Character Castle!

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    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1309

      @godlyfantasy12 @emilysf @koshka

      Yes, I do. Unfortunately, the extreme busyness that has kept me mostly off here for the past week continues. This why I am once more quite belated, despite having started (and nearly finished) a response multiple times.

      However, here it one is! May it fill the needs it needs to.


      Dorwainian gaurds may be violent, but they feared authority too much to make beating down the doors of their Captain’s castle a pastime. Only if they believed there was a reason…

      Viktor was right: it was past time to go. Alyona reached for the door handle.

      “Wait, what’s this about a dog?” November called out breathlessly.

      “We’ll explain later,” Alyona cringed inwardly. There was no time for this. “I think we should get going.”

      She heard him draw a weary breath quicken pace. He was tired, they were all tired, but if they stopped, they’d feel much worse than that.

      Thankfully the two VoyageFolk appeared to understand the predicament and followed without urging. Viktor took the lead again, guiding them all through the winding corridors.

      “Why are we even being chased?” November had gathered the strength for another question. A hard question. Alyona bit her lip.

      And was saved from the necessity of answering by Zlatan’s doing it for her.

      “Perhaps because ve are trespassers. Sometimes that is all the motivation one needs.”

      It was a good answer, both satisfying and only partial.

      Was there more to this sudden hunt? Viktor had furrowed his brow the way he did when he was worried. Did this have anything to do with him?

      Of course it did. It always did nowadays.

      “Or…” Ara’a voice was oppressed. “it’s because whoever this…person is…is after Lyn and Nyx…”

      Alyona glanced back to see that Arabella was frightened pale. Who did she speak of?

      “Yeaaa. We definitely didn’t meet on great terms.” Jocelyn said lightly.

      Without warning Viktor froze. All forward movement was arrested, and before she could blink, November had blundered into Zlatan and the whole group was at a standstill.

      Just as quickly, everything fell into place. Alyona’s lips cupped into a silent ‘no!”.

      Her brother turned on his heel, gaze burning into Lyn and the others. “You…met him?”


      The lass couldn’t understand the danger they were in.

      “Yup! Not a nice guy either. Very rude.”

      Viktor could have pounded himself at that moment. Why hadn’t he seen this coming?

      Nyx sprang to Jocelyn’s shoulder, hissing as I’d he had caught a glimpse of their trouble too.

      ”Yes, love, I know,” Lyn said to the fox. A faint hope rose in Viktor that she actually did understand but was just hiding it. Although, if she was hiding it, she did it well. “I believe his name was…ehh…what was it dear?”

      Not Ocran. Of all names not…

      “Yes! Ocran.”

      A tremor of discuss passed through Viktor at the name. Alyona whimpered. He gritted his teeth.

      “Needless to say…I doubt he’s very happy with Nyx and I…” Jocelyn looked down, suddenly losing her bounce. “But in our defense, he was the one who attacked. And Nyx was only defending me!”

      ”Nyx!” Ara and November turned on the fox in shock. Viktor didn’t see why, but neither did he care.

      He sighed and ran his fingers through his dark hair. Too dark to be Yartassite, it only reminded him of their whole trouble. This was bad. This was all bad.

      “Do you know this…Ocran?”

      He looked up to see Vulkasin watching him.

      What could he say? Everyone was waiting for an answer.

      Alyona touched his arm. She was there, ready to give him support wherever he needed. He gave a tight smile.

      “Oh, not personally. I’ve never met him.” His mouth was too dry, his hands too damp. “But every…one here knows him by character.”

      Their curiosity only deepened.

      “What is he like? Is he cruel?(mean, hateful, bad: whatever November would say here)” November asked.

      “Among the Dorwinian lord’s, Ocran, ” it was hard not to spit the name like the vile thing it was. “Is the worst.”

      Might as well state it as it is; they needed to know.

      “He’s called the Vulture.” Alyona said quietly.

      Vulkasin scrunched his nose. “Why?”

      That was simpler, the poets often declaimed on it, but it wasn’t any easier to tell.

      “Because…” Viktor’s voice cracked, “He lives on the death of his betters. On Eirtan itself. His own country.”

      In the ensuing silence, he suddenly felt woefully lost.

      Eirtan may be Ocran’s home, but where was Viktor’s?

