Character Castle!

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  • #135537
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      Now y’all probably wanna know what happened XD


        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 802


        I know right?

        And yes we wanna know what happened to Pax!!! Poor baby boy!! I-I

        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
        And guess what? His is eternal (:

        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1057

          @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

          Lo and behold, I hath ariveth! From whence I came I canna tell an to where I go tha na cratur canna…

          Ok, I don’t know how the Florid Sword turned into Donal Grant, but the point is that I am here for the moment, and I offer my apologies for my absence.



          “Ah…was nothing. I’m glad I was able to help,” He smiled at them, his face bright with sincerity, and not a little embarrassment.

          Yes, he was glad. He was grateful his fight-or-die training could help, and that was all.

          Besides, like he told Alis, what was the use of going through the valley if you didn’t use the experience to help someone else? Helping made you someone. It freed you and gave you a choice when all others were taken away. It made everything worthwhile.

          And what else was left to him on the earth? Nothing.

          Slowly, their little camp settled down to rest. The tender voices of children’s murmurs gathered into Yosí’s heart. His eyes shone softly in the flickering light like lamps filled will rich oil. He leaned his dark head against the wall and gave Paxton another smile.

          “I think-”

          A slight sound interrupted him, and he turned to find November struggling to sit up. Grim and Yosí were beside him in an instant.

          “Not so quick as that. Slowly.” Yosí steadied the young man. “That’s it, just be still for a moment. Get your head’s opinion on what you’re doing first.”

          November looked at them both in confusion.

          “W-what…? Where am…? Who are…?” A knotted string of questions slid off November’s tongue, but fell to a frazzled end when Paxton laid a hand on his knee.


          A faint smile lighted November’s face, clearing away the befuddlement.

          “Yes.” Yosí heard Leon say quietly in answer to what must have been a question from Riker, “November is awake. He seems fine. You should really rest now. Really.”

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @elishavet-pidyon ur good!!! Imma RP (and u can RP again if ur still on 😊)


            Grimm gently held November’s shoulders, letting the ginger lean against him. November glanced at him, brows furrowing. His eyes then looked over at Riker, face paling.

            “Riker…I…” He shifted. Winced.

            “Easy, just stay here for now, alright? Take it easy…” Grimm said. November looked down, slowly nodded. He looked over the Yosí, tilted his head.


            “Good to meet you, November is it? I am Yosí,” the boy smiled.

            “Yosí helped us. He mended your wound.”

            “Wound…?” November asked, moving a bit. He winced again, slightly. “Oh…yea…I…”

            “Ember…” Paxton whispered, eyes glassy. The ginger looked over at him, eyes wide.

            “Oh…Pax, hey…it’s alright. I’m fine, really.” He smiled weakly.

            Paxton sniffed, wiping a few tears with his sleeve. He looked a bit…lost. As if he wanted to approach, but wasn’t sure how.

            November slowly opened his arms, and Paxton, even slower, and gently, laid into them, crying into his chest.

            “Hey…it’s alright…” November whispered. “No one’s gonna hurt you…”

            Paxton curled up in the Ginger’s lap, squeezing his eyes shut.

            “Y-You…I…W-Wasn’t w-worried…about m-me…”

            November looked down at him. Squeezed him tighter.

            Grimm’s eyes softened. He patted November’s shoulder.

            “Ah…I’m going to go check on Leon and Riker.” November looked up at him. “Stay here. Rest.”

            “Are you-“

            “Yes. I’m sure,” Grimm smiled, standing. “Yosí, watch him for me, hm?”


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3428


              Have you RPed next for Will/the brothers, or did I miss it?

              (I think my last RP is on pg. 348)

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. You’re fine, Elishavet!!! Life gets busy! 😊💗

                . Ahh, I have not!!! 😭😮😔 So sorry about that!!! Will/Ev were going to find a frozen dragon or something…right??? 😅

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12.


                  “…At least he’s awake…”

                  Leon smiled faintly. Nodded. “He sure is. See? Everyone’s fine. You’re fine, November’s fine, I’m fine…everyone’s fine.”

                  Riker slowly nodded, staring up at the ceiling above him, mind drifting off yet again.

                  “Riker…you need to stop.”

                  Riker faced him, raising an eyebrow. “Huh?”

                  “Stop carrying everything on your shoulders on your own…don’t you think everyone else wants to help? Don’t you think God wants to help?”


                  “No. I need you to listen to me. You need to stop carrying this on your shoulders alone, alright? I know that what you, Iris, and your family has gone through recently isn’t easy…” Leon let out a deep breath, “and especially for you and Iris, I know it wasn’t easy to lose the baby, but Riker…you can’t keep carrying all of this on your own, including the guilt from the past.”

                  Footsteps sounded and Leon turned and faced Grimm with a smile. “Oh, hey, Grimm.”

                  “Hey…are you two alright?”

                  “We’re fine.” Riker whispered, lied, looking up at Grimm with a forced smile. “How about November…? Is he okay…?”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 NOOOOO they lost a baby?! 😭 😭


                    Also currently I’m at my church and will be teaching in youth, but afterwards I should be able to RP 😊 u may not be on but if u are yea.


                    if not I’ll see (or type with ya XD) tomorrow!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. Yeah…😭😭😭 It’s been a recent small change to the storyline…😅😭❤️

                      Oh, have fun!!! I might be on…we’ll see. 😅 But yeah, if I’m not on, see you tomorrow!!! 💗💗💗

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4732

                        @loopylin @theloonyone Sorry this is late, but here you go.


