Character Castle!

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  • #136067
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @keilah-h @loopylin @theloonyone


      Concussion is the sudden but short-lived loss of mental function that occurs after a blow or other injury to the head. It is the most common but least serious type of brain injury.

      The medical term for concussion is minor traumatic brain injury.

      Symptoms of concussion include brief:

      loss of consciousness after the head injury
      periods of memory loss
      disturbances in vision, such as “seeing stars” or blurry vision
      a period of confusion, a blank expression, or a delay in answering questions immediately after the head injury
      If a brain scan is carried out, concussion is only diagnosed if the scan is normal – for example, there is no bleeding or swelling of the brain.


      If people continue to have symptoms these things can become serious and if this were the real world you’d need to contact a doctor if symptoms persisted such as-

      loss of consciousness, however brief
      memory loss, such as not being able to remember what happened before or after the injury
      persistent headaches since the injury
      changes in behaviour, such as irritability, being easily distracted or having no interest in the outside world – this is a particularly common sign in children under five
      drowsiness that occurs when you would normally be awake
      loss of balance or problems walking
      difficulties with understanding what people say
      difficulty speaking, such as slurred speech
      problems with reading or writing
      vomiting since the injury
      problems with vision, such as double vision
      loss of power in part of the body, such as weakness in an arm or leg
      clear fluid leaving the nose or ears (this could be cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds the brain)
      sudden deafness in one or both ears
      any wound to the head or face


      And would need to call an ambulance immediately if person-

      remains unconscious after the initial injury
      is having a seizure or fit
      is bleeding from one or both ears
      has been vomiting since the injury
      is having difficulty staying awake, speaking, or understanding what people are saying

      To relieve symptoms at home, you can-

      apply a cold compress to the injury to reduce swelling – a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel will do
      take paracetamol to control any pain – do not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or aspirin, as these can cause bleeding

      And for recovery-


      After experiencing concussion, careful monitoring is needed. This is usually for 48 hours.

      This is because the symptoms of concussion could also be symptoms of a more serious condition, such as:

      subdural haematoma – bleeding between the skull and the brain
      subarachnoid haemorrhage – bleeding on the surface of the brain

      okay that’s a lot but I hope it helps and obviously it probably won’t be “serious” but hea






        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3428


        Here’s the RP!! 😀

        (Oh my word, Gideon is so sweet!! 🥰)


        Ami fell into step beside Lucas and Gideon. She sighed and closed her eyes for a quick moment, trying to calm her nerves.

        Gideon looked up at her with a small twelve-year-old smile. “We’ll find them, Amidala. God will help us find them.”

        Tears came to Ami’s eyes. He was right… absolutely right. Ami knew she could rely on God. She had gone through worse, and where was God then? Right beside her and helping her along.

        She smiled back and nodded. “You’re right. He will.”


        “What now?” Will groaned, stopping in his tracks.

        Ev’s eyes were wide and he put a finger to his lips. Will cocked an eyebrow and turned around. Then Will seemed to understand.

        On the other side of the room slept a huge dragon. Its crimson scales reflected the flickering of the torches. Smoke rose up out of its nostrils and dissipated into the air. It’s body rose and fell with every breath it took.

        Never before had Ev seen a creature so large. Though it was curled up, he estimated that it must’ve been as long as a house at its full length and probably the height of an average tree.

        Ev gulped.

        “Ev!” Will hissed.

        “I see it. Why else do you think I gasped!?” Ev snapped, trying to keep his voice at a whisper. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Ideas flew through his head. There must be a way out if that dragon had gotten in in the first place. Maybe if they woke the dragon… No. They wouldn’t do that. Too many bad things could happen. They could die. And Ev refused to die weaponless and being chased by a fire-breathing dragon.

        Will lit the final torch and turned to Ev and the dragon again. “I guess we’d better let it sleep…huh? Unless…”

        Ev shook his head as he watched Will look towards the ceiling. “Don’t even think about it.” Because he already did and the end results didn’t look too great.

        Will tilted his head and smirked. “You think you know me so well…?”

        “That’s because you and me are too much alike…” Ev murmured.

        “What’d you say?”