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6701

        @elishavet-pidyon the busy-ness is understandable! Awesome RP!

        do u wanna go next?


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6701

          @idk-who-to-tag-now-cuz-she’s-all-alone 🤣 imma tag ma friends cuz it might relate to my charries later or somethin lol

          @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


          The girl…


          She was gone now. But Corvina could still hear her howls, desperately wailing through the corridors. They grew fainter and fainter, but they never went too far.

          She gripped the sides of her head.

          It hadn’t been the girl’s fault…

          Not really.

          Well. Okay, it had been, but she hadn’t known.

          She had no idea of Corvina’s bloodthirsty demons and the way they latched on to her. And now, Corvina was alone.

          Then again…

          Wasn’t she always?
          Perhaps this was for the best.

          The girl would’ve slowed her down. She had slowed her down.

          Corvina laid her head against the wall, sucking in deep breaths. She had to get out of here.

          Had to move.

          It would be better this way.

          It always was.

          No one could hurt you when you were alone.

          No one could leave you when you were alone.

          And most importantly-

          “No.” She glared into the darkness.

          -You can’t hurt anyone else, when you’re alone.

          Corvina clenched her fists until her nails bit into her skin. She shook her head, refusing to acknowledge the voice, her voice, and stood up.

          She had a job to do, and by golly, she was going to do it.

          She needed to find Arabella, and all of her friends, and fulfill what she was placed on this world for. She had to make sure Destinatus never came to pass.

          And once she had…

          Then what?

          Then you can die. In peace.

          This time, the voice’s suggestion wasn’t all that terrible. In fact, it seemed to be the only answer.

          After all, what would be left for her, after destiny was fulfilled?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2002

            @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

            I’m sorry y’all. I’ll try to get something more submitted tonight, but if I can it will be way late so don’t wait for me. In fact I don’t know if I’ll have much free time for a bit; this week is already cramped.



            Just at the name Viktor’s face blanched, jaw clenched. His hand trembled when he raked it through his hair. Vulkasin’s eyes latched onto the lad’s hand, it’s mottled tones faintly highlighting old scars. Irregular patches continued up his arm, disappearing under a long mantle.

            Vulkasin found he liked this lad.

            “Do you know zees…” What was his name? Ah, right. “Ocran?”

            His eyes grew wider. “Oh, not personally. I’ve never met him, but every…one here knows him by character.”

            The group continued to stare at him. Novembré asked what he was like.

            “Among the Dorwinian lords, Ocran,” the lad grimaced as if he tasted something vile, “is the worst.”

            His sister’s voice was low, “He’s called the Vulture.”

            Vulture? Vulkasin had certainly heard of quite descriptive names in his life, and this was one of the best. It was disgusting. “V’hy?”

            “Because…” Were those tears in Viktor’s eyes? “He lives on the death of his betters. On Eirtan itself. His own country.”

            Vulkasin glared into the darkness behind him. The castle lord had become his enemy too.


            On Eirtan itself. His own country. These were nearly the same words, spoken in the same half-broken voice, the same awful look in this lad’s eyes.


            Only Ocran was a lord in a castle, not a Lasarin interpreter in a inquisition chamber. And Viktor was a freeman, not a war prisoner.


            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
            Fork the Gork

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6701

              @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


              Her blood ran cold. This…Vulture, had brought a feeling of dread and terror to the group. Vulkasin and Zlatan looked…angry and even lost. As if reminded of something long past.

              Or perhaps not even that long ago…

              Either way, she didn’t like the way their fists were clenched and their jaws set at this Ocran’s description.

              Alyona trembled, but tried to look strong. She held her hands at her side, steady, trying to hold a straight face, but Ara knew she was frightened. Knew, because she’d been in that place before.

              Still was most of the time.

              And Viktor…

              Looked defeated.

              And spiteful at the same time….

              Ara glanced at her own friends, who’d gone silent. November’s face was pale, lit by the torchlight. At the sight of Ara he straightened and sucked in a breath. He offered a small smile, which made Ara feel better.

              Jocelyn was holding Nyx close, gently stroking him. Both were as docile as they’d been in a while and Lyn’s eyes were dark, as if…haunted.

