Character Castle!

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  • #116581
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @koshka. Why, thank you! XD



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        Nyx and Zlatan’s re gonna be real fun.


        especially with Nyx being hurt cuz someone’s gonna have to address it. And he’s gonna be like


        ”If yall touch me…so help me….”







        idk if any of them realize that he’s only 10…..

        WHICH MEANS!! When he starts talking and he has the voice of a ten year old….


        also, pretty sure only Zlatan and Vulkasin knows he can talk, cuz that hasn’t even been explained to any of the others!!


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          But in reality…Nyx is gonna need someone to help him..cuz pretty sure he broke his paw… 😂 but he’s a prickly little pear….XD I luv him


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. Eva will think he’s even cuter. XD XD XD

            And Nyx will be like: “LADY! I’M NOT CUTE!!!!!!”

            And then Eva:


            “Well then…doesn’t someone have an attitude?” XD XD XD

            Oh, her and Ezra are perfect for each other…

            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1057

              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

              You guys have no idea how THRILLED, how SHISHCOMBOODLED I am about this. Seriously, I’ve never written either of my characters in these situations.


              Seven feet of young man rolled onto the roof. Alyona’s mind, still trapped in the rooms below them, struggled to comprehend what she was seeing.

              Vulkasin. It was Vulkasin, and he had not only climbed up from the window, but he had hauled Franz with him.


              Alyona shook her head. She needed to concentrate, to focus on obeying Viktor’s plan.

              But she didn’t want to. She wanted to turn around and run all the way back down those stairs till she found him. She wanted to…

              She needed to help the others get to safety.

              And, Lord willing, she would.

              She took a deep breath and turned to the others.

              What was Vulkasin grinning about?

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @elishavet-pidyon YAYAY UR HERE!!!


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645




                  she sounds so much like how Jocelyn acts toward Nyx, he’ll probably warm up to her eventually🤣


                  meanwhile Zlatan and Crosshair he’s gonna be like SERIOUSLY?! Out of everyone…I GET STUCK WITH THESE TWO?!


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1558

                    @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                    His sword was messy now, but he didn’t stop to clean it even though the sounds of pursuit had died to a patter.

                    Let the rest to have made it to safety.

                    Zlatan kept climbing stairs, checking rooms. Two levels. Three.


                    Lyn and Altona stared at him, worry plain on their faces.

                    What was wrong?

                    Oh, yeah. The fight downstairs. But Zlati was there, so everything would be fine right? Right.

                    “V’at now?”

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                      ”Vat now?”

                      Jocelyn stared at their small group.

                      ”Really?!” Franz gruffed. “You’re asking a bunch of children?”

                      Alyona winced slightly. Lyn scrunched her nose.

                      Ignoring him entirely, she turned to Alyona, “Any ideas where your brother would go after everything dies down? You know this Castle pretty well right?”

                      Alyona blinked and then started to think.

                      “Ah, yes. Perhaps he vould head to a certain spot?” Vulkasin echoed.

                      Franz rolled his eyes, muttering about allowing children to lead.



                      Eva had escaped the chaos, thankfully ridding Nyx of all the noise around him.

                      Though he was still struggling to escape her grasp. Man, this lady was stronger then she looked!

                      Though…he chalked it up to him being wounded.

                      Yea…that was it.

                      He hissed and squeaked, moving his head against her arm in an effort to get away, but it was no use.

                      Eva finally stopped once they reached a safe point.

                      ”Ah, now none of that!” She tsked, trying to keep him still. “You’re hurt!”

                      Nyx glared, about to screech at her again, when his ears perked.


                      Someone was coming.

                      He hissed, hackles raised, and smelled the air.

                      Smelled like…


                      Someone opened the door and Eva started.

                      It was Zlatan.

                      Nyx bristled and let out an extremely long groan.

                      Great. Just great. This day couldn’t get any better….


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 u wanna go with all ur  charries?


                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1057

                          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                          The stair has been dark, crowded, filled with bloodthirst.

                          He had tried his best, but his best wasn’t much. And as even as he hated to admit it, everything he’d been taught in fighting had fled at the sight of the dogs.

                          Maybe if he’d been older, more weapon wise, he could have held the passage, but he was neither.

                          Now he was at the foot of the tower kneeling beside an injured man. Terrible sounds wafted down from the windows above.

                          What if he’s still out when the soldiers return?

                          Terror clutched at Viktor’s stomach.

                          What will you do? Run? 

                          He shook away the thought, returning his gaze to the man before him.

                          Riker had a little daughter somewhere in this castle. She needed her father. What Viktor wouldn’t give to be with his Papa again. Or Appa, the father in his dreams.

                          Naja needed her father.

                          “Here.” Mikkel took Viktor’s hands and tucked the end of a bandage between his fingers. “Hold this.”

                          Viktor waited as the Mikkel finished the dressing. It wasn’t a very good one, but it would have to do.

                          Viktor looked up to see November on the verge of fainting.

                          Suddenly, he didn’t feel to wonderful himself.

