Character Castle!

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  • #134779
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 802


      yeah, I think the group is still going, not sure who did and RP for it last though

      Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
      And guess what? His is eternal (:

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @thearcaneaxiom. @princesachronicle22.

        Y’all’s charries are so interesting…I love reading y’all’s RPs! ❤️


        “Uh… hello?”

        Bucky tried to ease his rapidly beating heart…his pounding head. They had seen him…they had called out to him.

        But he wasn’t that Bucky anymore. Far from it.

        He clutched his gun tighter, arguing with himself, saying it was dangerous to go. But he was so tired of being alone. Maybe…just maybe they could help him find Steve. But it was dangerous to trust. He knew it was. When you trusted someone too easily…you could be hurt by them too easily.

        Bucky took in and let out a deep breath, finally making his decision. But it didn’t stop his heart from threatening to beat right out of his chest.

        He began walking down the hall towards the two figures, one of whom was crouched over the other, who sat on the floor. They were two women, and…heh…the old him would have been a flirt.

        Their gazes drifted from his face; to his clothes, and finally to the weapon in his hands.

        Bucky didn’t speak, his throat closing shut. He closed his eyes. Pull yourself together, Bucky, pull yourself together, he told, chided, himself, slowly reopening his eyes.

        He blinked, staring at the two women. He forced his lips to open. “H-h-hello…I-I won’t hurt you…I p-promise…”

        He winced at his own nervous stutter.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3423


          @lightoverdarkness6 hey I think Ara and Asher should join one of the other groups, maybe the one with Steve, Adolphus and them? Only if @freedomwriter76and @loopylin doesn’t mind.


          Also…is The group Luna is in still going? Ik Gwyndalf’s charries are gone so I think that just left…

          The group with Luna kinda just vanished. XD If you and @lightoverdarkness6 want to join another group, they can be with Destry, Fynn, and Skyler. Or not. I’m fine either way. 🙂


          I am SOOOOO sorry for this being so late!!! 😭🤦🏻‍♀️

          It’s all good!! 😊

          Any ideas for what the brothrs/Ami can do…??? ’cause I’m sure we’ll have plenty for Ev and Will to do. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

          Erm… idk. XD

          Oh yes, we definitely will. 🤣

          I’ll try to write the next RP later today. I’m not sure if I’ll get to it though because I have some studying I have to do for school and I have to write as well. 🙂



          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 802


            Aww, Bucky!

            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
            And guess what? His is eternal (:

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @princesachronicle22. I know…the poor sweetheart. 😭❤️


              It’s all good!! 😊


              Erm… idk. XD

              Oh yes, we definitely will. 🤣

              I’ll try to write the next RP later today. I’m not sure if I’ll get to it though because I have some studying I have to do for school and I have to write as well. 🙂

              Yeah, lol, idk either…😅🤣

              For sure!!! 🤣🤣🤣

              That’s fine. Take all the time you need, girl!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1299


                Love Bucky! N’nesha’s likely gonna have a pretty comical inner duologue with herself after hearing his intro!

                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 @princesachronicle22 @thearcaneaxiom @lightoverdarkness6

                  SOOO it has been a HOT MINUTE since I’ve been Corvina…and Arcane hasn’t gotten to “meet” her yet sooo imma RP as her!!! Idk what she’s doing but I guess we’ll find out! XD



                  Corvina huffed, walking from hallway to hallway, allowing her shadows to throw the doors open for her.

                  She flung her cape away, agitation etched on her face.

                  She didn’t have time for this…She had things to do.

                  You’re being careless.”

                  Corvina ignored her, another door slamming open as an inky shadow draped across the stone floor.

                  Why the sudden impatience? Used to…you didn’t care a thing about Master’s plans. What’s changed?”

                  Another door. Another empty hall.

                  It’s the boy isn’t it?”

                  Corvina paused, heart pounding in her chest. A small smile lit her lips, but she quickly wiped it away.

                  You do know what will happen if he doesn’t choose to aid us…”

                  Corvina’s fists clenched. “He will help us. I’m sure of it.”

                  Corvina watched as She emerged from behind, silvery locks falling over one eye. “How are you so sure?” She crossed her arms.

                  “Because, I’ve watched him. He loves that girl too much to choose anything else.”

                  She smiled. “Ah yes…the girl. The princess. Two birds with one stone, hm? You get what you want, while taking everything she cares about. Devious little thing, aren’t you.”

                  Corvina felt a chill blow past her neck.

                  “It…it isn’t like that…I…I told him the truth.”

                  Did you? Or did you tell him what what you wanted him to hear?” She walked ahead, raising her hands in a shrug. “We both know how, all these years, Master’s fed us nothing but lies. And now…you’re just like Him.” She grinned.

                  Corvina’s heart thumped.

                  Her? Like…Eder?

