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      So basically, this is called OC MEME (or for us, Charrie meme, tho same difference)


      Its pretty much you take a list of questions (sorts like the questionnaire but totally different and you’ll see why in a minute 😉) and answer them, but as the author (or the character maybe depending on the question? Idk)




      AND…we can do charries we aren’t currently working on…because the questions are actually for the authors…

      So characters from waaaay past book ideas and such and then we can meet even more new people! (Or u can just stick ur main groups whatever you want 😊)

      The questions themselves will explain

      Last thing! Because there are a lot of questions I figure we can make this more fun by saying which “Number” we want others to answer, and if we have any we want to specifically answer we can answer them ourselves too (just plz write the number AND the question so we don’t have to always go look at the pic XD)

      so tags!


      @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @keilah-h @loopylin @theloonyone @lightoverdarkness6 @elishavet-pidyon @felicity @esther-c @princesachronicle22 @joy-calle (gotta start tagging u girl!)


      AND NOW FOR THE QUESTIONS! To start us off-


      So for everyone I tagged, I’d like y’all to answer numbers 1, 7, 8, and 16!


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12. This sounds like so much fun!!! Girl, thank you so much for posting this today. I need something like this right now. 🥲💕

        This is so much fun…I’m smiling just thinking about answering these questions!!! 😊💕😁💜

        1. Oldest OC

        I believe that would have to be Michael from an old Fantasy story that I’ve tried to bring back a couple of times and am still possibly thinking of bringing back. He’s a Prince of a fantasy kingdom and falls in love with a girl from the “common peoples”. He doesn’t want to be King and certainly doesn’t want to marry a Noblewoman. He ends up having to go on a journey and possibly either becomes an Army General or does become King, depending on what direction the story could go. 😉

        7. Fav OC Ship

        This one has to be a tie between 2. (Can I do a tie!? 😅🤣)

        And they are:

        Jakob&Angelina (Jalina…I’m just now coming up with these ship names! 😁🤯🤭)

        Ezra&Eva (Ezva)

        8. Do you ship your OC’s with someone else’s OC?

        Uhm…except for Reuben in the Modern/Fantasy School AU RP…I can’t think of any examples.

        Except for my Marvel OC Madelene, whom I ship with Bucky…🤣

        It’d be fun to ship mine with someone else’s tho…🤭😁🤣

        16. Tallest and Shortest OC

        Well…not including the kiddoes, it’d probably be these!

        Tallest: Jakob, 6’4″.

        Shortest: Iris, 4’10”.


        Now…how about you answer questions…hmm…how about questions 9, 11, 14, and 15?

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6691

          @freedomwriter76 EEEEE YAY!!


          9. What is your weirdest OC

          OOF!! I’ve been writing (for real imo) since I was 8… 😅 so I’m thinking waaay back but it was probably someone from my old Twysted Tales series…

          Let me think…

          OH… I once wrote a talking tree… two actually. They were evil.

          I mean they were background characters in my Alice from wonderland book buuut…

          I mean most of those charries were…mad (; but probably overtly so since I was like 14 XD


          11. Would you consider yourself nice to your OCs








          14. Are there any OCs you find yourself neglecting?

          Uhh like most of my book 1 side characters? XD XD I just cannot connect to them very well. Especially Ara’s parents 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s rough.

          Neglecting neglecting would probs be all the current ones I’m not writing stories about. *countless charries I’ve created just frozen in time. Looks back at my beloved Peter. Whispers* I love you…


          15. An OC that’s difficult to write/draw/RP

          So they can all be difficult to draw for me Heh, though Luna and Grimm are hardest to draw and I haven’t even attempted Arthur yet.

          Writing and RP-ing?…definitely Luna though it’s become a lot easier, and honestly?

          Jocelyn. *gasps all around* I know! I know! But y’all… She’s hard to write!

          She always comes out sounding like an airhead and I hate it! But yea.


          OK I HAVE 2 for u. First to get u back, question 11. Then…


          question 12…. Tho I already know… 😭


            • Rank: Chosen One
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            I’m not kidding tears are about to start flowing at the thought of that character. YOU KNOW WHO I AM SPEAKING OF. The only one you made me cry over…..


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156


              Thank you for making me laugh today with this, btw, it feels absolutely wonderful💕💕💕



              Okay, question 11 and…QUESTION 12!?!?!? WHYYYYY!?!?!?!?!? 😭😭😭😭


              11. Would you consider yourself nice to your OCs?

              NOPE! 😅🤣 I mean…I could be meaner…😏 but tbh all of the pain that they grow them causes them to grow and become better people in the end…so it’s worth it, right????


              12. An OC you’ve killed

              Okay…okay…so I know how much you and I both love that character, so I won’t mention him…😭

              Sooo…I’ve killed many, but how about I mention one I haven’t talked about yet?

