Character Castle!

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  • #134469
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 802

      @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @keilah-h


      Her arm was burning. That was all Serin could feel in the blackness. She was vaugely aware of voices saying something, and her brain told her to reply. To get up.

      I’m fine… Was what she tried to say to the voices, but she wasn’t sure if the words actually came out or not. She tried to pull through the sludge holding her senses back, and felt a pair of hands move her head. Serin willed her body to move until finally her eyelids responded, slanting upward to see Ellie hovering over her uncertaintly.

      “Should I…?” The girl asked. Someone else said something but she didn’t catch it. Ellie however looked up at who Serin was assuming was the speaker and a small relief coated her shoulders. But it was short lived as she looked around again her body tensing as she stood. “Wait, where’s Dante?!”

      Serin suddenly remembered the splash she’d seen while underwater. Had he jumped in? But why hadn’t he emerged yet?

      She forced her body up into a half sitting position and pointed Ellie towards the fointain. With a hoarse voice she said, “There. In the… In the water.”

      She watched the girl rush towards it, then hissed at a flare of pain in her arm. She’d had worse, why was she being a wimp now? The collapsing could be explained by her earlier dehydration, but her dry skin wouldn’t add such intense pain to the wound.

      Serin fumbled to unlatch the panel of armor concealing it, her eyes briefly flicking up to see Layson holding a tearful Maylee. Her heart squeezed at the sight, but the girl was safe, so Serin told the organ to take a swim.

      Then she noticed that Layson’s arm was also bloodied, though it looked more like scratches than punctures. Serin refocused her attention on the armor panel. Did the monster have a problem against arms? She shook her head.

      Then Serin had to withold a wince as the panel came loose, revealing tight black leather underneath. It should have bulged slightly from the water it held, but the teeth marks had cut through it. As she peered at the still bleeding marks she noticed more of the silver tinted slime that had coated her arm earlier.

      A spot of dread curdled in her stomach. Could it be more than saliva? Serin glared at the things fallen form to mask her fear.

      If that thing had bitten her with poisen, then she quit this place.

      Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
      And guess what? His is eternal (:

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1643

        @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

        (Also, if it’s alright with everyone, I’m not gonna have Matthew recognize Tony, because, well…I’m not quite sure how Matthew would act around him, what he would say…it would probably be really awkward 😅. Sorry!)


        I tried to slow my rapid breathing, panic overcoming me. I stared at Lyla’s seat, eyes unfocused. Carter stood and leaned forward on the table, looking intently into my eyes.

        “Hey, Matt. Slow down. Look, we’re still here.” I looked up and met Carter’s eyes. My breathing slowed down slightly. Carter gave me a small smile.

        “And we’re going to help you find Lyla, alright?” Carmen chimed in.

        I nodded slowly. “Th-thank you.”

        Lesli wrapped me in a comforting hug. “I’m so sorry… ” I nodded slowly.

        “You can hang out with us until we find her.”

        She released me, and I heaved a shuddering breath. Then I glanced at my friends. “Th-thank you…a-all of you.”

        They all smiled.

        Suddenly, the door opened, and a tall–well, not quite as tall as Tauren, but pretty tall–man stepped in the room, his hands raised, turning the gloves on, making them release a light blue glow.

        I flinched, and backed away, bumping into the wall.

        “Are all of you friend or foe?” He asked–or demanded, more like.

        Seems like he wouldn’t say that to a bunch of teens. Yeah, I’m sure I look like a foe. 

        I chuckled softly, trying to chase off my fear.

        But my eyes still widened a bit and I watched as my more talkative friends answered for me.

        Tauren narrowed his eyes and said, “I dunno. What are you?”

        Lesli whispered something to him, and he replied softly.

        Then Lesli turned towards the man. “Friend. As long as you don’t have ill intentions here.”


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @loopylin. @mineralizedwritings. @lightoverdarkness6. I’m gonna do Tony’s reaction, lol. 😂


          “Friend. As long as you don’t have ill intentions here.”

          Tony nodded, turning his attention to the boy that sat beside the girl who had spoken. The boy was studying Tony…staring at him. “I have no ill intentions, and I won’t hurt anyone.”

          He turned his reactors off, knowing that he wasn’t planning on hurting anyone…and besides, these kids couldn’t take him even if they wanted to.

          He looked back at the boy who was studying him. The boy with messy, brown curly hair and glasses. “Okay, someone get Hurricane Hair over here to stop staring at me. I’m not going to hurt anyone.” Tony smirked. “Now, what are all of your names? I’m Tony. Tony Stark. Though most of you have probably heard of me.”

