Character Castle!

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  • #116514
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @godlyfantasy12. OHHHHHH 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’M DYING OVER HERE. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @godlyfantasy12. Why do I feel like Ezra’s and Riker’s groups would be the two tame ones? 🤣🤣🤣

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @queen_of_alvastia @freedomwriter76


          “Corvina, don’t leave us behind!”

          Corvina gritted her teeth. Why was everyone here so committed to talking to her?

          She huffed, ignoring him.

          She stopped, however, at the sight of two men up ahead. Two…fairly muscular men. Strong jawlines, muscles that were highly pronounced by their outfits. Corvina steadied her gaze, clenching her fists in preparation.

          She took a quick glance out the corner of her eye to see that Payton had stopped as well, drawing his knife.

          “Uh guys?” He called to the others.

          Corvina could’ve slapped him.

          You NEVER make noise when you’re preparing to fight! The element of surprise is your friend, idiot!

          “This could be another slight problem. I hope you still have those guns loaded.”

          Guns? Hm, that must have been whatever those weapons the other men carried were called.

          She wondered if it would do any good against whoever’s these two approaching were though.

          Corvina rolled her eyes. Ah, whatever. She could handle herself.

          And if all else failed, she’d disappear.

          Corvina had a literal fight or flight mechanism inside of her.

          But she wasn’t going to flee from fear. Only self-preservation.

          These people obviously weren’t the brightest anyway.

          “Get behind me.” Someone spoke.

          It took her a split second to realize they were talking to her.

          She turned her head slowly, the glare on her face enough to send a grown man to their grave.

          Payton, the one who’d whispered, blanched, obviously having expected the younger girl to obey.

          Instead, she nearly hissed at him, and returned to glare at the two men in front of her.

          No one told her what to do.

          Well…almost no one.”

          Corvina bit her cheek, waiting for the two strangers to show themselves.


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. @queen_of_alvastia. Uh oh, Corvina’s irritated. 😂 FUN! 😝


            There were people up ahead.

            One unsheathed a knife and said something.

            Didn’t he know you needed to be quiet when you were anticipating to take someone down?

            Or was that something only Assassins learned?

            He clicked the safety off on his machinegun.

            Steve glanced at him.

            Their eyes met. “Buck…don’t. Unless we have to.”

            Bucky held Steve’s gaze.

            He needed to be cautious.


            People always tried to hurt him.

            But he trusted Steve.

            Bucky turned the safety back on. Nodded. “Okay.”

            Steve smiled. Put a hand up in greeting. “Hello? We’re not going to hurt you…”


            Viola stepped out of the room.

            Took in a deep breath.



            Except for the voices and footsteps, which had suddenly ceased.

            She hid behind a pillar. Oh, castles were so useful.

            Too bad she couldn’t afford to have one.

            She smirked. Oh, but she wouldn’t need one once she got HYDRA’s weapon back.

            She caught red, white, and blue.

            Oh no.

            The Captain.


            She was getting sick and tired of Steven Grant Rogers, always ruining her plans.

            But if…if he was here…then so was…so was…The Winter Soldier.

            Oh, Viola would be getting HYDRA’s weapon back. No matter how many people she had to take out first.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @elishavet-pidyon u on?? If so u wanna RP? @koshka @keilah-h what do y’all think of the teams? @freedomwriter76

              yall wanna start getting ready for guards to attack?


              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1057

                @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                *Comes flying into the tower window*

                I’m back!!!!

                *Lands in a crouch, cloak slid over one shoulder, green wool against a blue linen kirtle. Soft fabric on stone*

                Because we can do all things in our imaginations. (Including owning said 10th century garb. *Sigh*)

                Anyway, I have returned from my many ventures.

                I will now rp.

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645



                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1057

                    @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                    The groups sound pretty good, Alyona and Lynn would be rather fun, one they get to know each other. Alyona is quiet, but she isn’t exactly timid. Outgoing natures remind her of her little sister, and she’s happy with that.

                    Alyona would be interesting with anyone, although she may have to open up first before they can really get to know her.

                    I love Viktor with November and the rest, and am looking forward to reminding Viktor of some of the things he forgets.


                    Crosshair completely changed with his son. Well, maybe not completely, the man was still rather… Prickly, but he seemed more human. Less threatening.

                    Fatherhood suited him in a curious way.

