Character Castle!

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  • #116614
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4732

      @godlyfantasy12 Well, Crosshair is sort of a quiet character anyway, so while the first option does seem to make a little more sense, a mix of both options is probably the best way to go.

      @koshka @freedomwriter76

      Also please note, my brother got really mad at me for adding Jareth and Crow for some reason, so I’m just going to go ahead and say that Crow is heavily based off my brother’s concepts. I’m not sure if that’ll help, but I’m enjoying Jareth’s POV too much to remove him, so…..



      He was about to explain his entire story when chaos broke out. [I can honestly put that on another post if you guys want it.]

      Dog-like creatures and guards ran through the door. Crosshair whipped out his rifle and took out three guards with one laser.

      “Stay there!” he yelled to Jareth, who was cowering in a corner.

      He fired on the soldiers, careful not to hit the characters he knew. (He wasn’t keen on calling them “friends” quite yet.)

      When he looked back at where his son had been, the kid was gone.

      “Jareth?” He looked around. “Jareth!!”

      An attack dog clamped down on his arm and refused to let go. He slammed it into the wall, silently thanking the World-Maker for his armor’s strength. He recognized the tactics these soldiers were using–he, Hunter, Tech and Wrecker [his brothers and squad-mates for those who want to know] had trained with massifs themselves once.

      He couldn’t see Jareth in the crowd of characters battling; he could only hope that one of the others had rescued him.

      Slipping through a door to look, he found the ones called Eva and Zlatan. With them was Nyx, the fox, whose paw seemed to be bent at a strange angle. The two were currently trying to put a splint on the broken paw.

      “Let me. I’ve done it a few times for Raincloud.” Crosshair reached for Nyx and the splint. Finding Jareth would have to wait.



      Where was he?

      Where was Crosshair?

      He clung to his rescuers tightly, whimpering. [note: he knows some of the girls’ names but not the boys’, Ezra will probably have to introduce himself.] The man wrapped his arms around him, Naja, and the girl named Arabella, telling them they’d be okay.

      He didn’t feel okay.

      Crow wriggled out of his arms and sat on Arabella’s head, letting out a sound similar to a rooster. But even this didn’t make Jareth smile like it normally would.

      It did for Naja, though. She reached her hand out to touch him, and he squealed and shot off to a corner of the room, puffed out in indignance.

      Now that was funny. Jareth managed a slight smirk, and even Arabella and the man he didn’t know were chuckling.

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @keilah-h @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon sorry for the late reply!

        ooh…this oughta be fun…XD


        Zlatan was approaching him, reaching out to try and touch him.

        Absolutely not!

        He hissed, reeling from the man.

        Zlatan frowned. “I’m not going to hurt you.” His eyes went to Nyx’s paw, making Nyx shuffle it, trying to hide it.

        This, of course, made him squeak in pain, and he growled at himself.

        “You need a splint.”

        Nyx’s eyes went wide.

        There was no way on this planet he was letting these people touch him. Much less his paw. Not when it was in such a vulnerable state.

        He shuffled furiously, ignoring the ripping and jabbing pain that rocketed from his limb.

        “Nyx! Please!” Eva cried, trying her best to hold him without injuring him any further.

        Zlatan made quick work of dismantling a basket, and was heading back towards the fox.

        Now what?!

        Crosshair shifted in his spot against the wall. He’d been quiet for the most part. Deep in thought apparently.

        Nyx hadn’t cared. He’s preferred it to be honest, but now he apparently thought it best to put his two cents in.

        “Let me. I’ve done it a few times for Raincloud.”

        Zlatan glanced at Crosshair warily and then Nyx, who was still struggling. He shrugged, obviously figuring it was Crosshair’s funeral….


        Nyx would definitely not hesitate to bite this person. He growled and bared his canines as Crosshair approached, but that didn’t seem to deter the man.

        He obviously wasn’t scared.


        Nyx was….

        He’d never experience pain like this before, and now that the adrenaline was wearing off, it was only getting worse.

        And now he was trapped…

        In this room with….

        People who were still practically strangers.

        He had to escape.

        He had to get out!

        He had to find Jocelyn!

        He wanted Jocelyn!

        He screeched as Eva tightened her grip, whispering something he couldn’t make out.

