Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @queen_of_alvastia. They always get out of our control. 😂😂😂 They have minds of their own. 🤣

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @queen_of_alvastia @freedomwriter76


        Verity obviously wanted to converse.

        Corvina sighed internally. She honestly wasn’t interested, but…the kid was upset, and Corvina had to grin at her spunk.

        “Well…not much we can do about it now.” Corvina shrugged. Verity huffed and crossed her arms.

        Corvina spotted a flash of something cross the girl’s expression.

        ”Look familiar?” 


        Corvina’s brows furrowed slightly and she purses her lips. The girl was obviously a bit conflicted, as were most of them at the moment it seemed.

        Perhaps she could use this to her advantage…

        How, she wasn’t sure…

        But…this was what she did, wasn’t it?

        “Ah…” Corvina let out a small huff and allowed her expression to soften. “But…I get it. Feeling like your opinions don’t matter. Like your voice isn’t being heard…” Corvina frowned, feigning understanding.

        Verity looked up at her, wide-eyed. “y-Yea! Exactly!”

        ”Mmhm. I get it. No one wants to listen. No one…no one cares…” Corvina’s voice softened. She swallowed, staring at the girl as she began to smile softly, thankful for someone who understood her.


        For a moment.


        Felt like she…did.

        Really did.

        She clenched her fists and stared ahead, ignoring that feeling. What was wrong with her recently? She couldn’t even manipulate a child without….

        Without feeling….

        Because you do know what it’s like. To be ignored.”

        Corvina looked away.

        Not…just that…it’s…

        “Aww…Corvina having a hard time?”

        Corvina clenched her fists again. Her inner voice was really annoying at times.

        It’s just…ever since that…that boy…ever since I scratched him…things have been different.

        “Oh yes…that.”

        ”Corvina?” Verity was speaking again. Corvina snapped to attention.


        “I was just saying thanks.” Verity smiled wide. “For what you said!”

        Corvina faltered in her steps for a moment and looked at the girl in surprise. People didn’t usually…thank her.

        Not sincerely anyway….

        She swallowed and blinked away her surprise.

        “Oh…Um. It was nothing. Nothing.” She quickly walked ahead, moving past Verity.

        Past everyone.

        She…needed some space.


          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 612

          @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76


          Verity’s forehead crinkled as Corvina brushed by her. It made sense, what she said. Sure, Verity was a bouncy, bubbly whirlwind, but sometimes she wondered if people took her seriously for all that. Was it true? At least she had someone who knew what that felt like, deep inside.

          “Thanks again, Corvina.” she whispered to herself.


          “I don’t know.”

          Payton shrugged off his own answer.

          “Yeah, I don’t know either. Maybe when he wakes up, you can, umm….bang him over the head again? Just to keep him out a little bit longer. Probably not the best plan though.”

          Actually, though he didn’t want to say it in front of Asher, Payton felt like installing his plan should the need ever arise.

          Is that what unconditional love means?

          He didn’t know.

          He wasn’t sure he even wanted  to know.

          Love like that…

          It was for someone stronger than him. Than he could ever be.


          Trevyn shrugged.

          Why did he bring this up?

          Loving your enemies…



          Ripping him away.

          “FATHER PLEASE WAKE UP!!!”

          Hands tearing him away. Chains. Hunger. Pain.

          And one day a red headed whirl running into his life. The only sunshine since his heart had died. That long ago day.

          He blinked.

          “I don’t think I could forgive someone like that.” He glanced at Sorren’s unconscious form. “I – I couldn’t believe those things either. Maybe – he’s had an easier life.”

          An easier one than mine.

          “Well, I guess it’s not for everyone. I guess it’s just up to everyone to – pick for themselves, you know what I mean?”


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156
              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @koshka. @queen_of_alvastia. After a bit of a push from @queen_of_alvastia, I’m gonna add my Marvel fanfic villain, Viola, since she needs some development, and…Steve and Bucky. Y’all should know Steve and Bucky, but I can still put some info if it’d help. 😅 BUT ANYWHO! VIOLA!

              Name: Viola Juliana Kurt

              Nationality: German

              Age: Early 3os, probably 31-32

              Occupation: HYDRA agent. Has a BAD track record, to put it simply. 😬

              Personality: Sneaky, charismatic, convincing, manipulative, evil, sarcastic, scheming, a liar, but hard-working, I suppose. 🤷‍♀️

              Family: None Known

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                Oh, and this is how I imagine Viola sorta looking like:

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  And her mood board, to kinda get the feel, y’all know what I mean? 😬

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 612


                    *rubs hands together with an evil laugh*

                    Oh I can so see her and Sorren wrecking this group to pieces…

                    While our charries are CLUELESS!!!


