Character Castle!

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  • #116092
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      @godlyfantasy12 👍🏻👍🏻


      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4743

        @godlyfantasy12 I totally don’t mind them finding Jareth in the tower. although I think it should be in the morning, not now.

        I’m also going to hold back on rp’ing until something really interesting happens, considering from this point it’ll just be the charries finding some sort of sleeping quarters.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @queen_of_alvastia. @godlyfantasy12. Sorry Y’all. I was doing chores and rocking to some Skillet and watching Captain America Civil War with my younger brother. (Still watching it actually, we just took a break for lunch. XD)


          Asher stared at Leon and Corvina.

          They were…they were…he didn’t even have a word.

          “At least you’re going.” He told Corvina, but he couldn’t take the bite out of his tone.

          Leon crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, just as Verity came to stand over by him.

          “I couldn’t agree more.”

          Asher motioned to Payton. “At least someone wants to do the right thing.”


          Jayden watched the scene unfold.

          This wasn’t good.

          He wrapped an arm around Trevyn.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4743

            @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon

            Y’know what? I’m going to write a short rp. You guys can discover him later if you want, but it might take a while before I reply.


            There were other people!

            He couldn’t tell, but he thought he heard his father’s voice in there.

            Or was he just desperate?

            Crow squealed, having gotten stuck in a crack in the stones. Jareth was momentarily distracted pulling him out.

            The voices were close enough to hear, but still fairly distant. And he didn’t hear his mother’s voice among them, nor those of his aunts and uncles. If his father was there, he was there alone.

            No. Not alone. With unfamiliar people.

            Crow wriggled in Jareth’s grip as the boy walked cautiously to a door. “Hello?” he called, softly knocking with his free hand.

            (Note: despite his name, Crow is not a real crow but rather a four-legged, scaly mammalian creature. If I can get a picture I will.)

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4743

              @godlyfantasy12 If those drawings are close to what Jocelyn’s actually like, she actually looks a bit like Feather….. Aww and Nyx’s depiction is cute!

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka @elishavet-pidyon y’all wanna go next


                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1058

                  @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                  Okay, so I’ll try to get things moving along.


                  “Good night.” Alyona called after Viktor as he and the rest of the boy-men left the room the girls had moved to. It was right above the one with the window and Alyona couldn’t help but think that this was how a sheep must feel when her shepherd slept in the gate.

                  Then she and the others gathered around the water jar to wash their faces. It was cold, but Naja liked it.

                  Shrieks of laughter echoed while Eva tried to dry the little girl’s face.

                  Alyona smiled, pulled off her shawl, and began combing through her long hair as best she could without an actual comb.

                  They were supposed to have left by now. Away in the woods far beyond reach of a vulture’s talon.

                  But that’s not what happened.

                  She sighed and began rebraiding her hair, watching as her fingers wove in and out of it’s blackness, letting the familiar rhythm soothe her thoughts.

                  The Lord knew best, after all. He held them in the palm of his hand.

                  “Naja,” she flipped her braid over her shoulder and picked up her shawl. “Would you like to borrow my shawl for a blanket tonight?”


                  He was so tired his eyes closed several times before he hit the floor.

                  The stone was so cold he woke as soon as it touched him.

                  “Ay!” He jerked upright. Where was his mantle?


                  He’d be fine. He had clothes. It wasn’t that cold.

                  Actually, it was.

                  But he’d be fine. He needed to get used to conditions like this anyway. It wasn’t like everyone else in the group had it better. He couldn’t be a sheltered farm boy now. (Ha! Sheltered.)

                  He curled up against the wall and closed his eyes.

                  How many children slept like this every night?

                  He didn’t want to know.

                  No, he did want to know.

                  But he wanted to sleep first.

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1058

                    Of course, Naja probably didn’t like getting separated from her daddy, but I guess she likes Eva. Or doesn’t mind if Nyx is there to cuddle. XD I don’t know, I’ll let her author figure that out. 😉

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1560

                      @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                      This room wasn’t a very defensible position, but if the window was filled with sand bags- non-existent sand bags…

                      Hours upon hours of filling thousands of sandbags…

                      Mikkel lay down with his back to the door, his rifle beside him where he could keep his hand on it. With his helmet as a pillow, Mikkel closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to come.

