Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter76 I know the baby is so sweet!! AGH OUR BABIES 😭 @elishavet-pidyon


      Grimm turned, a keg of goods under one arm. He narrowed his eyes, then glanced worriedly at Leo.

      “You hear that?”

      “Sounded like my daughter…” Leo said quietly, face pale.

      Grimm’s brows furrowed. “Go. We’ll follow. I’ll bring Sadie.” He looked at the little girl who sat on a bench nearby, looking with wide, curious eyes.

      Leo nodded. Grimm quickly gave orders to Naja and Jonathan, handing Jonathan the keg he held, and telling them to grab as much other food as possible.

      Grimm lifted Sadie into his arms, giving her warning first. “Up ya go, Sadie.”

      She frowned. “Where’s daddy…?”

      “Shh, it’s alright…” Grimm turned to Yosí. “You want to come with us? I…I can’t promise things will be safe. I don’t know what’s happening right now, but you’re welcome to join us.”




      Paxton cried into Hope’s fur, making it wet. He could feel Talia rubbing circles into his back slowly, but his shaking eyes were focused on the scene before him. On Ember….

      and the horrible man…

      He let out a small cry as the other man, Leon, was kicked to the floor and that…terrible whip was brought out.

      The one that had hurt Nyx so badly.

      And hit him too…

      Paxton whimpered, pulling into Talia’s embrace.

      “Shhh…just focus on me sweethearts,” she whispered, also trying to comfort other children.

      “No! Leon!” Riker growled.

      November let out a loud gasp, eyes widening. “No! Please!” He cried. He lunged for Hitchen’s arm, grabbing the one with the whip. “Don’t!”


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2334

        @keilah-h @theloonyone @anyone-else-close-enough-for-this-to-affect


        The dragon had not done much since his human companions had left him outside. At first he has just sat and waited, but, starting to feel like a dog waiting for its master, he soon grew frustrated and began pacing along the side of the castle, peeking through windows and seeing if he could fit his head through the entrance.

        He quickly gave up his pacing, though, and sat back down on the ground. Then, he shouted loudly in his head, so that every mind close enough would hear him.

        Feather. Crosshair. …The other one. Where are you? I don’t enjoy waiting.”

        (Aurivis can’t choose who hears him like Nyx can)

        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334

          @freedomwriter76  Yesss Jason you tell her


          “Excuse me…?”

          “Oh, yeah, we probably shouldn’t stay together.” Eddie said. “I mean, strategically it makes sense. We already have a big group, and two separate groups looking in different places would have a much higher chance of finding an exit than one group, right?” She looked around for support. A couple people nodded. Eddie then looked back up at Frida and smiled innocently.

          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            NOVEMBERRR!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱

            (I am so sorry, November, for what is about to happen!!! 😭)

            . @godlyfantasy12.


            “No! Please!” November grabbed Hitchens’ left arm, “Don’t!”

            Riker’s body froze as Hitchens slowly turned to face November.

            Hitchens smiled at November; his smile sadistic. “…That was a mistake, boy. A dire mistake.”

            His left arm raised.

            “NO!” Riker screamed, but the scream hadn’t even completely escaped his lips when the whip hit November, hard, in the back, and November collapsed.

            “EMBER!” Paxton screamed, but Talia was able to grab him and soothe him, stopping him from running ahead and getting hurt.

            “November!” Leon yelled, crouching over November.

            Hitchens nodded and smirked, pulling out his sword. “Well, why don’t we have some more fun, then, hmm?”

            Leon looked up, eyes widened, and Riker moved fast.

            “No!” He screamed, throwing himself on top of Leon and November.

            The sword came down, slicing and tearing into Riker’s jacket…Riker’s shirt…Riker’s skin…bringing with it fiery pain.

            “Riker!” Iris yelled, tears coursing down her cheeks, and Lily struggled to break free of Iris’ grip, screaming ‘Daddy’ over and over again.

            Riker’s world faded into blessed unconsciousness.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 RIKER!!! NOOOOO!!!!



              MY BABY NOVEMBER!!!!!!! *coddles my baby*

              HITCHENS!!!!! *chases with pitchfork*



              Paxton let out a scream, electrocuting November’s mind even more. He winced at the slice that had been made into his back, hissing in pain.

              “November! November?” Leon was beside him, crouched down, sweat beading on his brow.

              No…he needed to get away now…take this chance to…to get all his kids…and the others…

              But before November could tell him this, Hitchens was speaking again, now brandishing his sword.

