Character Castle!

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  • #133741
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2334



      “Fine…Felix, darling, would you like to come with me and the grandbabies?”

      Well that backfired, Eddie thought.

      “Then you,” Frida pointed at Eddie, “can stay with Steffi and Jason. They’re…your kind of group anyways.”


      “And what’s that supposed to mean…?” Jason said.

      Frida laughed. “I believe you know what it means, Jason.”

      “I don’t?” Eddie said, genuinely confused. She glanced at Jason and Steffi.

      Is it because of Steffi’s wheelchair? Well that’s messed up. But then what’s wrong with Jason? And me? Is there something wrong with me?

      “Is it because I’m short?” She asked Frida, her voice growing less confused and more angry. “You got a problem with short people? You’re holding a short person in your arms right now.”

      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2334


        It’s another one of his struggles in his book (which I’m still deciding on a title for…🤔) but he will get the confidence and strength to stand up to her, but right now he’s alone in standing against her (right now he’d have Eddie and Jason too tho…🥰), so it’s hard for him to do so.

        Yeah! Eddie’s here and definitely won’t let Frida or Felix get away with anything!

        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @loopylin That comic is too funny….



          “Ah…hello?” came a voice. A man stepped out of the shadows.

          For a second, in the dim light, Crosshair almost thought the man was his brother Hunter. But this character lacked Hunter’s distinctive facial markings, or the red bandanna that he always wore.

          He lowered his rifle, but kept the safety off. He wasn’t taking chances. “I asked, who are you?”




          Aurivis’s voice suddenly echoed through Feather’s head. “Feather. Crosshair. …The other one. Where are you? I don’t enjoy waiting.”

          The others stared at her, surprised. “Yeah….that’s Aurivis.” she said. “The dragon. He can speak to us from far away like that, apparently.” She stood up. “I’ll go and explain what we’re up to. If you’d like to come with me, you can…..or you can stay here if you all want. If Crosshair and Elissa return while I’m gone, tell them what happened.” Assuming they didn’t hear that.

          She slipped out and ran back the way they’d come, knowing that the dragon was likely getting impatient, and found him almost ready to bust through the wall and find them. “I’m here. We found Milo’s friends–he’s the one you didn’t remember the name of–but one of them is hurt.” she explained. “Crosshair and one of the others went to find some medical supplies. I don’t know where they are now.”

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4732

            @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @princesachronicle22


            Serin jetted straight for the fountain in the center of the room, and he couldn’t blame her. It looked inviting, even to him.

            Until she let out a snarl as something leaped out of the water, shoving her to the side.

            Allen pointed his blaster at it as it rose taller. It was not a creature he recognized….

            Which made it even more dangerous.

            “Does everyone have a weapon?” he asked. “If we work together, we can fight it off!”

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2334


              Do we know yet what the creature in the water is, or can I decide?

              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 446



                The man in the weird armor lowered his gun- wait, he had been pointing a gun at him! Elliot jumped when the man spoke, “I asked, who are you?”

                “Uh,” he spit out, focusing on the rifle. “I’m Elliot. What about you guys? I- I just woke up in a hall in this castle and- who are you?”



                Milo watched as Feather rushed out, presumably to speak to the dragon that had just referred to him as ‘the other one’. He pressed his lips together. It was probably valid. Milo didn’t remember if he had ever even told Aurivis his name, he had been so scared. He sighed loudly and stood up. “I’ll go too. Tell Elissa… and Crosshair,” he added after a moment, “where we went if they come back.”

                He followed along the way they had come, but almost got lost, only finding his way after listening for Feather’s footsteps. Milo stepped outside to see Feather talking to Aurivis. “Hey.”

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 802


                  Go for it! I’m good with whatever creature you decide!

                  Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                  And guess what? His is eternal (:

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 THE BOYS!!! Also I’ll RP maybe tomorrow idk. I may not be on much earlier tomorrow.


                    And GRIMm will help take Hitchens down too.



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2973


                      I’m about to write my rp (it’s going to take a bit though)

                      I’m making it have a big eyes, hot breath )but not firey, more of burns your skin a little) and fins, and scales that are sharp. Idk you can change it or whatever, that’s just how I’m doing it

                      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2973

                        @loopylin @princesachronicle22 @keilah-h


                        Layson takes a step back as the water rushes around Serin. Slowly creating a downwards force, the water parts to reveal a medium serpent like creature.

                        “Neneneno!” Layson shouts, as if shoeing a dog back into it’s cage.

                        “Does everyone have a weapon?” he asked. “If we work together, we can fight it off!”

                        “Uh.. yeah.” Layson frantically looks around. Spotting a large pillar, he rushes towards it with Maylee in his arms.

