Character Castle!

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  • #116268
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 anyone wanna rp?

      ik u did Koshka but as Zlatan or Vulkasin?? Idk lol


      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4743

        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12

        Trauma club! I’m in, and so are most of my charries! I sorta like chopping characters’ arms off….Or blinding/half-blinding them…..You get the idea…..

        Luckily for them and for you, Jareth and Crosshair haven’t gotten really mutilated yet. Unless you count the time Crosshair was stabbed in the stomach…..or the burn that gave him his scar (although I didn’t write that one)

        And y’know what? I’m just going to start rp’ing now…. (gahh my computer thinks the word “rp’ing” is a misspelling and the word it wants to change it to is NOT a good word…..)



        He’d been out the minute his head hit the cold stone ground. Which was weird. He hadn’t thought he was tired.

        Light shot through the window and through his eyelids, prompting them to open. He felt for his rifle, which he’d dropped beside him.

        Good. It was still there.

        The others were waking up also; most of them weren’t a problem, but Riker’s father…the quite-possibly-drunk one…..

        If he wasn’t restrained, they might have a situation on their hands.

        As Crosshair looked around the room, he noticed there were only the men and boys there. The girls must’ve been somewhere else. He hadn’t seen or heard them leaving.

        Maybe he had been exhausted after all.

        He stretched his long legs and stood up. “We’re in the tower we were looking for. Now what?” he asked.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. Alright, so…it’s not in color, but I made this to show Riker and Naja side by side. To see them together, y’know? Also, I have a pic of Franz if anyone wants to see it. (Not gonna blame anyone for not wanting to see it. XD)

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4743

            @freedomwriter76 Nice! Naja’s really cute. And I wouldn’t mind seeing Franz….gives me someone to visualize when I want to smack him…..

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. I’ll RP so Franz can wake up. 😉


              The night had been long. At least everyone else had slept.

              Riker glanced over at Viktor and November, who were starting to wake.

              “We’re in the tower we were looking for. Now what?” Crosshair asked.

              Ezra stood and shrugged. “Guess we need to look for a way out of this place.”

              Riker nodded and stood. He’d go get Naja as soon as everyone was ready.

              Riker would be ready to tackle the day.

              Riker yawned.

              Good luck with only an hour of sleep. 

              Riker shrugged that thought away. So what if he only slept for an hour.

              “What time is it?” November mumbled, getting out from under the cloak he and Viktor had been given for a blanket.

              Riker glanced out. “Not sure the exact time.”

              A groan and a curse.


              Riker looked around.

              Oh no.


              He’d last remembered a hallway.

              An argument, slapping Riker, getting attacked by some crazy man.

              He remembered things before then, finally.

              He hadn’t been able to…yesterday, he supposed it was.

              Franz’s eyes slowly fluttered open. Groaned and cursed when pain shot to his head.

              Oh. It was bandaged.

              He glanced around.

              There were people…everywhere.

              Men and boys only, he noticed.

              The girls must have been somewhere else.

              They had slept then…Franz muttered another curse. Just his stupid luck.

              Now what was he supposed to do?

              He glanced around.

              Suddenly, a face stopped in front of him.

              “Father…you’re awake.” Riker whispered.

              “What. Happened!?”

              “That’s a long story. Maybe it won’t happen again if you back off and leave people alone.”

              Franz stood and glared at the man with the burn scar. “Is that what you think!?”


              Everyone was still asleep?

              Naja slowly slid out from underneath Alyona’s shawl.

              Draped it over Alyona.

              Hmm…everyone was still sleepy!

              Naja wouldn’t wake them.

              She needed to be polite like Mama always said to do.

              She stepped around the room, careful to make sure her shoes were quiet.

              Like a kitty!

              Naja paused.

              She almost thought she heard someone crying!

              She went towards the direction of the sound, in the corner of the room, and stopped.

              A little boy?


              The boy startled and looked up at her. “I’m sorry. I scared you.”

              The little boy didn’t move, merely stared at her.

              Naja sat down in front of him. “I’m Naja! What’s your name? Wanna play with me?”

              She noticed he had an animal in his arms. “Your puppy!? He’s cute!”

              She wasn’t sure if it was a puppy or not though…it looked a little weird.

              All she knew was that she loved Nyx. She wanted to give him another hug when he woke up!

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @keilah-h. SHE IS!!! So, so cute! 💖💖💖 (also, hope you don’t mind me talking as Crosshair for a moment. I just thought he’d respond like that to Franz. 😂)

                Okay then! (yes, smack him for me please! 😉)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  AWWW NAJA’s POV IS ADORABLE!!!!!