              The same sword he’d tried to kill Ara with….

              November’s blood ran cold as it edged closer to him and Leon. He could still feel the sting of the whip lash on his back.

              He looked up with wild eyes at Leon.

              “You have to-!”

              But he was interrupted by a an arm, wrapping around his torso. He grunted, stiffening at the sudden pain it brought on. His eyes flew wildly to this would be attacker, only to find it was…


              Holding himself over him.

              And in front of Hitchens’ blade.

              November’s mouth opened with a fiery yell, but it didn’t have time to escape his lips before Hitchen’s blade dug in, causing Riker to collapse, unconscious onto November.

              Tears streamed down the boy’s cheeks as he slid back, cradling Riker’s head.

              “Riker! R-IKER!” He sobbed. He looked up at Hitchens, who merely stared, as if not entirely amused yet.

              As though he were watching a show…and the players weren’t quite acting to his liking yet.

              November’s fingers curled around Riker’s shirt, making his knuckles turn white. His breaths came out in huffs, white puffs blowing out.

              His eyes squeezed shut, brow growing feverish.

              He gently pushed Riker off, scurrying away.

              If he was going to explode…

              Or rather implode….

              He couldn’t do it with Riker on him.

              Hitchens raised a brow. “Going to play that little trick like last time?” He asked.

              November looked up and then over at the kids, all of which were…

              All so scared….

              He swallowed.


              Scared of Hitchens…

              A monster….



              November looked back at Hitchens, fire burning in his chest.

              If he gave in to it…maybe he could stop this…

              But…there might not be any way to bring him back…

              It was always a risk.


              Would he be looked at like that then? As a monster…

              He wouldn’t blame anyone….


              Hitchens smiled. “Foolish boy. I don’t know how you do it…But power like that should never have been give to such an insolent young man. Someone so…weak.”


              November flinched.

              “Don’t listen to him November,” Leon said, glaring at the man, still kneeling beside Riker. “He doesn’t know a thing about strength.”


              He was right.

              November was weak….

              And…he couldn’t do it.


              November’s shoulders fell. He couldn’t risk hurting everyone…everyone calling him…a monster…

              But…he had to do something…didn’t he?



              Everything else he’d tried…

              He looked down at Riker.

              Had only gotten people hurt.





              AWW BABY NO 😭


              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1057

                @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                NOOOOOOOOOOOO! (screams a garbled mix of Bible verses, Hebrew, and elvish, because that’s what my day’s been like. XD)

                But still. I AM FURIOUS.

                HITCHENS us about to be tackled by several whirlwinds of characters. XD


                Safe? He gave a short laugh.

                “Who knows, maybe I’ll die!” He grinned until he realized Grimm wasn’t.

                “Nevermind. I’m coming.” Yosí ducked his head and followed the young man out.

                They hurried down the hall after Leo, their arms full to overflowing. Grimm went ahead with Sadie, his form tall against the bleak passage.

                Then came a sound that drained the blood from Yosí’s face. It was faint but familiar and a little something in him died when he heard it.

                Five loaves of bread, one cheese, and a bottle of water went clattering to the floor. Yosí found himself sliding past Grimm, his cudgel held tight in his fist.

                “I’ll go ahead.” His voice was hard like he was giving orders, but his heart quaked inside him.

                And the next moment his bare feet were pounding the stone floor. Behind him he Grimm was coming rapidly. He saw Leo up ahead, flying as if for life.

                Maybe he was.

                Yosí didn’t know.

                A different child was screaming, and the sound of a woman’s tears pierced his ears. His heart.

                He blinked. Another man had joined Leo, and they were speaking. Another two people appeared, one very small. Leo hugged her and turned to speak to the others, his gestures quick. Afraid. Angry.

                Yosí drew near in two more breaths. They saw him just as they were turning to go, shock slapping the two strangers.


                “Let me go on. It’s nothing I haven’t seen.” His breath was even, the eyes that met Leo’s fiercely bright.

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3428



                  As they walked down the hall, searching for water, Ami noticed Ev lagging along, slightly behind the rest. She slowed down to match his pace and tried to meet his eyes.

                  “What’s up?”

                  “Nothing,” he mumbled.

                  Ami furrowed her brow. “It’s Will, isn’t it?”

                  Ev didn’t answer. “It’s nothing that concerns you…”

                  “Well obviously it does,” Ami snapped.