          (sorry, I imagined Tauren’s hair being messy right now, lol, maybe because of what’s happened, and Tony gives everyone nicknames. 😂😂😂)

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156


            Sooo…I’m adding someone else!!! A villain…😬😬😬

            Name: Viola Juliana Kurt

            Age: 32

            Personality: Controlling, manipulative, cruel, abusive, uncaring, hard-working, devoted, charismatic, intelligent

            Looks: Straight black chin-length hair styled like the picture, bright blue eyes, pale skin. Wears a white long-sleeve button up shirt with a black business jacket overtop, a black knee-length skirt, black heels, and red bracelets on both wrists. Also wears a black satchel on her right shoulder that holds a couple items.


            (i think I know who she’ll have with her for now…heh…heh…heh…😬😱😭)

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 802


              Ooh! She sounds like a cool, if cruel character!

              XD Hurricane Hair

              Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
              And guess what? His is eternal (:

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2334

                @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6

                This is probably an unnecessary detail, but does Tony have his nanotech suit or an older one?


                “Now, what are all of your names? I’m Tony. Tony Stark. Though most of you have probably heard of me.”

                Carter had stood as soon as the man had opened the door. Now, he looked curiously at the man’s gloves, his blond head cocked to one side.

                “No, we haven’t heard of you.” He said, still staring at the gloves.

                Tony frowned.

                “I’m Carmen!” Carter heard his sister chirp from behind him.

                “What are those on your hands?” He said, finally looking up at Tony’s face.

                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2972

                  @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6

                  Lol freedom the nickname is so funny XDXD I made a comic of it just cuz I had too lol

                  (TONY STARK IS SO FUN TO DRAW!!!!)

                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334


                    haha, I love it!

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @mineralizedwritings. AHHH, MIN!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

                      I LOVE IT!!!! You have no idea of the joy that comic just brought me!!! 😂❤️🤣

                      Tony probably is fun to draw…I’ve never drawn him tho! 😂 Glad you had fun drawing him! 🤣

                      And glad you like the nickname, bc Tauren will be hearing it a lot. 😂😂😂😂

                      . He has his Mark XLVI suit, which is the one he had in Civil War (according to the Google, that is. 😂)


                      Ooh! She sounds like a cool, if cruel character!

                      Yeah, but she’s pure evil…😬😬😬

                      XD Hurricane Hair

                      Lol, yeah…just came to me. 🤣🤣🤣

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 802


                        XD that’s awesome!! I love the style!!

                        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                        And guess what? His is eternal (:

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @loopylin. @mineralizedwritings. @lightoverdarkness6. (gotta make Tony answer the question, lol. Then anyone else can RP! ❤️)


                          “What are those on your hands?”

                          Tony turned to the blonde with a smile. “These?” He held up his hands, showing his reactors.

                          The boy nodded, apprehensive.

                          Man, these kids were tense. 


                          “These are Arc reactors. They can shoot beams…lasers…blasts…things like that. I made them. But don’t worry. I won’t use them on anyone.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @mineralizedwritings. I can’t stop looking at the comic. 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @mineralizedwritings ROFL!!! That’s hilarious!!!


                              @princesachronicle22 hey is it my turn to RP as Lyn? I think it’s Zyrin’s turn…?


                              also! Light do I need to RP as Ara?


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2972

                                @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @princesachronicle22

                                Thanks yall! Glad you like it!



                                XDXD I thought you’d like it lol.

                                Freedom I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you like it that much 🤣🤣❤️

                                It was great for me because it’s a lot lower pressure than the other ones I’ve made for my book, and it helps me experiment more with the formatting because it’s just for fun

                                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 802



                                  She kept her gun leveled at the man as her brow twitched. Then he continued his plea.

                                  “Please miss, I… wait, have we met?” Namal’s face remained blank in the face of his fear and surprise. “… It is you, Namal!”

                                  She shared a look with Phervin. Her fingger slid over the trigger, tempted to shoot him right then. Not only had he hurt Phervin, but just the fact that he knew her name was not a good thing. “How do you know who I am?” Namal said, keeping her voice even as she calculated the possibilities.

                                  Phervin put a hand to his chin. “Yeah, how do you know who she is? Because I’m pretty sure there’s only room for one sword loving man in her life at the moment.” Namal took a quick glance at him, noting that this was the only time Phervin had regarded the man with any measure of distrust. She witheld a smile, though the man didn’t seem to have heard what her partner had said.

