Character Castle!

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  • #133513
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645



      Grimm cocked a brow. He hadn’t realized himself just how many there really was in there group. Hopefully the stores Yosí spoke of held plenty of food.

      “Could you lead us to these stores?” He asked. Yosí smiled, nodding. He waved them on, walking back the way he came.

      The group followed with Sadie tilting her head. She reached out a hand toward the newcomer.

      “What‘a he look like, daddy?”

      (AGH…I just realized…Sadie…would have to feel the brand….to know he has it….)

      Leo blinked a bit and Grimm looked at the young child before turning his attention back to the lad leading them.

      The boy’s ears twitched slightly, obviously hearing the girl’s words. He could see the slight blush rising to his neck. Noticed the nervous tug on his belt.

      Leo swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing.

      “Well, sweetheart-”

      “A young boy of courage, marked by strength.”

      The boy blinked, catching Grimm’s eye out of the corner of his. He looked down at his feet, blushing slightly and gripping his rope belt tight.

      Leo gave a small smile, then mouthed “Thank you,” having obviously been at a bit of a loss for words.

      Sadie smiled. “You sound very nice, Yosí!”

      The boy blushed further.



      ugh my Grimm 😭


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1643


        LEON!!! NOOOO!! 😭😭😭



        NOVEMBER!!! NOO!!! 😭😭😭

        And PAX!!!



        My charries are open season as well 😏

        (We’re so mean XDXD)


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156


          LEON!!! NOOOO!! 😭😭😭


          Tell him, sister!!!! He needs to hear it!!!😠

          . Uh oh…here we go…😬😬😬 And yes, Frida is D I S G U S T I N G!!!!! 😠


          Hitchens smirked. “There…isn’t this better now? Staying quiet…obeying orders. Now, where are my manners? I am Colonel Hitchens of the Royal British Army.”

          “Let. Leon. Go.” Riker snarled, fists clenching at his sides.

          Hitchens clicked his tongue. “I wouldn’t do anything rash. You wouldn’t want Leon here to be hurt, now, would you? Don’t you care about him?”

          Riker’s gaze drifted between Hitchens, Leon, and Leon’s kids, who stood with tear-streaked faces, tears still coursing down their cheeks.

          Riker slowly unclenched his fists and motioned to Leon’s kids. “Isabel…Albert…Elias…come here…”

          Isabel grabbed her brother’s hands and without even a moment of hesitation, she ran over before Hitchens could stop her.

          Hitchens scoffed. “Ah, no matter…I still have their father.”

          Elias broke free of Isabel’s grip and ran at Riker, grabbing his legs. “I’m scared! Help Daddy, Uncle Riker!”

          Riker ran his hand through Elias’ hair, still staring Hitchens down.

          Same as Lily called Leon her uncle, Elias called Riker the same.

          Because as much as Leon and Riker weren’t related, they were brothers.

          They weren’t brothers by blood. But they were brothers by heart.

          Isabel ran to Iris’ side, as Iris held Lily close, and Albert leaned back against the wall, still holding Isabel’s hand.

          “Here, let me take him…” Talia offered, reaching for Elias.

          Riker nodded and gently handed the crying Elias over to Talia, keeping his eyes on Hitchens and Leon.

          Talia held Elias and even began to comfort Paxton.

          “Hitchens…let him go. Now.”

          Hitchens smiled, a slow, cruel, sadistic smile that made Riker’s stomach churn. “I think not. Why don’t we…hmm…have a bit of fun first, shall we?” Hitchens asked. Motioned to his sword and whip. Gave Riker a smile and a raised eyebrow.  “Now, since you seem to be his friend…which shall I use on your dear friend here?”

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1643


            Uh oh…😬😬😬😠

            Ughh RIKER!!! What must be going through his mind rn..😭😭😭



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156


              Ughh RIKER!!! What must be going through his mind rn..😭😭😭

              AGHHHHHHHHH!!!! IKR!!!!!???? 😭😭😭💔💔💔

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645



                November‘s eyes widened.

