Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @elishavet-pidyon u wanna RP next?


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3421



        Ami gasped, staring down at the now closed trapdoor in front of them. She didn’t say anything, but just stared.

        “Are… are they going to be okay?” She whispered, her brow furrowed.

        Adam nodded firmly. “They’ll be fine. Will’s down there with him. I know it doesn’t seem like they’re getting along right now, but they both seem clever. They’ll be okay.”

        She sighed. Adam caught her eye and offered a soft smile. “I think we should pray first.”

        Ami nodded her head, taking a deep breath. “Right.”

        So Adam began…


        “Well, looks like we’re stuck,” Will said.

        “You think?” Ev said, throwing his arms out. He huffed and placed his hands on the cold ground, pushing himself up. As soon as pressure was put on his hurt leg, he collapsed with a grunt. The pain pierced his lower right leg.

        “You good?” Will asked.

        “For now…” Ev replied. “Can you stand up and start looking for some source of light or something? Maybe a torch?”

        Ev heard Will get up and begin to shuffle carefully through the dark room.

        “Are you gonna help me?” Will asked impatiently.

        “I can’t right now,” Ev said, closing his eyes and trying to keep his temper in check. “I think I broke my leg.”


        “What about you? Are you okay?”

        “My head is throbbing and bleeding on one side, but I’ll be okay.”

        Ev could hear the pain in his voice. “No… your not…”

        “But you are?” Will snapped. “You have a broken leg and I may have a concussion and somehow you’re okay and I’m not?”

        “Chill… maybe I’m not okay…” Ev mumbled. “Just…” he sucked in a breath and slowly let it out. “Just try to find something to give us light, alright?”

        A sigh from him was all Ev needed to be assured that Will was searching. Ev closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He had a feeling that if they were going to get out of here, that they both needed to swallow their egos and work together…

        He also knew that that was going to be a lot harder than it seemed.

        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 802

          @keilah-h @loopylin @mineralizedwritings

          Okay so I’m still working on my action scenes, and if y’all see anything that you think I can improve on or any tips to help it flow better, that would be awesome!


          It was chaos. Serin, having been pushed back by the beast and a tide of water, was laying in a puddle on the semi mossy floor. She looked up to see the others throwing themselves at the beast, slashing ducking, shooting beams of fire and ultimatley, getting nowhere.

          She’d give them points for their valor and effort though.

          Serin didn’t recgonize the water monster specificly, but it looked like the kind her father would hunt for sport. It had a large triangular head layered in fins, with each side of it’s face leaning into outward ridges. It’s body was a that of a scaled water serpent, twisting back and forth in the fountain.

          Quickly shutting her forearm compartments so they would stop leaking water, Serin cast her eyes around, looking for Maylee. Luckily, she spotted the little girl holding a piller out in the hallway, her eyes squeezed shut as she called for her father impatiently.

          Serin moved to stand, just as she noticed Dante careening towards her. With a cry she jerked out of the way as he fell next to her. He cast her an excited grin. “You ready? Fun’s coming our way!” She raised a brow, hiving him a look, before launching upward.

          She let the familiar feeling of battle overtake her as she rushed forward, heading to the fountains  right side. Angling her body, she slid along the film of water covering the floor. Serin ducked her head to avoid Allen’s raised arm, then she grabbed onto the fountains chipped edge. Swinging a leg upward, she spun and pulled herself up onto the structure.

          Serin grinned, feeling her muscles warm comfortably and adrenaline sing in her blood. But there was something, or someone…. missing. She looked to the empty spot across from her, almost expecting to see Kun’en dashing forward to divert and protect her from the beast so she could close in.

          She shook her head to clear it, her eyes norrowing on the surrounding scene. The monster’s head was still facing Layson and Allen, Ellie shooting on their left. And Dante, looking like a maniac, was running as if to jump on the thing’s face, dagger raised high above his still excited expression.

          Well she supposed she could understand some of his enthusiasm. She pulled out one of the blades at her sides and hurled it at the serpent, hoping to catch it in it’s eye. Serin hissed as it missed it’s mark, instead landing in the things scalely neck.

          As the thing screeched in outrage, she glared, knowing she had misjudged the weight of the metal dagger. The thing reared at snother blast from either Allen or Ellie, then it turned and snapped it’s maw before lurching towards Serin.