                        Crosshair and Elissa were back. Good. Feather was about to run over to her husband and hug him, but she knew he’d hate her doing it in front of everyone else.

                        “What did you find?” Beth asked. “Does anyone here even have medical experience?”

                        Feather perked up a bit. “Some,” she said. “I’m not a qualified medic by any means. But I have learned a bit, which I’ll use if I need to.”

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon


                          He hadn’t meant too…but walking up to Leon and Riker… he’d heard the mention of the lost child…

                          Grimm kneeled on one knee. Riker looked up at him, forcing a smile.

                          “Oh, hey, Grimm.”

                          “Hey…are you two alright?”

                          “We’re fine.”

                          He obviously wasn’t.

                          “How about November…? Is he okay…?”

                          “Worried about you,” Grimm replied. Riker looked down. Grimm exchanged a look with Leon, then moved a bit closer to Riker.

                          “Ah…I…couldn’t help but overhear. I apologize. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

                          Riker’s face flushed, but he swallowed, nodding a bit. He smiled softly. “Its…it’s alright Grimm. I know you wouldn’t do that.”

                          Grimm looked at Riker. Studying his face.

                          There was something in his eyes…

                          Something he was holding…

                          Grimm laid a hand on his shoulder.

                          But was it his place to try and help? Or would he only make things help?

                          Ah…Jocelyn…Ara…Luna….they were so much better at these things.

                          “I…” Grimm started, but stopped.

                          Leon nodded. “Go on Grimm,” he whispered, giving a brave smile. They met eyes and Grimm sucked in a breath.

                          “I…can’t say I know what that’s like…at all. I’ve lost people…many people….and…I’ve…” his eyes stared away. “I’ve killed some as well. People I knew.”

                          Riker looked at Grimm.

                          Was he shocked? Ashamed to be near him?

                          Grimm…hadn’t had a choice. He’d done it to protect others…



                          He’d been angry too…bitter…

                          Losing Miri…had felt like…the end.

                          He met Grimm’s eyes. “So I can’t say I understand what you are going through specifically…but…I do know grief…and….guilt.”

                          Riker look like he’d been hit in the gut. Grimm knew he’d hit the nail on the head.

                          “Do you…feel responsible…? For the death? Like…it was your fault?”




                          (I have a feeling Riker would feel like it was punishment or something 😭)




                          “Your color?” Lyn watched as it turned into a beautiful shade of yellow, one of her favorite colors. She smiled. “Beautiful! I love that, and your name! Or, Ah, color,” she laughed.

                           “Seems weird to me.”

                          “It’s his race, Nyx!” She said, shaking her head. The two looked at her strangely. She laughed.

                          “Ah you can hear him, but this is Nyx. He can speak…but only to those he allows to hear him. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll let you hear him eventually.”

                          Or not,” Nyx huffed, glaring at both men, but especially the glowing one.

                          He didn’t like how close the guy seemed to be trying to get to Jocelyn….

                          Or how he was blushing when she looked at him.

                          Nyx raised his head, nose in the air as he sat on Lyn’s shoulder.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3428


                            Ahh, I have not!!! 😭😮😔 So sorry about that!!! Will/Ev were going to find a frozen dragon or something…right??? 😅

                            Naw, you’re good. 😊

                            Sure! Lol XD Whatever you want do. 😁

                            @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @princesachronicle22 @thearcaneaxiom @elishavet-pidyon @anyone-else-I-missed

                            Is there any group for Destry, Fynn, and Skyler to join? If not, that’s totally fine. I was just wondering cuz I wanna RP as them. 😂 Don’t feel obligated to make another group or anything. 😊

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @esther-c yea Luna is with them too 😂 soooo XD


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @esther-c. @godlyfantasy12. I could add even more charries for them to join if y’all wanted…🤣

                                There’s a couple I may need some practice writing. 😜💗

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @esther-c. Here it is!!!

                                  So sorry for this being so late!!! 😭😬🤦🏻‍♀️


                                  They began walking down the hall, Adam leading the way, Brayson and Wyatt right behind him.

                                  Ami fell into step beside Lucas and Gideon.

                                  Gideon looked up at her with a small twelve-year-old smile. “We’ll find them, Amidala. God will help us find them.”



                                  Ev gasped, and Will stopped. He groaned. “What now…?”

                                  He turned around and stopped in his tracks.

                                  A big, long dragon slept on the floor…form covered in red, scarred scales. A gentle trail of smoke trailed from it’s nose slits as it slept soundly, his large wings wrapped around it like a cocoon.

                                  Dragons were from storybooks. They were myths. Fairytales.

                                  But this one was right in front of Will’s eyes. “Ev!” He hissed.

                                  “I see it. Why else do you think I gasped!?” Ev shot back in a whisper.

                                  Will shrugged. He didn’t have to have an attitude.

                                  Will lit the final torch and turned to Ev and the dragon again. “I guess we’d better let it sleep…huh? Unless…”

                                  He looked up at the ceiling. There was a way out, but it was way up above.

                                  If they could use the dragon…

                                  “Don’t even think about it.” Ev snarled, voice still as quiet as possible.

                                  Will turned to him again with a tilted head and smirk. “You think you know me so well…?”

                                  “We’re not using the dragon.”

                                  “Why not? We may be able to get out of this place quickly.”

                                  “And get burnt to a crisp in the process!”

                                  Will grinned, stepping a bit closer to the dragon. “…A small price to pay. Besides, it’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

                                  (sooo…uhm…yeah…😅 Will is being so stupid right now, lol…😬)

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