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 612

                      @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12

                      I’m probably not going to be here tomorrow. I’m usually busy Thursdays….and I have a feeling the Castle will once more descend into chaos in my absence….


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia OOF I’m getting major Corvina vibes from Viola as well!!! But I’m curious to see if they’re gonna clash or what cuz sometimes u never know…

                        Sometimes ppl with similar personalities clash and, especially being the same gender….this’ll be fun


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. @queen_of_alvastia. This will be so much fun. (and yes, it will probably descend into chaos. XD XD XD) I would definitely say Corvina and Viola will probably clash. XD


                          “Yeah, I don’t know either. Maybe when he wakes up, you can, umm….bang him over the head again? Just to keep him out a little bit longer. Probably not the best plan though.”

                          “Probably not.” Asher mused.

                          But if he had to, even though it probably wasn’t very Christ-like, Asher would take Soren out in a heartbeat.

                          Oh Lord, what’s wrong with me?


                          “Well, I guess it’s not for everyone. I guess it’s just up to everyone to – pick for themselves, you know what I mean?”

                          Jayden nodded slowly. Gave Trevyn a small smile. “I guess so, kid.”

                          Trevyn reminded Jayden of himself…years and years ago.


                          Not going back there again.


                          Leon watched as Corvina walked ahead. That left him with Verity.

                          She was…spunky.

                          There was no other word for her.

                          But she reminded Leon of Isabel in ways.

                          He gave Verity a smile. “They’ll realize we’re right eventually.” (Not helping, Leon. XD)


                          Michael watched as Corvina streamed past him.

                          She was such an odd girl.

                          Michael watched her.

                          He wasn’t sure if he could trust her.

                          Maybe he could.

                          Maybe he couldn’t.

                          But at least she was on his side of the matter.

                          “Corvina, don’t leave us behind!” Michael called with a smile.



                          Where was she?



                          Hmm…her kind of place.

                          Viola smiled. If someone was here…maybe she could ask them for a way home.

                          It looked like a castle.

                          Someone had to be inside somewhere.

                          And besides, she almost thought she actually heard footsteps.


                          Yes, someone was here.

                          Viola smiled.

                          She’d soon get back what belonged to her.

                          To HYDRA.

                          Their weapon was stolen.

                          But Viola was going to take it back.



                          Sweat. Blasts as Tony fought HYDRA agents behind him.

                          Curses and grunts as Natasha and Clint fought back Vlad.

                          A large blast.


                          He stirred. Moaned.

                          Steve slammed into the wall.

                          He groaned and his eyes closed.


                          A hard, painful shove at his side.

                          Steve sat up and hissed. “Ow. Buck…that was your metal arm.”

                          Bucky gave him a scowl. “Where are we, Steve?”

                          Steve glanced around.

                          Uhm…where were they?

                          “I…I don’t know.”

                          Bucky leaned back against the wall. “Great.”

                          “But we’ll find a way home, Buck. I know we will.” Steve responded quietly.

                          He looked around.



                          He had his shield.

                          Steve stood, ignoring the pain in his rib.

                          Man, did Bucky have a hard hand.

                          He tossed Bucky his machine gun. “Here, Buck, you might need that.”

                          Bucky took it. “Thanks, Steve.” He stood. “Think Loki did this?”

                          Steve shrugged. “I wouldn’t think so. He’s on our side…unless…he was trying to only get Viola.”

                          Bucky glanced around the room. “You don’t…” Bucky took in a deep breath, “you don’t think she’s here too, Steve, do you?”

                          “I don’t know, Bucky.” Steve squeezed his best friend’s shoulder, “but I will never let her get you.”

                          Steve heard footsteps.


                          “Come on, Buck. Stay behind me.”

                          Together, Steve and Bucky opened the door, walking out into a long corridor.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 612

                            @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 BUCKY!!! 😉😊😊😊😊😊


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @queen_of_alvastia. YESSSSS!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 612

                                @freedomwriter76 Can I fangirl vicariously thru Verity? XDXD


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @queen_of_alvastia. Sure! Why not? XD XD XD

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