                He wouldn’t…not in front of…

                November looked at the crying kids. He could hear Paxton sobbing against the wall. He frowned, wanting horribly to go over and comfort him.

                “I’m sure the children would enjoy watching this hm?”

                “Let him go! Please!” Iris cried, holding her own crying child in her arms. November swallowed, the burning sensation once again rising to his chest.

                No! He couldn’t make this worse then it already was. Couldn’t risk hurting Riker, or his wife, or Talia…

                Or these children!

                He’d never live with himself…



                “W-Wait!” November said, voice breaking slightly.

                Everyone turned to him. Hitchens raised a brow.

                “I…” November sucked in a nervous breath, heart quivering. He stared at Hitchens’ dark eyes…similar to his father’s.


                But the weapons on his side…

                November glanced at Riker, who slowly gave a shake of his head.

                “November…what are you-“ He whispered.

                “Exchange me for him.” November forced himself to stand straight.

                An audible, wet gasp sounded from behind. “Ember!” A watery cry escaped from Paxton.


                Hitchens glared. “And why should I do that?”

                “You shouldn’t!” Leon said, struggling slightly, he stared at November with narrowed eyes.

                November winced, but continued. “I…I know I’m not as…um…important probably but…” November bit his bottom lip. “Just…please…he has kids….a family….don’t…not in front of them.”



                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  HITCHENS!!!! *raises fist*


                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1057

                    @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                    Three things.

                    Grimm is amazing! He has earned himself a very loyal friend just now.

                    And – WHO DOES HITCHENS THINK HE IS, A MADMAN? If so, then he’s right.

                    Second, IT’S LEON!!! I love that guy.

                    Also, if the others come right smack into this…. O.O



                    “What’s he look like?”

                    He stumbled, the little girl’s question ringing in his ears.

                    What did he look like? How could anyone put a description into words? What would they say? A multitude of words flew into his mind, all of which he’d heard used for him.

                    His face burned and he lowered his head. The coarse fibers of his belt caught on the callouses on his fingers.

                    Nobody saw him behind the brand.

                    “Well, sweetheart-” Leo began, and Yosí braced to hear the truth. But the man’s voice faded away, as if he didn’t want to destroy the innocence of a blind child.

                    “A young boy of courage, marked by strength.”

                    Yosí started. He glanced back to see the dark man, Grimm, watching him. Tears welled in Yosí’s eyes and he turned his gaze away. His head lowered again, but this time it was from the strangely soft, quivery feel inside.

                    The little girl’s voice piped up again. “You sound very nice, Yosí!”

                    “Thank you, Sadie.” He flushed. A quick glance back showed the little girl’s beaming face. He grinned back.

                    Even if she couldn’t see it, he knew she would hear it in his voice.

                    “You seem very nice yourself.”

                    She giggled, along with the other young girl. Yosí let out a soft laugh.

                    Then he saw the door he’d been looking for. The swinging latch glittered in the faint light.

                    “Here we are!” He held it open for the others to pass through.

                    Kegs of goods lined one wall and bundles of dried stuffs hung from the beams above. The rich smell of spices and bread filled the air like a warm embrace. Not even the cold breaths from the cracked shutters dampened the atmosphere.

                    “I think,” Leo said thoughtfully. “There is enough.”

                    Naja clapped her hands together with a little “Eeeeeeeeeee!”

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @elishavet-pidyon btw just letting  u know Naja isn’t as little as she was before I think she’s a teen now but yea 😊


                      i love Yosí!!


                      and thank U!! Grimm really has a heart of gold.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334



                        As Frida lifted little Aiden into her arms, Eddie’s stomach twisted. Clearly, everyone was uncomfortable in the situation. Why didn’t they just tell these two to leave?

                        Then she realized she was still gripping her gun in her hand. She slowly slipped it back into its holder while the attention was off of her. No one seemed to have noticed.

                        “And Eddie, where are you from? How did you meet all of them?” Felix asked suddenly.