        As Crosshair and Zlatan drew closer to help Eva control him, Nyx opened his mouth.

        And his mind.

        But not out of trust.

        Out of fear.

        “LET ME GO! STOP!”

        Eva’s hand relaxed slightly and he opened his eyes to find everyone staring at him. He released a breath.

        Well…there’s that…


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka feel free to have Nyx call Zlatan few names 😂 he’ll probably mumble them lol


            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1558

            @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


            The voice of a ten year old lad shattered all the quiet left in his mind. Zlatan flinched and nearly dropped the reeds he’d gathered. For some reason this hasn’t been what he’d thought of when he first learned the fox talked.

            Yet he seemed to be the least affected.

            “Eva, put him down.”

            She did, gently, making sure he never had to put pressure on his broken foot.

            “Nyx,” Zlatan knelt in front of, but not too close to Nyx, letting all the remaining stone in his face and voice disappear. “I know this hurts. A splint will help.”

            “Oh REALLY!?” the fox rolled his eyes.

            “It’ll keep the bones from grinding together.”

            Eva made a face.

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1558


              I’m not sure what he would call him, soooo…feel free to use what ever Nix  wants.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4732

                @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @freedomwriter76


                “STOP!” shouted a voice.

                “What the…..” Crosshair looked around, hoping to see who had spoken, but there was no one else besides them.

                “Yeah, I’m looking at you, gray-hair, or whatever your name is.” came the voice again.”Keep your hands away from me.” [@godlyfantasy12 Sorry for putting words in your character’s mouth, but I thought it’d be kinda funny for Nyx to say something like that.]

                Nyx was glaring at him.

                The fox spoke?

                Zlatan and Eva made an attempt to talk with Nyx. Crosshair didn’t pay too much attention to their conversations.

                Why was he so weirded out? He’d talked plenty of times with Raincloud—was this any different?

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @koshka. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. Sorry y’all. I was working on my Thanksgiving story and then eating dinner. XD


                  “I call my father Papa. What does she call you?”

                  “D…Daddy.” Riker whispered softly.

                  Naja was safe. She was with Ezra.

                  He trusted Ezra.

                  Riker only wished he could be there.

                  He closed his eyes.

                  He was a horrible father.

                  Losing his daughter twice!? What kind of father was he!?

                  “Riker…stay with us.”

                  “I’m here November. For…for now. But I don’t…don’t know how much longer I can stay awake…”


                  My, Nyx could talk.

                  Made him even more adorable!

                  He was angry at Zlatan and Crosshair though.

                  Eva chuckled. Someone had an attitude.


                  Franz silently followed the others.

                  Who did they think they were…telling him what to do?

                  But did he have any other choice?


                  He didn’t suppose he did.

                  Just like the war hadn’t been his choice.


                  Not that again.

                  The mud seeping into his clothes and boots, Franz sank down in the trench. A letter from Jennie. It was a few weeks old, but the first one she’d sent in months. 

                  Franz ripped into it. A picture floated out.

                  A baby boy.

                  HIS SON WAS BORN!

                  Franz read the letter. 

                  Riker Franz Schind, born September 16th, 1916. 

                  “Are you okay?”

                  Franz turned to face Alyona.

                  “Of course I’m fine, woman. Leave me alone.”

                  (no he’s not. XD)

                  Franz walked away from her.

                  Just his luck…getting stuck with people.

                  “Can I open my eyes now?”

                  “Not yet, darling. Wait just a few more minutes…” Jennie said.

                  Something soft and small, fragile, was placed in his arms. “Alright…open them.” 

                  Franz did. And gasped. His son. He was even more beautiful in person.

                  Dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, slightly tanned skin.

                  Franz planted a kiss on his son’s forehead. “Riker. My son. My precious son.” 


                  He was a different man then.

                  The war had changed him. Made him stronger.

                  Harder, maybe, yes, but stronger.

                  If it’s even strength…

                  Franz scoffed.

                  Of course it was.

                  What else could it be?

                  Brokenness. Guilt. Regret. 


                  IT WASN’T ANY OF THOSE THINGS!


                  Franz stood tall. He had no reason to be broken.

                  Except for the abuse. 




                  Franz had changed.

                  He’d fought the war.

                  But the war won over you.


                  Ezra chuckled as Crow dashed away.

