Character Castle!

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  • #137270
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      Ah yes I can’t wait! *rubs hands together*

      Should I do an RP as Uvah? Becasue I’m fine with you going ahead and writing in Viola first! I’m not really sure what i’d have Uvah do anyway

      Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
      And guess what? His is eternal (:

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @princesachronicle22. I can do Viola if you and your brother are both fine with it! Or you can be Uvah…whatever you want! 😊

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @freedomwriter76 sorry I’ve been busy today 😅 also I’m good with the doggie! @queen_of_alvastia


          AGH ACHERON!!!




          Ara’s face paled, her heart falling into the pit of her stomach. Adolphus’ face was torn with deep pain, eyes filling with tears. He clenched his fists, still holding his son, as if clinging to him for life.

          Ara sucked in a breath, remember the young man she’d met. He’d been so


          She looked down.

I’m so sorry. I didn’t
” She closed her eyes, taking in a breath. Met Adolphus’s gaze, and then Steffi’s. “I had no idea. I can’t
can’t imagine losing a sibling

          In truth
she couldn’t.

          She hadn’t had the blessing of having blood siblings
but then
she met Paxton.

          And now?

          She couldn’t imagine life without him.

          She’d only known him a short time
but it felt like forever.

          She took a few steps forward, gently placing a hand on Adolphus’ arm, as he was quite a bit taller then her. “Adolphus
I’m so sorry. I’m sure he passed honorably



          Grimm turned to Riker and Leon, coming out from the memory. He blinked, fists unclenching from around the locket.

          He glanced down, and then over to November, Paxton and YosĂ­. Smiled slightly.

          Paxton seemed to be eating something, blue eyes bright and wide as ever, listening as November tried his best to start a conversation.

          “S-So Yosí is it? Ah
thanks for helping me
really. How’d you end up here

          But before the lad could answer, another figure emerged, setting everyone once again on edge.

          “Riker, wait-no!” Leon cried as Riker stumbled to sit up, fists clenching. Grimm glared into the shadows and Yosí was quickly to his feet, half standing, half kneeling, poised to jump at any would be attacker.

          November grabbed Paxton, and the women the other children.


          But the guest, seemed to pay them no mind and instead


          Fell to flat on their face.

          Grimm raised a brow.


          He glanced at November.

          Talk about Deja Vu


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2826

            @princesachronicle22 @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings (Min still wants us to tag her for things, right? Even though she’s busy?)

            I think it would be easier to write what Silvia does from my own characters’ points of view instead of from her pov


            Allen and Layson stumbled through the room supporting a half-conscious Serin between them. Maylee clung anxiously to Layson’s free hand. Ellie walked behind them, carrying the armor Serin had removed to get to the injury.

            The sound of Dante’s bare feet running up behind them made Ellie turn around. He slowed and began walking next to her.

            “Did you get it?” She asked in a hushed tone.


            Ellie was about to ask him to show her, but Dante suddenly looked up and stared intently across the room.

            “Who’s that?”

            A tall woman carrying a staff stood looking at them a ways off. She took a few steps forward, paused, and then rushed over to them.

            “What happened? Is your friend hurt? I can help if she’s hurt.”

            Everyone took a few steps back, surprised by how fast she had appeared.

            “Who are you?” Allen asked.

            “Oh, sorry I didn’t introduce
” the woman looked suddenly flustered and nervously brushed some of her messy blonde hair behind her ear. “My name is Silvia Spruce. I’m a healer. Would you allow me to help your friend?”

            * * * (short time jump!)

            They had agreed to let the mysterious woman help. It wasn’t like they had had much of a choice, anyway. Serin was getting worse by the minute.

            Silvia now bustled about, asking people to fetch things and attending to Serin’s wound with a mixture strange herbs from her bag. She had asked Dante to build a fire after taking the vial of serpent poison. Dante managed to do so easily, despite his limited resources and broken lighter.

            When he finished building the fire, he stuck one hand in the slowly growing flames and wiggled his fingers, letting the heat dry his skin and calm his nerves. Ellie crouched down next to him and watched with a worried expression. He looked at her curiously.

            “You know it doesn’t hurt me, right?”

            She let out a small sigh. “Yeah
 but still
 it makes me nervous.”

            Dante glanced from her to his hand and back again a couple times. Then he grinned at her and stuck his other hand in the fire.

            Ellie’s tail flicked in annoyance and she glared back at him.

            Silvia suddenly interrupted by appearing next them and sticking a small pot over the fire. She uncorked the vial of poison and poured it in and then began tossing in several other ingredients from her bag. She was so focused on her work, she hardly noticed Ellie and Dante sitting next to her and watching curiously. Soon, she had ground everything in the pot to a slowly bubbling paste. She pulled it off the fire and began stirring it and blowing on it to cool down.

