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      Thank you! It makes me super happy that you like my characters enough to re-read all of that XD 😀 That means a lot! I know, I adore winter themes too! They are so beautiful and mysterious and magical… and I just love winter in general:)
      Thanks!! That’s not an odd compliment at all really. Names are one thing I’m a total nut about in character building and for a long time I thought it was me just trying to be difficult/perfectionist about it until I discovered that it was just me being a writer about it XD And all your characters are awesomely named too! Their names fit them so perfectly and so beautifully! Caira, Newton, and Deek… *sigh* they are the best trio, in, like, EVER!!
      Of course! When I publish TSW, I’ll definitely sign a copy for you! (Remember that I still want a signed copy of Fortitude as well:) I’m super ecstatic that your interested in my novel, that means SO much to me! I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves my characters as much as I do XD

      Alexa Autorski
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1011


        It doesn’t seem like my post went through… did you still get it? Or should I re-post? Sorry about that!

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1242


          That’s perfectly okay, it came across in my notifications:)
          Thank you! I really appreciate you saying that!:)
          I know right? I mean no criticism to spring and summer, but winter is my all-time favorite, autumn second. I love everything about it, (I mean this winter even when it was ten below, knee-deep snow, I still loved it. Yeah, I know, I know, I sound like I’m nuts XD ). But winter is just so magical!!
          Yeah, I blame that on being a writer too XD I mean names just seem like too important a thing to not put sweat and tears into, (okay that sounded dramatic, but still!) And NP:) I mean every word!
          Haha, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Thank you for saying that and for signing my copy! Both mean tremendously much:) I agree, I can’t wait to be published, *stops. Sighs. Glances at first draft* well someday! And it’ll be awesome! I read through some Pinterest boards and one of them had a quote, “when I publish my novel, I think the most fun part for me would be going into a bookstore, picking a random copy of my book off the shelf, signing it, and leaving it for my next fan to find.” I thought that that was pretty cool:)
          Aw, thanks!! I mean I know I say this a lot, but that means a lot to me!:D Even though (I guess it’s just one of those things about being a writer) I get critical of my own work a lot, it’s so wonderful to know that it’s more salvageable than I might have thought. Especially since I’ve been on it for three years and don’t see myself quitting, it’s extraordinarily encouraging to me to know others like my characters and think the story’s good!:)

          Alexa Autorski
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1011


            Oh, good! My posts act weird sometimes and don’t show up… *sigh* And of course! I agree–winter has so much potential writing material, and it’s just such an interesting season. It could be warm and cozy, or blizzard weather and frightening XD Wow, ten below? You must live in a cold climate! It usually doesn’t get below 10 degrees here. Yeah, there’s so many things I could blame on “being a writer”, because, well, writers are different. Nope, that’s not dramatic at all! I’ve poured endless hours into finding the perfect name, and then usually swapping them out XD

            Of course!! I mean every word when I say that TSW is seriously one of the rare books that I fangirl this much over!! I haven’t even read the first chapter and I’ve already fangirled harder than I do with published books! Oh, oh, I love that quote! And that would be super fun:) Hey, maybe we could do book signings together someday!:) *gasps* I can’t wait until we’re published authors!

            And you don’t have to thank me!! 🙂 That’s what writing friends are for, right? And I totally understand being critical of your own work, but trust me when I say that, from everything I’ve read, your writing and your novel is FANTABULOUS. I mean it!:) And that’s admirable dedication! And honestly, just the fact that you’ve been working on this story for three years is a definite sign that you’re a great writer!!:) You’ve put a lot of time/thought/effort into TSW, which means it’s even more of a masterpiece than if you had written it quickly. So be proud of that:) And they aren’t just good–they’re wonderfully well-developed, have a lot of depth to them, and are TOTALLY amazing!:D

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1242


              Winter is definitely a favorite:) Yeah, not many people understand my liking ten below weather. Actually, I don’t even know anybody else in my family who’s all that crazy about winter XD It’s one of those traits I share with Mejia I guess XD And totally! There is a huge amount of awesome settings that winter offers:)
              That’s so true. Everything from being insanely particular about names to making characters suffer to research history about ancient Russian weaponry and swordfight injuries to correcting grammar errors in text messages to etc is all things I could definitely blame on being a writer XD But I’d take it over anything else in the world.

              Thank you so much for saying that! I mean you don’t know how much that means to me and how encouraging that is! Your posts are always so motivating for my writing, I’ve actually been able to write and plot out some major scenes that I’ve been stuck on for the longest time:)
              And oh my word! That’d be like the most awesome thing ever if we did book signings together someday! Ooh yes! I can’t wait until we’re published authors!:D

              Seriously, you have no idea how much all that means to me! 🙂

              • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
              Alexa Autorski
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1011


                I think it sounds neat to have that cold of weather! I wish we had more snow here, but unfortunately, we don’t. Maybe that’s why I write about cold weather all the time:) Agreed! Winter is so magical and so full of potential, and, in my opinion, so much more interesting than summer. I’m glad we’re both including winter elements in our novels!

