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  • #116064
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @koshka oof
 😳😅 understandable XD!

      So, let meh see (starts counting ages XD!)

      Ara and November start their adventures (as of rn in my head lol) at around.. 13 I’m thinking.

      book 2, 13-14

      book 3, 14-15

      Book 4, 15-16

      book 5, still the same as book 4

      books 6-8 around 16-17?

      again this isn’t finite 😂 it’s kinda guessing if that makes sense? And Corvina is a bit older then the others so
that plays into it all too

      but I do want it to be a series where they grow as the books go on.


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        So, timeline wise, in the RP, they’re between books 2 and 3. They’ve finished the book 2 adventure and have yet to start book 3’s lol.


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          It is a bit of a struggle, tbh, because I too love all the MCs, but I also have “favorites” in a way, and can’t wait for them to be a full team.

          I also just cannot wait to write Paxton’s book.


          out of all of them, I think I’m most excited to write that one, which is book 4. So writing book 1 (which only has Ara and November prominently, and Corvina in the background) is a little tough.

          I introduce a new MC each book until book 5, where the last one is introduced (Luna, who actually needs the most character development so it’s a good thing she’s last lol)

          but I’m in love with them and this series, so I’m not gonna give up on it, I just struggle with procrastination HUGELY


          everything in me wants and is telling me to write/do something with my series, but I can’t make myself get up and do it 😂


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2002


            That makes sense now. I’ve been wondering.

            Ugh. I know what you mean. I want to see these stories written, but actually wrote it? Like now? HA! Who would think of doing such a thing?

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
            Fork the Gork

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @whalekeeper

              So I have a villain question…

              I have this main antagonist/villain Sorren. I don’t like him at all – he’s proud and rude and cruel and holds my MCs little brother at swordpoint….

              Anyway, I literally just added this other guy to his group. This man – Maddock – (Not 100% sure on the name yet?) is pretty much this scarred, cold, silent, killing machine. His heart is so hard I’m not sure if he even has one…


              he didn’t start out this way. I thought of this awful past for him to make him the way he is and then I thought…

              Would that make him more “relatable” so to speak? How do you give a someone like that a traumatized past and at the same time make sure they still stay the villain in the reader’s mind?


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612

                @godlyfantasy12 PAXTON!!! Aaaw! I already love his character!! Poor guy!! đŸ˜„đŸ˜„


                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @queen_of_alvastia What’s his past?

                  "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @godlyfantasy12. PAXTON!!!! *sobs and yes, takes him away* I am the #November&PaxtonProtectionSquad. *crosses arms and stands in front of them to protect them* 😂

                    Ohh, QUESTIONS! And yay, playlist! (I love character and book playlists, if y’all didn’t know that by now. 😂)

                    NOW, QUESTIONS! đŸ€Ș

                    1. What was his Childhood like? (I know his mom, brothers, etc. were abusive, but DETAILS! đŸ€Ș)

                    2. What does he enjoy doing? (Hobbies, Passions, etc.)

                    3. What’s his big lie? (I always love the big lie. 😉)

                    I’m sure I’ll come up with more questions later, but for now…that’s what I’ve got! 😁😉

                    . Girl, that is an epic question. 😊 However, I’m not sure how much help I could be. I wish I could, but I don’t have much experience in that area. I’m wishing you the best of luck though! đŸ„°

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      @whalekeeper So basically, he loses his whole entire family. Something’s gonna happen where everyone in his family dies (haven’t worked out all the details yet…) except his little brother Kerwin. His heart pretty much dies that day.

                      IDK if his family was killed by raiders or something? And he turned his whole life into seeking revenge? retaliation?

                      @freedomwriter76 Neither do I…. 🙄🙄🙄 Thank you!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2002


                        SO! I recently came across this problem with one of my antagonists, and this is the answer I got, which is actually pretty awesome as it’s also part of the theme for this book.

                        Our situations DO NOT determine our outcome. God is the Author of our faith, but we have to let Him be the Finisher too. Our own choices determine our end, not the things we go through. If a character is absolutely awful, though he may blame it on his past, it is NOT what made him who he is. His own choices did that.

