Character Castle!

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  • #115898
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia



      “Well…if you’d rather not, that’s fine,” Leon smirked slightly, “but, if you’d rather wander alone in a dark, damp castle, that’s your choice, too.”

      Corvina’s head shot back up. She glared at the man, her mouth opening slightly.

      She hadn’t expected such a quick comeback.

      He merely smiled “Two can play your game, Corvina.” He turned his attention elsewhere, obviously done with his remarks.

      Corvina’s brows furrowed, but, slowly, she smirked. Not many people were quick on their feet when it came to witty replies.

      Corvina turned her head at the sound of shuffling and found the rest of the group was getting up. They dusted themselves off and turned to look at her, Payton and Leon.

      “Are y’all coming or what?”

      Corvina’s mouth went dry and she glanced at Leon, whose eyes seemed to be asking her the same question she was asking herself.

      Was she coming?

      “Thought you didn’t need anybody?”

      Corvina pulled her lips taut, a battle raging inside.

      If she were honest with herself-which she never was-she would’ve said that, the truth was, she didn’t want to leave.

      Didn’t want to go back to wandering around in this dark, dreary castle that reminded her too much of home.

      But of course, Corvina was rarely honest, and so, she instead answered herself with,

      Perhaps they can help me find Arabella, or her friends.

       “Never expected you to be one of those “two heads are better then one” types.”

      I’m not, but it makes sense…

      ”Whatever you say…” her inner voice sing-songed and she winced slightly.

      She sighed aloud.

      ”Alright, fine.” She shrugged nonchalantly, “Guess I can join you guys. But what about him?” She tilted her head at Sorren, who was still out of it, though he’d begun to stir just a little bit. “I for one, am fine leaving him here, but…” she shrugged again.



        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 612

        @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12


        Payton turned to go.

        Oh wait.



        He was still breathing, of course. Just knocked out. Not dead.

        He deserved it if they left him.

        Didn’t he?

        “Uh, Asher? Small problem here before we leave.”

        He jerked his head in Sorren’s direction.

        “What on earth are we going to do with him? Personally, I’d rather let him stay and rot here….but…ummm…I guess that’s not a very Christian sentiment.”

        Verity & Trevyn

        Verity and Trevyn stood up; Trevyn grabbed for Verity’s hand. Neither of them let go. Trevyn let go of his breath. Didn’t even realize he’d been holding it.

        Verity stamped the ground.

        “Of course we leave him here!! What did you think we were going to do with him!?! CArry him with us and tend his wounds? He’s a villain, a coward, a bully. For no reason on the face of the planet, he just attacked….” She caught Jayden’s eyes, stumbled over the end of the sentence and left it hanging. “Anyway, he deserves it.” She looked around at everyone else, “Doesn’t he?”


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @queen_of_alvastia @freedomwriter76


          The little firebrand of a girl was ranting and raving, and Corvina honestly found it hilarious.

          Huh, maybe this girl wasn’t all that bad. Still too upbeat for her liking, but hey, most people were.

          “I, for one,” Corvina spoke up, making all heads swivel in her direction, “Agree with little miss firecracker. He obviously didn’t enjoy any of your company, and besides, he’s breathing, and no other danger is around, So it’s not like we’re leaving him to die or anything.”

          Not that she really cared….but some of them here seemed to have…higher morals then she did.

          And honestly, she didn’t feel like dragging an unconscious Sorren around. And when he woke up? Ugh…


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @queen_of_alvastia. @godlyfantasy12. Haha, I think Corvina and Leon will get along. 😉 Oh, Verity, I wanna leave him too. But…we must show love even when we don’t want to. XD


            Corvina, Payton, and Verity wanted to leave Sorren behind.

            Leon, honestly, wanted to leave him as well.

            But Payton had a point.

            “Doesn’t he?” Verity asked quietly.

            Asher, an arm around Jayden’s shoulder, took in a deep breath. “He does. But it’s not our duty to judge him and leave him to die…even though I’d like to.”

            Asher glanced at Jayden, their look sharing something only the two of them could understand, and glanced back at the others. “But we’re told to love our enemies and do good to those who hurt us. I’d love to leave him here, but…sometimes life means doing things we’d rather not do.”

            “He tried to hurt Jayden. Why can’t we leave him?” Michael muttered, glaring in Sorren’s direction.

            Sorren stirred again but didn’t wake. “He deserves whatever he gets.” Michael spat.

            Asher took in a deep breath. “I know. But like I said, we’re not the judge. God is. I’d love to let him stay here and die for what he did to my brother, but at the same time, I have to remain in obedience to God.”


            Jayden offered his brother a small smile.

            Sure, Asher always talking about God got annoying at times. But Jayden didn’t want to show or tell Asher that.

            Besides, Asher could have his faith.

            Jayden didn’t need to have it.

            Or do you?

            He shrugged away that thought and glanced back at Sorren.

            His hair stood on end as he thought about being clutched in Sorren’s hands.

            Jayden didn’t mean to panic.

            It just…it happened.

            A lot.

            “Well then, what do you suppose we do with him then?” Payton asked, turning towards Asher.

            Asher bit his lip.

            That meant he was thinking, long and hard.

            “I guess we’ll have to bring him with us.” Asher said.

            Jayden crouched down low. Tapped Verity’s shoulder, grabbing her attention. She turned to face him, her face still slightly red. “Hey Verity, thanks for being here for me and standing up for me.” He took in a deep breath. “And Trevyn, don’t be afraid, kid. If you ever need anyone, I’m always willing to listen.” He smiled softly. “Got it?”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. Do you want me to be Riker climbing up the tower for the other RP to get it going more? 🤔

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612

                @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12

                hey guys, I won’t be able to be on here tomorrow. Just as an fyi 🙂


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @queen_of_alvastia. Good to know. 🙂

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 btw did Asher hear what Corvina said?