                That’s one of the most relatable things I’ve ever read XD I mean, that’s a perfect summary for being a writer, and unfortunately a lot of people don’t understand the struggles. *sigh* It’s a lot of work! And a lot of fangirling, and obsessing over names, and trying to figure out why your characters aren’t cooperating with you, and a bunch of other things. If anyone checked my search history about all my writing-related things, they would be so confused XD “It’s a writer thing.” 😉

                Of course!! And yours have been super encouraging to me as well, so you don’t have to thank me:) I seriously love love love The Snow Warrior and am going to officially make it a holiday and celebrate on the day it’s published! I mean, I can’t believe this is your first novel!:) That’s pretty cool we’re both working on our first novels–I was starting to fear I was the only one here! And that makes me happy that I’ve encouraged you! *pulls out telescope and squints hard* Yep. I see tons of potential in your/TSW‘s future, for sure!:) I’m trying really hard not to start going fangirl-crazy right now, but I’m just so excited because I love the theme/setting/characters/scenes/everything of this story SO MUCH! 😀 Yeah, we’ll definitely have to do book signings together! That would be awesome! 🙂

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1379

                  Okay, so I haven’t been here in a little while and I kind of feel like doing some more squealing over my characters, so…

                  I just created this quick short description list of my main (major main) characters in The Apostle’s Sister:

                  Paul: The moral compass of the novel, Paul remains consistent and doesn’t have as much of an arc as some of the other characters. His kindness and care for all people, even the worst of people, is what powerfully affects the other characters. Despite possessing healing, prophesying, and visionary powers, he always remains humble. He is also representative of the novel’s theme of suffering, as he serves as the suffering character both physically and mentally.

                  Temira: Temira is fiercely loyal and fiercely passionate in all her loves and hates. She is Paul’s protector but struggles to understand him. Though her faith is strong, there are times when she almost comes to the verge of rejecting God because it is for him that Paul suffers. Throughout the duration of the novel she is constantly fighting feelings of revenge for Paul’s enemies. But always she is tender, brave, and gentle.

                  Reuben: Even from earliest childhood Reuben possesses a soberness and knowledge of evil alien to most his age. He is very astute and mostly solves things on his own without asking questions or needing his parents’ help. As a result he grows into a calm, practical, responsible man. Soon Temira and Paul cease becoming his caregivers and he takes that place, taking the mature parental role. His philosophy is to patiently work through everything without drama. He is very tender and understanding and very free from prejudice. He sees all people as equal and to be treated as such.

                  Seth: Seth is easily the most passionate character in the novel. He mostly acts on emotions instead of stopping to think. He is obedient to Paul and Temira, but is willing to disobey them if he deems it absolutely necessary. He is very loving and very sensitive to the needs of others, always wanting to help others and think of their happiness before his. This being said, he has a sharp temper and is easily hurt or angered, which results in his developing a somewhat bitter outlook on life. He is constantly doubting things, mostly his relationship with his parents and Paul’s devotion to God at the cost of his family. He really does have a big heart and wants to be faithful, but how can you be faithful to something you don’t understand? He always has questions and will persist until he gets answers. As the second child Temira and Paul have raised, he IS parented differently than Reuben was, which could account for some areas of his personality.

                  Timothy: Timothy is gentle and very loving toward everyone. He protects his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois, and is certainly very protective of Temira since she is the sister of the teacher he loves. He is very reverent, respectful, and trustworthy, but is so extremely quiet and shy that sometimes he struggles to stand up for the faith. But through Paul’s help he does become more bold. He is very grateful to Paul and stays by his side, as much of a son as Reuben and Seth. He says little and mostly lets everyone else hash it out, but when emotional situations get dire he is extremely skilled at understanding and reconciliation.

                  Luke: As a physician, Luke is very tender-hearted and compassionate, but also sees the inescapable reality of things and makes it his duty to be sure everyone else sees it too. His realistic views do greatly help the group, and he certainly possesses the smarts of the group. He tends to sometimes see things only through the physician’s eye, immediately viewing every problem as purely physical and something that can be cured through methods and medicine. He struggles to see that most problems are emotional. Luke is so calm that I can remember only 2 instances in the entire novel when he shows vulnerability: (1) when he arrives at the scene of Paul and Silas’ near-death in Philippi; (2) when he desperately tries to console and counsel Temira while Reuben lies dead before them and Paul has most likely bled to death after a brutal beating and subsequent arrest.