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                        Fork the Gork

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6701



                          OOOH!! OK SO I LUV VILLAINS!!

                          so, the gist of ur question is; How do I have my villain/antagonist have a relatable/sad backstory but still have him remain a villain to the readers (not have the readers feel SO much for him that they turn to his side) right?

                          Okay so here’s my answers

                          1. U don’t really need to worry about this all that much for multiple reasons.

                          one reason is, good and evil is not always black and white. Sometimes the reader is going to feel conflicted and that is actually a good thing. Sometimes that’s the point, because that’s how the world really is. Your showing reality, albeit a dark truth, that not everything is a straight line.

                          BUT, as long as your HERO remains good and doing what is right, your reader will inevitably see the flaws in the antagonist/villains thinking and know that, while they may have certain “good points” they’re going about things the wrong way, or they may think they’re doing good when they’re not.

                          Let the reader think for themselves, they’re usually good at it.


                          2. Most villains do have a tragic backstory. The difference is what they do with it in the very end. If ur villain doesn’t turn away from their past and isn’t redeemed, then they’re still a villain. Plain and simple, so that’s kinda the answer to ur question right there.

                          No matter how your reader may feel, or how they might WISH your villain could’ve seen the light, if your villain truly believes the lies they’ve told themself, and are too far gone into these lies that they won’t allow themselves to be redeemed, then they will remain a villain.

                          This is kinda where I draw the lines between antagonist and villain.

                          for me a villain is an evil entity. Someone who isn’t going to be redeemed, who is there to BE the bad guy. The literal VILLAIN.

                          an antagonist, however, CAN be redeemed, or they’re just a character that is there to be a bit of an opposing force, but maybe they aren’t necessarily a villain (kinda like An anti-hero)

                          Ill give two examples from my own series that are NOT Corvina!)


                          So, In the second book I have an antagonist (whose name will remain as X due to spoilers XD) and this antagonist is unknown throughout most of the book (it’s a mystery. They’re trying to figure out who it is)

                          You learn a bit of this characters past throughout the book, but don’t know that they’re an antagonist.

                          When it comes to light, what they did was done in “self-defense” but everything before and afterwards was done of their own free will/doing.

                          in their mind they were just trying to fix their own lie, and going about it in the wrong way. They thought they were doing something good, and at the time they’re discovered, they’ve actually been manipulated and are a bit “mad” with power.

                          In the very end, though, they come to the realization of what they’ve done, and while, yes, they’ll have to pay for their crimes, they are truly Sorry for it all.


                          NOW, let’s put that up against another character in my series.

                          This one’s a mother. She has abused her youngest son, pretty much told him he’s worthless, and has become embittered over the years due to things in her past. She was already cold and hard before, because her race is like that, but now she is more so.

                          She even goes so far as to try and sacrifice her own son, which she’s had planned since he was a baby, for the sake of winning a war and becoming a powerful queen/dictator.

                          And when it fails, who does she blame?

                          Her son.

                          In the end, she’s given a choice, and she’s even met with the death of some of her other sons, because of her own actions.

                          She has the choice to turn from what she’s done, and accept responsibility. To finally love her youngest the way she’s supposed to.




                          she doesn’t.

                          And that’s the difference between these two characters.

                          I hope this helps some but
it may have just been me rambling lol!


                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 612

                            @koshka Thanks a bunch!! Glad I’m not the only one who came across this little situation… I’m considering taking his story out of my WIP and making it it’s own separate story like maybe his brother sees that God is the One in control but Maddock still (wrongly) blames his past? IDK


                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1309


                              I don’t think it would really damage his bad reputation, but it will probably make him more “human”. The reader would understand him better, maybe even sympathize with him, but you can still make him a “bad guy”.

                              His story make take on a more tragic tone, but that’s okay. (Unless it’s not, I don’t know your book) The truth is that he’s just as much a person as your protagonist, and the fact that he has become villainous is in itself tragic. That doesn’t mean we condone anything he does. It all depends on how you illustrate him and his story.

