Character Castle!

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  • #116547
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. I think Ezra might have to end up calming everyone down. XD I can well imagine Naja and Jareth will both be VERY UPSET.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka luv ur RP!!

        @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP?


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


          It had taken Lyn only seconds to realize Nyx wasn’t with her.

          She’d been pushed out the door by someone; she wasn’t sure who. But as she climbed the stairs behind Alyona, she had realized with a terrible start that the usual ball of fluff around her neck was nowhere to be found.

          She’d stopped mid-step.

          “NYX!” She’d called, expecting him to come running. Surely he was nearby.

          Instead she’d been caught by Alyona, who quickly grabbed her hand to keep her from going back.

          There was No sign of Nyx.

          ”We need to keep going!”

          “But Nyx!” Lyn had protested. But it was no use. Alyona was right, they needed to keep going.

          Now, she found herself standing on the roof, watching as Vulkasin made his way to the top with Franz in tow.

          The older man did not look pleased, despite the fact that Vulkasin had just saved his life.

          Besides, who wouldn’t enjoy a good climb? Lyn definitely would!

          Well…she would have….had her gut not been twisting in multiple ways from worry.

          She frowned, glancing down from the roof. Where were her friends? Where was Nyx?

          Lyn wasn’t used to feeling this way.

          Anxiety wasn’t something she was accustomed to.

          But…she couldn’t lose Nyx.

          She…she just couldn’t.

          She felt a hand on her shoulder and she started, turning.

          “We should get going.” Alyona said, her eyes also wrought with fear and concern.

          Of course. Her brother was in there!

          Lyn straightened and nodded fiercely, offering a bright smile.


          November turned to glance at Ara’s face, just before he was grabbed and jerked to his feet.

          His stomach recoiled at the sudden movement and he shrank away suddenly, unsure of what exactly was happening.

          Before he could find out, he was shoved towards the window. He could hear Zlatan’s voice behind him.

          ”OUT. NOW.”

          Novembee stiffened, staring out the window. He looked back, searching the room for his friends.

          Ara was still on the floor.

          “A-Ara! Come on!” She didn’t move.

          She must not hear him!

          Another push from Zlatan.

          “Novembre, go!”

          November swallowed, his body half out the window now. He glanced back again. “Ara!” He called.

          But now she wasn’t there.

          His eyes widened and he bit his lip. One last push from Zlatan sent him grappling for the rope that still hung from the night before.

          He scrunched his eyes shut, his stomach twisting into knots as he climbed over the window sill.

          With one last scan over the room for Arabella, seeing no sign of her; which made his heart beat even quicker, he gripped the rope.

          His knuckles turned white and he scrunched his eyes shut as he leapt off the window sill, allowing himself to slide down the rope.

          Oh how he HATED THIS!!

          He made it to the ground quickly, and scurried away, in case someone else would follow.

          His eyes turned back to the window, and he frowned at the chaos he could hear coming from inside.

          He felt utterly useless….

          Because you are.

          November swallowed, looking around. What was he supposed to do now?




            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


            Nyx’s senses were on high alert from moment one.

            He’d smelled the dogs and guards before they ever entered. Sadly, he hadn’t had time to warn anyone. They were on them in a matter of seconds.

            Nyx had leapt at the first thing to enter the door; one of the dogs.

            It was much bigger then him, but he didn’t necessarily care. Everything inside of him was screaming.

            A mix of fear, panic, anger and an instinct to protect we’re all jumbled inside of him, and in that moment he didn’t know what else to do.

            So he did what he knew to do best.

            He lashed out.

            Canines bared and claws out, he gripped the mutt’s maw, hanging on as it began to try and violently shake the little creature off.

            It’s head was about as big as Nyx was (idk how ur dogs look but just imagining how my Nyx would look in comparison to a very large dog)

            Nyx clawed and bit at anything he could find hold of, making the dog all the madder. Eventually he lost his grip and was slung off, rolling away.

            He hissed, his hackles raised, and immediately went back into the ensuing chaos.

            He wasn’t sure what all was happening; all he knew was he was doing his best against these ferocious beasts.

            He had to.

            If he couldn’t warn them in time, then the least he could do was try to protect them.

            Protect Lynnie.

            His girl.

            His head shot up.


            Where was-

            In the moment of distraction, Nyx suddenly found himself in the jaws of one of the dog’s. He screeched, hissing and claws at the beast.

            The thing yanked him around like a rag doll until Nyx felt dizzy, and eventually released him, sending him crashing into the stone wall.

            He let out a yelp as he collided. His body ached from the impact and he wheezed.

            Something…didn’t feel right.

            He slowly stood, screeching as he placed pressure on his left front paw.

            His ribs ached and he whimpered slightly.

            Oh…Lyn was going to kill him.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. Love the RP’s by the way. 😉


              Pounding footsteps.

