Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 802


      Aw thanks <3 She and my charrie Mayvee are my little sweeties that are alway’s looking out for people

      Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
      And guess what? His is eternal (:

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @princesachronicle22. Yw! ❤️

        Awwwww, I always love the sweet charries. 🥰

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1299



          “This guy’s a fainter I guess. Think he passed out from pain this time?” the Man said, I still didn’t know his name. Kirrtes’s bluff seemed to be working on him unfortunately. Namal seemed far less trusting though. Perhaps she could catch me in a lie, then end things quickly.

          “Yeah, convenient that it was right as he was about to answer my question.” Namal said. Yes, she’s suspicious. Kirrtes took a big risk with this act, perhaps too big. Good. “Speaking of pain, how’s your side?” she asked the Man.

          “Hm? Oh yeah, that… Might have to use a bandage or two.” he responded. He doesn’t seem to stop his no making sense. He’s shrugging off what could easily end up a fatal wound.

          Namal kicked at the rubble underneath me. She was testing me. I tried to move, but Kirrtes wouldn’t let me. I continued to lie motionless, save for my breathing.

          Namal stood, lowering her gun. Kirrtes won. Pleasure emanated from the blade. She then crouched beside me, eye level, allowing me to study her through carefully slit open eyelids. She looked away, seeming to study something else, what was she doing? Lies. Kirrtes seemed to whisper. She was still suspicious. If only I could move. Even a twich seemed to be something that would confirm to her that it was an act, though not even a twich was permitted.

          She stood back up. “I think you can put that monstrosity of modern technology down now. The man’s harmless!” the Man said. Well he’s not helping.

          “Said harmless man just sliced open your torso!” Namal bickered back. She lowered the strange weapon down regardless.

          …No. Please. Don’t give up… I thought. I tried to struggle, but Kirrtes held me down with little effort, controlling every muscle in my body, commanding them to appear relaxed as if actually asleep.

          “Exactly, we’ve already started our finely pointed relationship! And besides, I feel like that information is irrelevant as of like five whole minutes ago. The guy can’t harm us now. He’s out cold.” the man responded. He was the victim! Why is he defending me?

          “Either way, we still need to focus on getting out of here.” Namal said.

          “Fine, but can we at least bring him with us?” the man pleaded. “I may not like the fact that he somehow knows you, but we can’t just leave him here! Especially not with that arm.”

          “Ah, I can’t believe I’m even considering this.” she said. Okay, we can take him. “She’s really fallen for it. “but you have to figure out how he’s going to get up through that hole without climbing.”

          Uh oh…

          They took a little time after that. The Man telling Namal all about how I apparently ate rocks, as she bandaged his side.

          Eventually I heard the man’s footsteps march about, picking up what sounded like planks of wood and stone. A hesitant uncertainty rose from Kirrtes. Not even it wanted to see what this man had planned to get my body out of here.  Kirrtes unfortunately was still unwilling to let me move however.

          “Really?” Namal asked, increasing my concern.

          “Only the very best for our friend Mr. Pokey Pokey!” He said in a triumphant tone. What does ‘very best’ mean?

          I was suddenly rolled over. Kirrtes carefully allowing the movement, while making sure it got nestled close to me while looking natural. As natural as a one handed long sword held in a  broken left arm in a sling of a seemingly unconscious man unwilling to let it go could look that is. It ended up tucked underneath me again, hidden from any too close observation.

          Then I flew. I’m not sure what else to say. For a moment, I was in the air, my sling keeping Kirrtes tucked at my side nicely. Then I landed on a mattress. Kirrtes carefully allowed another peak, so I slit my eyes open, barely, seeing what appeared to be the upper floor I was from before. How did he do it? I’m not entirely sure if I really want to know actually. Kirrtes allowed this as a moment of awaking.

          “…What… what happened?” Kirrtes put into my mouth, keeping to the act, as I slowly rose, getting up with my right arm. Both the Man and Namal climbed up the side of the hole.