          She easily pivoted in a dodge, wrenching her missed blade from it’s neck, but not before needle sharp teeth clamped onto her other arm. “Argh!” Serin sent her metal coated knee smashing upward into it’s lower jaw with a crunch. At the same time, Lyson slashed at the monster’s eye, causing it to recoil before releasing her. Shaking it’s slimy, silver tinted drool from her arm, Serin dove forward into the well of water.

          Bubbles of air rushed past her vision as her eyes naturally tinted in adjustment. She inhaled deeply, welcoming the rush of water into her lungs. Then, rolling so she wasn’t upside down, Serin reached an arm backward for her spear. Warily watching the thrashing snake like body of the monster.

          Waving her arms backward, she propelled herself towards the collum of stone in the middle of the pool, marveling at the wide space and deepness of the fountain. She grabbed hold of a crevice and rested her feet against the stone to ground herself. Then, only after using the dull end of the spear to clear the floating starnds of hair from her face, Serin raised her weapon and heaved it through the water. Unfortunatley it lost most of its momentum as it went, but she still succeeded in pinning the creature’s tail to the outside wall.

          She smiled in grim satisfaction as a plume of blood trailed from the spot, matching the streams coming off her brutally stinging arm. But the expression fell from Serin’s face as the creature moved. She saw a glimpse of the bluring shapes of her ally’s above, keeping the serpent’s head from coming down to investigate.

          Another stream of bubbles coming from behind the creature made her wonder if someone else had jumped in, but she couldn’t be sure. Serin kicked off the pole of stone and swerved to avoid a flailing fin. Then, shutting her eyes against a sudden burst of fatigue, she wrapped her legs around the the monster’s thickly scaled body.

          Expelling water through her mouth, Serin pulled out the blade again, this time getting out it’s twin as well. She clenched her muscles against the beast’s squirming. Then she shoved her daggers into the beast as forcefully as she could, wedging them under it’s scales. Giving a waterlogged bellow, she twisted then shoved the weapons straight through it’s neck, severing it.

          Serin pulled back, sheilding her eyes from the cloud of red that emerged. She swam dimly to retrieve her spear before heading upward. As Serin gripped the ledge above her, head still several inches from the surface, she let the flaps in her nostrols close, cutting off the fill of liquid.

          Slowly, her lungs drained the water, expelling it to hydrate the rest of her body. Then she broke through the surface, taking in as big an inhale of air as possible. Gasping lightly, Serin pulled herself out, standing by the fallen beast.

          Blood dripping from her arm onto the floor, she looked at the monster and said, “Dinners ready.” Then the adrenaline left her in a rush and she fell, collapsing to the ground.


          Okay so the part where Serin thinks she might see someone else jumping in can be filled in by anyone if they want, or it could just be her imagination, either way! (:

          Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
          And guess what? His is eternal (:

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2972


            @loopylin @princesachronicle22

            Layson looks up as Serin severs the beast with a final blow. Adrenaline pumps through his viens, making his head feel heavy. Serin collapses to the side. Layson runs one hand through his hair, then looks down in disgust at his bloody forearm. He clenches his teeth as the fresh scrapes from the creatures scales sting.

            “Layson?” Maylee’s small, scared voice travels towards him from the side.

            “Oh!” Layson turns, running towards Maylee. She gasps at the site of him, her eyes filling with tears.

            “What—” She wails as Layson lifts her into his arms.

            “I’m fine! It’ll be alright. Now are you ok?” he holds her out in his hands, being careful to not to dirty her clothes.

            She looks up slightly, but her crying persists. Layson sighs, looking around at the ruined castle and tired people. He sits down next to where he left his backpack, setting Maylee on his lap. She cries, clinging to him with her small arms. Layson reaches into his backpack and pulls out a roll of bandages.

            If only Everly were here…

            Layson tries to block out the pain as he attempts to wrap his forearm with one hand.

            “I might need to go soon…” Everly sets down her mug on a stump by the firepit.

            Layson looks up.

            “We’re—Kaine and I—are trying to keep this from getting infected—” She nods down at her injured arm. “I think it needs to be re-wrapped—It doesn’t feel right…” She sighs. “Sorry to cut our time short!”

            “Oh, uh sure. Um.. I could help you with that if you want…? But I get it if uh—you want your brother to do it.” Layson pulls at his braid nervously.

            Everly gasps. “Oh! Great idea! I can’t tell you it won’t be a little messy looking though… It doesn’t look very pretty.” She laughs nervously.

            “Oh, that’s fine. Injuries never look pretty. I’ll go get some bandages.” Layson gets up and heads towards his cabin.

            Everly sits on the edge of her log nervously. She smiles as Layson sits down beside her. He gently unravels the wrapping on her arm, wiping away some blood with a clean rag.

