Character Castle!

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  • #115915
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka oh my gosh I srsly loved that Vulkasin POV!!! I need more Vulk and Zlati being brothers like that and Vulkasin getting flustered! #Vulkwillalwaysbethelittlebro






      Lyn and Nyx are totally gonna catch that by the way XD


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        Also, @koshka no worries but I think how @elishavet-pidyon and the rest of us (and correct me if I’m wrong plz XD) are imaging the tower is that the window Vulk jumped to was halfway up the tower. Not the top of the tower.

        So he was gonna stay there and someone was gonna pass the sleeping figures to him, then he passes them to Riker who’s at the top?


        (I could be WAAAY off base tho sooo XD)


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @godlyfantasy12. I didn’t see that until I was done typing, so no. XD Asher did not hear her talking about Sorren. Whoops, my bad. XD

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. (btw, that last Corvina POV, love it) @keilah-h. Great responses, y’all! 😀 Also, y’all, if it was 9.8 feet, that’d be almost nothing to Riker, when he’s probably at least 6 feet tall, at least in my head. XD


            “You von’t drop her.” Zlatan waved a hand at his brother. “Proceed.”

            Eva gave Vulkasin a reassuring smile. “It’ll be okay. Obviously, Riker trusts you with his daughter enough to let you bring her to him. You won’t drop her.”

            Naja stirred in her arms again.

            “Also, I think she might wake up soon. We better get her to her Daddy, and fast.”


            Ezra tried to shift the weight of Franz’s unconscious body to try and ease off the strain and weight.

            His arms were really beginning to ache.

            Sure, the farm and boot camp had helped him grow muscles, but at the same time, Franz was fairly heavy.

            He glanced at November, who was being checked on by Arabella and Mikkel.

            Poor kid. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

            Ezra took in a deep breath.

            Now what were they going to do?

            Sure, they were going to sleep…but what then?

            Ezra shook his head.

            He couldn’t think about that yet.

            He couldn’t stay there.

            Ezra glanced back over at November, who seemed as though he’d calmed, at least a little. “Hey, you good, November?”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. @queen_of_alvastia. Oh boy. Asher is very passionate about his faith. XD Let’s see where this goes! 😉 (also y’all, to coincide with the timeline that Riker is, Leon’s wife, Aadelheide, has actually passed by this point and Leon’s out of the camp. I know that messes with some of the stuff he said earlier, but I gotta make the timeline make sense. XD I can’t have Riker from the future. XD)


              Asher stared at Corvina in sudden shock.

              Well then.

              Silly little mantra. 

              “You’re free to have your opinions, Corvina, but my faith, my God, says to love your enemies even though they won’t return it, and to forgive even when people aren’t sorry for what they’ve done. After all, we as sinners weren’t sorry, yet Jesus died and forgave us anyhow.” He shrugged. “The least I can do is help my enemy out.”

              “We shouldn’t,” Michael retorted, taking Corvina’s side of the argument, “come on, Asher! You just tried to kill him!”

              “And you stopped me. Why?”

              Michael silenced, and his gaze fell.

              Asher took in a deep breath. Turned back to face Corvina. “Listen, Corvina, I don’t want to argue, so, are you still coming with us, or are you out?”


              Leon glanced between Asher and Corvina.

              Payton had a point at first, but still, something in Leon disagreed.

              And for this, Leon was siding more with Corvina. “Asher, he tried to hurt your brother. Choked Payton and accused him of being a traitor. What if Sorren had hurt and killed Jayden? Would you be thinking and saying the same things?”

              Asher bit his lip, so, Leon continued, “You can believe what you want, but some people are too far for redemption. And with what he did…” Leon motioned to Sorren, “I agree with Corvina, we should leave him here. It’s not like he’ll die.”

              “But he might. He could.” Asher argued.

              Jayden glanced warily between the two groups, still crouched down beside Verity and Trevyn.

              “And if he doesn’t? Then he’s not any of our problems.” Leon argued.

              He had agreed with Payton at first, but something else was coming to his mind.

              ‘”I’m sorry, Leon…but…your wife…is dead.”

              Leon’s fists clenched.

              “I’ll never understand what you went through. But Leon, I’m sorry.”

              “Sorry!? Sorry!? What good do you think sorry is going to do anymore!? My wife is dead because of you! I will never forgive you for that! What are you going to do about her, huh!? What!?”