          “Your awake! Now Mr. Pokey Pokey, I have to introduce you to something called Anuni pie!” the man said.

          “Your the one that will be doing the talking” Namal said. “How do you know that name?” she demanded.

          Kirrtes had me squint at her with a look of confusion. “… A… name? Uh, yes of course, your name, right, your called…”. Kirrtes had me give Namal a long unsure look. “…Your… your Namal!”

          She looked angery. “How did you get that name?” she persisted.

          Kirrtes folded my face to look uncertain and innocent. “Don’t you remember? We… we…” I scratched my head as Kirrtes urged. “… I… I’m not sure…”. Namal looked at me with distrust, but also uncertainty.

          “You know, anuni always helps jog the memory!” The Man said.

          “Since when” Namal asked.

          “Since I made the incredible discovery! I once ate one whole, then suddenly remembered that you told me specifically not to eat any before the banquet!” He said. Namal rolled her eyes.

          “…What’s… Anuni?” I asked. I was actually curious, but I’ve lost almost lost all taste in food ever since Kirrtes had me start living off of bugs and plants.

          “You see! He doesn’t only eat rocks, he’s clearly been living under one!” the Man said with a face of amused shock. Namal still held a stare of uncertainty, darting between my face, and Kirrtes. She looked at the sword with high suspicion.

          Is it possible that she might just kill me? Kirrtes seems to only want to frustrate her with crumbs of confusion, but that would only work for so long. What does it want them to do, what is it trying to convince them I am, why? I only felt a dark pleasure radiate from the blade. What is it planning?

          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2334


            I’m not sure what the room looks like, but I’ll try anyway. Also, this is a bit of a time jump.


            Eddie had gotten into the habit of opening almost every door she passed in the castle. There was nothing much else to do, and, so far, it had only helped.

            Soon the two little boys picked up on what she was doing, and the three of them ran out in front of the adults, throwing open doors and peeking inside rooms. Eddie wasn’t sure if the boys were actually trying to help look for people, or if they were just copying her, but it didn’t matter. They were having fun and had forgotten about their grandparents showing up. At least for now.

            Eddie opened up another door and was surprised to find something other than a bedroom. The room was dimly lit and had a large, ornate mirror hanging on the back wall. The mirror seemed to be the main focus of the room, and it immediately caught Eddie’s attention. She walked towards it slowly. It glimmered as she approached, and then suddenly her reflection in it disappeared. Instead, it became a window into a different place: a balcony on the castle with leafy plants, a large fountain, and… Ellie.

            There she stood in her familiar blue hoodie, peering over the edge of the fountain, her tail flicking wildly. Beside her lay the corpse of a large serpentine beast, its head several feet from its body.

            What is going on?

            Eddie walked closer to the mirror and tried waving to her sister.

            “Ellie? Els! Can you see me? I’m right here!”

            She then heard Adolphus, Steffi, Jason, and the boys enter the room behind her.

            “Eddie, what are you doing?”

            “It’s my sister. She’s in the mirror.” Eddie responded over her shoulder. She realized how crazy she sounded as soon as the words left her mouth, but she didn’t bother elaborating. Instead, she continued to watch the scene in the mirror.

            The image zoomed in as if she were watching a movie, and suddenly she could see Ellie much clearer. Then, something burst from the water. Eddie and Ellie both jumped in surprise simultaneously. Dante climbed out of the fountain with some blue-skinned man Eddie had never seen before helping him. He landed on all fours on the solid ground and began coughing and spitting out water.

            What is Dante doing there? Eddie worried. Is that other guy his friend? Wait, no. Dante doesn’t have any friends.

            Ellie rushed over to him and began to say something. Eddie realized with disgust that she was worried about him.

            “What?! Don’t help him.” She said, forgetting that there were others in the room.

            Dante sat up and said something back to Ellie, though the mirror produced no sound. Then they both smiled at each other.

            Eddie let out a small gasp of betrayal. Then the mirror glimmered again and she found herself staring back at her own reflection.