                  Ev turned to look at her, slightly shocked.

                  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I just—”

                  “Hey, Ami,” Ev smiled softly. “It’s okay. You’re good.”

                  She nodded. “Will you tell me what’s bothering you?”

                  “I don’t want you worrying about it.”

                  Ami sighed. “I know it’s Will… now don’t let it get to you. After we leave this castle we’ll probably never see him again.”

                  “You sure?”

                  “Relax, Ev. I can’t help being so beautiful that it catches his attention.” She smirked.

                  “Wow… someone’s starting to act like me,” Ev said.

                  “Uh-oh… that’s dangerous,” Ami replied, her eyes getting wide. She chuckled. “Come on, let’s catch up with the others.”

                  She ran ahead and Ev followed. “So,” Ev asked. “Where exactly are we going?”

                  Will shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s why we are searching for water. We don’t know where it is.”

                  Ev rolled his eyes. Ami stopped walking. “How about we check around here?” She motioned with her arm to the hallway they had just entered. The hall was filled with tons of doors.

                  “Alright then,” Will agreed. “Let’s go!”

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 802

                    @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

                    Some backstory time…


                    They made their way through the halls. Serin’s steps were becoming increasingly labored as she went without water. She her best tried to hide it though. Then she pulled a short grimace as she saw Layson pull out a weird looking canteen of sorts and drink from it.

                    The small amount wouldn’t have really helped her anyway though. She needed a large body of water or some kind of font. Something that she could use to fill her suit enough to preserve her. Serin still didn’t know how it had gotten so empty, or how she hadn’t noticed before. It was a bad mistake on her part, and she couldn’t afford to make mistakes. Especially ones this costly.

                    Serin looked up as Ellie pulled on a large double door, carved with various pictures. While most of the doors in this horrendous building annoyed Serin, she could appreciate the delicate beauty this one presented. As Allen came over to help the tailed girl to open it, they soon caught a glimpse of what was inside.

                    The room was large. Vastly so. While Serin had started to get used to the strange rectangular like structure of this building, this room was much bigger and more square than any of the others she’d seen. Gilded floors of sparkling marble extended far back into the space and a high ceiling left room for more of those rediculously colored windows.

                    Two curving staircases sat to their left and right, paving the way to some obbserving balconies. It reminded Serin of how she would watch her only friend, Yequi, perform. She was a popular ceiling dancer, and Yequi had always told Serin that her favorite part was the giant ribbons that held her aloft as she moved, to nearly defy gravity itself.

                    Serin had tried once, in secret. Far from those who would have told her father, she had snuck into the building where Yequi practiced and tied herself to a spare line of ribbon. Serin had been young at the time, barely an adolescent, and she had wanted to know how her friend felt.

                    But then, as she stepped out onto the platform to lower herself down, her muscles had seized. Her body paralyzed as she stared at the bottom. Despite the net, all she had been able to see was the harsh floor and the feet seperating her from it.

                    But worse than any height… was the memory. The awful vision of her mother. Of her broken and mangled body, crushed from the force of her purposful fall.

                    And if the strong willed queen of Pelgar hadn’t been able to defy gravity…

                    Then neither could Serin.

                    She had walked away, dedicated herself to her training, thrown everything she had into it. Determined to join her father’s army. Because at least he could be proud of her. As her mother never had been. Never could be.

                    Serin shook herself from her memories, staring blankly at the glittering railing of those stairs. It seemed while she had been lost in her reverie, the group had been exploring the room. And a shout drew her attention up to where some of the group had opened another door up to one of the balconies. “Hey, I think we found something!”

                    She followed Layson up the steps, and as they came to a stop by the glass balcony door, they saw that the inside was surrounded by large leafy plants. Maylee’s eyes went wide at the big and colorful flowers there too.

                    But Serin’s gaze fixated on the mossy fountain in the middle. It’s gurgling filling up the silence. She stumbled over to it, falling to her knees and unlatching the compartments on her forearms. Then, thrusting her arms into the water, Serin sighed, reveling in the sensation of the water running through her suit and wetting her dry skin. It wasn’t from Pelgar, so she knew it wouldn’t last her as long but it felt good nontheless.

                    She ignored the curious looks the others gave her, instead focusing on the water. The fountain looked deeper than seemed normal, but then again that could be from muckiness. Then Serin felt a strange ripple. She quirked an eyebrow, no one had further disturbed the pool. Where did that come from?

