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    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1011


      Thank you!:) I know… my characters would hate me if they knew everything I’ve put them through… *sigh* but it’s for their own good in the end!

      Whoa, that backstory is so interesting!! I had no idea that’s how (yikes, a wolf sounds intense)!! And I love the idea of the trials in order to become a warrior–I can just smell the potential you could do with that! And I just LOVE Mejia’s character so much (and her backstory)! She sounds like such a strong heroine! 🙂

      Alexa Autorski
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1011


        Oooh, great! I did start the first chapter already, and… before I go on, let me just say OH MY GOSH GRACE YOU’RE SUCH A TALENTED WRITER! I seriously love everything about it so far, and please don’t take my lack of reading as a sign I haven’t enjoyed it. My schedule is really busy, that’s all. But I can’t wait to meet him 🙂

        And thank you! I agree–Newton is both gruff and hard, and also somehow adorable and sweet at the same time. His character arc is so huge, it’s kind of intimidating to write because I don’t want to mess it up. Haha, yes, you can! I’ll let you borrow him… for a little while 😉 Ahh, poor Deek, I know… As horrible as it sounds, I can’t wait to write that scene.

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1379


          Yeah, he’s definitely not one of the nicest characters I’ve ever created. XD

          Ohh, that’s so interesting. A sister sold as a slave is such an interesting concept.

          *shivers* Ransom is a creepy name in general! It sounds like a kidnapper, honestly. But I feel like villains have to have a name that sounds at least a little evil.

          *pauses* I just realized the name Hananiah means “gift of the Lord.” Oof. Well, I guess I can say I just used the name ironically. XD

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1242


            So true, (but I don’t think they believe me *sigh* oh well, I guess that it’s just a tradition for writers and their characters to be on these kind of terms XD ).
            Thank you! Looking back, the post looks a little messy, but yep, wolves play a lot of roles in the novel, (defeinetly an intense scene. But it’s written as a flashback since the novel picks up after she becomes a warrior – although I might make a prequel about becoming The Snow Warrior.). But thank you so much!! That SUPER encouraging to me!

            Alexa Autorski
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1011


              Exactly!! XD I feel like I have such an awkward relationship with my characters because, while I love them, I’m responsible for them suffering all the time… *sigh* But I guess that only makes the happy ending more happier, doesn’t it?

              And no, it wasn’t messy at all! I understood it perfectly, and *gasps* I adore wolves! And I’m sure they go very well with your novel, especially since you have a winter theme. There’s so much potential! And I love writing flashbacks, but unfortunately Caira can’t have many of those since… well, since she doesn’t have her memory. And YES, you should definitely write a prequel! I could see where there would be so much room for potential backstory! The Snow Warrior sounds like such a heroic/epic title, too:) Of course!! I’m always excited to hear absolutely anything related to your story!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1242


                Precisely! And that’s true, I guess that when the good things happen to them, it’s even better because of how much it will contrast to them suffering, (*puts hands up in defense as my characters glare at me*).
                *Whew* I’m glad it wasn’t un-legible. I love wolves too, and they fit in pretty nicely Birch Woods. Thank you incredibly much! I glad you like the title:)  I’ll probably post some monologue about my cast shortly, but a lot of it you’ve probably read about so don’t feel like you need to re-read it. But I’m extremely glad that you like hearing about TSW!:)

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1242

                  So as I said, I probably monologue talk/intro some about my five primary characters a bit.

                  The protagonist of TSW is Mejia, (whom I still have to invent a Russian variant of that name for *sigh*…)
                  She is right up there in the top characters for complicated/tragic pasts and one of the strongest characters of TSW. She is a sixteen-year-old warrior, (after going through the three-year trials it took to become one) and is a fierce character. She isn’t a very warm character on her exterior, but though she comes off as gruff, she is compassionate and (though she doesn’t admit it often) cares deeply about her band of misfit to-be warriors.
                  The home that they protect is Birch Woods, a forest constructed mostly out of birch trees. Birch Woods is more of a character itself than a footage of nature and is given a sort of ‘personality’ all its own.