                                  If he was from the Shivalt Vi, then she’d have to be careful with when, and how, she killed him, having few way’s to determine what abilities he might posess. Although… she hadn’t met another Shivali other than Phervin who regularly carried blades. And she felt as though she would have marked this man and his unusual weapon.

                                  That didn’t make him any less dangerous though, even if he wasn’t Shivali. He must have quite the pain managment if he could fight with a broken arm… But a question nagged at her. Why not switch arms? Even if he somehow hadn’t been trained to handle dually, fighting with an off hand was better than fighting with a broken arm.

                                  She focused on him as he started to answer. “…I..”

                                  He didn’t finish, instead slumping forward. Namal gave him a deadpan look. She didn’t think for a second he was actually unconcious. And if he thought this was going to make him look less suspicious, then he had definitley not trained with them in the Shivalt Vi.

                                  That left either a spy, information buyer or seller, or… someone from her past. The thought struck a cord that she refused to aknowledge.

                                  “Huh.” Said Phervin, looking at the man with mild curiosity. “This guy’s a fainter I guess. Think he passed out from pain this time?”

                                  “Yeah, convenient that it was right as he was about to answer my question.” She said quietly, not at all convinced. Not looking away from her target she asked, “Speaking of pain, how’s your side?”

                                  “Hm? Oh yeah, that.” He glanced at the bloody gash on his torso and shrugged. “Might have to use a bandage or two.”

                                  She raised her eyebrows, then just shook her head. As soon as she delt with the stranger– no matter that he knew her name– so help her, she was going to force Phervin to get proper treatment one way or another.

                                  Namal continued to stare at the man’s akwardly folded form. She wanted to test something. Shifting the gun to one hand, she raised the other to lips as a signal to Phervin. He dutifully clamped his mouth shut and mimed locking it shut.

                                  Edging forward she kicked the rubble that the man rested on. As expected, he didn’t respond. Still didn’t mean he was for real.

                                  Rolling her shoulders back, gun still trained on him, Namal summoned a large amount of Light. Exhaling, she realeased it and stepped to the side, manipulating the waves of light as they leaked out of her. Soon she had crafted the practiced illusion of herself. Hiding her actual picture, she made the ghost image of her lower her gun and crouch to eye level of the sword man.

                                  She kept her Light self within range of his weapon as she made the illusion turn her back. Giving him ample opportunity to strike.

                                  To her utter dissapointment, nothing happened. Well then that had been a total waste of good Light. Namal made her other self walk to wear she was actually and ended the illusion.

                                  Maybe he didn’t want to attack with Phervin still near? But it would’ve made sense to write him off with his injury. Or it was a slight possibility that she had misjudged the man’s carelesness. That or he really was knocked out.

                                  She scowled. But at least she knew that he wouldn’t attack when their backs were turned. She looked across the small jail cell to her partner. Despite the years of perfection in which she had honed her skills as a Light Shivali, Phervin spent so much time with her that she figured he could still make out when she was using it to create illusions and when not.

                                  Phervin eyed her still raised gun and gave her a meaningful look. “I think you can put that monstrosity of modern technoligy down now. The man’s harmless!” He said with a wave of his hand.

                                  “Said harmless man just sliced open your torso!” Namal bit out. But she still, albeit reluctantly, put her Shot Iron back in it’s holster where it could rest her hip. Within easy reach of her hand.

                                  “Exactly, we’ve already started our finely pointed relationship! And besides, I feel like that information is irrelevant as of like five whole minutes ago. The guy can’t harm us now. He’s out cold.” Phervin said. Namal just pressed a hand to her forehead.

                                  “Either way, we still need to focus on getting out of here.” She raised her eyes to the ceiling, eyeing the large hole.

                                  “Fine, but can we at least bring him with us?” Phervin pleaded. “I may not like the fact that he somehow knows you, but we can’t just leave him here! Especially not with that arm.”

                                  Namal stared at him her lips scrunching up. This infuriatingly wonderful man was like a giant stuffed animal with an oversized heart. But rather than fluff inside, he was filled with bad puns.

                                  “Ah, I can’t believe I’m even considering this.” She said, raking a hand through her dark shoulder lenghth hair. But she supposed it would be better to take him when they were in control than to wait for him to catch them later. Her muscles released as she relented. “Okay, we can take him,” She pointed a finger at him, “but you have to figure out how he’s going to get up through that hole without climbing.”

                                  Phervin just grinned at her.


                                  That was so much longer than I expected it to be XD

                                  Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                                  And guess what? His is eternal (:

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