Character Castle!

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  • #111442
    Jean Coul
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 167


      Would you like to go next??

      Proverbs 16:2

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5815

        @power I love your descriptions! Also, it’s Rinzler who has the disks, sorry if you were confused there.

        “The oddly dressed ape-thing…” That depiction of Feather made me laugh. I guess he’s never seen humans before?

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        E. M. Trepke
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 145

          @hallie-jean @power @keilah-h


          As the mournful howl reverberated through the castle, a chill danced up Hesh’s spine.

          “I think this is it.” Feather gestured to a nearby door. “Hesh, Dark Player, can either of you get it open?”

          Hesh nodded. “Absolutely.” He retrieved his lock-picking kit from his boot once again and set to work. How many more times would he need to use it?

          He frowned a little. This lock was a better lock than the one used on their strange ‘prison’, and would take longer to open. Whatever was behind this door must be important— and he didn’t think it was the kitchen, no matter how much he wished it was. Nevertheless, he pressed onwards, listening for the tell-tale clicks of the lock which would guide his tools.

          With a final click the lock opened. Hesh jumped back as a gust of icy wind slammed the door open. He walked to the threshold and peered into the passage. Frost filigreed the walls with fanciful feathered designs; Hesh’s breath froze in icy clouds.

          He turned to the people—and cat— gathered behind him. “Are you sure this is the way to the kitchen?”

          We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
          -The Doctor

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 5815

            @e-m-trepke @power @hallie-jean

            Feather and Rinzler

            “You’re right,” said Feather, “this sure isn’t the kitchens. Maybe it’s a primitive refrigerator?”

            Then she realized these characters’ worlds probably didn’t have refrigerators.

            “Sorry.” she said to their confused looks. “A machine from my world, that keeps food cold so it doesn’t spoil.”

            “You know what it looks like? An Icebreaker hallway.” said Rinzler, changing the subject. “But Kelvin would’ve already tried to pursue us if he were here….”

            [Author’s note: Kelvin is a villain my brother created who has the ability to manipulate ice.]

            “Can’t be. They have technologically advanced castles and stuff, and we would’ve noticed MUCH more ice.” Feather pointed out. “Judging from Hesh’s and Dark’s clothes, their worlds are probably closer to this one than ours are.”

            “We should go in.” Rinzler stepped in, his shoes crunching the frost beneath his feet.

            Feather looked at her human and catlike companions. “You coming?”

            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1309

              @godlyfantasy12 @emilysf @koshka

              I’m sorry I haven’t responded. We’ve been busy preparing for like, four different things coming up. Although I’ve started a reply twice, neither were finished.

              So! Here goes.


              Thankfully, the lady took it. She looked much better off wrapped in thick wool.

              Alyona knew what a sacrifice it was for her brother to give up his cloak, especially with their trek imminent, and she was proud of him. The lady needed it more, and it wasn’t as if they could just let her go without trying to help her. Not someone who had been so kind, and who needed kindness so badly. Someone who’s nervousness emulated the person inside herself that Alyona tried to make sure nobody saw.

              They watched her go, disappearing into the darkness with a measure of satisfaction. Yet something told Alya that the stranger needed more than better attire. Maybe Viktor felt the same way, they both watched the shadows for a moment after she had gone.

              “Do you think we did right?”

              “The best we could.” He looked down suddenly in surprise. Alyona followed his gaze to see his sword in his hand.

              “When did I draw this?”

              “Um, right before she appeared.”

              A slight smile crept into his eyes. He nodded.

              “What do we-” Viktor stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. He prompted her to turn around.

              “They’re here.”

              And they were. Five figures materialized around the corner, bringing torches of their own. Or maybe six, counting the littlest one.

              Alyona breathed a sigh of relief. She might not always be sure she could trust them, but she couldn’t help but like them. Dreadful things could have happened if anyone had gotten caught, dreadful things for all of them, including her brother and herself. She banished the images wanting to arise.

              “Hiya!” Lyn came forward, a spring in her step. Except for her, the whole group looked exhausted. Hopefully they hadn’t meet with too much trouble.

              Or maybe they had. November quickly hushed Lyn, his eyes searching the shadows. They were all, except for JocelynBubbles, weary. Well, maybe not Vulkasin.

              Ara followed Lyn, coming forward to meet them with her special gentleness. “It’s good to see you.”

              To Alya’s surprise, it was good to see the group. She held her torch higher, hoping to give them some small welcome.

              “Vas someone else here?” Zlatan was looking about, concerned.

              Alyona glanced at Viktor.


              Yes, there had been somebody here. A nameless someone, dressed as a beggar but not a beggar. The word spy crossed his mind, but it was none of his business. If she was spying out the Vulture’s castle, may God bless her and give her protection as well as the knowledge she hunted.

              He was saved from the immediate need to respond by the curiosity of Nyx. The fox was darting about, peering into every corner and sniffing the air. He had everyone’s attention.

              “She?” November suddenly asked. To whom or prompted by what, Viktor hadn’t caught.

              Ara turned back to them. “Any idea who she is?”