                  As for her band…
                  (Just a warning for @writerlexi1216, you’ve already read this post, so don’t worry about having to re-read it:)

                  First in the band, (actually, the entire band is around the ages 15-16), is Anton, (who is also the character Mejia had known the longest). I originally had him posted in a small hobbit-style fort in the middle of the forest, some half a day’s trek from Mejia’s fortalice. But as the worldbuilding progressed, I moved him into the nearest and smallest of the two villages. Which gave the story a lot of benefits, because it would make it harder for Mejia to visit him, and since he’s the brainy-inventory-doctor type, it would give him more access to resources that he needs. He often will help Mejia out where he can, such as making her winter boots and medicinal items. His past is one of the less tragic ones, but strange just the same. He neither admits nor denies being raised by squirrels. He was mentored in folklore and medicine by an older man, named Dimitri (who also has a role in the plot), then built his own hut in the village and avoids the village Leader at all costs. So thanks to Dimitri, Anton has his head full of mythical creatures and annoys Mejia to pieces with his claims of seeing them.

                  The second is Morio, who is the more dispirited character of TSW, (since I wasn’t very fair when writing up his past). He came from a distant, more populated land and his family was actually very wealthy. His parents arranged his life, profession, and future marriage for him. He decided to run away and he spent many years going from one place to place, looking for work and shelter. But that resulted in him being broken down and treated miserably time and time again. He returned one night to apologize to his parents for the sadness he’d caused them, but a stranger answered the door and told him that the former occupants died from sickness and depression. Thence Morio took to being a loner and later on met Mejia who eventually accepted his alliance after he managed to prove himself in the Roga Olenya mountain. He begins to forgive his past as Mejia learns to trust him, and becomes more or less, a kindred spirit to her.

                  Thirdly is Filip, who is as I said, Mejia’s hate/love interest. In the scene where he is first introduced, he is challenged as a stranger by Mejia, (sword again) and his first impression of her is a mix of fear and awe. He is the Third-to-be-Leader of an archer band in a regional territory in the west and is deathly afraid of horses, (which is ironic because his ancestry is full of great equestrians and his name literally means, ‘lover-of-horses’). Ironic yet understandable since he and his father had been caught in a stampede when he was a child. Fortunately, Filip only attained a broken arm, but his father was lost under the herd’s hooves.
                  Though Filip, by nature, has a charismatic personality, Mejia is often supremely unimpressed with him. They often argue when they can; the rest of the time they are too busy surviving or being forced to work with each other. But just the same, Filip (though he often thinks she’s nuts) trusts Mejia with his life and puts faith in her plans.

                  Fourthly is Lila. Whom Mejia found in a stone ditch and took in as a more or less ‘adopted sister’. Lila came from a region closer to what is now known as Prussia and grew up as a wanderer’s child. She was then kidnapped by the main villain, Artur, who left her for Mejia to take in. This act was aforethought on Artur’s behalf. To fulfill his father’s legacy and control the largest treasure in Birch Woods, he needed to weaken the renowned Snow Warrior and her alliances. He believed that giving Mejia the responsibility of fending for a crippled girl would take away from her advantages on him and knew that Mejia wouldn’t turn Lila away into the brutal climate. And his plot partially proves true as Lila’s actions, accidentally result in Artur capturing Mejia.
                  Lila is mostly lighthearted and not as suited for Birch Woods’ lifestyle as Mejia is. And though she is disobedient to most of Mejia’s orders and advice, she deeply cares about the warrior and tries getting rises out of her by referencing Filip as more than an alliance. But Mejia doesn’t see the logic in it however and shrugs at such farfetched ideas.

                  Artur Rogozin, the villain, is a crafty, foxlike, and slightly insane villain. His past is not a very happy one either, but unlike Mejia, he never got over it. His clear advantage over Mejia is his extreme stealth skills and ability to trick people in his favor. He often thieves from the others, (including Mejia’s few and prized possessions), and employs his uncanny knowledge of the characters to instill doubts in them.

                  So anyway, that’s my monologue XD I appreciate it, anyone who read all that:)

                  Alexa Autorski
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1011


                    So thank you for the warning, but I just re-read everything and fangirled over your characters all over again!! I mean, seriously, this sounds like my kind of book, which I don’t say very often!! 🙂 You’ve crafted such an incredible, full-of-life world that sounds like such an interesting setting for a story (I adore winter themes) and has so much potential! And I just love how all of your characters are different in their own, special way, but they’ve teamed up together *sighs for the one-thousandth time* I love your crew of characters, and, kind of an odd compliment, but I love the names, too! One of the first things I notice about a novel is character names and whether or not I like them, and these just fit so well!

                    I do have one request of you, and I’m going to give in to the temptation of the all caps button *takes deep breath*: when this is published, I WANT A SIGNED COPY immediately! *calmly backs away from all caps* Honestly, I just get more interested in TSW every time you post about it! 😀 😀 😀 😀 Definitely a #1 fan!:)

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1789

                      @writerlexi1216 AW GURL THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! Take your time–I totally understand!