                      And dreams.

                      He clenched his teeth. Fiddles.

                      It would be a long night. Scratch that; day. Early dawn light filtered through the window.


                      The dawn was here.

                      He slipped off his helmet and walked to the window. Soft grey light touched the eastern sky.

                      Lord our Maker, bless this day.

                      The prayer slipped from his lips without voice.

                      And keep us in Your hand.

                      Zlatan turned from the morning. The rest of the group was settling down, each trying to get comfortable on the stone.

                      The younger lads had subconsciously scooted together, curled up on the cold floor.

                      They’re only children.

                      Zlatan pulled off his crimson cloak.

                      He’d slept in colder places, hadn’t he? Of course, he was a Vulk…

                      Besides that other place.

                      “Here. You need this.” He dropped it beside them.

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                        They were splitting up, which made sense, but it was still strange to be separated from Ara and Jocelyn.

                        He might have even felt better, had Nyx joined him, but Nyx had refused, threatening to bite anyone who forced him.

                        Even though he too was a boy, November supposed he was technically still a fox…but still…he could understand why it wasn’t exactly fair that Nyx got to stay and no one else did.

                        But…Nyx wasn’t about to let anyone separate him from Jocelyn.

                        And…he was only 10….so…the men let it slide.

                        Plus, he was still grouchy from nearly being cuddled to death by Naja.

                        “NEVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!” He hissed at Lyn as the guys were exiting, she merely laughed. In truth, the three of them all knew his fur had gone a shade pinker at Naja’s kiss on his forehead, and he had probably liked it, if he were honest, but he had an image to keep up.

                        November sucked in a breath, taking one last look at Ara, who offered a smile, and joined the other men and boys in the next room.

                        As they chose spots to sleep, November realized exactly how exhausted his bones were. They were aching in fact.

                        He was still tense at the feeling of being surrounded more or less with “strangers”-


                        Well…minus Zlatan, Vulkasin and Viktor…he’d gotten to know them pretty well…

                        And everyone else seemed pretty nice. Though that Crosshair guy was still a bit scary….

                        But he quickly found his eyes drifting to sleep, and he could feel Viktor nearby. He shuddered, suddenly feeling the lack of a blanket.

                        It hadn’t been the first time he’d been without one. Recently on he and Ara’s adventures, they’d had to learn to cope without certain luxuries, but it was still hard.

                        Something soft landed on him and the cold faded.

                        “Here. You need this.”

                        It was Zlatan; he’d removed his red cloak, giving it to the lad.

                        November flushed at the act of kindness. “Oh! Ah-I-A-Are you sure? I-I mean I-“ But Zlatan merely nodded, a small smile on his face. “Oh…umm…Thank you.”

                        Zlatan returned to his spot and November spread the cloak over Viktor as well, not wishing to keep it all to himself.

                        And with that, he drifted to sleep.


                        Jocelyn & Nyx

                        “Nyx….I have to!”

                        Nyx turned up his nose, his tails flicking in a way that told her he was annoyed, and any sudden moves could set him on edge.

                         “Can’t it wait till morning?”

                        ”And let you sleep like that? No! Come on, love, you’ll feel better! Promise!”

                        Nyx scrunched up his maw and let out what sounded like a sigh. His ears dropped and hung in defeat, realizing she was right.


                        Lyn smiled. The little fox stayed where he was, seated atop a small table, as Lyn gently dipped her hands in the wash basin and proceeded to run them over his fur.

                         “That’s cold!” He whined. Ara laughed from where she sat on the other side of the room. Nyx gave her a glare, but it was half-hearted.

                        Lyn continued to run her hands through Nyx’s fur, dipping them every so often in the water basin.

                        She’d waited till everyone was finished using it, knowing it was going to get a bit…messy from her work.

                        But…she had to do something for her darling.

                        Slowly, but surely, the dried blood and a bit of dirt came off her companion’s fur, and she moved up to his ears, gently stroking him.