              Leon turned to face Asher again.

              Asher took a step back, maybe seeing the anger on Leon’s face.

              The flames…the Lion…in his eyes. “We should leave him here.”

              (Oh oh. DX Conflict! Also y’all, let’s not have Leon and Riker cross paths (although they can! It’d be good conflict!) else there will be…oh…how should I put this…serious conflict. XD)

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1568

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                Uh oh. XD Vulk is the only one (besides their Mother) who has ever gotten away with calling him that.

                Correct me if I’m mistaken, but I was thinking that the tower had several windows, this one being the lowest, and that they were trying to get to the chambers inside the tower, not the roof?

                And no, three meters isn’t very tall considering arm length. Vulkasin is over 6’7″ (and still growing), Zlatan about 5’9″. (Zlatan is short for a mountain vulk, who usually range from 6′-6’4″, and yes Vulkasin is not normal)

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshla yea their trying to get inside I believe but there are stairs apparently
I think? (According to @elishavet-pidyon one RP. I think they’ll have to clear it up for us XD)


                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1058


                    I beg the pardon that I was too shy to beg before.

                    *Falls to knees*

                    There were no stairs in my RP. It was a figure of speech in which the pile of garbage made the height of the window less.

                    But of course, if stairs would make things easier, they can be there. Clearing the rubble might prove rather difficult, but it’s not like they’d need to move the entire mound.

                    *jumps up*

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia

                      (Ik ur not on today)


                      “Listen, Corvina, I don’t want to argue, so, are you still coming with us, or are you out?”

                      Corvina pursed her lips.

                      Was she still going?

                      Before she could answer, Leon was speaking. Apparently, he’d changed his mind about bringing Sorren along.

                      Corvina grinned, looks like her speech had affected someone, after all. She felt a swell of pride as Leon continued, and couldn’t help but smirk at Asher.

                      ”And if he doesn’t? Then he’s not any of our problem.”

                      Asher didn’t seem to know exactly how to respond.

                      Guess he wasn’t used to having everyone turn on him so quickly. Corvina almost chuckled.

                      “Exactly,” She said, glancing at her nails. “If you wanna carry him around, and risk him attacking one of us again, be my guest. But don’t come crying to any of us when-“ Her voice cut off for a moment.

                      She couldn’t say the words.

                      She motioned at Jayden, “He, or someone else gets hurt.”

                      Everyone seemed to consider this for a moment. “And as for me?” Corvina paused.

                      Would she go with them?

                      ”Yea, I’m going, but don’t say I didn’t warn you, if you decide to bring him along.”

                      Corvina shrugged, returning to her own thoughts, and leaving the conversation of what to do with Sorren to the others. She’d said her mind, not much she could do now.

                      ”So you’re sticking with them, huh?”

                      Why not? They’re Light Followers, right?  There’s a chance they can lead me to Arabella.

                      ”Mm, yea. That’s the reason.”

                      It is.

                      ”Whatever you say


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @elishavet-pidyon nope, no stairs is actually more fun, and funny for poor November XD


                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1058


                          Good. Poor, dear November. đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. No stairs makes things so much more fun. XD Ahh, poor November, the cinnamon roll. *sigh* Someone can help him up if he needs it. XD

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. Also, y’all, just realized that Riker mentioned (to Mikkel, at least) that he was a 1st Lieutenant in the SS but didn’t explain what that meant. 😅

                              And I mention that only because of this: If the two different RP’s do merge, and if Leon and Riker cross paths, Leon will be, *cough, cough*, angry. (which is a huge understatement. He HATES Riker) And, in his anger, of course, he would say that Riker murdered his wife. 😔 But I say that because he’d also say Riker helped murder hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of people, and if Leon realizes all the others are there watching and listening, he’ll ask Riker: “You didn’t tell them, did you?” đŸ˜ŹđŸ˜« I’d also be curious to know what their (November, oh, especially November, 😉 Zlatan, Viktor, etc.) reactions would be if Riker told them the truth. He doesn’t talk about it because he feels so guilty about it, even though the poor baby didn’t even know about the camps until he was transferred to one. (which was after Leon and Aadelheide had already been sent there. 😔) But anywho, just thoughts. 😅

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 MY WONDERFULLY LONG RPs XD


                                She felt utterly miserable.