            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @loopylin OOOH CONFLICT BETWEN THE SISTERS!!! AHHHH I LOVE THIS!!! And I totally ship Dante and Ellie btw…😅


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 802



                He rubbed his hands as he surveyed his handiwork. Dutifully ignoring Namal’s shocked and slightly horrified face. “Really?” She asked, evidently regretting her descision to let him have free rein on how to get their friend through the hole. Like her, he knew the man was probably faking it, and he wanted to see how far the guy would let the charade go. Might as well have some fun, and the man really didn’t seem the type to leave behind.

                Phervin put his hands on his hips and smiled. Looks pretty good if I do say so myself. And as far as homemade –or prisonmade in this case– catapults went he’d say this was by far the best looking. He’d partially disassembled the poorly made bed frames and tied a blanket between them, stacking the structure on chunks of rubble.

                Looking at it, Phervin decided to name it Meidre after his Aunt. The smile turned sad as he thought of her. She would alway’s be his catapult.

                He blew out a breath and lifted the spare mattress, heaving it out through the ceiling. Walking over to the man’s still prone body, he said, “Only the best for you Mr. Pokey Pokey!” Then he rolled him over before lifting him onto the taught blanket. Phervin grunted. “Does this guy eat rocks for a living?” Finally he dragged the newly unoccupied bed under the catapult as emergency padding.

                Phervin chuckled as Namal sent him a look that he read as, Your insane and not even the power of Day could make this work. Well she’d see, it was going to work. As he gestured for her to come help him pull the blanket back he heard her mutter something like, “At least he might break the other arm.” She smiled like the thought pleased her.

                Then the man sailed as they released their hold, landing perfectly on the mattress above. Phervin grinned at Nam’s gaping mouth. “How does that even…?” She shook her head, a smirk touching her lips. “I guess I should have learned by now, not even fundamental forces like gravity and physics listen to you.”

                Phervin held out a hand to help her up the rubble, and she climbed out with ease. He followed close behind in case she slipped. He knew she wouldn’t, but he’d be there anyway. Then as he made it out he noticed the man getting up slightly. “….What…What happend?” He asked.

                Phervin was surprised. If the man had been faking his unconciousness, then it was unlikley he would have revealed it now while he was still in a compromised position. Unless he was afraid of Meidre the catapult. Phervin smiled at his success.

                “Your awake!” He declared, “Now Mr. Pokey Pokey, I have to introduce you to something called Anuni pie!” Men of blades stuck together, and nothing started a strong bond like anuni pie, it was the whole purpose really. Something about the aristocrats being friends for once.

                “Your the one that will be doing the talking” Namal said to the guy. “How do you know that name?” she demanded.

                “… A… name? Uh, yes of course, your name, right, your called…”He started to look unsure. “…Your… your Namal!”

                Phervin covered an amused cough at Nam’s glower. “How did you get that name?” she persisted.

                The man gave her wide eyes. “Don’t you remember? We… we…” Phervin smiled in mirthful sympathy. Few men were brave enough to ask Namal out despite her striking beauty, and he was filled with both understanding and satisfactiom to watch this one backpedal. “… I… I’m not sure…” Namal appraised the man with her usual distrust, but Phervin caught a hint of uncertainty there too and he wondered how many theories she was going through.

                His best guess was this guy had been some poor servant fired by Viscountess Triscellas. Someone close enough to observe Nam but not enough to really get to know her, and embarassed to admit it now that he knows she doesn’t remember him. Either way, Phervin was curious to learn more about the stranger. “You know, anuni helps jog the memory!”

                “Since when?” Namal asked.

                “Since I made the incredible discovery! I once ate one whole, then suddenly remembered that you told me specifically not to eat any before the banquet!” He said. Namal rolled her eyes. Phervin remembered the day like it was yesterday, probably because it was. Or what he assumed was yesterday anyway.

                Then the man said something that could rival any tragic backstory. “…What’s… Anuni?”