                    Viktor smiled as the little boy looked up at his father. There was trust in those eyes.

                    Then a memory hit him. A sweet memory, like honey on bread. He was standing just like that, talking to his papa, asking why the earth was made of dirt and not stone. Or was it a giant cow’s hoof?

                    No, he was asking… Something else, that wasn’t clear anymore. Was he asking anything? Viktor frowned as the memory shifted to an earlier one.

                    There was stone beneath his feet now, and a hand rested on his head. It was big, or his head was small, or maybe both were true. There were soft words being said, but too far overhead to hear, or too long gone to remember. Only a faint rhythm remained in his ears, a song or a prayer.

                    Then something wet, like a rain drop, had fallen on his face, and he had peeked up at the person standing beside him….

                    Disappointment sank in as the memory faded away. No recognition, no face remained. All was lost in the ashes of his past.

                    But he knew it wasn’t Papa.

                    “Good morning, Vitya!” Someone called across the room. He looked up and saw Alyona behind the other maids.

                    “Good morning.”

                    “Did you sleep well?” She was standing before him now, almost on eye level. He really needed to get a growth spurt soon.

                    “Aye. Did you?”

                    “Mhmm.” She looked concerned. “You thinking about something?”

                    “Nothing. We need to determine what do do now.”

                    “Ah” she turned and surveyed the group. “We’re quite the crowd now, aren’t we?”

                    He smirked. “Quite.”

                    Suddenly, a dreadful bay echoed outside. Mikkel pulled Arabella and November to the floor, Zlatan flew to the window, Ezra right behind him, infact, general chaos ensued.

                    But Viktor knew the sound. He’d heard it just an hour ago in his dreams, after all.

                    War dogs.

                    Tracking scents. Hunting children. Hunting them.

                    Viktor wheeled to the door, his mind screaming.

                    Smoke on the wind.

                    Nowhere to go.


                    They’d all die.

                    Save yourself!

                    But what would the others do?

                    “Alyona.” His voice was hoarse with terror. “Go to the roof, then to the garden wall.”

                    He yanked open the door, pushing her and some of the others – he didn’t know who – through.

                    They’d need a distraction, or they were more doomed than if they’d stayed.

                    A lump swelled in his throat, forcing the tears into his eyes. He pressed himself against the wall, squeezed his eyes shut.

                    “Please, Lord. Help me. Help us.”

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1057


                      I more than started getting ready for the guards to attack. 😬 XD

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @elishavet-pidyon AWESOME!! I am READY AND RARING TO GO!!!! XD!!! @koshka @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


                        Someone had grabbed her just as the chaos ensued. It was an attack like Ara had never witnessed, and she was unprepared for it.

                        She gasped, her hands shaking against the stone floor as she rolled to her side, trying to catch sight of whoever had saved her.

                        Her first thought was November. He was often the one who did that sort of thing. But she found he too was next to her, lying face up on the stone floor, his face ashen white and his breath coming out in spurts.

                        Neither of them were used to…any of this.

                        Whatever this was.

                        The guards of the castle had caught up to them, and there were many.

                        And..dogs. Or what she assumed was dogs.

                        As she could only see bits and pieces in the chaos, and hear their growls.

                        She whimpered, unable to control the sound that escaped. She’d been through many things before, but the sudden violence was…alarming to say the least.

                        She rolled to her stomach, roving her eyes around the room, searching for an anchor to rest on. Anything to ground her slights.

                        But everyone was in a tailspin.

                        The men seemed to be Trying to make sure the others escaped.

                        Ara’s hair stood on end as a familiar hiss echoed in her ears.


                        But his voice was drowned out by all of the noise in the room.
                        Ara clutched at her head with one hand.

                        Now was not the time for one of her incessant migraines!

                        Ara got to her hands and knees, looking around for the furry creature, but she couldn’t make him out in the chaos.

                        She didn’t see Jocelyn either.

                        Hopefully she’d gotten out.


                        She would never leave Nyx…


                        Ara’s heart thudded in her chest.

                        Light One, please…please keep us safe….

                        Ara reached her left hand out, “November, we have to-“ Her hand touched the stone floor and she turned with a jerk.

                        November wasn’t there anymore.

                        “N-November? November?!” Ara cried turning every way to try and find him, but it was no use.

                        Someone grabbed her shoulder and she screamed turning to hit whoever it was.