              How in the world was he supposed to answer that? Alyona didn’t have any idea, but her pointed gaze reminded him of his blade. He quickly put it away before it made him skittish.

              “It’s all right. She’s a…friend of ours.” Alyona subtly nodded her approval of the statement.

              And whether the rest were equally satisfied, that was all he could give, for now at least.

              A moment’s pause in which Vulkasin rubbed his head, bruised from an unseen rafter, and Zlatan spoke again. “Good. Ve need to go.”

              Vulkasin donned his helmet, “Yah, before z’ose infants back zere vake up.”

              It took an instant for this innocently phrased comment to clarify itself in Viktor’s mind. His eyes widened and he spun on Vulkasin. “What did you mean by that?”

              The tall man merely shrugged. “Vatever zey vere expecting ven dey bashed in zat door, zey got a nap.”

              “Bashed in?” Fifty thousand thoughts whirled through his head. ‘Kilied!” even though he supposed the warrior could fend for himself, he couldn’t help but be concerned. “How were they armed? Did they have a dog with them?”

              “A dog?” Lyn crossed her arms.

              Alyona was already starting for the far door. Viktor turned to follow her. “Yes a dog. If they had a war dog with them…”

              But Zlatan was shaking his head. “No. Zey had no dog. Zey seemed nothing more zan a few sentries.”

              The offered relief did little to calm his fears. Once awakened, all the tales he had ever heard of Dorwainian brutality wouldn’t be quiet.

              If they were at all suspected…

              “You are right. We have to go.”

              • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Elishavet Elroi. Reason: MAY THAT PLEASE BE FIXED! NO BODY NEEDS THAT TYPO!

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6701

                @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                Whatever thoughts Vulkasin and Zlatan had prompted seemed to send Alyona and Viktor into a panic.

                ”You are right. We have to go.”

                ”Wait, what’s this about a dog?” November was still trying to keep up. His mind and body were still trying to catch up from the run through the dark tunnels, and this stranger that had seemingly appeared and then disappeared into thin air.

                Also, now they’re were being chased by a dog?

                And what kind of dog?

                From the look on the siblings faces, November figured it was not the cute, fluffy kind.

                “We’ll explain later,” Alyona frowned, opening up a door on the far side of the room. “I think we should get going.”

                November sucked in a breath. Would they ever stop running? He was still tired from the “marathon” Lyn had just put him through. And the suffocating heat of the tunnels, mixed with their torches didn’t help matters in the slightest.

                Zlatan and Vulkasin merely nodded and exited, following Viktor and Alyona through the chambers.

                “Why are we even being chased?” November asked.

                “Perhaps because ve are trespassers. Sometimes that is all the motivation one needs.” Zlatan shook his head and glared.

                Viktor and Alyona remained quiet, as if they knew more then they were letting on.

                “Or…it’s because whoever this…person is…is after Lyn and Nyx…” Ara said softly, her face paling.

                “Yeaaa. We definitely didn’t meet on great terms.” Lyn shrugged, seeming perfectly fine with this fact.

                Viktor halted suddenly, making November bump into Zlatan.

                He spun around and Alyona blanched. “You…met him?”

                “Yup! Not a nice guy either. Very rude.”

                Nyx hopped on Lyn’s shoulder, hissing. “Old prune bag…”

                ”Yes, love, I know,” Lyn nodded to her companion. “I believe his name was…ehh…what was it dear?”


                “Yes! Ocran.”

                Alyona and Viktor shuddered.

                ”Needless to say…I doubt he’s very happy with Nyx and I…” Lyn scrunched her eyes, for once looking bashful. “But in our defense, he was the one who attacked. And Nyx was only defending me!”

                ”Ehh, I would’ve bit him anyway.”

                ”Nyx!” November and Ara cried.

                Viktor let out a breath and ran a hand through his hair.

                “Do you know this…Ocran?” Vulkasin asked.



                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1309


                  Oh, Nyx. 😂

                  Who goes next?

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6701

                    @elishavet-pidyon I know u just went but since we kinda asked u a question I think u should go, especially since we’re talking about Ocran. If @koshka don’t mind which I don’t think she will sooo


                    Jean Coul
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 167

                      @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @power


                      He was about to ask why in the world they wanted to entering a room covered head to toe in ice. But Feather had said in her world, they stored food in machines like this to keep them fresh. Brilliant! Perhaps they’d find something to eat..?

                      All his hope evaporated as he followed the others through the large door. The temperature dropped to the ten’s, maybe even below zero.

                      Icicles jutted out of the ground like stalagmites in a cave. They hung over their heads too, and Everett suddenly felt paranoid and steered around them. He couldn’t shake away the feeling one would fall at any moment.

                      As they shuffled farther into the room, he started to shiver. He had never been in an atmosphere so cold, but he already couldn’t stand it. His hands were growing numb, he could see his breath, he was sure his lips were blue.

                      A breeze passed over them, sending Everett tugging his thin jacket tighter. He stumbled and reached out to grab the nearest solid object. His hand grabbed a table, and his first reaction was, WOW THAT’S COLD! Then he realized it was also covered in a layer of ice and frost. Frozen chairs surrounded it, and a chandelier was iced over, mid-swing, above them.