                        “I’m from Gemmin.” she answered, fully knowing that it was unlikely he recognized the word.

                        “I joined them because we were all looking for-” Eddie caught Adolphus’ eye mid-sentence. She was going to say Reuben and Jakob, but Adolphus likely did not want his parents to know his brothers were here. Just like how she wouldn’t want them to know about Ellie.

                        “We were looking for a way out of the castle.” She finished, looking back at Felix.

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1643

                          @godlyfantasy12 @princesachronicle22


                          Zyrin rubbed his neck, glancing at the girl. “Yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you.”

                          Jocelyn shot her small companion a look, still smiling. “Nice to meet ya, Dylan and Zyrin! That’s quite a glow you have,” Jocelyn commented, pointing at Zyrin’s chest.

                          He looked down, slightly embarrassed.

                          “Is it part of your race? My friend Luna would probably love to meet you,” Jocelyn then stood, dusting herself off. She then laughed slightly. “Sorry, guess all the questions are a bit…forthcoming. I’m a curious gal!”

                          That’s for sure! Wait…how many different races are here? Are there more with a glow? Or three tails? 

                          I looked at Jocelyn for help.

                          “Ah…” She raised her brows, realizing slightly. “This is…your first time here…” She tugged on her jacket. “Mm, well, guess now’s a better time then any time explain!” She quickly sat down, criss-cross beside us, still grinning like a cat.

                          Jocelyn quirked her lips at the fox before turning her attention back to us.

                          “So…this castle’s a bit…of a conundrum. Long story short, it brings all sorts of different people here from different worlds. Meaning different races, breeds, creatures. Ya know, a couple of your average dragons sometimes…”

                          I shot Zyrin a look. He seemed as confused as I was.

                          I massaged my temple, trying to comprehend.

                          “…So…what you’re saying is…in this castle, people from different worlds are here?”

                          “Yes! The castle basically has a mind of its own, so my guess is, your a race from a different world, brought here…well…who knows why. I don’t even know why I’m here. As for you,” she pointed to me. “Not sure what you are.”

                          You’re not sure? I don’t look human? 

                          My eyes widened. “Uh! Um…h-human?!”

                          “Oh same! Well…Cirquian, but yea.”

                          Cirquian? What language is she speaking?!

                          Jocelyn’s small pet batted a paw at her.

                          “Well I’m trying aren’t I! I don’t see you helping.” Lyn said…but not to me or Zyrin…

                          Is she seriously talking to the fox?!

                          I glanced over at Zyrin. He was staring at Jocelyn.

                          I smirked.

                          Someone’s got himself a little crush. 


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 ello! U on?


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. NOVEMBER!!!!! 😭😭😭😭


                              “Just…please…he has kids….a family….don’t…not in front of them.”

                              Hitchens merely nodded. “And do you think I care about them?”

                              “We’re not exchanging anyone.” Leon said, staring straight at November.

                              November may have been a teenager…but in the end, he was still a child.

                              And besides, they didn’t trade lives.

                              Leon smiled softly at November. “We don’t trade lives…all of them are worth the same value in God’s eyes.” He stood up straighter, sending a silent, rushed prayers to the heavens above. “Do whatever you like, Hitchens…I’m not afraid. I’ve dealt with men like you before.”

                              Hitchens laughed, and his grip on Leon’s collar tightened. Leon closed his eyes, and Hitchens laughed again. “Oh, but Leon…you haven’t dealt with anyone like me before.”

                              “Please…don’t hurt him…” November whispered, taking a step closer.

                              Hitchens unsheathed his sword. “Don’t take another step closer.”

                              Riker stepped forward, fists clenched and at his sides. “Don’t. Threaten. November. Let Leon go.”

                              Suddenly, a gasp sounded, and Talia, comforting Elias, looked up, eyes wide. “Where’s Ella!?” She screamed.

                              No one responded, but Iris began to frantically look around, holding Lily tighter.

                              Hitchens smiled. “I suppose everyone will just have to learn the hard way…hmm?”

