Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      IKR?! XD

      It’s just too funny!!! 🤣🤣🤣

      Well… I have a few… 😏 You’ll see in the RP.

      *evil laugh*

      XD That made me laugh. Lol

      Lol, I’m glad!!! 😂😁


      Will groaned, sitting up, rubbing his head. His head was bleeding on the left side.

      He groaned again, just as the sound of a door closing reached his ears.

      Will muttered a curse beneath his breath. He glanced at Ev. “Well, looks like we’re stuck.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon sorry y’all I haven’t responded!! Grimm will not be happy.


        “But-“ Jonathan went to stop Yosí but Grimm held his hand out.

        He saw the look in the boy’s eyes. The determination. The courage. And yes, even the fear.

        The boy, in that moment, was no longer a boy, but a man.

        Forced to grow before his time due to circumstances outside of his control.

        And Grimm…he knew exactly what that was like. To grow up before his time. A man trapped in a child’s body.

        A boy leading an army of children.

        “We’ll follow you,” he said.

        Yosí looked back, a bit surprised, but then nodded fiercely.

        Grimm looked up, spotting the man who was responsible for all this chaos. His chest tightened, fists clenching at his side as he recognized him.

        He had a new whip now…

        The one from before…Grimm had broken it. Made sure it was of no use.

        Not after what he’d done to Paxton…

        Not after nearly killing Nyx.

        Grimm’s heart roared with anger, but he sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes.

        Images of Jocelyn’s tear streaked face flashed in front of him. Her hands clutching him, begging him to do something as Nyx lay, dying in front of them both.

        It was only by the grace of the Light that that young woman had been able to save him…

        He slowly released his fists.

        He knew he couldn’t hold onto this anger…

        He’d done that before…

        But…it was hard.

        He looked over.


        He was bleeding, a large wound in his back. And November…

        November looked…utterly defeated…

        He’d seen his friend have that look before…

        Many times…

        But this time, it was strengthened by the large rip in his cotton shirt, and the blood seeping from it.

        A deep, red wound stretched from his shoulder blade to his lower back.

        “November!” Grimm cried, the anger once again filling him at the sight of his pained friend.

        November turned, spotting him. His eyes widened, face pale.

        Leon was leaning over Riker, trying to stop the bleeding and help him.

        Hitchens looked at Grimm. Glared.

        “I remember you…you were with that boy over there.” He practically growled. Grimm met his glare. “Well…welcome to the fun, I suppose.”


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @princesachronicle22 did u reply as Zyrin and I missed it?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. You’re fine!!! I understand! 😊🥰

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @elishavet-pidyon. You wanna go next, girl? 😊

              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1056

                @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12

                These characters…. *Weeps*

                … they’re awesome and they don’t even know it.


                The strategy was set; the battle growing near. Little pricks of madness were sparking in the back of Yosí’s mind as all else fell into focus.

                This man, Yosí knew these men.

                “November!” Grimm’s voice echoed through the passage. Yosí slipped into the shadows as the young man ran forward into the circle of captives.

                He went along the wall away from Grimm who had drawn the attention of the group. Heart pounding, mind silent, ears ringing. Smell of blood, smell of battle. Taunts flying in the air.

                The man was standing over two wounded men, holding a whip in one hand and a wicked, red sword in his other.

                But it was a flimsy thing.

                The man didn’t see him till it was too late. Yosí struck like a snake, and the man cried out in pain. His sword fell to the floor and was kicked away by a dirty, bare foot.

                For a moment, Yosí found himself standing eye to eye with a man much taller than he was.

                “You little rat.” The man spat. He raised his whip, but in that moment, his whip vanished. A rush of fury fell on him in the forms of a father and a friend. Leo and Grimm struck together.

                Yosí watched, ready to give aid, but the hideous man was outnumbered already. A few breathless moments passed as the fisticuffs continued down the hall.Then all was silent.

                All at once, one of the children began to cry, bringing everyone into action.

                Yosí let out his breath and tucked his cudgel back into his belt. He took two stumbling steps before dropping to his knees beside the two wounded men.

                “I’m sorry, can I…” His gaze met a pair of wide blue eyes. “Help?”

                Somehow, someway. After all, he’d seen it all before.

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 802


                  No I haven’t done an Rp for Zyrin yet, sorry, but I’ll get to that!!

                  @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

                  I know I said I’d try to do Serin today, but I just didn’t fit the time right, sorry y’all!! Looks like the suspense of this fight’ll be drawn out for a while longer

                  Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                  And guess what? His is eternal (:

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334



                    Jason turned to Eddie. “Do you have any idea which direction we should go?”

                    She pointed down the hall in the opposite direction of where Felix and Frida had gone. Jason nodded and they started off.

                    “This might be none of my business,” Eddie said cautiously, glancing from Steffi to Adolphus and back again.

                    “But… those were your parents? Do they always act like that towards you?”

                    (Do you want them to find a weird room or maybe meet some new characters soon? I kinda want to reunite the twins at some point)

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334


                      That’s alright! Don’t rush yourself

                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @elishavet-pidyon THAT. WAS. SO THRILLING TO READ!!!


                        HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT WRITING?!?! Your writing is so amazing and brings such vivid images!! That fight scene was amazing!!!



                        He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened.

                        But Grimm was calling his name. When they’d returned, he had no idea, his mind too focused on the man before him. His unconscious friend. The crying kids all around. The pain shooting in his back.

                        His whole body trembled as his vision blurred, everything going numb. Silent. His knees quaked together for a moment as shadows danced in his eyes.