              “Lyn?” Ara whispered, almost inaudible. The girl didn’t answer, but continued to stroke Nyx’s fur. The fox looked at Ara, concerned.

              Ara turned back to Viktor and stepped forward, breaking the standstill. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

              ”I…I’m so sorry, Viktor. Alyona,” She nodded to the girl, who looked away with tears sparkling in her eyes. “I don’t know what it’s like to…to lose your home…I-I almost did. But…” She glanced back at November and smiled. He returned it.

              “I can’t imagine. And I don’t know what you and your sister have gone through,” Ara took back her hand and turned to the brothers,

              “Or what you and Vulkasin have gone through, Zlatan,” She looked up into the taller brother’s eyes and then the dark-haired warrior’s. “But I do know you’ve all been very kind to my friends and I, and we’ll help you in any way we can.” Ara smiled at Viktor.

              He looked a bit lost for words, but quickly regained himself.

              ”I can’t ask you to-“

              “Just take it,” Lyn finally spoke up, coming out of whatever trance she’d been in. Her smile had returned, and her blonde hair had its same bouncy volume. “Trust me when I say she and November can be real helpful. Plus, you’re not going to get rid of us that easily!” She winked. Nyx hopped on her shoulder.

              November stepped out from the group and rubbed the back of his head. “Lyn’s got a point. And once Ara has her mind on something…well…there’s no stopping her.” November grinned and turned a bit red around the ears.



              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 5815

                @e-m-trepke @power @hallie-jean


                “A glass-spitter? Can you tell me more about it?” Feather admired the lizard.

                Rinzler was more worried about the fact that it was alive. “In our world, there’s something called ‘impossible ice’ which doesn’t act like normal ice….could they be encased in that? And that’s what’s keeping the creatures still?”

                The Dark Player had found a door, but it was stuck shut. “All right,” he said as he turned to Rinzler, “can your fancy discs slice our way out of here?”

                Rinzler opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly he heard a growl.

                He turned around to see the Icehunter prowling toward them, its icy blue eyes clear. It was definitely awake.



                “Stay behind me!” Feather shouted to the others. “I can talk to it. I could buy you time.”

                “Be careful,” said Rinzler, before turning to try and slice through the door.

                “Hey,” said Feather to the creature. “I’m not trying to hurt you.”

                “I know what you are,” the Icehunter hissed, although to everyone else it would sound like growling. “World Controller.”

                “Rinzler, how much longer?” Feather asked.

                “Got it–now!” Rinzler sawed through the ice and opened the door. The others ran through. Feather backed away from the Icehunter slowly, then jumped for the door when she saw it about to leap.

                Rinzler slammed the door shut as soon as all of them were through, and the sound of the Icehunter whacking into the wood could clearly be heard.

                The warmth of this room was a welcome change, but they were now trapped. The Icehunter made furious noises from the other side of the wall.

                “Now what?” Rinzler asked.

                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1309

                  @godlyfantasy12 @emilysf @koshka


                  Silence descended upon them, letting only thought move. Viktor fingered his sling and waited for the sound of heavy footsteps.

                  Rough leather between his fingers, smooth stones at his belt. He glanced at Alya. She clutched her torch and gave him something like a smile.

                  What would happen now?


                  Arabella turned back from whatever consultation her group had been in and laid a kind hand on Viktor’s shoulder. He stiffened, but Ara didn’t notice.

                  ”I…I’m so sorry, Viktor. Alyona,” Arabella’s sympathy sank deep into Alyona’s heart like a sweet balm that soothed her mind as it stifled her throat. Tears threatened to spill but she instinctively blinked them back.

                  “I don’t know what it’s like to…to lose your home…I-I almost did. But…”

                  But? There was much left untold in Arabella’s tale, much half said. Alyona held her tongue, however, because she didn’t care to explain all of her story either. Definitely not at this moment. And why did Arabella think they had lost their home? Was it that obvious?


                  “I can’t imagine. And I don’t know what you and your sister have gone through,” Ara stepped back, her attention turning to the two VoyageFolk.

                  “Or what you and Vulkasin have gone through, Zlatan, but I do know you’ve all been very kind to my friends and I, and we’ll help you in any way we can.” she smiled back at Viktor and Alyona.


                  and we will help you in any way we can.” Her words rang in his mind like the song of a bird at midnight. They needed help, needed it more than they needed food.

