092

              @bluejay I’ve seen it. I really like the Sherwood films, but was underwhelmed by War Room. Plot wise, it was fragmented. And the theme wasn’t woven into the story as well as in the other movies. It seemed like the plot was built around the theme instead. It was still a fairly good movie, but not as good as their others. Have you seen it?

              INTJ - Inhumane. No-feelings. Terrible. Judgment and doom on everyone.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 450

                @Bluejay Yes, I really liked it. 🙂 Did you like it?

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1622

                  @hope @gretald Yes I have seen it. In fact I posted that question just after I watched it. I haven’t seen Fireproof or Courageous as of yet, but I’ve seen the first two. That movie makes me CRY LIKE CRAZY!!!! It was very well done. And there are some very VERY VERY funny moments in there. And a great battle plan. PRAYER!

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 450

                    @Bluejay Yeah, it was a really good movie. I was tearing up in some parts, too. Ohh, you should watch Courageous and Fireproof! They’re really good and moving, as well. 🙂

                    Christine Eaton
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 306

                      With all of the political talk on here, I just want to ask if anyone on KP is also part of Generation Joshua. If so have to you been to one of the camps or gone on a Student Action Team? I’m going to iGovern East at Patrick Henry College this summer. 🙂

                      Theater kid. Currently depressed because I can't stop listening to sad musicals.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 450

                        @Christi-Eaton No, I’ve never heard of it. What’s Generation Joshua?

                        Christine Eaton
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 306

                          @gretald It’s the teen group that is part of HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association). Basically, homeschool teenagers get involved in politics, help with campaigns for the Christian Conservatives running. That’s what the Student Action Teams are. I’ve been to Kentucky and Kansas doing that. And at the camps, you basically learn about how the government works by having a student-run mock government for a week. It’s really fun, I am in the Senate and throughout the week are Presidental Elections and I helped my good friend become Vice President. So between KP and GenJ I have friends all over the country.

                          Theater kid. Currently depressed because I can't stop listening to sad musicals.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 450

                            @Christi-Eaton That sounds like a neat experience! Whose campaigns have you helped with? Just curious, have you ever heard of TeenPact? Generation Joshua sounds a lot like TeenPact.

                            Christine Eaton
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 306

                              @gretald I’ve heard of TeenPact, probably from a few GenJ members. I helped with Pat Roberts campaign in Kansas and in Kentucky we weren’t going for a specific candidate and instead we tried to push the conservative voters to get out and vote.

                              Theater kid. Currently depressed because I can't stop listening to sad musicals.

                              Sarah Hoven
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 669

                                @writefury – I was wondering if my little brother would enjoy the Horatio Hornblower movie, since he loves Master and Commander, Henty and anything else to do with England and the sea. Is it a movie you would recommend for a 14-year-old? Thanks. 🙂

                                Kate Flournoy
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3976

                                  @Sarah-H hmm… it depends. I’ve seen them too, and love them, and as far as violence goes if your brother’s seen Master and Commander he can see HH, but I’m seventeen and there are parts my parents skip when they watch it with me for other reasons. We actually skip one whole episode— The Duchess… something or other, and fragments of the rest. Adult content— indecent references, immoral subtext or downright immoral actions. It’s too bad, because the story is really great otherwise.
                                  I would say let your parents watch it first, and if they think it’s worth it to skip the bad parts and enjoy the vast majority that’s good, then that’s awesome. That’s one of my favorite series, and I definitely recommend it.

                                  And pardon me for answering your question when it was addressed to @writefury. I figured I might as well since I knew the answer. 😉

                                  • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Kate Flournoy.
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