                  @keilah-h @koshka @freedomwriter76


                  November heard Crosshair speak gruffly to someone. His ears were still a bit stuffy from just waking up, and he yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

                  What was wrong with him?

                  November sat up and his blood ran cold as he spotted Franz, who was now awake.

                  “Is that what you think!?” Franz’s voice echoed. He was still mad, though November hoped he wasn’t still…influenced….

                  Riker seemed to be taking in the situation with a bit of unease, but he didn’t react right away.

                  The twins were waking now. They’d probably be alert quickly. That made November feel better.

                  Ezra and Mikkel were already awake as well, and Viktor was stirring.

                  ”What..?” The boy beside him groaned, sitting up as well.

                  November swallowed, feeling better that they are least outnumbered the grouchy man.

                  And he was thankful the girls weren’t with them. He’d hate to have Arabella in here. Or little Naja.

                  And…Nyx might have made things worse.

                  Franz’s eyes flared with anger as he glared at each of them, his eyes resting on them all for a few seconds. November shuddered when they landed on him, and he looked away.

                  Franz seemed pleased at the sign of weakness. November tugged at his curls.

                  He was not going to enjoy having this man traveling with them….



                  Lyn…tricked him….bah….stupid….trick…..

                  Nyx’s ears flicked in his sleep and he purred gently, his chest rising and lowering with each breath. He nuzzled against Lyn’s chest, feeling her warmth.

                  His nose scrunched as something tickled his senses, and his ears pricked.




                  His eyes flicked open and his tails flicked. Slowly, he raised his head. He gave a slowly look around, his vision impeccable in the dark.

                  He counted off in his head everyone in the room, and his mind blared in warning as he realized; someone was missing.

                  The girl.

                  That one who’d nearly strangled him to death.

                  He released a low hiss of annoyance.

                  She would get into trouble.

                  Careful not to disturb Lyn, Nyx got up from his position, and jumped away from her arms. He slowly peered around the room, listening carefully for anything other then the sounds of breathing.

                  He quickly heard voices.

                  Naja’s and….

                  Someone else’s…

                  Nyx’s fur bristled.


                  He hissed, drawing closer to the voices. He spotted Naja, bent over in a corner, and he hissed slightly.

                  What had she gotten herself into?

                  The girl turned, all smiles.

                  For a moment, she reminded Nyx of Jocelyn. Did the girl not realize she could be in danger?!

                  “Nyx!!” Naja whisper-yelled, her eyes lighting up. “This is my new friend!”

                  Moving slightly, Nyx could make out the strange behind her.

                  He relaxed slightly, realizing it was a child, much like her.

                  A little boy.

                  But he didn’t let his guard down; he could still be dangerous.

                  And that wasn’t all he saw…

                  The strange creature he held in his arms was like none Nyx had seen before.

                  He sniffed the air.

                  The creatures smelled…unnatural…

                  Just plain weird.

                  And he didn’t like it.

                  Unable to control himself, Nyx was on the little creature in a matter of seconds, fur bristled, and canines bared.

                  Naja shrieked, as did the little boy, waking up the rest of the girls.





                  (Well…..that escalated.)



                  also @keilah-h so Nyx is 10, and his instincts are pretty wild, he’s also really protective (especially of Lyn, but he can be of anyone, so forgive him for his overreacting, but he is also a kid himself lol)


                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4743

                    @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76

                    Just going to do Jareth’s POV for now.


                    “I’m Naja!” said the girl who’d found him. “What’s your name?”

                    “Jareth,” he said, but she didn’t seem to pay attention and was instead focused on Crow.

                    “Your puppy! He’s cute!”

                    Crow squirmed, indignant at being called a puppy, but Jareth ignored him.

                    Naja led him to where a few other people were. He noticed he was the only boy in the room.

                    He saw a woman—or a girl—who looked something like his mother, but then realized she definitely wasn’t before calling out to her and waking her up.

                    She had an animal, a little fox of some sort. Naja called it Nyx.

                    Nyx bared his teeth and leaped at Crow. Crow screeched back and attacked. Fur and scales flew.

                    Naja shrieked.

                    “Crow, stop it!!” shouted Jareth.

                    The other people woke up.


                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1058

                      @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                      Aww, Naja is adorable. And she even looks a little like Riker!

                      I’ll go ahead and respond.


                      Morning was here. Viktor lay perfectly still, watching the sunlight soak the walls.

                      His back ached, but his head had escaped injury.