                              He threw Leon to the floor. Leon groaned as pain flowered from where he had hit the cold stone floor.

                              Hitchens sheathed his sword, instead grabbing his whip, pressing a boot on Leon’s chest, whip in hand, smiling down at Leon. “Why don’t we have some fun, shall we?”



                              She ran as fast as she possibly could down the hall. Tears coursed down her cheeks in droves.

                              She had to do something. She had to help Leon.

                              “Daddy!? Daddy, where are you!?” She yelled, trying to follow the path she had seen her father and the others go in, but she didn’t see anyone.

                              “Daddy!?” She yelled, even louder, but no one responded.

                              She had gone the wrong way…she had gotten lost…and left her mother behind.

                              Ella ran faster down the hall.

                              Her father had to be around somewhere! He…he had to be…right?

                              Ella ran…and slammed right into something, or, someone, more like.

                              She hit the floor with a soft groan. She looked up, but her vision was too blurred by tears for her to see anyone clearly. “I-I’m sorry…I-I didn’t mean-”


                              She instantly stood, wiping away tears with her sweater sleeves. “Uncle Reuben!?”

                              She sobbed and fell into her uncle’s arms.

                              Reuben held her tight, her face pressed against his jacket. “Ella…what is it? What’s wrong?”

                              “A man is trying to hurt Leon…and Mom and Riker and Iris and their kids…and Leon’s kids…they-they’re all in danger, and I ran to go find Daddy, who went to go get food, but I-I can’t find him!”

                              “Someone is trying to hurt Leon…? Who?”

                              “A-a man named Colonel Hitchens…”

                              “We’ve met him before.”

                              Ella pulled her face out of Reuben’s jacket to face her youngest uncle. “Uncle Wolfgang!?”

                              Wolfgang pressed a finger to his lips, coming over to give her a tight hug. “Shh…let’s sneak into where the others are…maybe we can stop Hitchens.”

                              Reuben nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Ella, stay with Wolfi.”

                              She nodded, grabbing her uncle’s hand.

                              And Reuben led the way, leading them down the hall.



                              They had gotten some food and began heading down the hall back towards the others, carrying as much food as they could carry.

                              Leo paused in his tracks, Sadie walking beside him.

                              He heard Ella…yelling…calling out for him.

                              He quickly turned to the others, holding Sadie’s hand. “Something’s wrong.”


                              (ik that was long, y’all, and y’all can make the thing with Leo and them longer, I just thought I’d go on ahead and get them with the others, but it’s up to y’all. 😊)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @loopylin. Aww, Eddie!!! 💕💕💕


                                “We were looking for a way out of the castle.” Eddie replied.

                                Felix nodded. “Well, that sounds like a smart plan…we should do the same. We will accompany you, then.”

                                Adolphus felt his body stiffen, but he didn’t freeze, knowing he couldn’t…knowing he wouldn’t let himself.

                                Henry’s sobs had finally subsided, and Adolphus looked down at him only to notice that his older son was asleep in his arms.

                                “What if we don’t want the two of you to accompany us?” Jason asked, eyebrow raised, going to stand beside Steffi, a protective hand on her shoulder.

                                Frida raised an eyebrow, turning to face him, Aiden still in her arms. “Excuse me…?”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2334

                                  @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings

                                  Carter and Carmen

                                  “Wh-wh-where is my s-sister?”

                                  “I’m so sorry… you need a hug?” Lesli took a step closer towards him. “You can hang out with us until we find her.”

                                  Matthew was breathing hard and fast. He stared at Lyla’s seat, his eyes unfocused. Carter stood and leaned forward on the table, looking intently at Matthew’s face.

                                  “Hey, Matt. Slow down. Look, we’re still here.” Matthew looked up and met Carter’s eyes. His breathing slowed down slightly. Carter gave him a small smile.

                                  “And we’re going to help you find Lyla, alright?” Carmen chimed in.

                                  (Sorry, that’s all I got for now)

                                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

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