                  “So…what are we going to do?” Arabella asked.

                  Ezra slowly let them go and stood.

                  “Why, we’re gonna find the others y’all. And y’all are gonna help me find them. How’s that sound?”

                  Naja jumped to her feet. “YES! We’ll go find Daddy! Jareth, Belle! We can go find Daddy and November and Jareth’s Daddy!” (welp, Ara has a nickname from Naja now. XD)

                  Ezra smiled at her enthusiasm. “What about y’all? I’d say Naja’s enthusiasm could convince anyone. Y’all in?”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @ava-blue. You are sooo welcome! 😀

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4732

                      @freedomwriter76 Awww, honestly I love Naja’s enthusiasm.

                      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                      Naja jumped up, excited at the prospect of finding their families. The little group soon started walking through the hallways, calling the names of the others.

                      Sometimes soldiers would hear instead, in which case the four would dart down a different corridor.

                      Naja really liked Crow for some reason, even though he’d almost bitten her a few times.

                      Arabella was mostly thinking.

                      And the man who rounded out the group was the one who was leading them around.

                      Jareth learned his name was Ezra.

                      He knew someone named that, though that Ezra looked nothing like this one.

                      He looked up at the ceiling, wondering just what went on here.


                      Who owned this place?

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @keilah-h @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon


                        He wasn’t sure how long he and Viktor could keep this up.

                        ”Mikkel…please hurry!” November’s brows furrowed as he whisper-yelled to the man behind him.

                        He let out a long, shaky breath, wishing he was of more use.

                        But…this conversation wasn’t really one he could join.

                        Talk of fathers wasn’t his strong suit….

                        Though…he and Riker seemed to share that. If nothing else…

                        November definitely wasn’t nearly as brave as Riker…

                        Wasn’t half the person he was…even when nearly unconscious.

                        Heh…funny wasn’t it…?

                        “Ahh…” Viktor closed his eyes, as if searching for more to say. He looked at November pleadingly. November blanched, he didn’t know what to do either.

                        “What…what about you…November?” Riker’s lids fluttered as he smiled weakly. November stumbled.


                        ”What…what do you call….your father….”

                        November swallowed, his palms starting to sweat. He opened his mouth and found it dry.

                        “Ah..j-just…just father. S-S-sometimes dad…”

                        He hadn’t called him “daddy” in years…

                        “But…umm…W-what about Naja’s mother? You mentioned her once to me,” November tried to change the subject, hoping it wasn’t a mistake. “What about her?”



                        Everyone had a different reaction.

                        Crosshair was…utterly confused. Especially at Nyx’s sudden outburst, which Nyx was proud of. He grinned to himself.

                        Eva was staring at him, her face thinking over everything. Changing from shock to thoughtful…endearment?

                        Oh great…

                        Last thing he needed was someone coddling him all the time!

                        And Zlatan…

                        Just seemed….like Zlatan.

                        A but surprised, but quickly recovered. In fact, after Eva had gently set Nyx down, for which he was EXTREMELY grateful, Zlatan had knelt down a few inches away.

                        Nyx glared, wrapping his three tails around himself in a protective manner. His left paw was lifted in a way that made him feel….vulnerable.


                        He hated it.

                        Zlatan’s eyes held no anger, however, or malice. But instead a small sense of kindness and….understanding?

                        Still, Nyx found himself awkwardly backing away. He grimaced, unused to the way he was having to hop without the use of one of his paws.

                        “Nyx.” The dark-haired man’s voice was steady, but there was no more harshness in his voice. “I know this hurts. A splint will help.”

                         “Oh REALLY?!” Nyx growled, never taking his eyes off of him.

                        Zlatan’s eyes softened. “They’ll keep the bones from grinding together.”

                        Eva made a face, placing a hand over her mouth.

                        Nyx narrowed his eyes, mulling over that comment.

                        Zlatan didn’t seem to have any ill intent planned.

                        To be honest…none of them did. And…none of them had done anything to make him be anything less then trustful…

                        And Lyn trusts them…


                        Lyn’s been wrong before….

                        Nyx’s eyes flashed with memories and he whimpered at the sudden onslaught.

                        But the thought of his bones grinding together wasn’t exactly pleasant…and the couldn’t go on like this.