                      He’d woken once in the… Earlier morning, just as he was thrust into the flames, screaming for his father and mother – he knew they had been who he had called for, although he hadn’t called them that. He never did, in his dreams.

                      But it had been a dream. Only a dream. And he’d lain with his eyes closed, reciting psalms to himself until peace returned and with it, sleep.

                      Now, he felt like he was waking up from the dead. This is what I get for over sleeping.

                      November was just stirring, disrupting their tent of warmth. That was fine; Viktor needed to get up anyway.

                      Still, he stayed there, absorbing the quiet of the room.

                      Three children sat, playing together. Rain was pattering against the windows.

                      Then a loud noise jolted Viktor awake.


                      Franz was awake as well as every other person in the room.

                      Trouble was afoot.

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @keilah-h hey so could u describe Crow once more for me? And also how he would attack just so Ik if he injures Nyx some or not? Also Nyx wouldn’t injure him much, probably just a few nips (or like warning nips) mainly just like a “Who are you? What are you?”/warning attack. But obviously Crow doesn’t know that


                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4743

                          @godlyfantasy12 He won’t hurt Nyx too bad. He’ll claw him, that sort of thing, but his claws are too small to scratch deeply because he’s so young. He’s black, and looks a little like this:

                          (This is a different creature of the same type, called Stormcloud)

                          His eyes are on the stripe on his face ; they’re an orange-ish color although the drawing doesn’t show them.

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1058

                            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                            Yes, I’d say this has escalated. XD


                            Screeches and hisses filled Alyona’s ears, driving rest from her mind. She flew to her feet, heart pounding, looking for a broom – anything really.

                            Two animals were locked together in feirce combat. Around them hovered two children, faced stricken with fright and anxiety.

                            The little girl, it was Naja, reached to grab a wild spitting Nyx from the fight.

                            “No!” Alyona pulled the lass away before she could get hurt. “He won’t see you.”

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              K thx!


                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka y’all wanna go next?


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


                                As soon as the sound reached her ears, Lyn knew….

                                She bolted from her sleeping spot and found herself towering above the two fighting creatures. Nearby was Naja, behind held by Alyona, and another child, a boy Lyn hadn’t seen before.

                                He looked extremely frightened by everyone around him and at the sight of his creature in this fight. Lyn shot him a reassuring smile and wink before returning her sight to the ball of fur and feathers.

                                “Nyx! Enough!”

                                The fight didn’t stop.

                                “Nyx!” Lyn yelled again. “LOVE! ENOUGH!” Lyn’s tone was forceful, and she reached her hand towards the sparring creatures.

                                ”Jocelyn! Don’t!” Ara cried, now standing with Eva.

                                “You’ll get hurt darli-“ But Eva didn’t finish her sentence.

                                Nyx immediately stopped his fighting, his ears plastering themselves to his head as Lyn let out a hiss of pain. The other, black little creature scurried back to it’s owner, the littler boy, it’s feathers ruffled. It too looked extremely perturbed.

                                Each creature looked worse for wear, but thankfully not too injured, just a few scratches and nips.

                                 “Lynnie!” Nyx cried, his ears still plastered to his head. He crouched on his haunches, his large eyes glistening.

                                Lyn frowned, staring at a small scratch mark on her palm.

                                “D-Did I-“ Nyx was shaking now, his tails flicking furiously.

                                Lyn’s eyes lifted from her hand and she looked at her little friend. Her eyes softened and she smiled. “It’s alright, love. I…honestly don’t know who did it.”

                                That didn’t make Nyx feel any better though, and he frowned, crouching even lower. His ears seemed to be glued to his skull at this point.

                                Lyn frowned and knelt next to him, “Nyx it’s okay, really. I promise…” she reached for him, but he backed away, whimpering.

                                 “I-I’m sorry…I-I didn’t mean to…I-I didn’t….” She could see a small trail of tears running down his fur now.

                                Lyn felt her heart break.

                                “Oh, Nyxie…It’s ok….shh…I don’t even know if it was you who scratched me! Come on, darling.” She gently reached out and picked him up, pulling him close.

                                She heard him sniff and it took everything to keep herself composed.

                                Nyx…never showed this side of himself…

                                Especially not around…

                                Lyn looked around. Everyone was staring, and looked at a loss for words. Even though they all couldn’t hear him, they obviously understood what was taking place.

                                “I-Is Nyx okay?” Naja asked, walking up to Lyn.

                                Lyn have a small smile. “Yea…he’ll be okay.”


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  I enjoyed writing that! I’ve never written that side of Nyx before and I must say I enjoyed it!!


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