                  “You truly think anything you’ve told the boy is true? That this…decision you think you’ve given him is any choice at all?”

                  Corvina swallowed the bile rising to her throat. “You’re…you’re wr-”

                  Right,” She hissed. “Not that it really matters. After all, like you said, once he makes his decision, he’ll be safe…”

                  Corvina looked away. Nodded slowly.

                  Unless…Of course…Master decides otherwise…” She smiled, cutting her eyes at Corvina.

                  Corvina’s heart pounded in her ears. She glared at the figure. “No. He won’t. He…he’ll see that November’s helped us.”

                  Not willingly. Really, what do you think is going to happen when the girl dies? You do know that’s what’s going to happen. That’s the endgame, Corvina. What do you think happens then? Baby brother just…forgets her?”

                  Corvina took a step back, running into the wall behind her. She leaned her head back, feeling the world spin out of control.

                  How…how had she not thought that far?

                  Of course…maybe…he could forget…”


                  Think about it. He forgot you for all these years, didn’t he? Now, how did Mommy dearest pull that off, hm? If we can figure that out then…”

                  Corvina jerked her eyes up. “You’re not serious! I’d never-”

                  Never what?” The figure came closer, eyes narrowing. “Lie? Cheat? Steal?” She came so close, her face nearly touched Corvina’s own.

                  Corvina’s could feel chills running down her spine.

                  Never kill?” The figure smiled. 

                  “Come on now…I thought you’d do anything for baby brother…”

                  Corvina nails dug into her skin, drawing blood. In an instant, the figure vanished from her mind’s eye, like a waft of smoke.

                  Corvina clutched the neck of her cape, eyes wide.

                  She couldn’t really be considering this…

                  Could she…?


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @thearcaneaxiom. Can’t wait to see it!!! 😄

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. She could run into Viola if you wanted…🤐

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 oof…


                        that could be a bad…or good idea considering what just happened…


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 also! I made an RP for puck. I’m about to make one for Aaron’s group, and maybe the kits


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. ikr…it would be very interesting…😅

                            I saw!!! Lemme get to that real quick. Probably gonna either RP as Steve again or do Bucky…or both, lol.

                            I feel so bad for Puck. 😭❤️

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 aww I’m glad u liked the RP…I was afraid it didn’t make much sense…. 😅😅


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3423


                                Here we go! 😀


                                Adam finished his prayer and Ami took a deep breath. She was still worried for Ev and Will, but after praying, she felt much more at peace.

                                Wyatt wiped a single tear from his eyes. “We’d better keep going….maybe we can find some food…or maybe an exit or something.”

                                Brayson nodded in agreement. “I think Wyatt’s right.”

                                Adam slowly nodded. Turned to Ami. “Do you want to come…or do you want to stay here? If you’re staying here then I’ll stay with you….”

                                Ami wistfully looked back at where the trap door had been. There was really no use in waiting for them. They would probably exit somewhere else anyway. She sighed and nodded. “I go with you guys.”


                                “Hey, Ev, I found a torch!” Will called out. In a few seconds, the torch was lit, illuminating the slight smirk on Will’s face… and the wound on his head… “I know you have a broken leg…want me to help you walk? Or would you rather me carry you?”

                                Ev rolled his eyes dramatically, making sure Will noticed. Of course he wouldn’t be carried… though it did sound kind of nice not to walk… “Just help me walk,” Ev said, pushing himself up off the ground. He avoided putting pressure on his hurt leg.

                                Will awkwardly positioned himself under Ev’s left side, holding the torch away from them. They were both standing straight now. Ev bit the inside of his cheek and closed his eyes tight, trying to ignore the pain shooting up his leg.

                                “You good?” Will asked.

                                Ev didn’t answer. “Let’s look around this place.”

                                With Will’s support, he limped forward, the torch lighting their way. “Where’d you find the torch?” Ev asked.

                                “Over here,” Will replied, leading him over to a cold stone wall. On the wall was a holder for the torch. Ev cocked his head.

                                “Move forward some more. There may be more torches,” Ev suggested. Will did so. The light from the one torch revealed more as they moved along. The torches lined the wall.

                                Ev pressed himself against the wall and lowered himself.

                                “Woah, woah, woah,” Will said, trying to lift him back up. “What are you doing?”

                                “Sitting down,” Ev replied with a hint of sarcasm. “Try lighting the torches along this wall. It’ll help us out.”

                                With a sigh, Will helped Ev gently sit down. Then he walked down the room, lighting the other torches.

                                As the light slowly filled the room, Ev’s eyes got wide. He gasped when he saw what was in the room with them.


                                I’m not sure what’s in the room with them. 😅 It could be a thing, or it could be a person. (Or a dragon…) Whatever you wanna do. 😀


                                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 @esther-c maybe a dragon frozen?! Or a “frozen” in gold (dunno what the word is XD)


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