                  And yeah, that’s basically it. XD

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1242


                    I’m glad too because winter rules! *In the background, Mejia agrees, Anton shudders, Morio really has no preference, Lila looks at Filip, and Filip shrugs. Well their stuck where they are whether they like the icy climate or not XD At least Mejia’s with me on this*.
                    Yeah I know right? Unless one sets out on the difficult/grand journey of writing, you never know of all the ruts in the path, survival measures, and writerly habits that come with it. But then again, they’ll never know of the incredible triumphs of writing either. So oh well, I guess it’s just a writer thing, (yes, definitely a catchphrase:)

                    You’re definitely not the only one who’s writing their first novel:) But it’s still hard for me to believe it’s your first.. wow, I wonder what your second *third, fourth, fifth* will look like? It’s such an honor to know a future bestselling author!:)
                    I see the exact same thing in my telescope for you/Fortitude:)
                    Okay I know you said I don’t have to thank you, but… THANK YOU! Yeah, the thankyous are kinda hard to restrain XD I might post a couple of small scenes in the Dialogue Posts forum, (that is if you don’t mind some huge spoilers:)

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1242


                      Wow, your cast of characters is so beautiful and deep! I feel terrible about Reuben because he sounds like such an awesome character. And Seth and Paul, ah, they’re all so well thought out! Amazing work Joy:D

                      Alexa Autorski
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1011


                        Yes! Agreed!:) And I love those reactions (especially Anton’s) XD My characters live in a cold climate, too, though it isn’t as much as Birch Woods. Mostly, it’s like a never-ending cycle between autumn and winter, which is why everybody wears cloaks and warm clothing all the time. You described that perfectly! Writing is such a magical experience that, try as I might, I can never summarize into words. Every day feels like a new adventure, your characters feel like your friends that you journey with, talk to, and experience the hardships of the story with, and you immerse yourself in a world that even you, as a writer, get surprised by. Of course there’s struggles and hardships that come with it, but “it’s a writer thing” I suppose 😉

                        Oh, yay! *first-time novelist high five* Aw, that means so much to hear! I was so nervous that I wasn’t doing a very good job on it, but thank you:) And you too! I mean, you sound like you’ve been writing forever!:) Awww *tries really hard not to cry* that’s so sweet of you to say!! Especially since I’ve been feeling a little low lately about publishing, wondering if Fortitude was good enough. That seriously makes me feel over the moon!! And of course, don’t exclude yourself 😉 I don’t have a shadow of a doubt that you (and TSW) are going to be incredibly famous one day!:) I’m going to spread the world everywhere about it!!! Of course! Yeah, I feel like I keep saying the same things, but I truly mean every word every time:) I just get so happy that I really can’t put into words how much it means! Oh, ‘course I don’t mind! I’m the type of girl that adores spoilers (odd, but true), so I totally won’t mind! 😀

                        Alexa Autorski
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1011


                          Girl, your characters sound amazing!! It’s always a treat to read about them, because I just think it’s so unique and fantastic that you’re writing Biblical fiction. That’s a certain genre I wouldn’t mind trying someday. And I just love TAS so much!! 😀 Do you have a favorite among them?

                          Alexa Autorski
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1011

                            So I wanted to monologue talk a little more about my charries. This time, a few that I don’t normally talk about:

                            The first one is Alana Hargreaves. Like Newton, Alana has two introductions: one in Ch.~3, and one in Ch.~6, when she joins the group officially. She’s around 14-15 years old, has slightly darker skin (because she’s native to a different tribe), has curly, dark brown hair, and a round, freckled face. She lives with her grandmother, Blossom (whom she affectionally calls ‘Gran-Gran’), in a humble village. Alana was orphaned at birth and therefore went to live with her grandmother, whom she cares for since Blossom is dying from old age. Alana is a reindeer shepherdess, which has made her accustomed to getting her hands dirty and laboring tirelessly in the pastures. She’s tomboyish (unlike Caira) and independent, and has a very bubbly and spirited personality, sometimes to a fault. She’s always felt neglected, which has made her crave attention so that she can feel wanted and loved. At one time, she was sent to a school instituted by the tribal elders to teach her obedience, though she was expelled due to her hyperactivity (possibly ADHD), which embarrassed her. Also, Alana was, at one time *cringes* Deek’s love interest. I shipped them for a long while and even made the romance official, though I temporarily scrapped the romantic element (even though it’s really cute to think of them together). Alana is Caira’s best friend, and the two of them have a very sisterly friendship that is very sweet. Their friendship deepens after Caira comforts Alana over the death of her grandmother in Book Two.