              Barking dogs.

              Oh Lord Jesus, help us. 

              It was utter chaos.

              Many were rushing up the stairs.

              Others out the window.

              She saw Zlatan practically shove November out the window.

              Arabella had disappeared.

              So had Jocelyn and Alyona.

              Eva needed to find a way out too.

              “This way!” someone called out to her. (either Zlatan or Crosshair, since they’re a part of her group)

              A loud collision.

              Eva saw Nyx. She ran, scooped him into her arms, and ran to follow the man who had called out to her.

              “Stay with me, darling.” She whispered to Nyx, limp in her arms.

              And she followed who had called.


              Chaos. Utter chaos.

              Ezra continued to lead Arabella to safety.

              Once he was finally in a safe spot, he stopped, letting go of Arabella.

              He’d gotten a few others to come with him as well.

              “Arabella, are you okay?” Ezra asked, as he bent to pick up both Jareth and Naja, who were clinging to his legs the entire time he walked. (haha, helping Ara and having two kids cling to him. Ezra’s such a trooper. XD)

              He glanced around. At least they were safe. “November made it out, Arabella. Don’t worry.” Ezra comforted, as he also hugged Jareth and Naja tight.

              Poor kids.

              “I WANT DADDY!” Naja cried, weeping.

              Ezra hugged her tighter. “We’ll find him soon, Naja, I promise…”


              November was out the window. Most of the others were gone.



              Ohhh…Riker couldn’t dwell on that now. He turned to Viktor. “Viktor, follow November! Get out of here!”

              He wasn’t going to let a kid get hurt.

              He slightly nudged Viktor towards the window. “GO! Mikkel, go with him, will you?”

              Mikkel nodded and went over to Viktor.

              “I’ll distract them. Zlatan, get out of here too.”

              The young man gave him a raised eyebrow. “And V’hat about you?”

              “I’ll be fine.”

              “You might not be.” (i’m giving up on trying to do the accent. XD)

              Riker saw Mikkel and Viktor began to go out the window, grabbing the rope.

              “I will be.”

              “And v’hat if you v’on’t be? V’hat about your family?” (alright, I’m TRYING! XD)

              Riker pulled out his pistol. Made sure it was full of bullets.

              He wasn’t letting anyone get hurt on his watch.

              He gave Zlatan a small smile. “They’d be better off without me anyways. Go. I’ll distract them.” (not sure if Zlatan will listen or not. XD)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                Eva saved Nyx! YAY! 😉

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon

                  RIKER!!! NO THEY WILL NOT!!! 😭😭


                  Someone was holding him. Close.

                  ”Stay with me, darling.” The voice cooed.


                  It didn’t sound like Lyn…didn’t smell like her either.

                  But….whoever it was didn’t smell dangerous either.

                  They smelled…sweet. Like chocolate…

                  Nyx’s ears bent. Why was everything so loud?

                  And why was he hurting?

                  And where was…

                  His head lifted and he caught sight of who was holding him. He frowned.

                  Oh. It was that lady…err…Evie??

                  No that wasn’t it…


                  The one who’d called him a pet.

                  He narrowed his eyes. The aching his ribs was slowly dulling, but the pain in his left paw….

                  It was…

                  Well. Nyx wasn’t one to complain, but it was pretty unbearable.

                  Had he broken it?

                  He shook his head. He had more important things to worry about. like Lyn.

                  Where. Was. Lyn?!

                  He struggled gently in Eva’s arms, but she wouldn’t release her grip. And he couldn’t fight near as much as before, not with the pain coursing through him Everytime he moved his paw.

                  He let out an annoyed squeak and faced her with a glare.

                  “Shh, shh. It’s alright dear.”

                  Agh! She was treating him like a baby!

                  Like a…like a wounded animal!

                  He flushed. Well…In a way…he supposed he was.

                  BUT STILL!

                  HE HAD TO GO!

                  He couldn’t be coddled!

                  Though Eva didn’t seem to share his sentiments. And…

                  Nyx hissed under his breath.

                  She couldn’t understand him!




                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    I luv Nyx!! This is gonna be SO MUCH FUN!! Getting to write for HIM and not just him in the group!!!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. IKR!? Riker needs some self-esteem! 😭😭😭


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @koshka. Was the accent at least decent? 🤣🤣🤣

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1558


                          Good job! As its only first draft, I swap out all ‘w’s and ‘th’s as they aren’t a sound in Russian.

                          @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                          Was the man crazy?!

                          No, he was an officer, just like Zlatan himself. First in attack last in retreat. In better circumstances two officers would both give all the information they had then decide a proper course of action.

                          But this wasn’t a better time. There was no time for Zlatan to give half of the thousand little details his mind pieced together.

                          So instead he chose a different approach.