              And that is Sarah, Andrew Morrison (Dr. Morrison) and Lidia Morrison’s first child. She died 12 years before the book with Nathan/Dawson/Hitchens/etc and she was 8 years old when it happened. Her death brought Andrew to a complete state of brokenness, but also ended up bringing him to Christ in the end. 💕💕💕


              Okay…I want to keep this going!!! How about you answer 2 questions…how about question 2 and question 18? 🙂

              Gwyndalf the Wise
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 404


                #1. Um…when I was in first grade I made up this character named Fox Girl…because she was half human half fox. I don’t remember her story. XD

                My oldest OC that I remember the story for is Castleton. I picked his name out of a school yearbook and he was waaaaaaay too over powered and it was Girl Who Could Fly rip-off but sci-fi and they were kidnapped by aliens.

                #7. …I’ve never shipped OCs? well except that one version of my current story where Teilo and Ingrid ended up together but that version was terrible and I’d rather forget it happened XD

                OH WAIT

                Whoops. I forgot, I do have one ship in my story. Evander & Girl-Currently-Without-Name-That-I-Like-A-Lot…XD I promise you I do like this character but since she doesn’t come in till book two I sometimes forget about her since I’m working on book one…

                #8. I’ve never thought about doing that, honestly. XD So, no?

                #16. Tallest. OOOO The purple monster from a picture book I made when I was 8 is the tallest. I think.

                When I was 7 for school I had to write a story about crayons, so…the green crayon is my shortest OC. XD

                But if you’re going for current characters…

                Shortest: Luca

                Tallest: Evander’s Dad. Although from the main group it’d be either Evander or Derek (depends on whether Derek’s hair is a factor XD)

                "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6691

                  @gwyndalf-the-wise Derek’s hair being a factor made me lol!!!! XD XD my questions for ya are 19, 20, and 4


                  Oooh ok

                  2. Your Newest OC

                  Newest?! Oof!!!


                  I legit make up characters without stories…like…every day….

                  So I’m just gonna a stick to a character with a story XD.

                  but wait…does it count if it’s a story idea… 😳 that I wrote down?!?!

                  AHHHH (I have too many new characters yall)




                  AHHH IDK *collapses to ground* I legit dooon’t I make them so fast I can’t remember which was the last one….

                  There are so many recent ones bumping around in ma head…

                  OH OH DOES COMBINING TWO CHARACTERS INTO ONE COUNT?!?! I haven’t fully decided on this because I’m afraid it might be too weird…

                  but I just did this with one character. It’s a future destined character. It would be one of Nyx’s kids.


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6691

                    @freedomwriter76 I got so crazy bout the first question I didn’t answer the other one 🤦🏻‍♀️

                    18. Do you dislike any of your OCs

                    So this question is a bit…vague.

                    Dislike as in I don’t like that I created them, like “Eh yea this could be better” or I don’t like them cuz “YOU ARE EVIL” XD XD

                    I’m guessing the first one.

                    I have a lot of charries that could be better from past books, and probably even current ones. One in particular? My brain goes to a lot of background characters…but I’m trying to think of a main character, or perhaps even an important side character…

                    Pretty much all the charries from my very first books when I was eight….

                    oh boi…. XD XD

                    and the side characters in the Alice book (also Alice herself) i did love chesh tho.


                    OK FOR U!


                    1, 10, 9.


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 692


                      I know you didn’t tag me (and thank you for that btw) I thought I’d join the fun!

                      1. Oldest OC

                      Hmmm, probably my villain who’ll be 40 something in my Paradise Lie book.

                      7. Favorite shipped OC’s

                      Uh, I had a different ship in mind in my current WIP so I’ll go for that. It was Cynthia (renamed Jessica) and Kyle.

                      8. Do you ship your OC’s with someone else’s.

                      Uh, I haven’t. I don’t know who I’d choose if I did.

                      16. Tallest and shortest OC’s

                      Uh, well. Kyle is 4’8″ I think while Alec is 6’4″

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 807



                        1. Oldest Oc- Amavrah, a Vey’blen scholar and the main character of one of my future series, but the first character I created

                        7. Fav Oc ship- that’s so hard!! But I really like Serin’s and Kun’en’s ship, along with Phervin and Namal

                        8. Ship my Oc’s with someone elses- not as of yet but I can see some potential 😉

                        16. tallest and shortest Ocs- Phervin is my tallest and poor Namal is my shortest adult XD

                        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                        And guess what? His is eternal (:

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 692

                          Also, @godlyfantasy12

                          Here are your questions: 3,6, and 20. 😏

                          Gwyndalf the Wise
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 404


                            Derek’s hair being a factor made me lol!!!! XD

                            XD It really is though, that’s why I struggle to draw him and Evander together XD

                            #19. …I did more than a self-insert. and this was before I read Story Thieves so when I read that I died laughing in book two
                            So, I literally made a fictional self. Although, ironically, she wasn’t much like me, now that I think about it. I ended up making her up because I wanted to be able to do the things she did and be liked and have a really cool story so…XD I was like myself except for the fact that: I wore a ponytail, was very sarcastic, made friends easily, was very confident, and had three superpowers. XD

                            As for self-insert characters…Mmm…probably Castleton. And Teilo kinda is along these lines but he is his own character so…XD extremely based off real life character that’s not like me too much?? XD

                            #20. Uh…is this asking about an OC I regret making, an OC based off regrets I have, or something that one of my OCs regret?