                        He huffed, his ears lowering and his tails slowly uncurling. He lifted his head, barely meeting Zlatan’s eyes.

                        “Alright. Fine.” He looked away and then jerked his head up, looking at all three of them. “BUT I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BITE!” He glared especially at the two men as he said this remark.



                        Franz seemed to be in a constant state of turmoil. When he wasn’t yelling his head off, he was in a state of staring off in the distance, as if in a dream.

                        Honestly, Jocelyn just wanted to spark a conversation, but….for the first time in her life….she was unsure of how to do that.

                        For once in her life, Lyn seemed to have met someone who she just couldn’t talk to.

                        And when they did talk, they…well…rubbed everyone the wrong way.

                        Lyn shook her head and sighed, following Alyona. She saddled up next to Vulkasin, deciding instead to talk his ear off.

                        “SO!” She started, leaning in and grinning big. “I heard the nickname you used for Zlatan the other night!” She wiggled her eyebrows. “It was soooo cute, Vulk! I love it!”

                        Vulk let out a low sigh, but she could see the grin tweaking at the edge of his lips.


                        Naja’s enthusiasm was indeed catching.

                        Ara herself felt much better at the sight of the girl’s grin. And the adorable nickname! Oh! She reminded her so much of Jocelyn.

                        And Crow of Nyx.

                        And Jareth a bit of November…..



                        Ara forced the smile to remain on her face and nodded in reply to Ezra. Naja was correct, they were going to go find them.

                        But…that didn’t stop the ache in her heart….at the fact that..for now…they weren’t all together….


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1558

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                          The blood was washed off his hands. It hadn’t taken long, but every second felt like a minor eternity right now.

                          “Riker, I’m going to help you up. If you can’t walk, don’t worry. I don’t expect you to.” He knelt beside the soldier, placing an arm under his shoulders, and helped him to sit up.

                          Then sat for a moment, letting Riker recover from the movement.

                          “Do you think you can stand?”

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon.


                            “What about her?”

                            He smiled. “Iris. She’s beautiful…wonderful…in every single way.”

                            Mikkel came over. “Riker, I’m going to help you up. If you can’t walk, don’t worry. I don’t expect you to.” he helped Riker sit up.

                            Riker ignored the throb in his head as Mikkel gave him a few moments to compose himself.

                            “Do you think you can stand?”

                            Riker nodded. “I…I can try.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon anyone wanna RP for the other groups?


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1558

                                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                                Sorry y’all, I had to pause for dinner.


                                He wanted to smile.

                                But instead he gently took Nyx’s paw in his hand, careful not to move the broken bone. Thank the Maker it was only one. “This will hurt for a moment.”

                                “I SAID I’d bite. Didn’t you- OW!?!!”

                                Nyx gave something between a screech and a scream.

                                The bone was straight. Crosshair was good at this. Zlatan bound the reeds in place so nothing could move.

                                “There.” He sat back on his heels. “Is that any better?”

                                The obvious relief in Nyx’s expression didn’t change his words a bit. Zlatan almost wanted to cover his ears, but that wouldn’t help any.

                                At least Nyx was fine now.

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                                  Nyx screeched as the bone was set. His teeth clanged together and his eyes searched for something-anything!-to take a bite out of.

                                  Regretfully (or thankfully for Zlatan and Crosshair), he wasn’t able to reach anyone with his maw, and had to settle for hissing and curling his tails in discomfort.

                                  After the splint was placed, his paw didn’t feel quite so bad, but he wasn’t about to let the two men go that easily.

                                  ”WHAT THE?! A LITTLE MORE WARNING WOULD’VE BEEN NICE!” He screeched, still holding his now splinted paw up. At least it wasn’t just dangling, and the pain was less…

                                  But he wasn’t going to admit that.

                                  Not yet anyway.

                                  YA BIG OAFS! WHAT DO YA THINK I AM? A TINKER TOY THAT SNAPS BACK TOGETHER?! Bunch of idiots!” Nyx continued to mutter his complaints as his ears gelled against his head in a pout.

                                  “Stupid….didn’t need their help anyway…dumb old….pshh…” He turned his attention to his paw and huffed, sitting down.

                                  Zlatan sighed.

                                  Crosshair…looked agitated.

                                  And Eva…

                                  Looked ready to strangle him….

                                  With affection….


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