                          “Neyht. Somev’ere is a little lass who needs her father; you go. Remember, z’eres more guards on ze grounds z’en ‘ere.” He slid his shield in place as he spoke, sword already drawn. “Go, distraction v’ill only cost lives. Maker keep you.”

                          He ran toward the place he’d seen Eva disappear.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                            No…no! This..this wasn’t right! 

                            Her eyes watered as Ezra led her away. She could hear Naja crying beside her, followed by a whimpering Jareth.

                            The sounds broke her heart.

                            Once they’d reached a certain point, Ezra released her. She’d expected herself to bolt. To run back toward the chaos, but she couldn’t will herself to move.

                            Naja was still crying, wishing for her father, and Jareth was holding to Ezra. Poor lad had just been reunited with his own abba…

                            Ara looked back.

                            “Arabella, are you okay?” Ezra asked.

                            How could he ask that? Of course she wasn’t! Everything inside of her wanted to scream! She wasn’t made for this! Wasn’t made for any of this!

                            Light One, why have you put me here?!

                            “W-We have to go back! We have to-“ Her shoulders heaved.

                            She reached out her hand, expecting to grab onto someone else’s.

                            But no one was there.

                            Reality dawned on her once more. Her best friend wasn’t there…

                            “November made it out, Arabella. Don’t worry.” Ezra’s southern accent was sweet. Comforting.

                            But still the words “What if” beat into her skull.

                            What If he didn’t make it out?

                            What if….

                            Her thoughts were cut off by another round of Naja’s wailing. She blinked.

                            Clenching her fists, she sucked in a deep breath. She…she couldn’t think about that right now.

                            Ezra needed her. Needed her help.

                            She’d been in terrible situations before.

                            Horrid situations, she shuddered, thinking about their last adventure.

                            And Ezra needed help with the younger children.

                            The Light One had chosen her for a reason…

                            Though…what reason, she wasn’t sure.

                            She exhaled.

                            She could do this.

                            She stared at Naja’s sobbing frame and couldn’t help but feel for her. She felt exactly the same in that moment. Vulnerable and helpless.

                            She gently placed her arms around the girl, enveloping her in a hug. She wasn’t entirely sure how much it would help, but…at the moment it was all she could do.

                            She swiftly pulled Jareth and Crow in as well.

                            Her own tears slowly slid down her cheeks as well. “Shh…shh…I-It’ll be okay..”

                            Her hands were still shaking as she ran them through the children’s hair.

                            “E-Ezra’s right…we…we’ll find everyone…soon.”

                            She could only pray that was true.


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @koshka. Thanks! I did my best! XD Let me get Riker down. I’ll do a quick Riker RP. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


                              Zlatan rushed off, following Eva.

                              Maker keep you. 

                              Riker didn’t deserve God’s protection.

                              Only anger.

                              But Naja did deserve Riker’s protection.

                              He ran to the window, grasping the rope.

                              Thank goodness for Crosshair.

                              Riker put his pistol back in its holster.

                              Took in a deep breath.

                              And began climbing down, quick.

                              Mikkel and Viktor were over by November.

                              Ohh…it was a mistake to look down.

                              Sure, he had gone up first earlier.

                              But now…looking down…stop being a coward, Riker, he admonished himself.

                              He continued to climb down.

                              Naja needed him…didn’t she?

                              But at the same time…no one needed him.

                              No one wanted him.

                              No one should want him.

                              No. He couldn’t think about that now.

                              He glanced down again.

                              Where was…where was…oh no, Naja wasn’t there.

                              Riker felt a throb in his head.

                              What kind of father was he!?

                              He still climbed down, but he was beginning to lose his grip on the world around him.

                              ‘Thought you could be someone different?’ the voices snickered, ‘well…you can’t. Everyone was right. You are like your father. What made you think you could be someone different? It’s who you were destined to be.’ 

                              His hands began to slip.

                              Riker jolted out of the memories that rose with the voices.

                              Oh no.

                              He tried to regain his grip.

                              And failed.

                              Nothing to do but let go.

                              So, Riker did.

                              He wasn’t too high.

                              But still.

                              He hit the ground. Almost landed on his feet, but instead tumbled, rolled, and slammed into something.

                              Something hard.

                              He groaned.

                              He saw stars.

                              He turned over to lay on his back.

                              Now his head really throbbed.

                              Three faces formed before him.

                              “Riker…Riker! Are you okay!?”


                              Riker tried to give the pale-faced kid a smile but realized he couldn’t. Not without pain. Come to think of it, his whole face hurt.

                              He felt something sticky, too.

                              On his forehead.

                              He almost reached to touch it.

                              Mikkel gripped his wrist. “Don’t touch. There’s blood there.”

                              Riker nodded slowly.

                              At least he was still awake.

                              But the faces were blurry a bit. And he was struggling to stay awake.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                Oh Riker…my poor boy. So clumsy at times. 😅

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Poor Ara! And Naja, and JARETH!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

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