                Phervin turned back to Namal and threw out a hand. “You see? He’s not only eating rocks but he’s clearly living under one!” But she didn’t answer, just staring back and forth between him and the man. She wore her usual calculating face and he let her be as he turned again to the man.

                Holding out a hand Phervin said, “Well, your about to find out.”

                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 802

                  @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6

                  SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!!!


                  He stared at the girl as she talked to her animal. She held him with long elegant hands, her hair spilling over her shoulder. Zyrin blinked, remembering the question she asked. “Ah… race? I mean my family is of the Ground…” Was she from the one of the Spires? Did they define people by races?

                  Or he guessed she was from another world, that had been transported here? She was Cirquian, she said. Zyrin shrugged and stood, holding out a hand to help her up. “Well, uh, maybe we could help you look for your friends?”

                  She smiled and accepted the hand, though her fuzzy companion didn’t look too happy about it. “Oh and my chest… it’s my color, Zyrin. So were I come from we introduce ourselves as our colors.” His glowing Essence turned a slightly shy yellow as he said this. He gestured a hand to the hall. “I think it would be best if we start… moving forward.” Zyrin said akwardly.

                  Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                  And guess what? His is eternal (:

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @loopylin. CONFLICT BETWEEN EDDIE AND ELLIE!?!?!? 😱😩😭 AHHHHH!!!!!


                    Whatever Eddie was looking through…it wasn’t a normal mirror. Adolphus gripped Henry’s hand in his own, Aiden in his other arm, holding his sons close. Steffi glanced around the room, face pale. “I-I don’t like this place…”

                    Adolphus turned, only to meet another mirror. There were mirrors everywhere.

                    Adolphus blinked…staring at the mirror…that didn’t show him. But there were people there. Some that he didn’t recognize…and…and…

                    Adolphus stepped away from the mirror, feeling a sudden pounding in his head. There were people…a large group of people…and three of them he recognized.

                    Three of his stepbrothers.




                    But like Adolphus…like Steffi…like everyone…older. They were here…they were. But Adolphus couldn’t run into them…he couldn’t.

                    Adolphus sucked in a deep breath of air, slowly daring to open his eyes. The mirror finally showed him, with a pale face, with his sons, and he let out the deep breath he’d been holding for moments.

                    Jason motioned for Eddie, trying to keep everyone close. “Hey, maybe we should get out of here…”

                    Heavy footsteps sounded.

                    Adolphus turned, holding his sons even closer, already having learned that it was better to be prepared for anything, and prepare for the worst, in this place.

                    A man came around the corner, entering the room, blocking their only escape, standing at about Adolphus’ height, a weird red, white, and blue shield in hand, blonde hair slicked back, blue eyes staring with a pointed look. “Who are all of you? Where am I…what is this room?”

                    Adolphus held Aiden closer, and Henry went to Steffi’s side, crawling into her lap. Steffi wrapped her arms around Henry. Adolphus kept one hand free, ready to defend his sons, Eddie, and his sister if he had to.

                    Jason stepped forward, fingers inching ever-so closer to his side pistol. “I was about to ask you the same. State your business.”

                    (i guess Steve would recognize Eddie, but tbh, he likely can’t see her behind Adolphus and the others…😅)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @princesachronicle22. @thearcaneaxiom. Do y’all want me to RP as Bucky again since they called out for him, or Arcane, do you wanna go? 🥰😉

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1299


                        Haha, lol, the timing is comical. I actually just started writing N’nesha’s. I’ll post in a bit so you can take it from there!

                        He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @lightoverdarkness6 hey I think Ara and Asher should join one of the other groups, maybe the one with Steve, Adolphus and them? Only if @freedomwriter76 and @loopylin doesn’t mind.


                          Also…is The group Luna is in still going? Ik Gwyndalf’s charries are gone so I think that just left…

                          and @princesachronicle22


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334



                            “Who are all of you? Where am I…what is this room?”

                            Eddie spun around to see who had spoke. The others blocked her view.

                            Stupid… tall people. She thought, standing on her tiptoes to look over Steffi’s shoulder.