                        He gripped the wall, feeling his ears tingle, unable to hear the sounds of those around him.


                        When he opened his eyes again, there was a lad in front of him.

                        One he…didn’t recognize.

                        A deep burn mark evident on his face, one resembling some sort of symbol that November didn’t recognize.

                        November’s winced, brown furrowing.

                        Was he seeing things?

                        The boy was barefooted, looking rather disheveled and breathing a bit heavily, but otherwise, seemed to be alright.

                        He approached carefully, a hand reached out to November. “I’m sorry, can I…” Their eyes met, “Help?”

                        November breathed in, breaths ragged. His chest still burnt with a fire that threatened to come out and consume everything around. But he desperately tried to quench it.

                        “Wh-who…?” He tilted his head.

                        “November…” Another voice spoke, a gentle hand touching his shoulder. He flinched violently. “Easy, it’s me.”

                        November looked over, seeing Grimm, eyes fraught with concern.


                        “It’s alright now. Hitchens is knocked out for now. We’ve tied him up.” Grimm looked over at the man, and the whip and sword that lay abandoned nearby. “Leo and Leon are tending to Riker, and everyone else to the kids. It’s alright…”

                        November swallowed, body still trembling slightly.

                        “November…are you-?”

                        “E-Ember!” Paxton let out a teary cry, running to November and wrapping his arms around his lower torso, Hope in hand.

                        November winced in pain as he did so, feeling the rubbing of the wound on his back. Paxton’s eyes widened, face paling.

                        “E-mber….you-your bleeding…” he whispered.

                        November paled, the thought of blood making his stomach recoil. He already felt uneasy…

                        He leaned back against the wall, aggravating the wound more so. Grimm gripped his shoulders, gently pulling him away from it and towards himself.

                        “Wait, let me see…” Grimm said, holding November so he could get a better look.

                        November blinked, eyes growing heavy.

                        “E-Ember…?” Paxton looked up, eyes wide.

                        November looked down, trying to smile, but before he could, his legs gave out underneath him.

                        He fell into Grimm’s arms, the black-haired young man struggling to hold him up.

                        “Is he alright? What happened?!” A voice cried. The one from the barefoot lad earlier, but that was the last thing November heard.

                        Finally giving into his exhaustion, November’s eyes slowly closed.


                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1056

                          @godlyfantasy12 THANK YOU. I feel that way about your writing, actually. You write a character’s mind SO WELL. 🙂

                          It was thrilling to write! XD


                          But NOVEMBER…. *gasps in worry*

                          Yep, Yosí is definitely going into “please let me help” mode now.

                          Fun fact, because of the way he watches out for the other captives, he has a little stash of medicinal articles(ointments, herbs, clean strips of cloth) that he keeps for such instances. (Which he actually inherited from an old slave woman who was like a mother to him for his first few years in captivity.) It’s not much, but it’s actually the way we meet him in the book.

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon ooh that’ll definitely come in handy!!! Hey I think it’d be fine if u wanted to make another RP real quick since freedom isn’t on but it’s up to u


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2334

                              @theloonyone @keilah-h

                              I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but I haven’t really figured out the magic system in Aurivis’ world yet, so I’m probably going to be super inconsistent with his magic  because I’m just trying things out.


                              “Do you think there is anything we can do while we’re stuck here? I’ve been meeting more and more people who have been here longer than I have and it makes me wonder if there is a way out.” The human called Milo said.

                              Aurivis ruffled his wings and snorted, his gold scales reflecting the silver moonlight.
                              Well there is not much for me to do if I can not fit through the front door.” (Seriously, though. Why did I make him so big?)

                              “I am sure there is a way out, though, Milo. Did you not say earlier, Feather, that you had been here before?”

                              Feather nodded.

                              “Good. Now, you spoke about Milo’s friend needing medical help? What ails him?”

                              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @loopylin. Hmmm….🤔🤔🤔 Yeah, it’d be nice to have the twins back together…😉 They could find a weird room…but I also wanna be Steve, so that’s an option too. 😂 We could do both???

                                But what weird room? Any ideas? 😄


                                “But… those were your parents? Do they always act like that towards you?”

                                Steffi bit her lip. Looked up at Adolphus. Adolphus slowly nodded at Eddie. “Yeah…those were our parents. My mother and stepfather…Steffi’s father and mother…and…yeah…they,” Adolphus shifted Henry to his other arm, licked his lips, “they’re always like that.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. Y’ALL’S RPS ARE EPIC!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩


                                  Leon stepped away to go comfort his kids.

                                  Elias ran into Leon’s arms, sobbing, and Isabel and Albert ran over as well.

                                  Leo let out a deep breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding, slicking his dark brown wavy hair out of his eyes.

                                  Wolfgang crouched over Riker, medical bag in hand, having been learning under Esther for the past three years to become a doctor, he was experienced. “I have a bit of medicine in here…but not too much. I have plenty of bandages though.”

                                  Leo nodded. “Just…do what you can, Wolf-O.”

                                  Wolfgang nodded, and Leo glanced around the room.

                                  November was out…Riker was out…Hitchens, thank God, was unconscious, and Riker’s kids were with Iris, Leon’s kids were with Leon, and Leo’s own kids were with Talia and Reuben.

                                  “I have enough medicine for Riker…but I’m not sure about November.”

                                  Leo glanced over at November, who had Grimm, Paxton, and even Yosí, who was grabbing something, medicine, Leo guessed, around him. “I think they have November. You just…tend to Riker. Do what you can.”

                                  Wolfgang nodded, attention completely on his work. “I will.”

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