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October 15, 2024 at 6:27 pm #187668
Granny Gallia
“I am Galliaxtrix Trumtrit, but you my call me Granny Gallia. I am a hermit and a druid of the Thunderwood Forests. These are my little friends,” she points to the two squirrels on her back, “This is Al, and this is Jit.” The two squirrels climbed up GG’s tall staff to the top. Then they jumped down onto Ruth, snuggling her with their cheeks. “Now tell me, sweetie, tell me about the knights that ‘no good’.” She chuckled.
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 15, 2024 at 6:37 pm #187669Princess Ruth
“Thank you Granny Gallia for agreeing to help me! And your little friends are so nice.” Ruth answered. “About those knights, all I know is that there were first two of them, now threre is a whole army! The one who created the kidnapped me, luckily he let me go. But I don’t imagine those knights will be like that!” While Ruth talked she heard the knights walk into the room. “Shhh” Ruth whispered. Granny Gallia and Ruth watched through the crack in the closet as the two knights inspected the room. As they were watching Ruth inhaled some dust up her throat which caused her to cough. “Cough-” Granny Gallia put her cold hand over Ruths mouth to stop her, but it was too late, the knights were coming there way. “What should we do?!” Ruth asked clutching her bag of potions.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 15, 2024 at 6:51 pm #187670Patrick, Starfish, and GG
The two knights open the door and the three looked at one another.
“I know you two! You little rascals! The last time I saw you two, you were chasing that young man into His forest.”
“No filthy mutt of an abomination! You are the work of the Devil! So, leave! And tell Lord Quackers that I’m in the castle. But I won’t cause trouble unless he causes trouble with me!”
The two zombie knights flee in terror, knowing the power of GG. Leaving GG and Ruth in the room alone.
“There darling, no need to worry, stay with me and you will be safe.”
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 15, 2024 at 9:22 pm #187677Princess Ruth
Ruth stared while Patrick and Starfish ran away, and then quickly turned towards GG, “How did you do THAT?” She asked excitedly. “Where do you know them from? What young man were you talking about? How do you know Lord Quackers? And what do you mean there from the great demon?(1)”. Ruth had so many questions for the elderly women, Ruth was practically bouncing off the walls!
(1) The Great Demon (great as in big bad) is what the people of Kaimor call the devil, of course Ruth knows all about the other names for it.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 15, 2024 at 9:41 pm #187679GG
“Settle down little one, I shall answer your questions in order. First, they know who I am, and know what I do. Second, I found them chasing a young pyromancer through the forest. I stopped them in their tracks with Jit,” GG scratched the chin of Jit, “Third, I don’t remember his name, hmmm, I don’t know… any who I am forgetful of many things. Forth, he was the Lord of the Realm before the young lad whom I forgot his name took him down. Fifth… eh… what was the fifth?”
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 15, 2024 at 9:46 pm #187680I found them chasing a young pyromancer through the forest
Cross over??? (i’m just kidding I know he’s from your story 😂)
Princess Ruth
While Ruth sat crisscrossed listening as if she was in school, a thought arose in her head, “But what do you mean they are from the great demon? I thought they came from Lord Quacke- wait… Are you saying Lord Quackers IS the great demon?!” Ruth waited for an answer.
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Potato reporter.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 16, 2024 at 7:23 am #187683GG
“No, no, no, he is the works of the Devil. Lord Quakers uses the powers of the Devil to his advantage, raising the dead. Which is he does a poor job, seeing how God almighty can do a much better job. Lord Quakers magic is an abomination and must be stopped. But alas, I’m too old for that. I wish that young man was here. But, he is not. So we must stay together, I to protect you, and you to keep me company.” She smiled and chuckled, “Come now, let’s find a place to sleep.”
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 16, 2024 at 7:52 am #187685Princess Ruth
Ruth was amazed at what she heard, she had even more questions “How did he obtain these powers?” Ruth thought to herself. But she knew that GG was tired so Ruth let GG sleep on the bed, while Ruth found some pillows and blankets to make a bed on the ground. They fell asleep.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 17, 2024 at 12:01 pm #187766Princess Ruth and ???
While Ruth and GG were getting ready to go to bed, Ruth heard a noise outside the room. “Is someone there?” Ruth asked. The door flew open and slammed against the wall.
Standing there was a man wearing a a black oozing substance coming out of the side of him, he had blood red eyes and mangled black hair. He had black vines growing gray and maroon flowers growing out of them. The black vines were coming out of the oozing spot, as if the heart o the vines was inside the man. he stood there staring at Ruth and GG for awhile.
“Uh…uh h-hello?” Ruth asked the man. His eyes began to dart around the room, looking for something. “Who are you?!” Ruth asked raising her voice, “What do you want?!” The man looked at Ruth and sent a vine coming at her, it grabbed her and started puling her towards the man. Quickly Ruth grabbed a fire potion and through it at the man, when it hit some of the vines burned and the man recoiled.he quickly dashed away from the room, but GG and Ruth were trapped with a fire.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 17, 2024 at 12:21 pm #187771Granny Gallia
GG gets up and looks at the fire. “Oh my, what happened here.” Ruth gives an explanation. “Well, who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t think like that. Oh, but how shall we put the fire out?”
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 17, 2024 at 2:52 pm #187791Princess Ruth
After Ruth informed GG of what happened she bean to panic, she looked through her bag to find anything that could help. “Strength? no, water breathing? no. Wha about a size shrinker or grower, no no and no! None of these will help!” Ruth was exclaiming.
Ruth dug deeper into her bag, then a potion dropped out. “Flight? is there a window?” Ruth looked up and saw a window higher up, she quickly took a sip and gave it to GG before levitating.
“Come one!” Ruth yelled down.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 17, 2024 at 3:38 pm #187798Granny Gallia
“How did you obtain this potion?”
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 17, 2024 at 4:18 pm #187800Ruth stared at GG with wide eyes. “Should I tell the truth or not?” Ruth thought to herself. “Um, It doesn’t matter quickly drink it and let’s go!” Ruth had a sick feeling in her stomach.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
October 17, 2024 at 4:24 pm #187803Granny Gallia
GG looked at the bottle, then she put it down. She took her staff and pounded it on the floor. Suddenly, greenery came out of the floor and enveloped the flame, suffocating it. GG slowly turned back towards Ruth. “Now sweetie, tell me the truth.”
Mandrew, Lord of squirrels, long may he live
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 17, 2024 at 4:28 pm #187804Princess Ruth
She looked down at GG and at the window again, “what should I do… I could run away…. again…. but thats the reason why I am in this castle in the first place, running away” Ruth couldn’t make up her mind. “Fine, *sigh* I-I-I s-stole them… from my brother…”
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
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