                  But they couldn’t accept it, not from five innocent bystanders.

                  He drew a breath. ”I can’t ask you to-“

                  “Just take it,” Jocelyn interruped, once more her lively self. “Trust me when I say she and November can be real helpful. Plus, you’re not going to get rid of us that easily!” Nyx bounded up onto her shoulder as if in agreement with what she said. Viktor bit his tongue.

                  “Lyn’s got a point.” November stepped forward, one hand rubbing the back of his head where he had given his hair a nasty jerk a few minutes ago. “And once Ara has her mind on something…well…there’s no stopping her.” he grinned, although Viktor thought the boy’s ears looked a bit red.

                  Viktor shook his head. Why did his eyes have to tear up now? “I see…but you don’t understand. You shouldn’t…” He looked to Alyona for some assistance.

                  “We should be getting to the gardens.” She tipped her head. “Besides, maybe we all need each other’s help.”


                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6701

                    @koshka you wanna go next?


                    Jean Coul
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 167

                      @keilah-h @power @e-m-trepke

                      Apologies for the late response! My cousins were visiting all week! 🙂 I’m going to assume it’s alright if I take a turn since no one else has yet!



                      An ice crystal slid down his sleeve and fell to the dirty tile beneath his feet. The room their group had evacuated into was significantly warmer than the hallway of ice.

                      However, this room was smaller, and had no doors except the one they had entered, and Everett could still hear the ice monster prowling behind it.

                      The only light source was a single bulb hanging from the high ceiling, a thin rope hanging from it.

                      He saw several holes scattered among the walls and his stomach dropped. Another shiver passed through him, but it had nothing to do with the cold.

                      There was a drain a few feet away from where he stood. Everett tried not to look at it.

                      “Now what?” Rinzler asked.

                      “It’s…some kind of torture chamber…” Everett whispered to no one in particular. Out of all places, why did he have to end up here? The room resembled the place they took Daren… He never wanted to relive that nightmare again.

                      His mother had been taken there too…but he had been unsuccessful in reaching her in time.

                      Everett paced closer to one hole. “It probably pours out water or a poisonous gas…” he said, hopefully. If it was anything like the torture camps in his world, it would be a lot worse. They needed to get out of there–fast.

                      There was a vent on the ceiling near the light bulb, but the rope was too thin for them to climb. “Let’s look for a way outta ‘ere,” he instructed his comrades.

                      Proverbs 16:2

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6701

                        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                        I GOT LEFT….*sobs* XD


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2002

                          *A catlike figure, draped in a dark cloak, slips noiselessly into the Kingdom Pen Hall. It slides up to a table and drops a parchment next to a miniature castle. Many apologies, it whispers, then vanishes into the shadows.*

                          @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon



                          The air in this corridor felt heavy, Vulkasin almost had to focus on moving it in and out on his lungs. Or maybe he was just trying to keep himself still. Keep from tearing off in a mad search for this Vulture. What a name.

                          “I…” Ara’s voice instantly thinned the air. “I’m so sorry, Victor, Alyona.”

                          Vulkasin found his hands clenched into fists. It felt good to stretch them back out.

                          Her voice continued. “I don’t know what it’s like to…to lose your home…I-I almost did. But…I can’t imagine. And I don’t know what you and your sister have gone through,”

                          She paused, “Or what you and Vulkasin have gone through, Zlatan,” He suddenly realized she was looking at him, right before she turned back to his brother. Zlatan’s shoulders were perfectly straight, as always, but his face slowly softened. In another moment, and just for a moment, Vulkasin saw the seventeen year old boy in an officer’s uniform nearly too large for him. His brother, with eyes like stained glass windows, fiery gold lacing shattered glass.

                          Then it vanished.

                          “Plus, you’re not going to get rid of us that easily!”

                          Vulkasin blinked. I should have paid better attention. Ah well, when did that ever help anyway?

                          “Lyn’s got a point. And once Ara has her mind on something…well…there’s no stopping her.”

                          Would have been useful now. Ah well. He couldn’t help it anyway. At least nothing important seemed to have happened, no fights or sarcasm missed.

                          A sudden pain in his ribs brought him back to the present. Zlatan was staring at him.