                      He turned to his companions, his patience drained. “Who has an entire season stored in their dining room?!”

                      But they weren’t looking at him. Everett followed their shocked gazes and turned around to come face to face with a pair of deadly black eyes.

                      He jumped back, thankful that the creature didn’t move with him. It was frozen in place–some kind of tiger or panther maybe? Nonetheless, it was frightening.

                      Proverbs 16:2

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5815

                        @hallie-jean @e-m-trepke @power

                        I’m doing something different today, and putting my two characters’ perspectives separate.


                        “If it hadn’t been for the rest of this castle being the way it was,” said Rinzler, looking around, “I would’ve thought Kelvin let his boys loose in here.”

                        He stepped around an icy table and came face to face with a frozen, catlike creature. Feather, Hesh, Kent, and the Dark Player were all staring at it, horror and surprise written on their faces.

                        “You know that guy, Kent?” Rinzler asked their living cat companion, more jokingly than anything.



                        “There are quite a few of them.” Feather pointed to a wolflike beast frozen in time farther down the hall. “Let’s go–maybe farther down that way there’ll be an exit.” Her armor protected her somewhat from the cold, but she wasn’t wearing her helmet, and she knew the others’ clothing wasn’t as tough. Dark in particular looked like he was going to ice over.

                        While they walked, each character pointed out some more frozen animals.

                        “There’s a serpent over here.”

                        “Look at those bats!”

                        “Oh, here’s a few rats and mice.”

                        “And these birds! Doves, maybe?”

                        “What is that thing?”

                        Feather knew it when she saw it. It reminded her of Stormcloud, her pet/bodyguard at home, but with icy-colored eyes and pale bluish-white and grayish-blue scales and spikes. It wasn’t the same breed.

                        “That would be an Icehunter.” she explained. “They’re from various worlds in my universe, and can spit ice which travels pretty far and can freeze things. It’s possible it froze this room, and then went into estivation by freezing itself. DON’T wake it up.”

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6701

                          @keilah-h OK THAT IS SO COOL adding that maybe there’s been others/animals that have been transported to this “castle” too (I figure that’s what ur kinda hinting at with the appearance of ur creature?) and that it froze that room! That is so cool.


                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 5815

                            @godlyfantasy12 Thanks!

                            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            E. M. Trepke
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 145

                              @keilah-h @hallie-jean @power


                              His stomach sickened; his face blanched. This zoo of… living statues reeked of magic. He fixed his gaze on a spiked and scaly creature with glacial eyes. “What is that thing?” He shuddered.

                              Feather glanced over. “That would be an Icehunter.” she said. “They’re from various worlds in my universe, and can spit ice which travels pretty far and can freeze things. It’s possible it froze this room, and then went into estivation by freezing itself. DON’T wake it up.”

                              Yep. Living statues. His eyes wandered around the room, taking in the menagerie of creatures both familiar and foreign, landing on what appeared to be an ordinary frilled lizard. But he knew better. “Now, what are you doing here?” he muttered.


                              He pointed to the lizard. “This is a glass-spitter. It is a native to the Desert of Ash. It should be dead at these temperatures… but look here.” He trailed his finger along the side of the reptile. “It is alive.” He looked once more around the room. Now that he thought about it, their positions seemed natural. Not as if they had been frozen in ice, but as if they were frozen in time. This wasn’t an accident. Either this was someone’s eccentric collection, or… he slid his hand to his dagger, realizing how many claws and teeth surrounded them.

                              … Or this was a trap.


                              We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                              -The Doctor

                              Jean Coul
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 167

                                @e-m-trepke @keilah-h @power


                                When Hesh reached for his dagger, Everett did the same. These “statues” were strangely placed, almost strategically.

                                Whoever had placed them, had been expecting guests.

                                He clutched his dagger, trying not to shake too hard, and followed the group deeper into the freezing corridor. The animals were growing more foreign to Everett the farther he stepped. Feather and Hesh had pointed out a few creatures from their world, and Rinzler kept bringing up some fellow that apparently had a passion for ice. But if there were animals from their worlds…

                                He almost jumped as he spotted the serpent, coiled in the corner. It reminded him of the water beast–was it called a leviathan?–his crew had encountered once during a storm at sea. The sight of the creature made him more alert. He had to be ready for anything.

                                A line traced along one of the walls and around the top in an arch. Wood textured the the surface beneath the layer of ice. A door.

                                Everett seemed to be the first to notice it, so he shuffled up and tugged on the handle. His companions watched in curiosity.

                                “It’s frozen shut,” he confirmed when it didn’t budge. Then he took another look down the hall, and sure enough, dozens of doors lined the walls as far as the eye could see. The end of the corridor was obscured by a cold, white fog, making it hard to tell if there was actually an exit at the end.

                                “Alright,” he turned to Rinzler. “Can your fancy discs slice our way out of here?” Everett motioned towards the door.

                                Rinzler was about to reply just before they heard a shivering growl behind them…

                                So much for being ready for anything.

                                Proverbs 16:2

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6701

                                  @elishavet-pidyon you wanna go next?


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