                          “Ay, Lord, help us now.”


                          Alyona blocked out the voices around her, thinking back to what her brother had told her to do.

                          Viktor, where are you?

                          “The wall!” She spun to face the far side of the roof. “Vitya said we can go down to the wall.”

                          “A wall?” Was Franz’s terse reply, contrasting with Vulkasin and Jocelyn’s much more interested responses.

                          Alyona was already walking.

                          “Once on the garden wall, we can go out to almost anywhere.”

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. This is already so much fun. 😉


                            Nyx was really struggling to get out of her grip.

                            Eva startled when Zlatan first entered, but now she calmed.

                            Oh, so Crosshair had brought her down here in the first place.

                            She smiled at Zlatan. “Welcome, Zlatan.”

                            She noticed that Nyx bristled in her arms.

                            Eva smiled faintly. “What’s wrong, darling?”


                            “Shouldn’t be letting children lead something…” Franz mumbled.

                            Good leadership required skill.

                            Bad leadership…led to deaths.

                            And he should know.

                            He fought in the Great War.

                            “What would any of you know?” he growled.

                            He didn’t need to think about the Great War.

                            He’d vowed to leave that all behind.

                            “My entire squadron died…right in front of my eyes…there was nothing I could do. Nothing I could do to save their lives. And they died…all…all because of…all because of…”

                            “Franz, darling, don’t,” Jennie’s cold hand touched his cheek as tears coursed down it, “it’s not your fault. Those men respected you, didn’t they? You respected them?”

                            He nodded slowly.

                            “Then don’t blame yourself. They knew what they were fighting for. They deserve better than that. You deserve better than that…” 

                            He took his wife into his arms.

                            Buried his face in her brown hair.

                            “There now…it’s okay…” Jennie whispered, stroking his hair, holding him in her arms. 

                            He leaned into her embrace.

                            Wrapped his arms around her.

                            And sobbed. 

                            “A lot more than you think.” Jocelyn replied.

                            Franz blinked.



                            His question.

                            “Probably not much.” He replied gruffly.

                            (wow. Never wrote a memory of his EVER. Now I wanna write him more. XD)


                            Arabella…Naja…Jareth…they were all sobbing.

                            Ezra had to look away.

                            What had ever prepared him for this?

                            He was a Pilot.

                            A Military Man.

                            An officer.

                            How did he handle two little kids and another girl that was also still a kid?

                            He only had one younger sibling.

                            Little Jane.

                            Ezra turned back around.

                            They needed him.

                            He was worried about Eva.

                            But she was safe.

                            “Trust me.” The soft voice in his head commanded.

                            Ezra took in a deep breath. Oh Lord, I hope I can. 

                            He got onto one knee beside Arabella, Naja, and Jareth.

                            Wrapped his arms around them all.

                            “It’s gonna be okay y’all. I promise. I will not let anything happen to you and I will get you back to your families.”


                            “Soldier, stay with me.” Mikkel said, applying gauze to Riker’s forehead.

                            His head was swimming.

                            “I…I’m trying.” Riker groaned.

                            He really was.

                            He saw November out of the corner of his eye, though he was still blurry.

                            He glanced back at Mikkel. “Is November okay?” He groaned quietly. He still saw stars. “Am I supposed to be…is it nighttime already?”

                            Riker, caring about November even though he probably has a small concussion. *sigh* My sweet, sweet baby boy. <3

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


                              “What’s wrong, darling?” Eva’s voice was soothing, but Nyx felt himself grow a bit agitated.

                              Why did she keep calling him that?!

                              Only Lyn could call him that! And she was not Lyn! Where was Lyn! 

                              He shut his eyes, turning his head away as his paw jostled slightly. He let out a hiss of pain and immediately clamped his mouth shut, knowing the woman holding him would start fussing if she heard.

                              His tails ticked back and forth before curling in on themselves and he slowly opened his eyes to find that…


                              They were damp….


                              What was wrong with him?!

                              Eva gently lifted him closer to her, where she could look at him better. “Nyx, dear, are you alright?”

                              He just wished she’d be quiet.

                              Wished his paw would stop hurting.

                              He just wanted Lyn…

                              He could see Zlatan approaching and that didn’t make him any happier. He lifted his head and glared at the dark-haired man.



                              So this was one of those where the character sorta..ran away with himself? Or wrote himself? Bit surprised on this reaction honestly but started writing and Nyx just started…going in this direction of really wanting Jocelyn. Which makes sense.

                              I’ve read that Broken bones hurt immensely, and my poor baby’s senses are also on high alert. Plus…he does not like strangers (which he still sorta considers everyone lol)


                              Ava Blue
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 222

                                *me stalking this topic and enjoying the show* 🍿👀

                                Monsters creep
                                In the silent dark-deep
                                In the filling-eye hills
                                In the shriveled hand-keep

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Poor Nyx! *sobs*

                                  . Haha, yes, it’s very dramatic. XD XD XD (nice PFP, btw! Who is it this time?)

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