                            Next is Prof. Ellis Cantrell, who is introduced with his wife at the end of Ch.~1. Ellis is in his mid-thirties, though he looks and acts older due to the stress he’s endured in the past. Ellis is known to everyone as simply the town baker, though he is, clandestinely, a professor at a hidden school that teaches magic. He and Arya have been professors at the camp for years, where they teach magic to the few people who have it left in the world, but both of them keep the occupation a secret for fear of being imprisoned and/or executed. Ellis is very sophisticated and a gentleman, speaking with an accent similar to British. He is very studious and analytical, as well as patient and compassionate. Ellis has a very close relationship with his wife, Arya (also his childhood friend), mostly because of the time spent after she became crippled right before their wedding. I also adore Ellis’ relationship with Caira. They bond over their love of books and studying, but even more than their similar interests, they bond over emotion. Ellis becomes like a father to Caira, and after a scene where they go on a nightly walk together, he admits that he thinks of her as his own daughter. Ellis then tearfully confesses to Caira that Arya was pregnant at one time with a little girl, though, tragically, their baby daughter was never born. Ellis was devastated by the loss of his unborn child, and became resistant to the idea of ever having children again. But when Caira and Deek came into he and Arya’s lives, his heart changed, and he found himself thinking of them as his own children. He has a bittersweet story that makes him a favorite of mine.

                            Third is the newest character I’ve made: my sweet boy Jestin. Jestin is a young dwarf who lives with his grandfather in a town called Le Ora, where he usually works at his grandfather’s general store. He’s shorter than most (because he’s a dwarf), has reddish-brown hair and grey eyes, and meets Caira when she comes into the general store seeking supplies. Jestin has often felt unappreciated by his strict grandfather, who is very demanding, impatient, and scolding him often, which has sculpted Jestin into a recluse. He’s a brainiac, and often hides away in his room coming up with new ideas for crafts and sketching them into a notebook given to him as an heirloom. He craves more outside his life at the general store, and wants to be of some help to the group so that he may feel important. He begs Caira to let him make her something and be of some benefit (to show his skills as a craftsman, plus the fact he has a crush on her for a short time). Jestin (without his grandfather’s knowledge) makes new boots for Caira so she can better withstand the rough, frozen terrain of Ella d’Or (where the villains are), and the boots end up proving to be useful when she’s able to climb back up a cliff after nearly falling to her death. Jestin is a character that I need to expand more on (he’s fairly new, and his summary is quite choppy), but for now, that’s his basic character structure 🙂

                            Sorry about that monologue… I can’t help but get carried away *sheepish grin* I’ll probably be back with more (unfortunately, I can’t talk about my 3 villains because there’s so many spoilers).

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1379


                              Thank you so much, girl!!


                              Thank you so much! I would definitely read a Biblical fiction written by you! 😀

                              I would have to say Paul is my favorite, and Temira and Seth are also AMAAAAZING. (lol calm down.) But since that’s the expected answer I’ll go with Luke. I just love how smart and encouraging he is, and so loyal to Paul and Temira. Also, he has a few funny moments in the novel with all his medical talk that confuses everyone else. XD

                              Alexa Autorski
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1011


                                Of course! And thank you so much! You’ve inspired me to work hard on my current novel, and given me the thought of possibly writing a Biblical fiction someday! 🙂 Aw, I could definitely see why Paul would be your favorite (though, I have to admit that all of them sound amazing)! And Luke as well! Haha, those do sound like funny moments XD You’ve done a superb job of writing TAS and bringing these characters to life! I can’t wait until it’s published and becomes famous! 😉

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1242


                                  Haha, yes, Anton isn’t the biggest fan of the climate, but oh well, sorry Anton.
                                  I love how Aldova is mostly autumn and winter, and the fashion of wearing fantasy-style cloaks as normal attire, *sigh* I want to go there!
                                  *Standing ovation* You described it perfectly! Writing is exactly like that, going into the world of your novel, living alongside your characters, and seeing them all the way through their adventures. And in a way, they become your adventures as well as their’s; and the characters are like close friends and family (and enemies too sometimes XD ). And just to be in that world is just the best thing ever!

                                  *High fives back* You are doing an awesome job! I mean seriously, your first novel is better than so many other novels I’ve read.  Where publishing is concerned, War and Peace, Narnia, LOTR and so many other great novels were turned down countless times. TSW will be in for its own line of rejections someday, I shouldn’t wonder. But don’t feel low about publishing because with perseverance (which is a key thing for all us writers) I seriously believe that Fortitude is going places:) It is definitely good enough (and then some:)

                                  Same, I think I say the same things over and over, but same here, I mean it every. Single. Time:)
                                  And on that note: THANK YOU:D That means a lot:)


                                  (I LOVE spoilers too!:) I mean as soon as I find out my family is planning on watching a new movie, I read all about it first then nearly burst not telling them how it ends, *sigh* I think I’m the only one in my family that likes spoilers XD ).


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