        “We’re not using the dragon,” Ev replied firmly.

        “Why not? We may be able to get out of this place quickly.”

        “And get burnt to a crisp in the process!” Ev retorted.

        In all honesty though… it wasn’t a bad idea…

        Will grinned, stepping a bit closer to the dragon. “A small to pay… Besides, it’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

        Ev let a small smile slip onto his face. He huffed. “Fine.”

        Will’s grin grew wider. “So… I guess we just wake it up, huh?”

        Ev shrugged. “I suppose. Just come over here and help me up so we can both run away if it attacks us.”

        Will nodded, helping Ev up off the floor. Ev sighed.

        A trickle of regret made its way into his heart… maybe Will wasn’t really that bad… or annoying…

        Ev cleared his throat. “We’ll just yell then to wake it up, right?”

        Will shrugged. “Sounds good. Ready?”

        Ev nodded.

        “On three… One… Two… Three…!”

        Both guys yelled their loudest at once. They stopped at the same time, both breathing hard.

        The dragon’s eyes opened. It pushed itself up off the ground. It unfurled its wings and sucked in a breath of air, slowly letting it out.

        Why did you wake me?” A deep voice rumbled.

        “Did… it just talk?” Ev asked, his eyes wide.

        “I think so,” Will replied in awe. They stood in silence, staring in fear at the towering beast.

        Are you going to answer me?” The dragon asked.

        “We, er… uh…” Ev fumbled. “We’re trying to get out of here.”

        And you thought I could help you?”

        Will chuckled nervously. “Maybe.”

        What looked like a smile grew on the dragon’s scaly face, letting the boys get a glimpse of the dragon’s razor sharp teeth. It let out a gravelly laugh. “I can get you out of here very quickly, if you so desire.” The dragon started walking towards the boys and it flicked its tongue out, eyeing the them hungrily.

        Ev’s heart pounded against his rib cage. They had to go now. He nudged Will as the dragon came ever closer.

        Will seemed to get the message. “RUN!!!”


        (Oops. That was kinda long. 😅 I just wanted to get into Ev’s perspective of finding a sleeping dragon. 🙃)



        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 @esther-c BAHAHAH that dragon be like “Oh, I can get you outta here. AND INTO MA BELLY XD XD”




            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            Ev: *awkwardly running down the hall with his arm wrapped around Will’s shoulder* We never breathe a word of this to anyone. Especially Ami.


            Will: Agreed.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3428


              BAHAHAH that dragon be like “Oh, I can get you outta here. AND INTO MA BELLY XD XD”

              For real!! XD XD

              Ev: *awkwardly running down the hall with his arm wrapped around Will’s shoulder* We never breathe a word of this to anyone. Especially Ami.


              Will: Agreed.

              *dies of laughter*

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4732

                @godlyfantasy12 Thanks! Although I’m not sure how much of that we’ll need to use, it’s helpful information.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 446

                  @keilah-h @loopylin


                  Elissa hummed as she furrowed her eyebrows and thought. “Well I know to keep calm, not to move the person, try to slow down the flow of blood if they’re bleeding, call 911 and wait. But uh,” she grimaced, “I don’t think we’re going to be getting any emergency services here. Um… I’ve learned how to use a tourniquet, but we don’t really need that here and none of our supplies here look… mechanical.” Elissa glanced down at what was in her hands. There were what looked like bandages, although they looked more like what was in that historical drama she was obsessed with than what she has seen used in real life.

                  “I’m not sure how much we can actually do for a concussion with what we have. He mostly just needs to rest, I think. And I would give him an ice pack, but I don’t think we have that.” What did they have? They were low on supplies for anything. They didn’t have any food and- did they have any water? “Do you know what else we could do for him?”

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4732

                    @theloonyone @loopylin


                    “Well, I know to keep calm, not to move the person, try to slow down the flow of blood if they’re bleeding, call 911 and wait. But uh, I don’t think we’re going to be getting any emergency services here. Um… I’ve learned how to use a tourniquet, but we don’t really need that here and none of our supplies here look… mechanical.” Elissa looked down at what she had in her hands. “I’m not sure how much we can actually do for a concussion with what we have. He mostly just needs to rest, I think. And I would give him an ice pack, but I don’t think we have that. Do you know what else we could do for him?”