                          “Vhat vas zat for?!”

                          “Ve are moving on.” His twin’s eyes glinted with silent laughter. “Could have left you, you looked comfortable enough.”

                          Vulkasin grinned and followed him down the corridor, still rubbing his side.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                          Fork the Gork

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6701

                            @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                            At the mention of gardens, Ara’s mind alighted. She found herself wandering through flashes of color and memories years past.


                            Her eyes glazed over and she smiled faintly, remembering the beauty that had been A’Grend’s garden.

                            Her Eden.

                            The birds whistling, the sunlight beaming. Flora and fauna of various colors and that small stream she and her mother used to go wading in.

                            Ah…and the tree. That grandiose tree! The one she used to climb as a girl!

                            Her memories shifted to her, in the treetops, staring out at her kingdom.

                            Below was November; small, for they were both very little at the time, waving at her.

                            And then-

                            No. Wait.

                            He was crying….

                            Her memories shifted once more, into a volley of vivid nightmares she’d forced into her subconscious.

                            Something brushed her skin and her memories crumbled, like a child’s wooden tower.

                            She gasped and turned; November was holding her hand in his, gently giving it a squeeze.

                            “Ara?” He whispered. She looked around to find everyone looking at her, concerned. Jocelyn was standing behind her, arms reached out, as of ready to grab her should she fall.

                            Ara felt her face grow hot and blanched, her eyes glassy. She allowed her hair to fall over one eye, refusing to look at anyone but November.

                            “You okay?” He asked.

                            She gave slight shake of her head, refusing to answer anything else. Her throat felt dry and she squeezed his hand, feeling embarrassed and…


                            It’s how she always felt when that memory rose it’s ugly head.

                            After a few minutes, someone cleared their throat and the group talked. Ara felt herself start to move, gently nudged along by November, but she hadn’t caught any of the conversation.

                            She was too lost in her own mind. In her own memories. The horrible memories she was trying to once again push back.

                            “You sure you’re okay?” November frowned.

                            She glanced up at him, offering a faint smile. “I…We’ll talk about it later…okay?” He nodded, but his eyes were still laced with concern as the group continued on.



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6701

                              @elishavet-pidyon @koshka either of u can go next


                              I’d like to go to the gardens if ya want??


                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 5815

                                @hallie-jean @power @e-m-trepke

                                Sorry for such a late response–I was sick this past week or so, and couldn’t really answer. I’m fine now, though.

                                Feather and Rinzler

                                “Let’s look for a way outta here,” Dark suggested.

                                Feather noticed he was especially wary about the room. The holes in the walls did remind her of a trap room which poured water through to drown its victims. Perhaps he had been in one at some point in his life.

                                “How?” Rinzler asked. “That Icehunter is still prowling around behind the door, in case no one noticed. And yes, Feather can talk to it, but that doesn’t mean it listens.”

                                “There’s a vent.” Feather pointed to the ceiling. She turned to the other characters. “Are any of you strong enough for me to stand on your shoulders? I think I can reach it if I do that.”

                                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                Jean Coul
                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 167

                                  @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @power

                                  That’s kinda funny–not really, being sick is not fun–but I was also sick last week. Glad to hear you are better! Also, I just thought it was amusing that you guys call Everett, “Dark,” to shorten his alias sometimes because he hates when people give him nicknames. 🙂



                                  He side-glanced his companions. Should he volunteer himself? He had no doubt he could lift Feather–if she was anything like her name, it would be a piece of cornbread–but how much did he want to reveal about his unusual strength?

                                  Feather didn’t appear to be heavy, but her armor could add some extra weight. If Everett pretended to struggle a bit, it should look natural. And he was shorter than the majority of the group, yet Feather seemed tall enough to reach the vent.

                                  With no reason to decline, he adjusted his eye patch and stepped forward. “I can give you a lift, darling.”

                                  No sooner had he spoken, a sound like a rusted crank echoed through the small room.

                                  Everett instinctively whirled to face the holes in the walls. Sure enough, water was started to pour in. He had to hide his relief. It’s only water, he thought. But water still had the ability to be destructive.

                                  “Let’s make this quick,” he said, bending down directly under the vent.

                                  Proverbs 16:2

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