                            If it’s the first question: Fox-Girl. NOPE WAIT It’s umm…what was her name…AGH I dont’ remember, but seven? story ideas back I had a character that was mute and was the main character. It wasn’t so much that she was a bad character, it was something personal that I wrote into the story and didn’t realize it so when I showed it to someone else they took it the wrong way and it ended weirdly…So maybe it’s not that I regret making the character it’s more like I regret making that story.

                            If it’s the second question: Partly Derek, Evander, Teilo, and Zules.

                            If it’s the third question: Oof my characters have a lot of regrets XD
                            Um…I’ll go with Teilo regrets not putting others before himself a lot. Specifically during the time he was with his biological family.


                            I have a lot more antagonists than villains…because either I really struggle to come up with a villain or the villain is so dark that for me to continue developing them would be not good for me.
                            In a prior version of my current WIP, Teilo’s grandmother was a terrifying villain and I’m never writing a villain like that again. XD I’m not sure whether she’s alive or not in this version, though. She’s not a villain in this version, I think.

                            I have a vague gang of villains that I need to develop more. I also have the main series’ villain whose name is Sir Victus Neale…but I’m currently struggling to develop him.

                            "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                            (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156


                              1, 10, 9.

                              I already did 1…but I’ll do the other two! 😁

                              9. Weirdest OC

                              Oh goodness…weirdest OC??? Haha…this one’s a tough one!!! 🤣

                              Okay, okay, okay…probably…hmmm…maybe Mrs. Ladybug, a ladybug character I made for a children’s book that I never got around to writing, lol…

                              10. Favorite OC design

                              OOH, now THIS ONE IS FUN!!! 😁😏

                              Okay…okay…so…I love the designs for basically all of my charrie babies…but I’m going to try to not show bias to Riker/Leo…lol, so I think my fav OC design has to be my design for Will Ackerman.

                              That reckless/flirty/risk-taker kind of personality and his story that I’m still discovering hooked me from the moment I made him. 🤣


                              Now, for you, I want you to answer questions 8 and 16. 😏

                              Elishavet Elroi
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1293


                                This is pretty awesome. XD

                                1. Oldest OC

                                Um…………… Actually, I was going to say Cendrick, a main character from the first novel I set out to write (and made it to the third chapter.), But I just remembered one of the few vivid memories I have from my early early childhood. I was making a picture book during service at church about a fairy. I don’t remember if she had a name or if there was any plot to the story, only that she flew and that I accidentally made her look remarkably like a banana peel. Literally. XD

                                7. Fav OC Ship

                                Either Alwin&Winifrith or…. *Cough* Reúven&Liora. I only have three and they’re SO HARD to choose between.

                                8. Do you ship your OC’s with someone else’s OC?

                                Not at this this time, but maybe later.

                                16. Tallest and Shortest OC

                                That’s hard. Excluding banana peel fae, the shortest is either Nadían(child) or Catrína Mynclais (adult) [If that’s her name, I’d have to look] Tallest is probably Viktor’s father, Amicai. (That guy was tall…)

                                I’ll have to think about who to ask what. XD this is fun!

                                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  Fun idea!!

                                  Let’s see here…

                                  1. Oldest OC

                                  Hm… let me think all the way back. XD I started multiple attempts at writing a novel before I was even close to being equipped for doing so.

                                  Probably Julianna Remmington. (took me awhile to remember her last name XD) Her story was called Almost Perfect. Totally cliche. She was a perfect girl on the outside, but really she struggled a lot because she had an ignorant father and her mother had died a while ago. Then, her father suddenly gets married to a super nice lady. After their wedding, they go as a family to Germany with Julianna’s cousin and friend. then I stopped there cuz I knew nothing about Germany. XD

                                  7. Fav OC ship

                                  hehehe… XD

                                  Okay. So in the Refined Duology, I was setting up Tyrone and Izel. Tyzel!!! They are so cute together. I love how Ty has a crush on her cuz Ty used to be so distant from everyone and didn’t want to be loved or love anyone. Well… look what happened!! 😄

                                  Other than that, probably Everdala (Ev and Ami) or Luke Skywalker (Lukas and Skyler) !!

                                  8. Do you ship you OCs with someone else’s OCs?

                                  Um… Never have! That’d be hilarious tho!

                                  16. Your tallest and shortest OCs.

                                  Good question cuz… idk. XD

                                  Brody, (being 6) is probably about 4’.

                                  Ty is my tallest being 6’ 3’’.


                                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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