                    Feather looked down at her supplies also. “You said you need an ice pack? I have something similar…” She held it up. “This should work. I hope.”

                    She wasn’t about to criticize Elissa for not bringing back anything useful… would she and Crosshair have known what they’d needed?

                    Although maybe he should’ve thought of that.

                    He had been acting a little off, though. Had something attacked them on the way there? Or was there something about the new guy–Elliot–that was unnerving him somehow? He wasn’t usually like that.

                    Feather shook her head. No use asking him; he’d probably only snap something along the lines of “I’m fine, leave me alone.”


                    “I know this is off topic,” she said, looking toward Elissa, “but did something happen between you and Crosshair while you guys were in there? Something’s going on with him, I can tell.”

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643

                      @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @freedomwriter76 I think that’s everyone?


                      I gripped Arabella’s hand tightly as we walked through the dark hall.

                      I held my breath as a shadow seemed to rise up and take form. Then, just as suddenly, it sank back down.

                      I sucked in a shaky breath, shuddering at the memories that played about in the far corners of my mind.

                      “Arabella…?” I whispered, my voice quiet.

                      “I’m here,” she said. I let out a small breath of relief.

                      I’m not alone, I reminded myself. Not alone. 

                      We continued down the hall, finally reaching what looked faintly like a door. Ara opened it, revealing another corridor.

                      Ara smiled, looking down at me. I gave her a weak smile.

                      “That wasn’t so bad…” She sighed.

                      I raised my brows.

                      Well…I guess it wasn’t as bad with you.

                      “Now…ah…should we try this door?” She looked down at me.

                      I shrugged. “Guess so…”

                      “This place seems familiar…” Ara said, reaching for the knob of a nearby door. Slowly she turned it, and as it opened, she looked surprised.

                      As the door swung wider, Ara paused.

                      There were others inside.

                      My breath quickened, hoping it wasn’t anyone…that we wouldn’t get along with.

                      She put an arm protectively out over me, stopping me from going any farther.

                      The figures all turned and stared at us. My heartbeat thudded in my throat at the many, many unknown people, and my eyes nervously flitted around the room at the occupants.

                      Suddenly, Ara broke the stifling silence.

                      “Adolphus…?” She asked.

                      I glanced up at her in surprise. She knows one of them, at least.

                      One of the man’s eyes widened…he paused…and slowly, he stepped forward, his son, I guess, still in his arms, and said softly, “Arabella?”

                      Another man raised a brow. “You know her?”

                      Adolphus nodded. “I do…I met her when I was in this place years ago…back during the war. Before,” his voice cracked, “…everything happened.”

                      His gaze returned to Ara. “Don’t be afraid, Arabella. No one here will hurt you…well, we’re still meeting him,” Adolphus pointed at a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, sitting on the floor. Steve gave us a small smile and friendly wave, “but otherwise, no one here will hurt you.”

                      Ara gazed at the crowd, slowly lowering her arm that was stretched over me. Suddenly, a very small girl pushed her way through the crowd.

                      “Hello! I’m Eddie. It’s nice to meet you. You have a really pretty name,” she exclaimed to Ara.

                      I stared at her. She was short, and wore a hoodie with small ears. And…was that a tail?! 

                      Ara didn’t seem all that surprised by the girl’s appearance though. She smiled, eyes crinkling at the compliment.

                      “Thank you.” She looked over at me, a smile on her face. I smiled back, still a bit shocked by Eddie’s appearance.

                      Eddie turned to me with an exuberant, “Hi! What’s your name?”

                      I bit my lip. “Uh…I’m Asher. Asher Brooks. You…you’re Eddie, right?”

                      She nodded.

                      I nodded as well, at a loss for words.

                      It’s a miracle, as Dylan would say. 

                      I smiled ruefully, listening as the group introduced themselves.

                      Steffi, Jason, Adolphus, Steve, Eddie, Henry, Aiden.

                      “I’m Asher,” I swallowed, rocking on the heels of my feet.