                              For example, Natan Israeli in The Promise of Zion series is called a “terrorist”(think like, sabotage missions and guerrilla warfare), but he’s not a bad guy or even really an antagonist. (Although he can be antagonistic) I think the reason is that the author showed us Natan’s heart – which didn’t want to hurt people. Many times in the books he puts his own life on the line to protect someone else. The more we see of his heart, the more we are a little confused at his job description. Then we realize that he is blinded by bitterness and fear and holds almost no value in his own life.

                              He could very well have been a villain, but it was his hunger for hope that saved him in our eyes. Even if he didn’t believe anything good would come to him, he’d give his life if it benefited those he loved. So, when he begins to take steps toward redemption, we are SO ready to see it.

                              However, what if he was so embittered that he didn’t care if he destroyed a thousand lives? What if he had not only given up hope of anything better but let his fear drive him to see no worth in anything but revenge?

                              We would be saddened, but we would see he had made himself a villain. As @koshka said, choices matter. If you play it right, Maddock’s story can serve as a warning that we do NOT want to make those choices.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 612


                                I don’t mind your ramble at all! The more examples I have, the better equipped I feel tackle Maddock’s situation.

                                I’m seriously considering making Maddock an antagonist as opposed to a flat out villain now since he’s going to have his own story (if I ever get around to writing it… XD)

                                Question: If I make the story of Maddock and Kerwin, Maddock is basically going to be my MC. I mean, Kerwin’s gonna be a close “second” but its Maddock’s story for the most part. So how would I write it comparing him to a hero because he’s kind of the hero? Sort of? A desperately flawed one? I am going to redeem him at the end, but considering that he will spend a good portion of the story being the “antagonist” so to speak, should I just consider making Kerwin the MC?

                                Wow. That looks extremely confuzzling now that I read it. Oh well.

                                I am SO intrigued by your stories now by the way!!

                                (Is the second character Paxton’s mom?)


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6701


                                  OOH QUESTIONS!! YAY! Okie! So
here we go!

                                  1. Oof! My poor baby!

                                  So, Paxton’s mother, Lilith, is a high-society Fae.

                                  The Fae live in the snow capped mountains in a land split into three parts (Mountains, forest, and sea). They’re race is mostly cold and can comes across as a bit harsh/unfeeling. They’re built of strong warriors and such.

                                  That being said, Lilith is a Siren. One with the gifting to use her voice on others. With this, she was able to “catch” her first husband.

                                  But she didn’t love him.

                                  She only married him for his position in society and rank. (He was head of the Fae Guard)

                                  With him, she had three sons; Edric, Aramis and Soren.

                                  Though she didn’t love her husband, she did love these sons, in her own way, and made sure they were well taken care of and taught by only the best. And they were the best.

                                  Eventually, her husband passed away, leaving her a widow with her three boys, and his second in command took over the Guard.

                                  Lilith, meanwhile, met a man who was traveling through the land, and was not a Fae.

                                  And, for once in her life, someone fell in love with her.

                                  This man was not a Faery however, so it would be a scandal to marry him.

she could convince everyone he was.

                                  Of course he didn’t like this idea, but for her, he went along with it, knowing that somewhere past her coldness, was a gentle heart.

                                  (Ik this is more about Lilith rn, but I gotta build the foundation for Paxton)

                                  With her new husband, who loved her and she loved dearly, she became pregnant again.

                                  Sadly, during her pregnancy, her husband
was murdered.

                                  She was told that it was by the Merfolk (LI- *clears throat* I mean
ANYWAY) and her heart shattered. In her grief and shock, she gave birth to Paxton, earlier then she was supposed to.

                                  Grieving and mourning, she didn’t even see Paxton for the first time until a week after she’d given birth, and when she did, she realized why everyone around her had been whispering


                                  And it was too late now.

                                  She couldn’t change what they’d already seen.

                                  Or not seen.

                                  And blinded with grief and bitterness, when she saw her son
her son that, would every day remind her of her dead husband

                                  Her wingless son

                                  She loathed him.


                                  My poor baby never stood a chance
..(I’ll continue with his childhood in a bit, but yea
here’s the foundation of it


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