            Serin lay sleeping a few feet from the fire on top of Ellie’s blue hoodie and few other spare garments. Silvia approached her and carefully applied the paste to her wound. Then she snatched her staff and held the end of it over the wound. A crystal in the tip of the staff glowed blue for a few seconds and then faded. Silvia then let out a breath and stepped back. After a pause, she looked up at the others and spoke.

            “We need to let that sit on the injury for a few minutes and then I will rinse it off and close up the wound as best I can. At that point, hopefully, the poison will be reversed and she will start to heal. But for now, we wait.”

            Official KP archivist ✹

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 612

              @godlyfantasy12 YAY!! I’ll send her in, she’s over here whimpering bc I separated her from Torryn *hugs Tala* *poofs her into the castle*


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2826

                Woah, that was a long rp, sorry

                Official KP archivist ✹

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                  @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12

                  Do you want me to put Tala in now so she and Torryn are introduced together or should I wait? I’m still figuring out whose turn it is lol


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @princesachronicle22 @thearcaneaxiom

                    hey how do y’all’s charries look again? Also don’t be surprised how Corvina reacts too XD

                    Also! Corvina is around 18 and yes she has black hair, grey blue eyes, and white pale skin.


                    She was on. The. Ground.

                    How she’d suddenly ended up there? She wasn’t sure.

                    Nor did she care.

                    All Corvina knew was that now, someone or something was pressing, hard, against her spine, screaming into her ear.

                    Her nails scratched against the floor, eyes searching wildly. A growl, like that of a wild animal escaped her throat. She screeched, sounding like a caged bird, and, without hesitation, flipped, gripping the arm of her attacker and sending her spiraling down with her.

                    A thud sounded to her right, and, using that as her signal, she pushed herself from the ground, heart pounding.

                    Her black cowl flew behind her and in an instant the room grew cold, the light dimming as the shadows in the corners draped out, obeying Corvina’s subconscious commands.

                    Most didn’t just come out and attack her like this

                    Most knew better

                    She carried a presence about her that kept people at bay
people knew who she was.

                    Or rather who owned her.

she’d been trained at a young age for battle
and she could take anyone who dare challenge her.

                    She screeched again, a mix of agitation, anger and
fear coursing through her.

                    She stretched out her hand to the attacker, a flurry of sharp, needle-like shadows following, flying out in midair before coming to a stop, inches from the woman’s face.

                    Corvina held her hand out, head tilted slightly. She growled, chest heaving as a strand of hair fell over one eye. Her adrenaline slowly began to waver.

                    “Don’t. You. Touch me,” she hissed.


                    “Hm,” She chuckled. “Perhaps you haven’t lost your touch

                    And at that, Corvina couldn’t help but smile.



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6727

                      @loopylin 👀



                      COUGH COUGH I totally ship Ellie & Dante COUGH COUGH


                      plus it would be hilarious cuz her sis would be like UMM EXCUSE ME?! *cue hilarious side smirk from Dante whilst Ellie is like HEH SURPRISE???*


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6727

                        @queen_of_alvastia we can just say she’s already there if u like 😊 maybe bumbling in behind him XD


                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 612

                          @godlyfantasy12 XDXD She’s like of yup that’s my master XD But it would be interesting to see the charries’ reactions if she just charges in XD

                          (I hope that doesn’t sound pushy or anything it was just an idea. XD)


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Ha! Yeah that would be hilarious! Especially since Eddie and Dante have somewhat of a rivalry in the main storyline that Ellie does not approve of.

                            Still undecided on the ship being cannon tho

                            Official KP archivist ✹

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6727

                              @loopylin it totally should be
and not cuz I’m a sucker for ships


                              gaaaasp we should make a Ship Gameshow like one of those couple game shows and get all of our charries to participate BAHAHAH where they have to answer questions about their significant other



                              Im imagining Dante and Ellie participating in this and Ellie being an unwilling participant the entiiiire time. But Dante’s just going with it and having fun XD XD


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2826

                                @godlyfantasy12 Also, Corvina is epic and that scene was real cool

                                Official KP archivist ✹

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2826


                                  gaaaasp we should make a Ship Gameshow like one of those couple game shows and get all of our charries to participate BAHAHAH where they have to answer questions about their significant other

                                  Im imagining Dante and Ellie participating in this and Ellie being an unwilling participant the entiiiire time. But Dante’s just going with it and having fun XD XD

                                  lol, yes. I love that idea.

                                  Official KP archivist ✹

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