Charrie Chat! 🤩😜

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      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      *Screams from a rooftop*


      *Quickly scrambles down and clears throat*

      Those sound amazing, like all your characters, but ah…bias has already been declared on my part.

      Seriously though, that last line. No…

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @godlyfantasy12. Thank you!!! And IKR!?!?!?!? Just came to me while I was writing…and I decided to go with it…

        . You made me laugh, so, thank you. XDXDXD

        Thank you!!! And don’t worry, I understand…I have bias towards Ezra. 😉 My Bluegrass boy. xD

        Yeah…it just came to me…so…yea…we have a mystery to solve. XD


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1654


          Oh my gosh girl!!! I LOVE THEM!!!! And, can i just say, how beautiful/handsome all of your charries are!?!? Like, you find the best pictures! And their stories!! UGHHHH XD


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156


            Oh my gosh girl!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!

            AHHH!!! THANK YOU!!!!! <3333

            And, can i just say, how beautiful/handsome all of your charries are!?!? Like, you find the best pictures!

            Thank you!!! I’m always so happy when I find the perfect pictures!!! <333

            And their stories!! UGHHHH XD

            I KNOWWWW!!!! XD

            Of these two, I may still feel more bad for Ryan, but it’s hard to feel worse for one than the other, lol. xD

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. @lightoverdarkness6.

              And here’s the moodboard for both of them. Kinda for the book. Also planning on making one for each of them separately. 😉

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1654


                AHHH!!! THANK YOU!!!!! <3333

                YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! 😀

                Thank you!!! I’m always so happy when I find the perfect pictures!!! <333

                You’re welcome!! Yes! I totally get it. Well, you absolutely do! 🙂

                I KNOWWWW!!!! XD

                Of these two, I may still feel more bad for Ryan, but it’s hard to feel worse for one than the other, lol. xD

                Yes!! It is. I think I am sympathizing for Ryan too, but I love them both. I guess cuz we’re girls and he’s a handsome sweet guy. XD


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156


                  Yes!! It is. I think I am sympathizing for Ryan too, but I love them both. I guess cuz we’re girls and he’s a handsome sweet guy. XD

                  Lol, that’s probably true. XDXDXD

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1654


                    Lol, that’s probably true. XDXDXD

                    Yeah, maybe. XDD


                    E. M. Trepke
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 145

                      I’m so sad. I just realized that not one, but TWO of my characters are going to die… and I’m still only in the worldbuilding stage!

                      Here are a few of my characters (they are not super developed yet)

                      Alva: Princess of Levion. Curious, kinda shy… more will be revealed to me. She is being slow to reveal her character to me because, well, she’s kind of shy.

                      Darcy: A miner from Eudor. Determined. perhaps a little rash…. hmmm….

                      Crispin: Another miner from Eudor, Darcy’s best friend. the funny guy. (for those who’ve read KOTLC, I’m now realizing that in some ways he is like Keefe… but not Keefe)

                      Vesper: Prince of Ulmire. His is perhaps the most complex character I have so far… protagonist/antagonist. Son of a villain… Every time I think of him I love him more.


                      It’s hard developing characters while knowing some of them die…. 🙁

                      We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                      -The Doctor

                      E. M. Trepke
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 145

                        I just had a revelation about Alva!
                        She is trying to prove herself. She is trying to fit into the warrior-princess trope, but fails. She needs to realize that her strengths are not the same as her brother’s (she looks up to her brother a lot, tries to be like him, and eventually becomes jealous because she’s trying to be someone she’s not)

                        We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                        -The Doctor

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2571


                          I love your characters so far! Crispin is an awesome name.

                          Yeah, it’s hard to kill off characters. I rarely do it.

                          I like how you talk about your characters revealing themselves to you. It’s funny but also super accurate. XD I feel the same way with my characters.


                          🎵It takes a long time to wait 🌻

                          E. M. Trepke
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 145


                            Ha, yeah… they have minds of their own.
                            I had another revelation just now concerning a character named Old Green. (A hermit/former bard) More specifically concerning his past…

                            I know one character definitely will die, but I might be able to avoid the other character’s death. We’ll see what happens when I reach that point.

                            We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                            -The Doctor

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 692

                              Oh dear. Wait until you hear my characters. Anyone want to interview them? I love doing that kind of thing and it’s a great and fun way to get to know them better. 😉

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 692

                                Me: Oh, perfect! My 10 year old, Kyle, just showed up. If these lovely people are interested, would you like to do a character interview?

                                Kyle: A what now?

                                Me: Interview. As in people ask you questions and you answer them.

                                Kyle: ohhhhh! Then no.

                                Me: and why not?

                                Kyle: You know how shy I am. Why would you do this to me?

                                Me: It’ll be good for ya! Come on!

                                Kyle: Fine! But I get to plead the 5th if I want to.

                                Me: *Chuckles* Perhaps. 🤣

                                And that my friends is a normal everyday convo with Kyle. At least when I give him problems. He even starred in the 1st book of the series and asked to opt out about halfway through.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @sarafini. I’d LOVE to hear about your charries!

                                  And lol, that’s funny. xD

                                  Can I have a list of a few, or should I just ask Kyle? 😉

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