                        She stopped just in time to see it was Ezra.

                        “Whoa! Easy! Hurry, come on. I think we’ve just about found an opening!”

                        Ara’s eyes were wide, her heart beating like a drum in her ears. She couldn’t think straight. Ezra helped her up, tucking her under his arm.

                        “B-but November! No!” Ara looked back. The chaos had lessened slightly as some of the guards were now….incapacitated, and thankfully it seemed most of the group had escaped.

                        But where were her friends?

                        “I-I can’t-“ She struggled slightly, but Ezra was strong, and Ara couldn’t focus. Her head was throbbing.

                        “He got out. I’m sure he did.” He flashed a smile at the girl, quickly leading her away and to safety.


                        BTW @freedomwriter76 u can still write Ezra’s POV of the actual battle/conflict up until he helps Ara, I just thought Ara might need some help and Ezra seemed like a good guy to do it. Plus she’s in his group sooo


                        i think Ara’s gonna become good friends with Ezra and Eva.

                        also same with everyone else, I just wrote Ara’s POV until she escaped the conflict, and I figure y’all can do the same (from the beginning of the conflict till wherever y’all wanna stop ur POVs. Don’t think u have to start at the end just because Ara has escape XD)


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Anywhoodle that’s just how Ara reacts. She’s out of it for pretty much the whole thing. So whatever happened in the conflict  happened, and she kinda…missed it. She was low key freaking out on the ground, wondering where everyone was.


                          Until the end when Ezra helped her.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon also I figure Jocelyn is one of the ones u pushed out the door (which is why she left Nyx) cuz they’d never leave each other otherwise. So once Alyona has a POV I’ll make Lyn one, just so I know what’s going on outside XD


                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1057


                              Sounds good! I love it!

                              Yeah, that makes sense. I hoped it would help separate. Poor Nyx. And Arabella.

                              There are times I think she, Viktor, and/or Alyona could have a nice long talk…

                              And now Alyona is running to the roof… Or not. We’ll see.

                              If she didn’t, Viktor’s gonna be furious with worry.

                              I love him.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                Jocelyn’s just gonna be like “I AM UP FOR WHATEVER ALLY! LEAD THE WAY!”


                                Alyona: A-Ally??

                                Jocelyn: Yup! It’s your nickname now!

                                And Vulkasin will be like “Maybe we shouldn’t….” *realizes Zlatan isn’t there* LET’S DO IT


                                And Franz will be…



                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1558

                                  @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                                  The bay of a war dog. One small mark on time. Instant chaos in the ranks.

                                  Hateful chaos and disorder.

                                  The Desanik in Zlatan took over.

                                  The tower door had been cleared, their paths somehow traced. By the sound at least half a dozen guards were already inside.

                                  No time left. Move.

                                  He pushed the nearest person toward the window, barely recognizing Novembré.

                                  They’re mere children.

                                  “OUT. NOW.” His voice carried although hardly raised. “Women and children first.”

                                  A flash of golden hair drew his eyes to the door. Lyn disappeared up the stair, a long black braid leading her. Victor stood frozen to the wall.

                                  “Riker, Vulk- Vulk?” Zlatan shoved down the panic trying to rise. “Mikkel, SOMEONE, hold the passage.”

                                  Victor’s head came up, and he was gone.

                                  That’s Not the someone I meant!

                                  Another glance over the room. All the children were gone…except for a frantic ball of golden fluff.



                                  The breeze felt rather nice up here. It would feel even better if ‘up here’s didn’t include hanging by fingernails off the roof.

                                  Naw, it was more… exchilerating this way.

                                  Vulkasin grinned.

                                  “V’ould you stop v’igling like zat? It’s distracting.”

                                  His passenger didn’t seem to hear.

                                  Ah well. Only another few hands to go anyway.

                                  One more.

                                  Vulkasin levered his elbow against the flat roof, his feet swinging a moment before finding a rafter.

                                  Oy, did his passenger like that.

                                  “I’m not going to drop you.”

                                  One, two, THREE-

                                  They rolled to relative safety.

                                  Well done.

                                  Then Vulkasin got his first good look at his ‘passenger’.

                                  Hmm. Riker’s father had a lovely death glare. No matter this Vulk hadn’t just saved both their lives.

                                  Sure he didn’t know who he’d snatched…but overall he had performed his part rather admirably, if he said so himself.

                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

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