                      Then turned my attention to Eddie. “Uh, it’s nice to meet you! What’s your favorite color?” I asked.

                      I could faintly hear Ara ask Adolphus something about…a Dietrich?

                      Who’s that? I wondered.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @lightoverdarkness6 awww Asher’s so cute. 🥰



                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1643


                          Aww thanks! Yeah, he is 🤭💖


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1643

                            @godlyfantasy12 @princesachronicle22

                            So sorry it took so long!!


                            Zyrin stood, holding out a hand to help Jocelyn up. “Well, uh, maybe we could help you look for your friends?”

                            She smiled and nodded, and accepting his hand, though her furry companion didn’t look too happy about it.

                            I stood up as well, quirking my lips at the small creature on Jocelyn’s shoulder.

                            It was staring at me. No, glaring at me!

                            My jaw dropped.

                            What in the world?! What have I ever done to it for it to be angry at me?

                            Then I looked away, sighing.

                            Who knows. Maybe it can sense that I’m not the best person in the world…It’s right. 

                            Zyrin spoke once more, breaking into my thoughts.

                            “Oh and my chest… it’s my color, Zyrin. So were I come from we introduce ourselves as our colors.” His glowing chest turned a light yellow as he said this.

                            “Your color?” Lyn smiled. “Beautiful! I love that, and your name! Or, Ah, color,” she laughed.

                            I tipped my head back a bit.

                            Oh boy. He’s a color now. 

                            Suddenly, I thought of Asher. Where was he? Was he safe? And what would he think if he were here?

                            He would be interested in Zyrin’s glow, but…not rude or obnoxious to Zyrin about it. Just genuinely interested, in his curious Asher way.

                            I blinked, slowly realizing how mean I was being. Guilt flooded over me.

                            What is wrong with me?! Why am I such a grouch today?

                            Zyrin gestured a hand to the hall. “I think it would be best if we start… moving forward.” he said awkwardly.

                            I nodded, keeping quiet. As we started walking, Jocelyn suddenly exclaimed,“It’s his race, Nyx!” She shook her head…but she was not talking to Zyrin this time…or me. I looked at her strangely. She laughed.

                            “Uh…who’s Nyx?” I asked.

                            Jocelyn laughed again, then gestured to the small fox-creature.

                            “Ah you can’t hear him, but this is Nyx. He can speak…but only to those he allows to hear him. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll let you hear him eventually.”

                            I nodded, pretending to understand. Then I shook my head, succumbing to the million questions bouncing about in my mind.

                            “So he can talk? How? Do you use some type of telepathy? Or something else? How can you hear him, but we can’t?”

                            Zyrin looked as interested and confused as I was.


                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 802


                              Ahh I love Asher!! <3

                              Oh boy. He’s a color now.

                              And Dylan XD XD. Poor guy assumes that Nyx already hates him because he’s a bad person *cries and hugs him*

                              Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                              And guess what? His is eternal (:

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 446

                                @keilah-h @loopylin


                                Elissa watched carefully as Feather stared at her supplies, seemingly lost in thought. She shook her head and after a moment looked up at Elissa. “I know this is off-topic,” she started, “but did something happen between you and Crosshair while you guys were in there? Something’s going on with him, I can tell.”

                                Elissa looked down remembering what had happened in the hall with Crosshair. Carefully, she spoke, “Yeah, something did happen. I don’t know what exactly, but it seemed like he was having a panic attack or something. He brushed it off afterward, but,” Elissa hesitated, thinking slowly about her next words. “It scared me, I thought he was going to hurt me.” She looked up at Feather, “Do you know what happened?”

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1643


                                  Ahh I love Asher!! <3

                                  Thank you 😊❤️!! (And yeah he’s adorable 🥰😆)

                                  And Dylan XD XD. Poor guy assumes that Nyx already hates him because he’s a bad person *cries and hugs him*

                                  Ahh I know right?! He’s so funny and sarcastic 😂.

                                  And ahhh yes!! 😭 my poor baby. He likes to cover up his insecurities with sarcasm.
                                  And poor Zyrin!! He has no idea what Dylan’s thinking 😂😅😭.


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