                        “Honey I need you to stay right here, ok?”


                        Good. She didn’t see it.

                        “There’s something dangerous over there, but we’re going to… get rid of it.”

                        Yeah… not sure how that’s going to happen.

                        “Oh. Ok.”Maylee sits at the bottom of the pillar, wrapping her arms around it.

                        “And don’t look ok?”

                        “Don’t look?”

                        “Yeah. It might be kinda scary. M’kay?”

                        Maylee nods.

                        Layson runs back towards the group. The large creature drags the rest of it’s tail out of the water, it’s many fins ruffling with each outwards movement. It looks towards Allen and his pointed blaster, then turns its eyes farther back. Layson stiffens as its eyes narrow on him, the only one moving. His hand instinctively reaches for his dagger. The creature thrusts itself forwards with a heave, it’s head snapping towards Layson. He dodges, jabbing with his dagger towards the large yellow eye. The creature turns, it’s serrated skin scraping across Layson’s exposed forearm. Layson comes face to face with the creature. It’s giant eyes zero in on him, and it moves forwards with a surprisingly serene motion.

                        “Layson, I’m telling you, It was real!!” Tauren raises his voice.

                        Layson smirks. “Fever dream I suppose?”

                        “No!” Tauren lowers his voice. “I’m not messing with you this time.”

                        Layson quirks a eyebrow. “Ok go on, tell me about the monster.”

                        “Thank you.” Tauren sighs. “It was super big, and it said it’s name was… Arvis? Aruavis? I can’t remember.Anyways, I couldn’t stop looking at it’s giant eyes…. They were so mesmerizing. But Anyways Les got me to run away somehow, then I like passed out for 5 seconds… I can’t remember the rest. But it was so….”

                        Layson breaths. The serpent inches closer. Layson tries again to hit its eye, the only part not covered in sharp scales. His dagger drags across the scales again. Another missed blow. The creature breaths, the air from its nostrils steaming. It’s hot breath singes the hair on Laysons chin and neck flat against his skin.

                        “laaaayyssonnn!” Maylee wines. “How much longer?”

                        “J-Just a second sweetheart!” Layson yells, feeling the heat from Allens blaster inches away from his face.

                        Layson backs away, allowing Allen more room. He looks over at the rest, realizing not even a minute had passed.

                        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 802


                          Whoo! Go layson!!!

                          Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                          And guess what? His is eternal (:

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4732

                            @loopylin @princesachronicle22 @mineralizedwritings


                            “Sorry about that.” Allen told Layson as the other man backed away from the blaster’s barrel. “I had to get close to get a clear shot in.”

                            He fired at the beast again. It screeched out and snapped at him, but he darted away from it.

                            Battle training with his father had definitely been worth it.

                            It swatted at him with a fin and whacked him into a wall.


                            Allen staggered a bit, his vision blurry from the blow, but he recovered quickly.

                            “Little help?” he shouted to the others. “Layson and I can’t take it alone!”

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @loopylin. Uh oh…here we go…more conflict…😬


                              “You got a problem with short people? You’re holding a short person in your arms right now.” Eddie asked, her voice changing.

                              Before, it sounded confused…but now…it sounded angry.

                              Steffi grabbed Jason’s hand and squeezed it.

                              Jason interlaced his fingers in hers.

                              Frida’s face reddened even more, and without a word she handed Aiden over to Felix, who took him with a smile. She turned to Eddie with a glare. “Girl…you need to learn when to hold your tongue. You said you’re from a different place, but I’d think at least someone would teach you manners. Or must I do that for you?”

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4732

                                @theloonyone @loopylin


                                “I’m Elliot. What about you guys? I- I just woke up in a hall in this castle and–who are you?” the new man asked, his gaze not moving from the rifle

                                Was he afraid of it?

                                “That one’s….Elissa, I believe.” Crosshair told him, pointing to his companion. “And call me Crosshair. If you ever forget it, just take a look at this.” He indicated the namesake mark over his right eye. “Where did you come from? We were looking for medical supplies in the guard barracks.”




                                “Hey.” came Milo’s voice. He walked up behind her.

                                Feather smiled. “Hi, Milo. What’s going on? Or did you just want to hang out here with us?”

                                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. Sooo…how old is everyone in our group again??? 🤔🤔🤔

                                  Lol, I just can’t remember. 😂😂😂

                                  So, for a refresher, these are the ages of my charries in our group (cause I have a lot of them!!! 😂😂😂)

                                  And November is 17, Pax is 11, and Grimm is 18…right…??? 😅😆😉

                                  Anywho…for mine: 😉















                                  *lets out deep breath* I…I think that’s everyone…🥱😆

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