            “Is that to tight?”

            “It’s just fine.”

            Layson finishes off the wrap, then leans over and kisses her hand.

            “Aww.” Everly blushes. “Well, that wasn’t in my protocol, but I’ll take it.”

            Layson sits back down on the log next to her, blushing hard.

            “Uh…well we can—” Layson swirls his coffee.

            “We should go walk in the woods!” Everly blurts out. “There’s a really pretty cedar grove Lesli showed me over there!”

            “Sure!” Layson immediately stands up, thankful for the change in topic.

            Maylee wipes her eyes.

            “You miss Ms. Everly at all, May?”

            Maylee looks up. “I like her better than these weird people.”

            Layson laughs, packing his backpack up again and swinging it onto his shoulder. He ignores the stings of protest in his arms as he picks Maylee up again.

            “Serin are you alright?” he walks over to where Serin lays collapsed on the floor.

            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2334


              That was so cool! Now I want to see a scene with Serin and Kun’en fighting together

              Okay so I’m still working on my action scenes, and if y’all see anything that you think I can improve on or any tips to help it flow better, that would be awesome!

              Honestly, I feel like I need some tips from you. That was so much fun to read.

              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2334


                Oh, I just saw your rp too. Everly and Layson are so cute!

                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2972


                  Thanks! : D

                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334

                    @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @princesachronicle22

                    So this is a really big and deep fountain, right? I’m imagining it being pretty deep.


                    “Serin!” Ellie shouted as her companion collapsed to the ground.

                    Ellie and Allen rushed over and knelt down beside her. Ellie reached for her injured arm, but hesitated. She wasn’t sure how to remove the armor to get to the wound, or if doing so would even be helpful. She looked anxiously into Serin’s pale face. After a moment, Serin’s eyes fluttered open and she looked at Ellie.

                    “Should I…?” She began to ask Serin, but was distracted by Layson coming over with Maylee in his arms.

                    Oh, good. Those two aren’t hurt… But wait… 

                    “Serin are you alright?”

                    Serin answered, but Ellie didn’t hear. Something was missing.

                    Her eyes grew wide with realization, and she jumped to her feet, her heart pounding.

                    “Wait! Where’s Dante?”



                    No. Not yet… Not like this. 

                    Dante sank.

                    The chill of the water cut into him despite the burning in his chest and muscles from holding his breath and trying in vain to swim. He shivered.

                    I could’ve avoided this. I know how to fight. But all it took was one hit from that creature into the water, and now here I am. Pathetic.

                    His chest suddenly convulsed and a stream of bubbles escaped his lips. He clamped his hands over his mouth and curled up into a ball as much as he could.

                    No, not yet. Not yet. Not- 

                    Another big breath of air was forced out by his lungs. It turned into lots of tiny bubbles that tickled his hands as they slipped through his fingers.

                    Please… someone help. 


                    (So if anyone’s confused, Dante can’t swim. He fell into the fountain during the fight. I can have Ellie save him if no one else wants to.)

                    (Also, ignore the time it says I posted this at. Technically, I’m in a different time zone, so it’s not that late. …Still pretty late though, hehe)

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @mineralizedwritings. @loopylin. @lightoverdarkness6. Who’s turn is it in our group, or should I be Tony again?

                      I know Min went last. 😊 (Tauren being happy/proud about being an inch taller than Tony is hilarious, btw! 😂😂😂😂😂)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @loopylin. DANTE!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 😭😱😭😱😭

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1643

                          @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

                          Uh…I haven’t gone in a while 😅. Sorry about that. I can go in a bit, unless someone else wants to go ahead! 🙂


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1643


                            DANTE!!!!! 😭😱😭



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @lightoverdarkness6. You’re fine!!! Whenever you’re ready! ❤️❤️❤️

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 802


                                Aww, Everly and Layson are adorable!!! <3


                                That was so cool! Now I want to see a scene with Serin and Kun’en fighting together

                                Oh thanks! Yeah as long as it wasn’t too confusing or anything. I could try to give tips but I wouldn’t know really where to start… XD

                                I haven’t actually written them fighting together but it’s kind of an important thing in their culture is the partner unit, so I figured it would be weird for Serin to fight without him

                                Oh no! Dante!!

                                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2972


                                  Anyone can go next!

                                  Thank lol. He doesn’t like it when people are like WoW yOuR GeTtInG sO tAlL

                                  and then he’s actually proud of it 🤣

                                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

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