                            “I was about to ask you the same. State your business.” Jason said, taking a step forward.

                            Jason stepping forward finally allowed Eddie to get a good view of the newcomer. She peeked around him, and instantly the scowl on her face deepened.

                            “Hey… it’s you. The guy who was with Dante. You tried to steal my ship!”


                            (I had lots of fun in this one making fun of Eddie for being so tiny)

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Loopy.

                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2334

                              @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6

                              Oh, yeah, they can join. I might need a description of Asher if they do.

                              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. @lightoverdarkness6. Fine with me since Loopy is good with it! ❤️

                                *GASPS* ARA WILL SEE ADOLPHUS AGAIN!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! 😭❤️😱

                                . Lol…Steve’s gonna have some explaining to do!!! 🤣🤣🤣


                                “Hey… it’s you. The guy who was with Dante. You tried to steal my ship!”

                                Steve blinked, looking past the man in front of him to see one of the girls he had seen such a long time ago. “Hey…you-you’re one of the alien girls that-”

                                The brown-haired man’s eyes narrowed. “You tried to steal her ship!? So…you’re a thief, huh? A thief that will hurt someone, I’d bet.” He drew a pistol. “Put the weapon down.”

                                “I won’t hurt anyone…I swear.”

                                “You tried to steal my ship!”

                                Steve faced the girl again, who came around the young woman in the wheelchair and the tall man beside her, coming to stand beside the brown-haired man. Steve bit his lip, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry about that…wasn’t my idea. I shouldn’t have gone along with it.”

                                “Drop. The. Weapon.” The man ordered.

                                Slowly and silently, Steve obeyed, determined to show these people that he meant no harm. His shield clattered to the floor.

                                The man came forward even more, pistol still held tightly in his grip. He kicked Steve’s shield away and motioned him further into the room. “This way.”

                                Steve obeyed again, trying to show that he wasn’t a threat.

                                “Sit down.”

                                Steve obeyed, and he was soon sitting on the floor, legs crossed underneath him, hands up. “I won’t hurt anyone…I promise,” He turned to the alien girl, cheeks flushing a faint pink, “and…heh…I’m sorry for trying to help steal your ship….it’s not something I’m proud of.”

                                (lol, poor Steve. 😅🤣)

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1299

                                  princesachronicle22 @freedomwriter76


                                  “We can’t have you running around with those gashes now can we?” Uvah asked. I didn’t like it, but she was right.


                                  Neshe: That was a bit of a lack of foresight. If Uvah didn’t see me, I would have bled out. 

                                  Neshe: I don’t like her still.


                                  Uvah proceeded to remove the splinters from my arms. Then began to wrap them up. I felt a slight sting from them. Did she use oils?


                                  Neshe: From what I understand, Shal’le physiology is almost virtually the same to humans other than the more obvious things. It should be fine. Wait? What was that?

                                  Nele: It stings. Why couldn’t we meet with a Shal’le healer? Even a non-healer would help. I would not have to speak so dreadfully slow. Did I see something?


                                  Something moved in the corner of my eye. I whipped my head around to see. There! Someone was hidden behind the wall corner, a shadow keeping his figure hidden.


                                  Neshe: Still can’t be T’ash could it? What are the possiblites? Uvah is someone beyond recognition from anywhere I know. Though she seems to be nice, what other unknowns were there?

                                  Nele: Should we run? Or no! What if it’s another Shal’le, maybe to rescue me? We could talk normal again!


                                  “What is it?” Uvah asked.


                                  Neshe: No time, we should run!

                                  Nele: Humans as slow as always. There’s a person right there!


                                  “Uh… hello?”

                                  The figure shifted, moving slowly away from the shadow.


                                  Neshe: Is it another human?

                                  Nele: I think it’s a guy. He doesn’t look Shal’le though, perhaps we should run.


                                  Neshe: We should run, defiantly.

                                  Nele: But what if this guy can help us? We should stay.


                                  I was losing control of myself. Run, stay, run, stay. I froze in indecision as the figure began to approach.




                                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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