                        His eyes started to droop as she did, and his tails stopped their wagging. He opened his mouth, showing his canines, and let out an adorable yawn. Lyn giggled.


                        She then began to dry his fur with her hands, until the both of them were dry.

                        In doing so, the little fox’s body grew more and more limp. She massaged his back and rubbed his ears with her forefinger and thumb, until he finally couldn’t hold himself up anymore.

                        “Y-You…knew this…would happen.” He yawned. “You…you….” But he never finished. Lyn lifted his limp, sleeping body from the table, cuddling it close to her chest.

                        Her heart swelled as he began to purr restfully.

                        He was asleep.

                        Really asleep.

                        And now she could sleep.

                        She knew that, if she hadn’t done something, Nyx’s sleep would’ve been fitful, if he hadn’t made himself stay up…

                        Stubborn little thing…

                        So…she’d….taken things in her own hands.

                        She turned and found Ara smiling at her knowingly. Lyn grinned, and proceeded to ask the others if they wouldn’t mind keeping it down, for her love’s sake.

                        With that, she was able to settle down, and rest, with her Nyx by her side.

                        ”Night, Love.”



                        Everyone else had gone to bed….

                        But she was still awake.

                        As usual….

                        Ara let out a breath, her body begging for sleep, but her mind refusing to give it to her.

                        How she hated this.

                        She frowned, pulling her knees up to her chest.

                        They’d gotten better, since A’Grend. But they were still a torment. Still something she had to live with. Something she dreaded every night when she laid down her head.

                        And because of it, she just couldn’t seem to make herself go to sleep.

                        And when she did…it wasn’t restful.

                        Not always because of them.

                        But just because of fear. And nerves.

                        Anxious tension.

                        She buried her face.

                        “Arabella? Sweetheart?”

                        Ara gasped, gripping the front of her blouse. Her face went white as she jerked up.

                        “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”

                        It was…Eva.

                        She must have woken up.

                        Ara hadn’t spoken much to the tan-skinned young woman, but she could tell immediately that she was kind. Caring. The kind person Ara liked.

                        And her and Ezra must have loved each other deeply.

                        Ara wiped at her eyes, realizing now that there were tears in them.

                        ”I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Ara whispered.

                        ”Oh, no dear. It’s alright.” Eva shuffled over. “Are you okay?”

                        Ara squeezed her knees and frowned. “I…”

                        What was she supposed to say?

                        Ara looked down. “I can’t sleep. I suppose I never really can…”

                        Eva’s eyes were sparkling with compassion, and she seemed like she wanted to ask for more, but she didn’t push. Ara was grateful.

                        “Would you like me to sit with you? Until you do fall asleep?”

                        Ara blinked and looked up at the young woman. She didn’t even know her that well….

                        ”I-I can’t ask you to-“

                        “It wouldn’t be any problem,” Eva smiled sweetly, making herself comfortable next to Arabella.

                        Arabella immediately felt the young woman’s warmth from both her body and her heart overtake her, and she smiled back.

                        ”I…I’d like that…” Ara nodded.

                        “Alright then,” Eva laid down, next to the girl, and, for a moment, Ara felt once again at home.

                        But not just at home.

                        At home before any of this had ever began. The dreams. The adventures. The danger.

                        Before her mistake.

                        She felt like she was young again. In her mother’s arms.

                        And, at some point in the night, without realizing it, Ara became wrapped in Eva’s arms, sound asleep.


                        (@freedomwriter76 I hope this was ok but I thought this was perfect moment for Eva!)



                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Soooo @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @freedomwriter76

                          anyone on? Ik it’s late soooo….


                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1058


                            I’m on.

                            And I love your response, by the way! Nyx is hilarious, and the rest were just, oh my heart.

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1058


                              But I won’t be for long, because I actually have to get up tomorrow before nine. (Or eight for that matter. Yikes! 😉 )


                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @koshka anyone wanna RP? keilah isn’t till something interesting happens.

                                one of y’all wanna discover her new Charrie?? When they wake up or something lol


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  OH ALSO @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia do I need to RP as Corvina again or….

                                  idk if there’s much for her to say rn….


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