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      About leaving Sorren I mean lol


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Also @freedomwriter76 you can! @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @koshka any of y’all on?


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Also…this is…definitely going to be umm interesting for me to write….with y’all talking about God and everything because….


                          Corvina’s master is Eder who is like the type and shadow of the enemy or Satan in my fantasy (like if it was an allegory), and Arabella serves the Light One (God)

                          So…well…this will be srsly interesting for me to write cuz I never even considered this….heh 😅


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia


                            Corvina’s expression was probably pure disgust at this moment. Her nose and lips were pinched and her brows furrowed as she stared at Asher.

                            He was rambling all this nonsense about forgiveness and “loving your enemies.”

                            Ignorant fool of a guy.

                            And when he’d mentioned being obedient to God…Corvina could’ve fell over. But, she kept herself composed.


                            Light Followers….just what I needed. 

                            Her inner self was laughing now. “L-Light Followers?! REALLY?! Of all people, you run into them?”

                            Corvina rolled her eyes and ground her teeth together.

                            Michael, however, seemed just as outraged at the prospect of taking Sorren with him. Corvina grinned. At least someone here wasn’t stupid.

                            Still…it looked like the majority vote was to take Sorren along…at least until he was awake.


                            She shouldn’t have stayed.

                            She should really go now.

                            Especially knowing who they were.

                            What they were.

                            She frowned, crossing her arms once more and leaning against the wall, making her vote against taking Sorren along extremely clear.

                            Asher was still responding to Michael, and Jayden was speaking to Verity.

                            Corvina had about had it with all the “love” stuff.

                            She was not a Light Follower. Nor would she ever be.

                            In fact….

                            She was quite the opposite.

                            Though…she didn’t really have a personal problem with them.

                            But her Master did.

                            And while she hated being his puppet, she had to admit….

                            Light Followers were annoying.

                            “Ridiculous.” She spoke, her tone sharp. She narrowed her eyes, meeting Asher’s with a cold gaze. He went quiet, meeting her eyes in a bit of shock.

                            Everyone went quiet, now looking at her. She uncrossed her arms and stood to her full height, which was still shorter then all of the men there.

                            “What’s the point of loving someone who won’t ever return it? Or forgiving someone who won’t ever be sorry?” She blew out a breath, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. “It’s a waste of time and energy. You wanna take him with us, fine, but just know that my votes against it, and it’s not gonna change because of some silly little mantra you repeat to yourself on the daily.”

                            With that, Corvina went back to leaning against the wall, waiting for the inevitable reply from the shocked others.

                             “Well, someone’s feisty…”


                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1058

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                              Aww, y’all. That was pretty awesome to read through.

                              And now…

                              I hope nobody minds where I take this.


                              Nerves were strung, spirits low. She glanced around to see everyone on the ground breathlessly watching those who weren’t.

                              Eva had the darling little girl. Even though Nadían was older now, the two looked so much alike. Perhaps they’d be “twins” when they both grew up.

                              Then behind Eva stood Ezra and Mikkel. And over there was Zlatan, watching his brother with a crease between his eyes. Riker was feeling the base of the wall, and Viktor was watching with a practiced eye.

                              He’d probably climbed every building on the farm.

                              Ara was… leaning over a writhing November. Alyona started forward in concern. The boy was crouched in the dirt, his hands pressed against his face, making muffled sounds of pain and regret.

                              Alyona caught Ara’s eye and gave her a questioning look. What was the matter? Could she help in any way?

                              (Note: if Mikkel or someone else needs to be the one that comes forward, it’s open for that. Alyona and Viktor would be more than ready to help, [they’d probably be like, “residual pain? Hmmmm.” Then Alyona would go “Hey, Viktor has…” And he’s give her the “is this necessary?” look, then abruptly say something like, “Beggar’s Treaty is good for muscle bruising!” XD] but if another character needs to, that’s absolutely fine! Poor November, though. And Ara. I love them.)

                              (Then again, if we need to move on and get them to sleep… I’m up for whatever.)

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @elishavet-pidyon anyone can approach him, it’s fine! Yea they’d probably fuss over him, but there’s not rlly anything they actually do about it, (but then again they don’t know that so yea)


                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1568

                                  @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                                  I have arrived!


                                  November was obviously in a lot of pain, one hand clamped to the side of his white face.

                                  Three long scars crossed under that hand, their brilliant red jerking at Mikkel’s breath.

                                  After a moment the torrent seemed to fade. The lad’s teary eyes opened.

                                  Phantom pains from nerve damage.

                                  What had caused those scars?


                                  “I’ll come down, and z’en you go up.” He grinned down at Riker. “It’s not a far drop.”

                                  Who ever called three meters tall (9.8ft.)? This tower was seriously not well fortified.

                                  A moments grip on the sill and Vulkasin landed beside his brother.

                                  Riker looked up at the window, brows creased.

                                  “Go on.” Vulkasin’s grin was joined by a raised brow, but Zlatan’s glare silenced whatever comment would have followed.

                                  That bother of his.

                                  Riker was through the window in a moment, and Eva stepped over with Naja.

                                  Suddenly, the irrepressible twin lost all the color in his face. Zlatan could have smiled.

                                  “V’ait! You vant me to…” He stumbled back, sheer terror written in every frantic gesture. “But she’s TINY!”

                                  Everyone laughed. Zlatan even let his smile slip out.


                                  “V’at if I drop her?!” His brother turned to him. ” Zlati, you’ve done zees before. V’at do I do?”

                                  A mountain crushed his stain glass eyes.

                                  “Neyht.” The heartless mask snapped over his face. “You von’t drop her.” He waved a hand. “Proceed.”

                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

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