                                She felt guilty.

                                It was eating away at her; making her stomach churn and her heart ache.

                                Oh Light One, why did he have to push me out of the way? Why hadn’t it been me?

                                It was supposed to be me

                                The pain had finally subsided, she knew, but that didn’t make it any easier to look at November. His eyes were watery and he was grimacing, still running his fingers over his scars.

                                She frowned, feeling her own eyes turn glassy at the sight. She sniffed, turning away so he wouldn’t notice. She knew that, if he did, he’d make sure all attention went to her, and that wasn’t fair.

that’s how he was.

                                Mikkel was hovering nearby, a concerned look on his face, and Alyona stood a few feet away, holding the same expression.

                                Ara knew they were both wondering the same thing- How can we help? What can we do?

                                But Ara knew all too well that
nothing could help this

                                His scars should’ve been
fairly ordinary.

                                They should’ve healed already
.at least, the skin should’ve grown over it. But

                                They still looked, exactly the same as when it had happened.

                                Dark red, as if it they were still open-or would open at any moment. And Ara would never forget the moment it had all happened

                                It had been

                                So, so frightening.

                                And she knew
these weren’t normal scratches.

Even Corvina had seemed surprised.

                                And that had scared her more.

                                So, no.

                                Ara knew, from experience, that scars like these; unnatural scars

                                Perhaps even
magical scars, were not so easily healed

                                She tugged at her right sleeve, where, underneath, her own scar lay. Her mark of shame.

                                “Arabella? Everything okay?” November whispered, his baby blues looking even brighter with Unshed tears.

                                Ara lifted her head to face him and she offered a small smile before nodding and taking his hand in hers once again.


                                Ezra had made his way over now, still carrying Franz. He looked like he was struggling a bit now, and November frowned.

                                Poor guy.

                                As he drew closer, November couldn’t help but flinch slightly at the sight of Franz, even though he was unconscious.

                                “Hey, you good, November?” Ezra asked. Mikkel’s face seemed to be asking the same question as he was still hovering around, unsure of what to do for the boy.

                                November blushed. “Ah-I-I’m fine. Thanks though,” he smiled, his dimples showing. He felt Ara squeeze his hand and his ears turned a bit pink. He smiled sweetly.

                                Everyone was still staring at him though, which was making him extremely nervous. They should’ve been focusing on Riker, who was about to climb this
dangerous mess of a tower.

                                “R-Really! I-I’m happens sometimes
” He chuckled awkwardly and began to pull at a stray curl with his free hand.

                                Jocelyn & Nyx

                                After knowing November was okay-plenty of others were caring for him, though Lyn was still a bit concerned-she and Nyx focused on Riker and Vulkasin’s current mission.

                                She couldn’t help but laugh at Vulkasin’s sudden outburst when he realized he was going to have to pass Naja to Riker.

                                And that was when Lyn and Nyx caught it.

                                In tandem, their heads snapped and they looked at one another.

                                “ZLATI?!” They cried in unison.


                                WAS ADORABLE!!!

                                If there was anything Jocelyn loved, it was nicknames. She’d already thrown one at Viktor, catching him by surprise, and she’d heard Vulkasin’s adorable nickname before (Vulk), but that wasn’t super surprising. Out of the two, Vulkasin seemed to be the most
open and outgoing of the twins.


                                But ZLATAN?!

                                Dark and brooding Zlatan had an adorable nickname too?! Lyn loved it.

                                Nyx, however, just found it hilarious, and was snickering up a storm, his sleep-deprived self now getting the best of him.

                                His squeaks and squeals caught the attention of some of the group, including the twins, who looked both confused and a bit concerned at the fox’s
unusual mood swing.

                                Nyx was laughing still, his ears laying flat and then raising in motion, and his tails swishing. Eventually, he even rolled off Lyn’s shoulder in his folly.

                                ”Nyx!” Lyn laughed.

                                The fox wasn’t hurt, however, but continued to roll on the ground snickering until he finally got all of his laughter out.

                                In truth, she figured the little fox was probably just tired and needed a laugh, though
Zlati was a bit funny, considering Zlatan’s image

it was just adorable.



                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  Don’t worry Riker, my babies will be a bit conflicted, but I feel they’ll be quick to forgive because they know him already.


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