                    Something brushed her arm and she pulled it out, then firmly told herself to stop acting skittish. She wasn’t some youngling scared of heights or creatures. Fear was scared of her.

                    But then Serin heard a hiss, and something burst from the depths of the fountain.


                    Soryy that was so long!!! I didn’t expect to get so into it XD


                    Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                    And guess what? His is eternal (:

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      NOVEMBER!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

                      . @godlyfantasy12.


                      “Let me go on. It’s nothing I haven’t seen.”

                      Leo stared at Yosí for a long moment…and slowly nodded. “Okay…I’m not going to stop you. But we need to take Hitchens down…he can’t hurt anyone else…someone needs to get him down and someone else needs to take his weapons.”

                      “I need to get to Riker.” Wolfgang whispered, his brows furrowing in worry.

                      Leo nodded. “You do.”

                      “Leo, you can take Hitchens down, and two of us will take his weapons.” Reuben whispered.

                      Leo nodded, already getting into position. “Let’s take this man down.”


                      (don’t know what to do for anyone else, tbh, lol. 😆 I guess Leo can take Hitchens down and Reuben can take one of his weapons and Yosí takes the other??? IDK, whatever y’all want! 😁)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @esther-c. I kinda love this thing between Ev/Will…😆

                        Sooo…kinda at a loss on how we get the two of them together and separated…any ideas??? 🤔🤔🤔


                        Everyone went in slightly different directions, opening and checking each door as they came to it, searching for water.

                        Where was water in this stinking castle!?

                        Will opened another door. No water.

                        He huffed and slammed the door closed again.

                        “Where in the world is the-”

                        “Language, Will.” Adam hissed, softly closing yet another door.

                        Will rolled his eyes and moved onto the next door. “It’s a harmless question…” he muttered.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @loopylin. Ahhhh…I love Eddie. 😆🥰


                          “I mean, strategically it makes sense. We already have a big group, and two separate groups looking in different places would have a much higher chance of finding an exit than one group, right?” Eddie smiled innocently up at Frida.

                          Frida blinked a few times, a bit of red rising to her cheeks. “Fine…Felix, darling, would you like to come with me and the grandbabies?”

                          Steffi raised an eyebrow, facing Adolphus, who had his gaze on his boots.

                          Was he just going to let Frida have whoever she wanted to come with her?


                          Well…of course he would…



                          he knew the punishment if he didn’t let Frida have her way.

                          “Then you,” Frida pointed at Eddie, “can stay with Steffi and Jason. They’re…your kind of group anyways.”

                          Jason narrowed his eyes. “And what’s that supposed to mean…?”

                          Frida laughed. Smiled. “I believe you know what it means, Jason.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645




                            I apologize if this is wrong but it’s time for Adolphus to stand up to his mom because she can’t take those kids.

                            Its putting their lives in danger, and he needs to stand up to her.

                            In truth, I know that she’s hurt him but he needs to stand up and not let her hurt him anymore.

                            She has no authority to hurt as he is a grown man now and he can stop her, I don’t care if she is his mother and I don’t care if his father is there either.


                            And this is out of love, he needs to stand up right now to his parents because if he lets Frida take those babies I will be wholly disappointed in him (I’m sorry Adolphus)


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. I get that!!!

                              It’s another one of his struggles in his book (which I’m still deciding on a title for…🤔) but he will get the confidence and strength to stand up to her, but right now he’s alone in standing against her (right now he’d have Eddie and Jason too tho…🥰), so it’s hard for him to do so.


                              But don’t you worry, because when he stands up to her (in the book eventually) he has strong back-up. 😉😏


                              But it’s not like Adolphus is just going to let her take them…if Frida and Felix go with Aiden/Henry, Adolphus will go too, but I’m thinking Frida and Felix won’t get their way, so…🤷🏻‍♀️

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 ah ok! 😊 glad u understood where I was coming from 😂

                                Its just…sometimes when you’re watching/reading it go on for too long and they’ve have the people to strengthen them and yes you do understand why they don’t feel they can stand up to them, but especially as adults (I understand more when they’re teens and children) I’m just like “Stand up to them! Do something!”

                                Especially when others are involved/at stake, ya know?


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Yeah, I understood what you were saying!!! 😁

                                  Yeah, I get that…and Adolphus will stand up, don’t you worry. 😉

                                  And in the book, he’ll have backup, like I said!!!

                                  *cough, cough* The Boys *cough, cough*


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