                      YES! C’mere, Newton, lemme give you a hug! Lord knows you need it!

                      @joy-caroline Thanks! I feel like it’s my go-to concept, though. (I’ve used it at least three times…)

                      Yeah, you’ve got to have a villainous name. Sets the tone and everything.

                      Really? That’s so ironic! XD

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 765

                        ASDjkljfhkgyaSDF I came up with a new story idea, and of course that means nEw cHaRaCtERSsSS *singsongy annoying voice* K, so they’re still under development but here’s their basic-ness in all of its glory so far.

                        Kadotake: Criminal. Doesn’t question motives. The only girl in her crime ring. Has short, curly blonde hair, grey eyes, and is quite fierce in what she does. She does have internal values, though, and has never killed anyone.

                        Graylen: Tall. (About Kadotake’s age, so maybe 15-18 in terms of age range for the two. Haven’t decided yet.) Haven’t really decided on external appearance yet. He’s been a criminal for a long while, however, and shows Kadotake the ropes and becomes her friend/sidekick. Open about his feelings.

                        Collages for these two coming soon!

                        staring at the fields
                        if nothing's really real
                        i'll make the winter now my home

                        Alexa Autorski
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1011


                          No problem!! *I tried refraining from the all caps button, but *sigh* it was just too good!* And thank you! Once this summer comes, I’m sure I’ll be back to reading more frequently 🙂

                          Haha, yes, he does! And yet I still keep thinking of ways to make him suffer more… sorry, my poor characters… Though, I guess that only makes the happy ending more happier, doesn’t it?


                          Hey! I saw your new story idea on the hangout chat and *pauses* *stares at the all caps button and tries resisting the temptation* IT SOUNDS SO AMAZING! *Whoops…* Really, I like it, and your characters sound very interesting! It’s always such a magical feeling when an idea sparks like that, isn’t it? Anyways, I’m looking forward to hearing more about them! 🙂

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 765

                            @writerlexi1216 Eeek! Thank you!! <333 I’m glad you’re liking it so far!! <333 Yesss, I’m loving this idea too. It does feel magical!!! <33333

                            staring at the fields
                            if nothing's really real
                            i'll make the winter now my home

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1789

                              @writerlexi1216 Exactly! Newton will have a very happy ending!

                              I am SO excited about your new idea!! And the character collages!!!

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 765

                                @gracie-j Me too, eek! I’ll tag you when I make em!

                                staring at the fields
                                if nothing's really real
                                i'll make the winter now my home

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 604

                                  cool topic, sry im late!  here’s a quick lowdown of my charries:

                                  Emiyn Martinez, eighteen, was Selected to go to Nova Terra.  She has to leave behind her sister, Aven, who is alone with autism.  With hidden talents and a secret past, she will do anything to save Aven.  But there are some who will do anything to take advantage of Em’s talents.

                                  Aven Martinez, sixteen, is autistic.  She sees the world in a different way, understanding things that most people don’t.  Her best friend is her late brother, Iszac’s, fiancee.  Aven notices everything, especially the people watching her every move.

                                  Grove Andersen, twenty-four, was the Iszac Martinez’s fiancee before he died in a car crash.  Before she met him in the military, she was injured by IEDs as a sniper.  After Em was Selected and Aven was left alone, Grove took Aven under her wing.

                                  Rudei Vellen, nineteen, is Emiyn’s “bodyguard,” not letting her leave.  He wasn’t Selected, so every day he is faced with the reality that he will be left on earth.  As he gets to know Em, he realizes that she isn’t the lazy drop-out everyone sees her as.

                                  Shae Barton, seventeen, is a temperamental Irish girl, and Emiyn’s BFF.  She’s always had a vision to make the world a better place, and she got her chance when she was Selected.  All she wants to do is keep the peace, so when Em steps out of line, it frustrates her.

                                  Malia Tarash, eighteen, is Emiyn’s worst enemy.  They used to be friends on earth, but Malia’s dark side appeared.  They have a deal, which results in death for Aven if broken.  Now she works undercover for an anti-Vision group that wants to tear apart the Nova Terra dream.

                                  Brill Miranda, nineteen, is one of the best male Candidates and he knows it.  Suave and persuasive, he seems like a nice guy on the outside.  But secretly he has a selfish motivation for survival at all costs, even if it means his family’s death on earth.


                                  So ya, cheers to u if u read that. 🙂

                                  what we do in life echoes in eternity
                                  -gladiator, 2000

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